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.| Working Class |.

Postby jobiehanna » 08/19/2014 9:41 PM

❃ Working Class ❃
Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words.

If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything.
(Rawl- rhymes with shawl)

Name: Raul
Alias(es): None
Species: Lucain
Gender: Male

Lineage: None
Lifemate: None
Mate(s): None
Siblings: None
Offspring: None
Human Form: Subeta
Art: None
Other: None
About: Raul is the strong and silent type. He grew up on a farm in Sekudui raising Yingshee. He enjoyed learning about the species and how to care for them. His favorite season was when he got to sheer their wool. It was calming for both he and the animals, and he loved it. He loved everything about the Yingshee, even the cleaning up after them part. It was when his family went into the big leagues, using hormones on their stock. Disgusted with the new business, Raul left.

He ended up in travelling a lot, never quite settling down. He didn't make many new friends over the years of being a nomad, but he did make a pretty friend in Nabias. The young woman had been in an alley, a bundle of something in her arms. A figure attacked, and Raul had to act. After rescuing Yakira from potential misfortune, Raul took to being the protective big brother friend. She was new to the town, and Raul helped her become acquainted with it. He'd only been there a week longer than she, but he was nothing if not helpful.

Later she encouraged him to follow his dreams of a farm of his own. He now lives in Sekudui with a ranch to call his own. He has Yingshee, Tuskow, and Roosken that he takes great care of. He sells his product to the local town; this is how he makes his money to survive and make the payments on the loan he had to take to buy the property. {HE HAS A COMPANION ON HIS FARM, NOT SURE WHO YET}


Dreamsnare Roosken  - Treasure Roosken - Common Roosken

Chaos Yingshee - Common Yingshee - Candy Yingshee

Purine Yingshee - Saffron Yingshee - Organic Yingshee

Cobalt Tuskow - Common Tuskow
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.| Writer |.

Postby jobiehanna » 08/19/2014 9:42 PM

❃ Writing ❃
Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words.

I can use that in my new novel!

Name: Rupert
Alias(es): Roo
Species: Sundae Kuhna
Gender: Male

Lineage: None
Lifemate: None
Mate(s): None
Siblings: None
Offspring: None
Human Form: Subeta
Art: None
Other: None
About: Rupert is a very down to earth, dorky kind of guy. He is cheerful about just about any situation and kind to all on most occasions. While soft spoken, he is not afraid to start a conversation with a stranger. He is a writer who started off writing all sorts of fanfics (even the smutty sort). He has moved on from that, becoming a published author. He is embarrassed by his beginnings, and he is proud of how far he has come. He often uses real life as inspiration, using people around him to create his characters.

Rupert also does a lot of research on the internet. However, he loves to go to the library and do his research the old fashioned way. He loves the feel of books in his hands, the sound of turning paper, and the smell of the books. While on one of his research missions, he ran into Yakira looking up love stories. He spoke to her, like he often did strangers, and she had great suggestions for his latest romance novel. He is still in contact with her, and takes all of her suggestions to heart.

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Postby jobiehanna » 08/19/2014 9:43 PM

❃ Jealous and Protective ❃
Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words.

(Lark- rhymes with park)

Name: Lark
Alias(es): Lark
Species: Banded/Striped/Mystwalker Frost Paragon
Gender: Male

Lineage: Raven x Kozo
Lifemate: None
Mate(s): None
Siblings: Sibling 1
Offspring: None
Human Form: Subeta
Art: None
Other: No restrictions aside from don't go crazy and don't inbreed!
About: Lark is a very jealous, protective male. Everyone he's ever cares for, he has pushed away because of this. He will drive you crazy with his constant nagging and speaking for you. This could be because he has a troubled past, but he really doesn't. He was raised as the eldest son of a wealthy florist and was always given what he wanted. His parents were loving, maybe a little too much. When he was old enough he took his inheritance and left his younger brother to take care of the booming company.

He started a life of pleasure with his money and small mansion in Lamenolai. He still has some of his money, but his parents are always willing to give him more when he needs it. He doesn't work for anything, and he enjoys the pleasures the female body can give him. He will shower affection and trinkets upon any woman he takes a fancy to, but he often chases them away with his overprotective nature.

One such woman is Yakira. He liked her the instant he saw her, but she never returned his affection. She thanked him for his gifts, but her time in Lamenolai was short. She left, but once in a while she sends him a letter. The young woman is ever grateful to the young man for giving her money when she needed it. Lark lives for her letters, and being invited to her wedding dealt him a heavy blow. He plans on going and being a part of it, but he also plans on messing it up and winning her over once and for all.

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.| Plot/Family Name |.

Postby jobiehanna » 08/19/2014 9:52 PM

❃ Plot/Family Name ❃
Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words.

Just a little hyper and heart broken.

Name: Loki
Alias(es): None
Species: Bleached Ferrikoon
Gender: Female

Lineage: None
Lifemate: None
Mate(s): None
Siblings: None
Offspring: None
Human Form: Subeta
Art: None
Other: None
About: When Loki was out exploring one day, she met the most wonderful ferrikoon on the entire planet. He was kind, gentle, caring. And so funny! One day, he disappeared without leaving a note or anything, and Loki was heart broken. She doesn't know why he left, or where he went. She just knows that she's sad.

