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.:Evo-Lux Emporium:.

Postby .:The Marketplace:. » 04/29/2014 10:07 PM


Tucked away deep in the heart of Aldrect, with its doors facing the grand fountain, stood a meek building, dwarfed by the usually huge structures. Despite its stature, it was made of the very same alabaster and marble that the others were, just simply on a much smaller scale. What it lacked in height it made up for elsewhere. It was merely two stories tall(though it only actually had one floor), but the building was quite wide, as if to allow for creatures of all size to come and go freely. Upon entry, the first thing that one would notice was not something that could be seen. The moment the doors open, which were connected to larger doors for the entry of larger creatures, a strong wave of the scent of cleaning products hits anyone entering, even those without a great sense of smell.

It is obvious that whoever runs the place is slightly obsessed with keeping the building sparkling clean and well lit. Well lit and... possibly blinding. Most of the interior is solid white from the ceiling, to the walls, and even down to the plush carpet and the front desk. The only splash of color came from the furniture, which was barely tan, almost more of an off-white. The front room itself seems to take up very little of the actual building, leaving the rest of the place to only be accessed through a hallway on the left.


From behind the desk there came a sudden rustling, followed by the chair behind the desk following over. Moments later, accompanied by a good bit of noise, a hand slammed down on the desk as some figure pulled itself to its knees. A man, or possibly a woman, wearing a lab coat that was falling off, looked toward you, seeming half asleep or something. He, or she, readjusted the glasses on his or her face while running another hand through scruffy, cream colored hair that had longer strands of white flowing from underneath.

"Whu...? OH! Sorry. I didn't think anyone would be coming by around this time of day, so I just... took a little nap. Hehe...heheh.. heh. I'm Doctor Zae. You're here to have your pet altered, right, right?" Even as the person spoke, it was rather hard to figure out a gender, though by now you were probably leaning toward guessing this was a woman. Just a very... flat chested woman. She fully stood up, pulling the oversized labcoat back on a bit to cover herself more. Not that she was indecent. She did have on a tight fitting tan tank top and cargo pants, but those didn't really seem all that professional, now did they?

"Okay. Okay. Just.. heh. Keep in mind we can't alter all pets. We can only revert pets to previous stages in their lives. Orrr, heheh.. depending on the species.." she paused for a moment to rub her cheek with an oversized sleeve, "we can accelerate their growth, causing them to move on to the next stage of life. Though we can also... cause new colors to appear in the coat of your pet. Just refer to those charts over there on the wall. They should give you all the info you need. Just come back to me when you've made up your mind." She then gives a wave of a sleeve toward the wall to the right before moving on to fix up her station.

*This thread follows all Marketplace Rules and has no additional rules of its own.*

-Prices and General Information-

Retired Evolvers: 25 KS or 1 GT per form
               * Ex; Shinzo to Shii would cost 50 KS or 2 GT

Special Event/Seasonal Evolvers: 50 KS or 2 GT per form
               * Ex; Fuyuzakura Shinzo to Fuyu Shii would cost 100 KS or 4 GT
               * I am unable to revert pets that Einsor has touched to their normal forms.

Add-on Removal (with old image): 10 KS
               * This is an option available to those with an old image that can replace the newer one. For
               example, removing mini marks that someone purchased for a Lucain that you dislike.

Add-on Removal (without old image): UP TO 150 KS or 6 GT
               * In older cases, the old image was not always saved but was instead replaced by a new
               image. For these cases extra work is required to move the add-on, but may be possible.
               * If the removal is easy, a low price will be charged. 150 KS/6 GT is the max price.
               * I reserve the right to refuse removals of this sort if they are too difficult.

Ballama Removal: 25 KS (No GT option)
               * I reserve the right to refuse a removal if there is no image it can be replaced with.

Simple Color Changes: 25 KS or 1 GT
               * This option encompasses eye-color changes, mini-mark additions (for Lucain, Paragon, and Soveris),
               and other simple body color changes (such as the changing of the wingblades on a Lucain).
               * Paragon wing and tail colors may not be changed with this option.
               * This option is not just for breedables, though for non-breedables it is slightly limited and
               will not make your pet a custom.

Wing/Tail Addition: 75 KS or 3 GT
               * If, and only if, a Paragon completely lacks wings or a tail type, you may purchase the
               addition of wings or a tail type.
               * Taking away wings/tail types and changing wing colors will continue to not be allowed.

