The longest range in Lambastia, the Tuun Mountains cover up much of the northwest. Unlike the harsh Fe'gan Mountains, the Tuun Mountains have varying temperatures, from very mild to slightly colder depending on where you go and which sections you explore. (+3 Offense)

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Backpacking is Only Fun When It's a Vacation![P]*RE2 Welcome

Postby Kylo » 08/30/2014 11:44 AM


He needed to train, and he had to make sure to get it done sooner rather than later. This was why he was stuck in the mountains with only a backpack filled with very limited supplies. Shoto sighed and looked back down at his friends who only snickered and gave him a paws up. They had recommended that he start in the more peaceful part of the mountain range first. You know to make sure he didn't get himself killed.

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Re: Backpackign is Only Fun When It's a Vacation![P]*RE2 Wel

Postby Kylo » 08/30/2014 11:47 AM

He could tell by their snickers already that that was a lie. They planned to make sure he ended up miserable, exhausted, and regretting trying to become a shinobi. Well he'd show them a thing or two! They forgot that he had spent nearly eighteen years on his own surviving off of whatever he could find. This was going to be a piece of cake!

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Re: Backpacking is Only Fun When It's a Vacation![P]*RE2 Wel

Postby Kylo » 08/30/2014 12:22 PM

Okay, he had to first of all stake out a nice place to sleep. That was priority number one and priority two was gather firewood. He could stand to skip trying to get food for the day. Alrighty, the obvious place to look was for caves, not ones too deep though or he stood to risk animals being hidden deep inside. Shoto began the trek up the rocky slopes to hunt for a cave.

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Re: Backpacking is Only Fun When It's a Vacation![P]*RE2 Wel

Postby Kylo » 09/11/2014 4:40 PM

His claws scrabbled at the rocky slope as he went higher and higher up. So far no caves big enough to fit himself into were found and it made the wockee frown. He had to find the shelter as soon as possible as the skies had began to darker and he knew rain was on its way. Sniffing the air he could smell the fungus spores floating on by from the forest below. The rain would be here sooner than he liked.

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Re: Backpacking is Only Fun When It's a Vacation![P]*RE2 Wel

Postby Kylo » 09/11/2014 4:45 PM

Shoto climbed faster and kept peering into each and every crevice he came across, hoping to find one he could fit into. At this rate he was going to get caught out in the open when it stormed. Thunder rumbled in the distance and he saw lightning flash across the sky. 1..2..3...three seconds until the boom of thunder hit, that meant it was only a mile away. He was so screwed, that is unless the upcoming bend was hiding a cave behind it.

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Re: Backpacking is Only Fun When It's a Vacation![P]*RE2 Wel

Postby Kylo » 09/11/2014 5:23 PM

Shoto raced around the corner and sighed in relief as he spotted a cave whose opening was finally big enough for him to crawl into. Taking off his pack and shoving it inside the palowockee crawled and wiggled his way inside. Once safely inside he peered about the dimly lit cave and tried to see just how far back it went. He couldn't see far before all light vanished in the back and faded away into inky blackness. He began to fish about inside his pack for a torch.

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Re: Backpacking is Only Fun When It's a Vacation![P]*RE2 Wel

Postby Kylo » 09/12/2014 4:33 PM

Finding the torch he set it down and flipped it on to light up the cave. The light shown brightly and lit up most of the cave, but it couldn't reach the end of it. Just then the rain began to pour down outside as the storm hit the area. Shoto sighed in relief for being able to find a safe place to stay until it passed. He sniffed the air and began to debate internally whether he should explore the cave or not.

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Re: Backpacking is Only Fun When It's a Vacation![P]*RE2 Wel

Postby Kylo » 09/12/2014 6:20 PM

Well if he was going to venture further in he better get his pack back on. He carefully shouldered his pack back on and clutched the torch in his mouth be fore turning to the back of the cave. Well here went nothing! Shoto began his careful descent into the darker end of the cave. He sniffed the air carefully as he went and made tiny marks every so often into the floor with his claws in case he got lost.

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Re: Backpacking is Only Fun When It's a Vacation![P]*RE2 Wel

Postby Kylo » 10/16/2014 4:01 PM

So far so good. There didn't seem to be any signs of anything living in there but Shoto was going to make doubly sure of it. He came to a fork in the cave and pondered which side to take. The left or the right? They looked pretty much the same from the outside.

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Re: Backpacking is Only Fun When It's a Vacation![P]*RE2 Wel

Postby Kylo » 10/16/2014 6:06 PM

Shoto carefully considered both sides before deciding on the right path. He carefully trodded into the tunnel and began to look about. It went fairly steeply downhill and he had to dig his claws in to keep from sliding down. His grip on his light tightened as he started to slide towards the bottom. Hopefully it wasn't too far down.

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Re: Backpacking is Only Fun When It's a Vacation![P]*RE2 Wel

Postby Kylo » 10/17/2014 7:59 PM

He slid down to the bottom and thumped against a large rock. "Ouch!" he shouted as he rubbed his head. He had smacked it against the rock when he landed. Picking himself back up, Shoto turned around to look back up from where he fell. It was pretty steep and he would have to use his chakra to climb back up.

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Re: Backpacking is Only Fun When It's a Vacation![P]*RE2 Wel

Postby Kylo » 10/17/2014 8:34 PM

The sound of a rock skittering across the floor sounded behind the wockee and Shoto instantly turned around into a fighting stance. The light shone brightly out at the rest of the tunnel, revealing it to be a vast open cavern now instead of the tinier tunnel before. He couldn't see anything out there that could have made the sound, but Shoto remained on high alert regardless. It could just be hiding amongst the huge stalagtites and stalactites after all. He sniffed the air and caught the faint scent of blood.

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Re: Backpacking is Only Fun When It's a Vacation![P]*RE2 Wel

Postby Kylo » 10/17/2014 8:39 PM

Something was in here with him and whatever it was it was either hurt or had hurt something else. He slipped his bag down and withdrew his senbon and some kunai. He was going to be much better off as human from now on. It was too hard to fight with weapons without proper hands. He released the jutsu making him a wockee and prepared to hunt down the source of the scent.

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Re: Backpacking is Only Fun When It's a Vacation![P]*RE2 Wel

Postby Kylo » 10/17/2014 8:46 PM

He shouldered his bag again and slipped his senbon into his hand carefully as he gripped his kunai with the other. He had trained himself to be ambidextrous earlier in life to be a better surgeon but now as a shinobi he was having to make use of it for the complete opposite reason. His lanturn sat on the ground at his feet and he left it there as he began to slowly move out and scout out the area. Maybe it hadn't been a good idea to go alone after all. He honed his senses to work on overdrive as he tried to catch the scent of blood again.

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Re: Backpacking is Only Fun When It's a Vacation![P]*RE2 Wel

Postby Kylo » 10/17/2014 8:56 PM

There it was again, and much closer by than before. He gripped his weapons tighter and looked about carefully. He heard a faint sound of something sliding against the rocky floor and he whipped his head over in that direction. Something quickly moved behind a wall to floor rock formation and vanished from sight. This was no good, if it had been hurt it wouldn't be sneaking about trying to stay out of sight.

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