Other than that, Loki is a very hyper gal. She loves to collect shiny things of all sorts, even if it's just a little shiny. She is also curious and friendly, open to new ideas and friends. Though she is a trickster, she isn't as bad as some other ferrikoons. Loki also has a fondness for chocolate, though she never gains a pound.

Fun Times - Going Fishing

Chaos Ferrikoon - Yerik
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.| Plot/Family Name |.

Postby jobiehanna » 08/19/2014 9:54 PM

❃ Plot/Family Name ❃
Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words.

I feel better now, like I don't have the burden of my unspoken feelings weighing on me anymore. I feel like I could take on the world.

Name: Liwet
Nickname(s): Liwet
Species: Custom Lucain {Malamute/Mudbelly}
Gender: Female
Occupation: Guardian
Size:  (M)
Level: 8
Posts: 35
Diet: Carnivore, Omnivore
Offense: 16/100
Defense: 12/100
Precision: 14/40
Endurance: 27/100
Speed: 29/100
Fame: 17/40
AP: 15/110
Element: Ice
Battle - Snowshoes, Spiked Body
Passive -
Acclimation - Cold Adaption
Healing -
Magic -
Personality - Inner Discipline
Physical -

Lineage: None
Lifemate: Kitsumi Mahon's Darkness Falls
Mate(s): None
Siblings: None
Offspring: None
Human Form: Subeta
Art: Chibi Lucain by MidnightDraconia
Other: None
About: Liwet is a half-vampire, half-human hybrid. Her senses, such as hearing and vision, are greater than those of a human, and she is much faster than an ordinary human, with reflexes to match. She has the endurance of a human, along with strength and hardiness. She does not have to survive on the blood of others; she eats regular human food. She is very able to defend herself with her strength and fighting skills; she's not as innocent as she looks. And, though it's not always a plus, she doesn't live as long as a normal vampire, which she counts as a good thing, because she doesn't want to outlive all of her friends. However, her life span is much longer than the average human's.

Liwet is very out-going. She loves to talk with others about just about anything. She actually will talk about anything that comes up, even if it may not be all that socially appropriate. She is also very compassionate, and will do anything for those she loves. She gets to the point where she can be overprotective of those she cares about. Despite her tendency to talk about anything, she has a hard time revealing her true feelings. She keeps her real feelings tucked away inside, but sometimes she'll reveal them. If she reveals these things to you, then she trusts you with no limitations.

No matter what the medium, Liwet loves to exercise. She will go to the gym, or go to the basement with her equipment. Punching bags, a treadmill, weights, and other things litter her basement and room. Being fit and ready to take on a bad guy is something Liwet prides herself on. Having heard many stories of criminals and when she was little, she likes to be prepared. Due to her daily workouts Liwet has developed a lean, muscular frame. She doesn't show her body off, but if she'd put something other than sweatpants, jeans or a hoodie on, she would definitely get noticed.

After an encounter with a female vampire of a different kind in the woods, Liwet has discovered something about herself she never knew before. She discovered her attraction to the same sex, and realized at the same time she wanted to be with this female. At first she was afraid, because her mom taught her that homosexuality is wrong. But Liwet doesn't care what her parent thinks anymore. After all, her mother did kick her out when she was old enough to fend for herself.

Vampires Don't Exist, or Do They?
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.| Plot/Family Name |.

Postby jobiehanna » 08/19/2014 9:55 PM

❃ Plot/Family Name ❃
Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words.

Well, um, I can look that up for you!

Name: Roger
Alias(es): None
Species: Trueblue Kuhna
Gender: Male

Lineage: Svenn x Arya
Lifemate: None
Mate(s): Evangeline
Siblings: RubyRed Kuhna, Common Kuhna
Offspring: Common Kuhna, Flametip Kuhna, Misty Kuhna and Misty Kuhna with Evangeline
Human Form: Pending
Art: None
Other: None
About: Roger is a psychology student studying to help people who have had dramatic childhoods. He always has his nose in his notes or his textbook and seriously wants to do some good in the world. He is the one who gets picked on in his group of friends, but it's all in good fun. Roger doesn't mind the jabs about his 4.00 GPA. He is proud of it and cannot wait until graduation day, even if it means another six years or so of schooling until he can open his own practice.

However, this all changes when he goes on a camping trip in the name of research. He is left in the forest with nothing but a tent, backpack and three days supply of food and water. Why? Because the other research assistants were afraid and ran off, and the head research professor went missing. What he lacks in survival skills, he makes up for in book smarts. But can this intelligence help him to survive his own terrifying experience with the forest and a blood thirsty lunatic?

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.| Madame |.

Postby jobiehanna » 08/19/2014 9:56 PM

❃ A Nurse and her Best Friend ❃
Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words.

Studying to be a nurse.
Name: Jasmine
Alias(es): Jazz, Jazzy
Species: Cake Kuhna
Gender: Female

Lineage: None
Lifemate: None
Mate(s): None
Siblings: None
Offspring: None
Human Form: Subeta
Art: None
Other: None
About:  Jasmine really wishes to become a nurse. As a young girl she was always playing nurse or doctor instead of House or Cowboys and Indians. She is enrolled in school at the moment and puts most of her time into studying and practicing.