Background type switch: FREE
               * If you have an old pet that was made for dark backgrounds or has white pixels
               surrounding it you may use this option to convert it so it does not have the hard
               pixel edges anymore. This only works for pets without add-ons!

Glow addition: 10 KS

-Unique Species From Evo-Lux Emporium -

In exchange for currency, and sometimes a pet or two, occasionally we can supply you with a few species, more... interesting pets. If you are lucky enough to get your hands on very special items, specific Strains and Specimens, we can additionally use those to alter the genetics of the specimen you have brought in. You can use the table to contents to guide you to these extra features and their potential costs.

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Postby .:The Marketplace:. » 06/21/2014 4:55 PM

- Unique Non-breedable Colorations -

Species Name: Choshi
Cost: 250 KS

Species Name: Soweet Duo-Nagi
Cost: 180 KS + Sour Nagi

Species Name: Gold Stargoyle
Cost: 75 KS + choice of; Alabaster, Bronze, Marble, OR Rock Stargoyle
Alternate Options: Will come already evolved if a Garagnir is supplied instead of Stargoyle.

Species Name: Slate Stargoyle
Cost: 75 KS + choice of; Alabaster, Bronze, Marble, OR Rock Stargoyle
Alternate Options: Will come already evolved if a Garagnir is supplied instead of Stargoyle.

Species Name: Psychedelic Snatcher
Cost: 50 KS + Neuleef

- Unique Breedable Colorations -

When supplying a Kuhna for a unique species, it must be in your inventory at the time of request. If you are not found to own the Kuhna you are using your order will be voided.

Species Name: Black Jelly Kuhna
Genetics: Hydrokuhna/Sulkuhna
Cost: 50 KS + Hydrokuhna + Sulkuhna

Species Name: Blue Jelly Kuhna
Genetics: Hydrokuhna/Calamikuhna
Cost: 50 KS + Hydrokuhna + Calamikuhna

Species Name: Green Jelly Kuhna
Genetics: Hydrokuhna/Kamo Kuhna
Cost: 50 KS + Hydrokuhna + Kamo Kuhna

Species Name: Orange Jelly Kuhna
Genetics: Hydrokuhna/Trikuhna
Cost: 50 KS + Hydrokuhna + Trikuhna

Species Name: Pink Jelly Kuhna
Genetics: Hydrokuhna/Kanua
Cost: 50 KS + Hydrokuhna + Kanua

Species Name: Purple Jelly Kuhna
Genetics: Hydrokuhna/Berry Kuhn
Cost: 50 KS + Hydrokuhna + Berry Kuhna

Species Name: Rainbow Jelly Kuhna
Genetics: Hydrokuhna/Spectrakuhna
Cost: 50 KS + Hydrokuhna + Spectrakuhna

Species Name: Red Jelly Kuhna
Genetics: Hydrokuhna/Common Kuhna
Cost: 50 KS + Hydrokuhna + Common Kuhna

Species Name: Yellow Jelly Kuhna
Genetics: Hydrokuhna/Preluhna
Cost: 50 KS + Hydrokuhna + Preluhna

Species Name: White Jelly Kuhna
Genetics: Hydrokuhna/Carol Kuhna
Cost: 50 KS + Hydrokuhna + Carol Kuhna
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Postby .:The Marketplace:. » 06/21/2014 4:56 PM

- Specimen Modification -

Detailed Guide

Sol Strain - Event Only
This item, when introduced to a viable specimen will change it's subspecies to the Sol coloration. This serum resembles the Solar-X when dormant, however it glows brightly and begins to heat up when exposed to the sun. Specimens introduced to the Sol pathogen often become aggressive and capable of breathing plasma. They are particularly active during solar flare events.

Umbra Strain - Event Only
This item, when introduced to a viable specimen will change it's subspecies to the Umbral coloration. This cold serum resembles the Lunar-X when dormant and reacts to the moon phases, often glowing brightly and becoming quite active during a full moon. Specimens introduced to the Umbra pathogen often become despondent and apathetic with activity levels that often vary dependent on the phase of the moon and their skin is cold to touch. They are particularly active during Blood Moon or total Eclipse events.

