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Re: Looking for Rp/Lifemate Partners

Postby Kylo » 11/18/2014 10:32 PM

Sephtis Vencel is the one that interests me the most, but Adrianna Wolfric would be fine with Abner.

With Sephtis Vencel I suggest Madara. He's based off of the Naruto character of the same name. His general info can be found here (but ignore all of the information regarding the war as my portrayal of him diverges after he finds Obito):
I think that as soldiers they would both have many similar interests. Madara has been closely following the Purine/Imperial War going on right now and has been on the fence on which side to join after he and other shinobi were transported to this world via a jutsu. His goal is to amass more power before returning to his world in order to become the god of his world. I think it would be interesting for Sephtis to try and convince Madara to join his side of the war and maybe later on down the road to find out Madara's true intentions? I'm up for other ideas as well.

Abner VanSlyk is a vampire hunter, though his definition of a vampire is very broad. I could see him hearing about Adrianna Wolfric drinking blood and going after her, mistaking her for a vampire. They could get into a fight or "hunt" each other down. If you want to go with this one I'm really aiming for a more violent rp as really otherwise Abner would have nothing to do with her or any other nonhuman.

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: Looking for Rp/Lifemate Partners

Postby crow » 11/18/2014 10:35 PM

I don't know about specific matchups, but I do have some vampire-related pets that I could throw at you.


There's Blue, who used to work as a Thorn--- basically what Xarla does, hunting those of his own kind who go against their laws. He had a falling-out with his partner Rafe after the latter used some pretty vicious means to orchestrate his own rise to power. Rafe decided to try and eliminate Blue in case Blue tried to go against him, and now Blue basically lives as a recluse in hiding. He's unusual among the vampires he comes from since he doesn't like to kill, so he drinks human blood but never feeds directly from humans if he can help it. He regrets a lot of what he did, and he's looking to atone for it by eventually killing Rafe. He used to be a bit of a death-seeker too, since he didn't exactly ask to be turned into a vampire in the first place, but then he took in Dante and now his outlook is less bleak than it used to be.


Dante is the dhampyr son of Rafe and an unknown woman. He thinks he's half-human, but in reality, his mother wasn't human either, just a different breed of supernatural folk. As far as he knows, his dad conceived him so he could use Dante's blood to distil some kind of potion for immortality or resistance to the sun, since Dante's blood has healing properties. In Rafe and Blue's society, all dhampyrs are supposed to be killed, but Rafe used his power to prevent that from happening to Dante. Nevertheless, it wasn't a happy relationship, and eventually Dante ran away and was taken in by Blue. Now he's a mostly-well-adjusted if somewhat shy dhampyr kid, apprenticed to a medic.


Ellevera was Dante's mother, part of a long-lived race of forest folk who had healing abilities and some limited powers over time and space. She's more or less a ghost now, though she's not sure about the circumstances surrounding her 'death' anymore, and her memories as a whole kind of come and go. She does remember her son, and is trying to look for him, but her condition doesn't make it easy for her. Currently she's with another one of my characters who can see ghosts. She's not aware of it, but the incident that left her in her current state had a lot to do with Rafe's vampires, who wanted to take her ability for themselves. Admittedly the concept behind her character might make her kinda difficult to plot with, so I understand if there isn't a character of yours that matches with her. P:

(Rafe gets mentioned a lot between these three, but I'm not really comfortable RPing him outside of self-plots because he's such an asshole)

We also have that thing we're doing in PMs with Jackdaw and Xarla. We could elaborate on that plot if you like, and see where it goes.
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Re: Looking for Rp/Lifemate Partners

Postby Baconwizard » 11/18/2014 11:02 PM

Here are a few characters to throw at you~

This is Eli. He's a new character, so I haven't tested the waters yet with him, but I like where his personality is headed. Eli is an easygoing boy, who likes music, but does not have any particular aim for what he wants to do. Eli doesn't really know what it is he likes; he just goes along with whatever is happening at the time. Because of this, he can get wrapped up in doing tasks or errands for other people. He works part-time in his mother's flower shop, and often does a lot of the deliveries. He has a scooter, and he likes playing the piano a little.
As far as your characters, I'm not quite sure who would be a good fit, since I'm not 100% on how Eli acts. But someone who is bossy, energetic or impulsive would be a good balance for Eli's passivity.