When she is not studying for various exams Jasmine is baking cakes and other various treats. She makes cakes of all kinds and decorates them however she pleases. They are always very beautiful. As a child her mother would encourage her to go out and play with the other girls, but she would rather stay inside and bake or play nurse with her mother. Baking comes naturally to Jasmine, and it's a relaxing exercise for her, like a stress reliever.

Jasmine, or Jazz to her friends, is very soft-spoken. She very rarely raises her voice and would never harm a living being willingly. She is very easy to get to know and will talk to anyone. She is especially open to the sick or injured and treats them no differently than she would anyone else.


Is there a holiday coming up soon?
Name: Kandi
Alias(es): None
Species: Gen. Common Kuhna
Gender: Female

Lineage: Aslan x Nighter
Lifemate: None
Mate(s): None
Siblings:  Bubblegum Kuhna, Bubblegum Kuhna, CottonCandy Kuhna
Offspring: None
Human Form: Subeta
Art: By LavenderKisses
Other: None
About:  Kandi loves everything about the holidays, from wrapping presents to singing carols, but her favorite things are Candy Canes. She loves the minty freshness they leave in her mouth. She is almost always sucking on a candy cane, they may be bad for her teeth, like most candy is, but she doesn't care. She brushes her teeth, but candy canes make your breath fresher than any tooth paste in her opinion.

Other than candy canes, Kandi loves the cold climates. She loves getting caught in snowstorms, even if she is with a bunch of strangers. Strangers are the best people to hang out with anyways, they don't know anything about you, so you can be whoever you want to be.

She is also good friends with Jasmine, the aspiring nurse. Kandi loves to hang out with the other woman, and finds the others baked goods delicious.

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.| Mama |.

Postby jobiehanna » 08/19/2014 9:58 PM

❃ Love Finally Found ❃
Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words.

I just want to be loved.

Name: Dream
Alias(es): None
Species: Arkuhna
Gender: Female

Lineage: None
Lifemate: My Muir (Treat Kuhna)
Mate(s): None
Siblings: None
Offspring: With Muir: Apokain Kuhna, Aurum Kuhna, Pearl Kuhna, Adler Kuhna, Campaign Kuhna
Human Form: Pending
Art: None
Other: None
About: Dream has had a rough life since she hit her teen years. By rough I mean she'd been through a lot of heart break. Every guy she's met has broke her heart one way or another. Her lifemate just disappeared one day and she worried until she gets a letter explaining what happened months later. He'd just wanted to move on, but didn't know how to tell her. She was young and naive, and she believed in that love. But it broke her in two. But she didn't forget love and curse it, and loved the feeling it brought. Once she recovered from him she moved on to a steady boyfriend, but he cheated on her.  The next wasn't ready for going steady and up and left. Each time this happened Dream felt her heart rip into tiny pieces. Each time she put herself back together.

Now Dream is much more reserved than she used to be. Sure, she was shy before, but now she wouldn't even approach a potential love interest. She's built up a wall around herself to keep people away because she doesn't want to get hurt like that again. She acts childish at times, as she is unsure how to act in certain social situations. There is an air of innocence around the way she conducts herself, as she is oblivious to many things one would think the young woman ought to know about. But Dream just wants to feel accepted and to be loved.

When she was a young child her mother and father had had the best relationship. They loved each other without question and without fault. If anything was perfect, it was their love for one another and later, their daughter. They would do anything, be anything for each other. Dream grew up with that, and she just want's it for her own. She believes firmly that this will come true, like all dreams eventually do.

Dream is very quiet and also believes in love at first sight. It's not always the case, of course, but she believes in it. Her paintings often have something to do with love and dreams. She paints different kinds of portraits and landscapes and anything else that comes to mind. It's something she's loved since she was a young girl. But she never broadcasts her paintings, no matter how good they are. She prefers to stay in the background and keep to herself.

History: Playdate - Together Again - Distractions - Breeding

A gold-hearted jerk.

Name: Muir
Alias(es): None
Species: Treat Kuhna
Gender: Male

Lineage: Hollow x Kallen
Lifemate: My Dream (Arkuhna)
Mate(s): None
Siblings: 3 Kanuas, Trikuhna
Offspring:  With Dream: Apokain Kuhna, Aurum Kuhna, Pearl Kuhna, Adler Kuhna, Campaign Kuhna
Human Form: Pending
Art: None
Other: None
About: Muir doesn't have a clean track record. Most of his crimes are minor, like stealing. But once in a while he'll be caught selling something illegal. This is a rare occurrence, as he is usually pretty good about keeping that sort of thing on the down low. It's not his fault though. The moment he turned 18 his parents kicked him out of his house and he had to get a job and earn a living. They claim it was because he was an adult and could handle it on his own, but really they just didn't want a leaching, nicotine addicted teenager in their home anymore.

So Muir set about finding a job, but no one wanted him. He spent his first few months on the streets stealing food and other things to survive. But eventually he found a place to work. It was in Jawan where he cleaned out boats for a local boat rental company. He spent many hours out in the sun scrubbing and mucking and patching the many boat rentals. It was no easy job, and Muir found that he was often very sore after a good days work. He wasn't happy, but he had enough money to get a place to live.

This didn't stop his petty thievery, and his cigarette intake turned to alcohol. It was much quicker to sooth the aches and wash away the feelings of discontent than his old friend cigarettes. He has a small collection of various knives, CDs, utensils and various other items that he's taken from stores. He doesn't steal big things, but he'd much rather spend his paycheck on rent and booze than the little things he needed.