Everfall Strain - Event Only
This item, when introduced to a viable specimen will change it's subspecies to the Everfall coloration. When examined under the microscope, the cells of this bacterium closely resemble those of plants and begins to glow a soft green-blue during the twilight hours. When introduced to a specimen, it alters the structure of the individual's skin to resemble a hard, protective bark.
Alternative Forms: Everfall Fragments [Will require 3 Fragments]

Weaver Strain - Golden Thread Event
This item, when introduced to a viable specimen will change it's subspecies to the Weaver coloration.
Creatures of the Weaver coloration tend to be pitch black in color and are decorated with golden scales or flecking in their fur. They also seem to be able to produce a bizarre, thread-like substance, not unlike a spider's web, that is, if a spider's web was incredibly sharp.

Heretic Strain - Nix's Shop
The Heretic Strain is derived from blood samples obtained from ancient sites of worship. What is most baffling is this blood seems to have an unholy origin and care must be taken when handling it, as it is highly corrosive. Like others, it is capable of filling the gaps in incomplete genetic code.

Accepted Specimens
Draconic - Feline - Mustelid - Serpentine - Vulpine
You may turn in 3 corresponding DNA Vials in place of a single Specimen

Accepted Species
(Eggs must be hatched at the MMC first)


Code: Select all
Specimen/Pet Species:
ID (if using a Sickle):
Strain Item:

Please advise the specific item (eg, 3x Fragments vs 1x Strain)
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Re: .:Evo-Lux Emporium:.

Postby Indigo » 06/21/2014 9:02 PM

This was an excellent opportunity indeed. Cyrano had acquired these specimens with no idea of what he would do with them, but now that some funding had come in he could do some research he'd been waiting on for ages. Of course, he couldn't imagine they would let him observe the transformation itself, but he could certainly do a before-and-after sort of comparison and figure out some of it from there.

The specimens in question were in two crates, squeezed into a small red wagon he pulled behind him. Each was labeled with a neatly-lettered card stating their species and parentage. He stood as tall as he could manage, which wasn't very, to place the money on the desk. "To be made into Lakundras, if you please!"
Hydrokuhna [Ryvr x Present]
Kanua [Alice x Kristoff]

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Re: .:Evo-Lux Emporium:.

Postby Middy » 07/19/2014 1:46 AM

Dalia happened to be in the neighborhood to run this little errand, even if she really didn't feel like doing so. However, it was best to stop putting it off and just get it done and over with so she could push it out of her mind. The shop she had to visit was a bit strange, but she just brushed it off. The quicker she did her errands, the quicker she could return to Naenia with her anniversary gift. "Greetings, I am here to get a change to this Lucain. The fee of 150 keystones should be sufficient," she placed a small note and the pouch of keystones on the counter and headed out, she would come back when the necessary modifications were finished.

Psi-Eye changed to #33593a
Tail Tip in same color as banded
Eyes changed to #1c5b27

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Re: .:Evo-Lux Emporium:.

Postby MillietheWarrior » 08/01/2014 5:18 PM

This was certainly an interesting place. Pluto was lucky she was able to get someone to cover her watch for the time being; it was said that coming here could make one stronger, and that was certainly something she needed. Protecting time and space was difficult in a body like this. As she reached the counter, she placed a bag of glowing stones on top of it's shimmering surface. "I'd like an upgrade, as you humans say," she murmured.

Bifrost Kuhna  (J.P. Makins x Mersielle) --------------------------- Candy Apple Kuhna

Price: 300 KS

{Order processed}

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: .:Evo-Lux Emporium:.

Postby Kitsumi » 08/03/2014 5:37 PM

With a glare and a warning snap of his teeth, the Grimm Paragon was able to force the three pets ahead of him to hasten their movements. He was not a patient sort of creature, and he wanted these three...changed. The quicker the job was done, the better. It didn't do to have such weakness within his ranks. An upgrade was certainly necessary, at least for the two Kuhna that came with him. The Lucain had actually come of her own accord, although she had now become the Grimm's responsibility.

"Greetings," he hissed in a deep voice. "I bring these three to you, for alterations. These two," his gaze rested on first one kuhna, and then the other. "Are far too small. Change them. Make them more fierce. And this one," Now his gaze was on the Lucain. "It appears that she is haunted by some troubling spirit, or something of that sort? Anyways, they all need some changes to be made." He filled out the required paperwork with a flourish, and then handed it over. "There, that's all that is needed, correct? I will leave these three in your care. Please deliver them to me after the required changes have been made."