All in all though, Muir isn't all that bad. He is really rough around the edges and has habits many would consider bad, but that isn't all he is. In his heart there's a hint of passion and love that he doesn't let anyone see. If anyone knew he was really a softy, then he'd be judged and probably kicked out of the bars. And he can't let that happen, no sir.

History: Distractions - Breeding
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Postby jobiehanna » 08/19/2014 10:05 PM

❃ Plot/Family Name ❃
Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words.

Snowlight Matches - Canopy Garudor
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Postby jobiehanna » 08/19/2014 10:08 PM

❃ Unspoken Words ❃
While Hela is a goddess and Azazel is a lesser demon, the pair once loved each other. It seems as if Hela wishes to reunite with Azazel, but the demon doesn't understand why. The goddess wants to come to terms with the guilt she feels for breaking his heart and driving him to become the power hungry demon he is today. However, she is forbidden to contact demons and the like. She must go through Netheram, a demon roleplayed by ShadowStiches. So far deals have been made, now they must be completed.

It's a mask I wear.

Name: Hela
Alias(es): Hela
Species: Custom Lucain {Split/Reaper/Mudpaw/Mask}
Gender: Female
Occupation: Goddess of Death and Rebirth
Size:  (M)
Level: 3
Posts: 11
Diet: Carnivore
Offense: 11/100
Defense: 11/100
Precision: 9/40
Endurance: 15/100
Speed: 10/100
Fame: 16/40
AP: 10/110
Element: Dark
Battle - Spiked Body, Diehard
Passive - Chaotic Mind
Acclimation -
Healing -
Magic -
Personality -
Physical -

Lineage: None
Lifemate: None
Mate(s): None
Siblings: None
Offspring: None
Human Form: She has bright blue eyes and jet black, curly hair halfway down her back. She is taller than average and her figure is slim. She has very pale skin. ex: Subeta
Art: Chibi Bunny by Talcen; Chibi Lucain by MidnightDraconia
Other: Nothing
About: Hela is a goddess of death and re-birth. There are two sides to her personality: one is calm, cool and reassuring. The other is harsh, unyielding and cruel. Sometimes there is a mixture of her sides when she is not doing her duties; you never know what you'll get. She also tends to hide behind a mask so that others cannot truly figure her out.

She decides who's turn it is to die and then finds a way to end their life. Either via sickness, murder, old age, ect. She always takes great care with this task, never taking someone too soon. Yes, their loved ones may disagree, but when it's time to move on, well, it's time to move on. There's no other way about it.

But actually, there is. She also helps to guide those who get a second chance back to the world of the living. If she finds someone truly worthy, she brings them back either as their old self or as someone new.

But that's just her job. There's a side to Hela no one knows about. It's the part that can love, the part she hides from the world. She loved someone once, one called Azazel, and that love still lingers in her heart, even after he was cast out of the Heavens. She longs to be with him, and tell him how she really feels. He makes her feel like a young girl, giddy in love. But there's no way she can contact him, not without facing serious consequences. Yes, she is a goddess, but there are still rules to follow.

The Special Request

I'd do anything for power.

Name: Azazel
Alias(es): Zaz, Zel
Species: Bred Lucain
Gender: Male

Lineage: Victor x Aisling
Lifemate: None
Mate(s): 1, 2
Siblings: Pending investigation
Offspring: None?
Human Form: Subeta
Art: None
Other: None
About: Some people don't believe in demons, angels, gods, goddesses or anything spiritual for that matter. But those people, well, they're the perfect fuel for a half-demon/half-god. Their disbelief fuels Azazel's power. He had never been a particular strong individual, at least not while he was on the good side. In his younger years he tried to be the good guy. Oh, how he tried. But the demon in him won out, and he was cast away from the 'good' life he lived.

Azazel left behind his friends, family and even, well, lover of sorts. He was never sure entirely what she was to him, because she was like the wind, always changing. But he did love her, if that's what love feels like. She never seemed to return the feelings, so his went unsaid. If he had known the truth, well, maybe things would have turned out differently.

But he left it all behind for power, and he also found it was much easier to give into his darkest desires rather than fighting them. He spends his days searching for unbelievers, and once he finds one, he steals their unbelieving souls. He keeps them in a pouch around his neck and draws power, energy and strength from them.

There is little that remains of the old Azazel. The caring side that existed when he was fighting his demon side is buried deep beneath the cruelty and hatred he wears on the outside.

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.| MINE! |.

Postby jobiehanna » 08/19/2014 10:14 PM

❃ A Valuable Trinket ❃
Nephele is in possession of a magic necklace. It protects itself and its bearer and is a very sought after trinket, now that it's known to exist. After accidentally showing it's powers to some dangerous people, Nephele is on the run.  

Like the wind.
Name: Nephele
Nickname(s): Neph
Species: Custom Kuhna
Gender: Female
Occupation: Ttee Seller
Level: 1
Posts: 0
Diet: Omnivore
Passive -
Acclimation - City Dweller
Healing - First Aid, Herbalist
Magic - Teleportation, Witchlight
Personality - Adaptable, Explorer, Loyal
Physical - Human Form, Human Speech, Padded Paws, Prehensile Tail
Social – Independent

Lineage: None
Lifemate: None
Mate(s): Talcen's Cloudo (Elder), Speed Racer (Custom)
Siblings: None
Offspring: Cloudo: Flutter Kuhna, Empty Kuhna - Speed Racer: Kit 1, Kit 2

Human Form: Pending
Art: None
Other: Her back story is here. Before Revamp
About: Despite her past Nephele is very optimistic. She loves to have fun but only to a certain extent. If she feels the situation calls for her to be mature, brave, or even cruel she can do so. She is very stubborn and doesn't like to be forced to do things. She will stick up for herself and her friends. She is open to new friends, but she is also very shy when meeting new people.

The Pendant: The pendant around her neck protects itself and its bearer. When attacked, either physically or magically, its usually subtle aurora brightens and expands to protect itself and its bearer, burning anything in its way. It also seems to be able to aid in Nephele's shape-shifting. It feels cool to the touch and seems to glow all of the time, though sometimes the glow is more faded than other times and sometimes it is brighter than usually, normally when it is surrounded by darkness.

A Chance Meeting - Breeding 1 - Breeding 2
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Postby jobiehanna » 08/19/2014 10:16 PM

❃ Plot/Family Name ❃
Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words.

You won't understand.

Name: Cosette
Alias(es): None
Species: Custom Kuhna
Gender: Female

Lineage: None
Lifemate: Adrian
Mate(s): None
Siblings: None
Offspring: None
Human Form: Subeta
Art: None
Other: Her back story is going to be rewritten. Song (maybe): Welcome to my Life by Simple Plan. Before Revamp
About: Cosette was found out back of the Tillburn mansion hidden behind an evergreen bush when she was just a day or so old by a little boy names Adrian. He ran and got Mama C, who took the baby into the house. After many arguments and persuasive speeches with Frankie, Adrian and Mama C were able to keep the child. There were to be conditions, of course. For instance, no one could know they had the baby. They had to keep her in a secret room away from all house guests.

Once she reached the age of five she learned about cleaning. She followed Mama C around and helped her, and played games with Adrian when she could. By ten years old she learned how to cook, and was also expected to clean. Two years later she was taking care of the gardens. When she was fifteen years old she was introduced to the brothel she had heard of but never seen. At first she did nothing but serve food, dance, and other such things, but she never had to meet with a client one on one. But when she turned sixteen she was legal and was expected to do other, more intimate things. If she didn't she would lose her home and her family. So she did, but with sorrow and regret. As time passed she grew used to it, but she would never look at men the same way again. She had a terrible miscarriage shortly after she began her duties that disabled her from ever having children again.(Maybe, I'm not sure.)

Growing up under the watchful eye of Frankie, Cosette learned to loath him. He didn't care for humans; he only used them for his personal gain or pleasure. She felt like he was a slave driver and referred to him as simply Scarface behind his back out of disrespect. She got chastised for this, but she didn't care. He took away her childhood, even if he had given her a home with a best friend and mother figure. Even though it is part of earning her keep, Cosette hate the things she has to do with men. She hardly gets any of the profit and saves every penny she gets. She wants to leave this place some day. She is independent and is not afraid to speak her mind, unless presented with an immediate threat. Cosette is usually sad and sees the glass as half empty most of the time. But she does have a warm house and friends, even if she is worked to the bone.


Adrian Tillburn
Just keep going.

Name: Adrian
Alias(es): None
Species: Despair Kuhna
Gender: Male

Lineage: Wrisei x Walte
Lifemate: Cosette
Mate(s): None
Siblings: None
Offspring: None
Human Form: In Progress
Art: None
Other: None
About: Adrian in the son of a brothel owner. When he was three years old his mother died and he was sent to live with the man with a scar. He was raised mainly by Auntie C, a woman who could never have children herself. She was (still is) like a mother to him. She taught him to be courteous and respectful (especially to women), even if he father wasn't. He never got to spend father and son time with his old man. Rather, he would receive gifts and his father would do whatever he wanted for him, so long as it wasn't time spent together. He has never taken advantage of his father's business, preferring to steer clear and spend his time with Cosette, the baby he found outback when he was three years old.

He is somewhat shy, a little insecure, and has a fiery temper when angered. He is a gentle soul, and could never understand why Cosette had been abandoned. He learned later that life is not all good things. Not all babies have healthy, independent mothers with fathers that can help take care of them. Since having Cosette, he's taken on a big brotherly role. He has tried to protect her from his father's blows, and from his harsh words, much to his demise. He's often gotten smacked or otherwise punished for back-talking and defending the younger girl. Nevertheless, he still loves Cosette like a little sister. He strives to protect her from the worst of his father's anger, but it's not always so. He can't always be there for her like he'd like to.

Adrian has duties around the house as well as in the brothel. He fixes broken things, and escorts those who get too violent out of the establishment. He also tends gardens, mows the grass and does other needed outside maintenance.


Francis "Frankie" Tillburn
You'll do as I say.