Lineage: Desmond x Shelly -- Lineage: Straiph x Vshnic

Ballama Removal (if possible)

Total Price: 375 ks

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Re: .:Evo-Lux Emporium:.

Postby Sarah » 08/10/2014 2:40 AM

Avarie strutted into the shop glaring at anyone who dared to look her way. She was disgusted that she had to come here and interact with mortals. Unfortunately every time she had tried to change her fur color it faded away the next day. So she had decided to come here and have a professional figure it out. she was disappointed that the person behind the counter didn't seem like a professional. Though Avarie knew that most receptionists were just receptionists. "Right, I have this problem and you need to fix it," she demanded holding out a note and some Ks towards the woman.

Please add
Banded - Black
Socks - Black
TailTip - Black

Please remove the wingblades from her back and legs

Total - 200 Key Stones

{Order processed}

G̵u̴i̶d̶e̶ m̸̹̍e̶̫͝ ȋ̴͙̗͒͗ņ̸̈͂ţ̶̯̣̥̦̎͗͒ổ̴̭̙̻̄̉ D̸̡̛̦̗̋͗̊̃̌̕͜ä̴̡̳̬͔̩̳̫͔̯̙͔̬͉̱̯̊̄̒̏ŗ̷̟̱͚̻̠̠͔̥̺͔͔̰͙̝͉̃̆͊̉ͅk̸̡̡͔̫̼̱̬̭͓̮͙͔̀̑̇̊̐̊͆̍̏̃ͅn̴̢̫͔͕̤̖̳̠̘̩̙̍͋͌́̍̊̈̓̂́̈̕̕͘͝͝ȇ̶̢̢̡̛̦͓̟̾̈̐̐̈́͊̑͠͝s̵̢̧̛͉̼̮̫̝̰̟͙̭̦͇̮̥͈͖̅͋͑̾̈͋̐͘͝s̴̨̢̧̨͚̗̗̹̱̞͉͖̻̰̹͓̲̎̊̒̈́̿̏͑͝͝

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Re: .:Evo-Lux Emporium:.

Postby Thunder » 08/10/2014 7:39 PM


No no no, this simply wouldn't do at all. The character on the account Julia hacked into had a number of very questionable design choices in terms of both apparel and stats. What was a Knightmare doing with such low magic? How could anyone think that seafoam green would look good against her otherwise dark armor? Almost immediately, Julia set out to give ShadowRose some much needed changes, starting with the clothes since that was the easiest to handle.

She staggered into the Emporium and tracked down the doctor who ran the place. "Excuse me, but I really need some...adjustments on my armor. You see these bright green blades here? I want them to be blue and pink, just like the rest of my armor. You can do that here, right?"

((Changing color of wingblades to two tone f16af2 and 21a3da for 50 KS.))

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Re: .:Evo-Lux Emporium:.

Postby Kitsumi » 09/02/2014 1:40 AM


"Come on, guys, it's okay!" Kitsumi called to the three kuhna tentatively following her. They appeared afraid, and she did her best to comfort them. "I'm sure it won't hurt. You're the ones who wanted to be bigger and stronger, right? Well this is how you do it!"

Kitsumi did her best to usher the three kuhnas into the building, ignoring the attempts from one of the kuhna to bite her. "Hello? I brought some pets for you to...umm...do whatever it is you do here?" She shrugged. "I guess I don't really know how you do it. Probably just lots and lots of vegetables and milk, right? Those help to build big and strong kuhnas, right?" She was obviously either extremely naive, delusional, or simply in denial. "Anyways, here they are! Take really good care of them, okay?"

Undead: Ghor'Rin x Kiyre -- Smilokuhna: No Lineage -- Lykuhna: No Lineage
Total: 525 KS

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Re: .:Evo-Lux Emporium:.

Postby zapdragon555 » 09/21/2014 6:48 PM

Awai poked their head into the little shop, tail flicking apprehensively. This was the right place…? It looked just a little bit shady to them, if they were honest, but they walked inside regardless, a small piece of paper pressed into their hands. Awai silently went up to the desk and placed the piece of paper down, their somewhat hollow eyes traveling up to look the pale doctor in the face.

His bangs should be recolored to #2554BA where it is currently red and his headphones should be recolored to #2554BA where it is red.

Change his eye color to #5CBDED

Change his eye color to #63412F.