Name: Francis "Frankie" Tillburn
Alias(es): None
Species: Apokain Kuhna
Gender: Male

Lineage: Muir x Dream
Lifemate: None
Mate(s): None
Siblings: None
Offspring: None
Human Form: In progress
Art: None
Other: None
About: Frankie is a third generation brothel owner. While his father and grandfather before him ran the business to aid young woman as well as to profit, Frankie does so solely for the profit. He doesn't care for the welfare of the girls. If it weren't for Molly he would discard them the moment an issue arose. He is very strict with his girls and his policies, and is unrelenting in punishments for breaking rules. He also believes that if they want to live under his roof, then they need to earn their keep. As such, the girls don't get to keep much pocket money. As for Cosette, his son is the only reason he kept her in the first place. She could keep him company so he'd be out of the man's hair. Another note on Frank, he has an ugly scar on his left cheek where a woman cut him with a kitchen knife. It has never healed properly.


Madame Molly "Sweet Pea" Mayborne
It'll be alright girls.

Name: Madame Molly "Sweet Pea" Mayborne
Alias(es): None
Species: Gen. Kanua
Gender: Female

Lineage: Sauron x Lauren
Lifemate: None
Mate(s): None
Siblings: None
Offspring: None
Human Form: In progress
Art: None
Other: None
About: Molly has been with the Speckled Sygriff since she was a young woman. Since she joined she has earned the role of Madame. She keeps Frankie in line and doesn't let him cast the girls away for silly reasons. She loves all her girls, no matter how much trouble they could get into. She understands their situations, as she has been there herself. She doesn't judge any of them, and is very caring when it comes to helping new girls into the business.


Cienna "Mama C" R.
I'll take care a ya's, promise.

Name: Cienna "Mama C" R
Alias(es): None
Species: Custom Thanksgiving Fenling
Gender: Female

Lineage: None
Lifemate: None
Mate(s): None
Siblings: None
Offspring: None
Human Form: In progress
Art: None
Other: None
About: Cienna is Frankie's in home maid. Her motherly instincts help her to keep her cool around the heartless overlord. She hates that she has to live in his home and take care of his house, but she stays because of the children. She's taken care of Cosette since she was a baby and Adrian since he was three years old. They are like the children she can never have herself. Since she was a young woman she has worked as a maidservant. She is not skilled an any other medium, but she does not mind the hours of hard work. Seeing the children, loving them and giving them advice, as well as a warm place to stay, keep her at her post.  

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Postby jobiehanna » 08/19/2014 10:18 PM

❃ Plot/Family Name ❃
Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words.

Loving husband and dad.

Name: Pankajar
Alias(es): Pan
Species: Cake Kuhna
Gender: Male

Lineage: None
Lifemate: Rhea
Mate(s): Rhea
Siblings: None
Offspring: Rosemary, Hector, Manami, Kenton, Elmas
Human Form: Subeta
Art: None
Other: None
About: Pan loves to eat. He eats all kinds of things from actual food to stuff like mud and worms. He is very lovable, though sometimes a little lazy. He is in love with Rhea, a very nice and beautiful female he met in Idalani. They go everywhere together, and are often the mushy couple nobody can stand. But that doesn't bother them. As long as they are together, they are happy.

Now that Pan is a father, he is a little less lazy and more helpful to Rhea. He loves his children as much as he loves his wife. He could not live without any of them. He never in a million years would have thought he would be blessed with five children, but he does his best with them. They are overwhelming at times, and he is often exhausted at the end of the day.

When his daughter Rosemary was kidnapped, Pan blamed himself. If he had only been a better protector, she would still be with them. To this day he still blames himself, but the guilt has subsided, at least a little. Rhea helps him with this feeling, telling him it could have happened to anyone. He never lets his family out of his sight now, and waits for the day when he can get a hold of that crazy fellox and get his little girl back.

Growing Closer Together - Breeding Room - Kit-Napped - Returning to 'Normal'

My children and husband are my life.

Name: Rhea
Alias(es): None
Species: Hydrokuhna
Gender: Female

Lineage: None
Lifemate: Pankajar
Mate(s): Pankajar
Siblings: None
Offspring: Rosemary, Hector, Manami, Kenton, Elmas
Human Form: Subeta
Art: None
Other: None
About: Young, well-liked, and beautiful are words that can be used to describe Rhea, though she doesn't let this go to her head. She is very humble, no matter how many people compliment her. When she receives a compliment she simply looks down and says a simple 'thanks' quietly.

Rhea loves swimming. It's her favorite thing to do, besides spending time with Pankajar. She lives for the moment and doesn't like to think about mistakes. She is very playful as well as charming. She is also a quick thinker and can pull herself out of most situations. She is also a good mimicker. She met Pankajar  while swimming in one of the lakes at Idalani Falls. It was unexpected and she doesn't regret a moment of her life with him.

She also loves being a mom, even though she is new at it. She takes very good care of her five bundles of joy. She loves how individual each one is, and never, ever, wants to get rid of them, she made that clear.
After a family trip turns sour, Rhea is devastated. Her daughter, Rosemary, had been stolen, and never found. After months of searching and putting up flyers, she has given up. She still cares for her children and husband, but a part of her is gone. She is often a ghost of her former self, wishing her life away.

Although her beloved daughter is gone, Rhea still tries to keep her memory alive. She purchased a Russian Blue doll at the Toys and Trinkets shop, and keeps it with her most of the time. When she is having a nightmare about losing Rose, she grabs the toy and it comforts her.

Growing Closer Together - Breeding Room - Kit-Napped - Returning to 'Normal'

That's mine. And that is too!

Name: Hector
Alias(es): None
Species: Sugardrop Kuhna
Gender: Male

Lineage: Pankajar x Rhea
Lifemate: None
Mate(s): None
Siblings: None
Offspring: Rosemary, Manami, Kenton, Elmas
Human Form: Pending...
Art: None
Other: None
About: Hector is the most possessive of his siblings. He doesn't like to share, and he also doesn't like it when he doesn't get enough mommy or daddy time. He is very stubborn and uncooperative. He is loud, on account that he always wants attention. He is also the bully of the bunch. He is often making up stories and trying to rough house. He is very hard to handle, and it is hard to tell when he is telling the truth. He is the second youngest out of his five siblings, born seconds before his twin, Elmas.

Hector was only a year old when his sister Rose was kidnapped, so he barely remembers her. If it weren't for the pictures and stories, he wouldn't remember her at all. He was always confused by the remembrance ceremonies and pleas to her kidnapper, but as he got older he understood. Just because he understood though, doesn't mean he wanted her back. Sure, he'd be happy if she came back, but he never understood the big deal about it.

As Hector gets older, he beings to realize that he can't always throw fits to get what he wants. He also starts to mature, even if he is still annoying to his siblings and disobedient to his parents. He stood by his twin sister as she went though her teenage years. But he didn't see why she had such a big problem with their parents. Hector still gets in trouble throughout his entire school career, but he is more of a goofball/showoff than anything else. He feels the need to entertain, even if that includes backtalking.

Kit-Napped - Returning to 'Normal'

Confidence is key. *laughter*

Name: Elmas
Alias(es): Ellie
Species: Sugardrop Kuhna
Gender: Female

Lineage: Pankajar x Rhea
Lifemate: None
Mate(s): None
Siblings: Hector, Rosemary, Manami, Kenton
Offspring: None
Human Form: Pending...
Art: None
Other: None
About: Elmas is very wild and untamed. She enjoys kidding around with her family and picking on her siblings. She doesn't follow directions very well and gets in trouble the most, even more than her twin, unruly Hector. They will plot together if Hector is in the mood, but more often than not Elmas is a lone wolf. She doesn't remember her sister at all, and doesn't care to. She hates the attention her missing sister gets, and wishes she felt as loved as Rose obviously still was.

As Elmas grows up, she develops a confidence deficiency. Despite her loving parents, she often was at the brunt of their frustration. Though it wasn't on purpose, her parents contributed to her lack of self esteem as a teen. She learned from the other girls that to be pretty and fit in she had to wear make-up, pretty clothes and look at herself in mirrors a lot. She couldn't play with the boys; she had to impress them. This was quite different from the Elmas of her childhood, and her parents disapproved of her behavior.

But Elmas didn't care what her parents thought anymore. She was into her late teens now, and able to make her own decisions. She wanted to be called Ellie now, not silly Elmas. She dated boys, started drinking and staying out late with them and her select few female friends. When she told her parents she was bisexual, her mother tried to be accepting, but her father was angry. The moment she turned eighteen she left her family behind and dropped out of school, even abandoning her twin who had helped her through some tough times. She still talks to Hector, but she has alienated herself otherwise.

Kit-Napped - Returning to 'Normal'

Manami needs a little revamping.

Sweet and unique, that's me.

Name: Manami
Alias(es): None
Species: Gen. Kanua
Gender: Female

Lineage: Pankajar x Rhea
Lifemate: None
Mate(s): None
Siblings: None
Offspring: Hector, Rosemary, Kenton, Elmas
Human Form: Pending...
Art: None
Other: None
About: Manami is the sweetest of her siblings. She is often found trying to help her mother out with cleaning and helping with her other siblings. She is very loving and affectionate. She is often the most well-liked. She inherited her mother good looks and her fathers habit of eating. She has a very high metabolism, and is, therefor, on the thin side.

She was born first of her four siblings, and is the only one without an identical twin. She likes being different than her brothers and sisters though. She is easy to tell apart from the others. Her dreams for when she is older include, falling in love and living happily ever after.

Kit-Napped - Returning to 'Normal'

Mute, but not dumb.

Name: Kenton
Alias(es): Ken, Kenny
Species: Gen. Hydrokuhna
Gender: Male

Lineage: Pankajar x Rhea
Lifemate: None
Mate(s): None
Siblings: None
Offspring: Hector, Rosemary, Elmas, Manami
Human Form: Pending...
Art: None
Other: None
About: Kenton was born seconds after his twin sister Rosemary. At first he was thought to have been a still birth because he didn't cry out at first. But then his mouth moved and an awful blubbering noise came out. As he grew older, it was soon discovered that he didn't have the use of his vocal chords. He could make noises by blowing air through his lips, but he couldn't form any words. The doctors said he would never be able to speak, that he was a mute. So the whole family enrolled in sign language classes, although some took it more seriously than others. The boy communicates with his hands, and the family can understand what he says, and even talk back to him in the same manner.

Other than being mute, Kenton is a talented artist. Not only does he paint and draw, but he also plays the piano and violin. He can also work with clay and make wonderful pottery and assorted knickknacks. He spends much of his time dong these things, preferring the different mediums to communicating with others. However, before these talents were discovered, he loved to play with blocks and his twin. Without his twin, Kenton became even shyer and withdrawn from his family.