"Should be 150 KS," Awai mumbled, nodding their head at the doctor, the small tassels on their hat bouncing as they did so. They really didn't seem to talk much, did they. Deciding their work there was done, Awai nodded once more and turned on their heel, promptly walking out of the shop. They really needed to get back to more important matters than running simple errands.

{Order processed}

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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Re: .:Evo-Lux Emporium:.

Postby Feint » 09/23/2014 3:17 PM


She shuffled in nervously, licking her nose and avoiding eye contact.

It was a shy little kuhna that had entered, certainly, but she could hardly be blamed. All alone in such a giant, scary building was nerve-wracking, to be sure - not to mention all that AND carrying valuable keystones!

She shuffled her way to the counter, where she placed her front paws as high on the wall as she could reach, then stretched her neck up to see - and could not. She was much too short. Flushed, she squeaked out a timid hello, no louder than a whisper, and stood on her tip toes to gently nudge her bag of KS onto the counter with her little pink nose.

The bag had a note written upon it in crumpled paper, which was fortunate, as the little kuhna had frozen in a shy terror and was unable to speak.

Could I get this girl a rainbow gradient glow? If not, how about gold? Thanks.

(parents: Kaguroi x Seraphim)

{Order processed}

My wraiths, though not wraiths then, wandered deep into the heart of the polar storm. They tried to fight sleep, naive to the inevitability of their fate. When they awoke, they saw before them my own self, so much a part of the ice and cold they almost fail to see me. I wear a crown of the coldest, sturdiest ice, and my claws and fur have coated themselves in it.
I stand aloof to the cold, for I have lived in it so long, been a part of it so long, it no longer concerns me.

My wraiths are cursed to wander the polar tundra, eternally freezing, following mortal explorers and trying to warn them with their presence that they should not travel onward, should not make the same mistake. But there will always be those who persist in pressing on, never knowing what they are doomed to face, or destined to suffer.

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Re: .:Evo-Lux Emporium:.

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/05/2014 8:54 PM


There were many changes to make, and she was well aware of that. However, she needed to start somewhere. Knowing that, logically, she chose what she felt would be the least difficult change to cope with. She could leave the others for later.

"Pardon me," she called out in greeting as she slipped into the extremely sterile building, seemingly unbothered by its questionable-ness. "I'm in need of some assistance. I no longer require the aid of this little... llama creature, but it does not seem capable of parting with me on its own. I've heard you have the ability to remove their bond? If so, please be done with it."

(Seeking a Ballama Removal. However, she had her Ballama implemented a very long time ago, back when such things were still placed on original images. If possible, though, I still want it gone.)

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Re: .:Evo-Lux Emporium:.

Postby crow » 10/07/2014 1:02 AM


Another day, another message! The Kitrell was going to all sorts of shops these days. Ever since the people at the estate found out that he was willing to carry a few keystones and pick some things up for them, the excursion requests kept coming in. That was all fine and dandy with him though, since he did better business doing these favors than he did carrying his messages on some days. And a shop run was just another sort of message, if you thought about it, right?

Today, the place he was dropping into was a little unsettling. A doctor's office wasn't the Kitrell's favorite place to be, but he wasn't here for him, so they couldn't do anything to him directly... probably. Still, he handed over his keystone pouch a little more nervously than usual. "The order's on the slip," he said, then with a little salute of his right wing, he was off again.


Please add the following:
Mane in #ffffff
Carnivore in #680101 (on top of Mane)
Sunbear in #231e1f (on top of Carnivore)
Tailtip in #ffffff
200 KS total

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Re: .:Evo-Lux Emporium:.

Postby zapdragon555 » 10/10/2014 10:52 PM


Arano padded silently into the shop, looking terribly out of place in the modern setting. He grunted in surprise as he hit his antlers on the doorframe, and he winced in embarrassment, ducking his head and trying to maneuver into the shop. For such a large Lucain, this was a difficult task. "Um... greetings, miss," he said in a low voice, a bit hesitant, then twitched in surprise as a hyperactive little Neuleef skittered up his shoulder and bounced on his back, making excited noises that put Arano on edge. "You see... I am the protector of the forests of Evelon. This includes every tree, right down to every last leaf. But... this one's been acting... strange," the spirit mumbled, looking a little uncomfortable as the Neuleef on his back shuddered and let out a garbled mess of giggles and spittles. "Do you... do you think you could fix it, perhaps?"

Evolve into a Psychedelic Snatcher - 100 KS

{Order processed}

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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