While growing up, Kenton was taken to a special school for mute students. While his siblings may have been jealous of his treatment,  Kenton thrived at the school, not caring what they thought. He got to do his art, and he got to make friends with other kids like him. He learned about deafness, and blindness, as well as other more physical disabilities. It was hardest for a mute to communicate with someone who could not see. It was apparent in his art that he missed his sister, even years after her going missing. He would often portray a faceless girl, or a lost girl, or even a girl that looked like him.

Kit-Napped - Returning to 'Normal'

Living in the wilderness.

Name: Rosemary
Alias(es): Rose, Mary
Species: Gen. Hydro-kundra
Gender: Female

Lineage: Pankajar x Rhea
Lifemate: None
Mate(s): None
Siblings: Hector, Manami, Kenton, Elmas
Offspring: None
Human Form: Subeta
Art: None
Other: None
About: Rosemary, or Rose, or even Mary, is the runt of her siblings. She may be small, but her heart and dreams are huge. She was always trying to climb the biggest hill, build the tallest tower, or be the quickest runner when she was a little child still with her parents and siblings. She is not afraid to go for her dreams at all. As a toddler she was very good at speaking sign language with her brother. She did everything with him and encouraged him to try as hard as she did.

However, lots of things changed when she was kidnapped. Taken by her home by a strange woman who could transform into  fellox, Rose's life was shattered. She missed her twin the most and cried for him and her parents at first. She didn't understand what was going on. But as the years passed, her memories faded quickly. The woman who took her filled her head with stories and eventually Rose couldn't remember the truth. Eventually she didn't remember her real family at all. Shiloh was Rose's mother now, even though Rose would question how that was possible, her being a fellox and all. These inquiries were brushed off by the older woman.

It was soon after her kidnapping that Shiloh took her to the jungle. With supplies from Shiloh's sister they started a life there. Growing up in the jungle, Rose became a very self sufficient young girl. She grew into herself, and is more confident than ever. And her dreams are just as big as they used to be, although they have changed. She dreams of meeting jungle nymphs, fairies, wild talis, and other people like her. But she's not allowed to speak of these dreams of meeting people like her with her mother. Her 'mom' gets extremely upset, until Rose tells her not to worry, it's not that big of a deal. But Rose is curious about her past, and her real mother and father.


I'm not crazy, I swear.

Name: Shiloh
Alias(es): None
Species: Nitro Fellox
Gender: Female

Lineage: None
Lifemate: None
Mate(s): None
Siblings: None
Offspring: None
Human Form: Subeta
Art: None
Other: None
About: Shiloh has always had one dream: to have a child of her own. But she couldn't. She tried and tried, eventually driving her partner crazy with her obsession. She sunk into a deep depression and quit her job at the adoption agency when they wouldn't let her adopt because of her unstable condition. Somehow she managed to get a job at a day care, where she met Rosemary and her family.

It was easy to decide which one to steal. She was a beautiful child with a wonderful personality at the time. She was always trying things, even if she failed. She would fantasize about taking the girl, but her consience always told her that she could not do it. It was against the law to steal someone else's child. She'd taken the job at the day care so she could be around the little kids she loved, even if she couldn't call them her own.

But one day she snapped. She has been stalking the family for a while, so she knew where they lived and when the children were out to play. With a two sets of twins of twins, it was hard to keep track of them all. So Shiloh snuck into their fenced yard, lured Rose closer because she was familiar, and told her they were just going for a walk. After a while, she gave the child a sleeping pill and took her home. The next day she was gone without a trace.

Shiloh sought solace in the jungle across the continent. It was dense and peaceful, and she could raise Rosemary all on her own. She only told one person where she was: her sister Valerie. Despite disapproving of her sister's actions, Val helped her by keeping it a secret and sending her supplies. She also visited once in a while, but other than that Shiloh was on her own with Rosemary.


The defense rests its case.

Name: Valerie
Alias(es): Val
Species: Amity Fellox
Gender: Female

Lineage: None
Lifemate: None
Mate(s): None
Siblings: Shiloh
Offspring: None
Human Form: Pending
Art: None
Other: None
About: Valerie is a secretive, cunning individual. She is good at covering her tracks, as well as her sister's. Shiloh is her little sister, and Val would do anything to keep her out of harms way. Even if Shiloh is obviously in the wrong, Valerie will do whatever it takes to save her. Being a defense attorney has its perks, and learning all about getting your defendant off the hook helps Valerie in protecting Shiloh. Her career also keeps her wealthy and able to pay any kind of fee to keep her and her sister's secrets.

Valerie is also a widow. Her long dead husband left her with a hefty sum of money, and some say his death was not an accident. But there has been no proof that Valerie or her sister were the cause of his death. He had a heart attack, after all. Old age can do that to people. Val has also never had children, preferring to avoid that responsibility all together.  She has had a few scares, thanks to her promiscuity, but they've always turned out to be just that: scares.

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.| Plot/Family Name |.

Postby jobiehanna » 08/19/2014 10:22 PM

❃ Plot/Family Name ❃
Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words.

Ghost Polly - Phantom Matches
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Postby jobiehanna » 08/19/2014 10:24 PM

❃ Plot/Family Name ❃
Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words.

Tilik Icthysaur - Ceras Kalamarei
Ara Tali
Perevi  Drakel - Woodland Ilos
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