First, there's Bryne. I'm not quite sure if he would be a good life mate (he's a bit too fickle for that), but he certainly is open for action, whether that be romantic or actual "let's get in a fight" action. Bryne lives for the moment, and he is constantly searching for the next experience, the next thrill. He really only gets that thrill when he's fighting, and when he's fighting, he's determined to make the best, greatest show of it. When he's not being a loud, crazy, fight-junkie, he's actually quite calm, if a bit restless. Bryne actually is a bit of a turd, and he does not care if he hurts your feelings by what he says or does. In his mind, it's your fault for being so sensitive.
As far as rping with your characters, Adrianna Wolfrick or Sevina Anuk would be the type of girls that Bryne would interact with the most. But Bryne is willing to fight any and everyone, anytime.

Penny is another new addition to my pen. She is a young witch, who is trying to start her own business with home-grown remedies. She has slight telekinesis, and uses a broom to fly around (because it's fun). As far as her character, Penny is stubborn, assertive, and always determined. It makes her a bit abrasive when she's trying to woo customers, but no one can fault her lotion that cures back aches. Since Penny is a new character, I honestly have no idea who she would like, out of all of your characters. The ones who are more jerky, she would argue with all the time. The ones who are milder or nicer (like Kenan), Penny would push around or try to build them up to be more assertive. So it depends on who you want. Actually... Izscak would be interesting because he has an image of a flippant man, but he can actually be nice if he wants to be. So he would frustrate and intrigue Penny, who often takes people at face value.

Umm... I think that's it for now, but I have a few others if you're interested.
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Re: Looking for Rp/Lifemate Partners

Postby Nyxia » 11/19/2014 6:20 PM

Wow I get up and there are a whole bunch of people here.

@ Talcen

Firstly I should point out that while Sephtis and the Last are working with the Imperial army, it isn't out of loyality. He would be possibly seeking to Madara in being part of one of his own units, not the Imperial army, if he saw Madara as someone that could make a difference with them. I would be interesting for Sephtis to possibly convince Madara to work with them, and then once he learns of his plans he would be disappointed/unhappy with it. Possibly it could eventually lead down to Madara being introduced to a member or two of Psixi Unit which is a unit that gathers and studies powerful artifacts and texts.

As far as Abner goes, I don't think this one would work out as well. Adi is bound by a special kind of magic not to engage in hunting creatures who didn't specifically escape from the clutches of the honorless dead. Even if he did attack her she would chase him off, not hunt him down. She's one of my slightly more complexed characters. Sorry dear.

@ crow

First and foremost I need to go reply to you, I'm getting slightly tangled up with plots and what not. But oh so yes, would I love to take those two out after the breeding and sort of continue the story! I have the crazy idea that after everything there, Xarla would take the information about demons back to the temple. In that way she would end up getting stuck into also tracking demons along with rouge or violent vampires. He could end up running across her while she tracks a specific demon raised by a Fallen, and they could end up in some wild adventure.

Blue might work really well Beraie or Säde; depending on the kind of rp/plot you wanted with him.

Beraie owns a vampire friendly tea shop in Medicai City, she also goes out of her way to help vampires who are on the run for whatever reason they have as long as it isn't criminal reasons. She does tend to go out for to get the ingredients and such, so she isn't confined to the shop or Medicai City alone.

Säde on the other hand is a strange kind of vampire, having trace precognitive gift that allows her to see both large scale disasters and individuals who may soon be in danger. She can't help but go and try to either stop the event or warn the person that its coming, even when it might put herself in danger by doing so. She is often finding herself in a mess because of getting in over her head with helping someone.

Dante might work really well with Katima, even though she isn't a vampire. Kit got herself dragged into the areas surrounding the war when she went to offer medical aid to those that live there. She's capable of mixing potions and salves for healing, but also in figuring out illnesses so as to send them to a proper doctor for what ails them. For a long time she worked helping Ornella, but now she's fairly on her own.

I see Ellevera pairing off with Zha'kel or Matok, again depending on what you are looking for.

Zha'kel is a magic user, a member of a special group called the Circle of Ten. They are the ones who help mages, witches, wizards, those kinds of thing, with being treated fairly by other races. Zha'kel is a spirit tamer, a mage who can sooth and help restless spirits. Normally he gets called in to hauntings or when someone is the victim of a violent crime that causes their death. I think it might weird him out a little to meet a spirit that is capable of actually remembering things, even if just in small flashes.

Matok isn't a human creature in the least, he is in fact an embodiment of the world's energy. He wouldn't really be able to see her, but hear her and sense her presence. He often goes out into the world in order to search for ill people to heal and aid, but he is pretty much also a huge source of power as it is the only way he can maintain his visible form.

And rather than go clutter up your pretty thread, I figured I would mention that your girl Angel might be fun to mix up with Akiba and his partner Zarya. They work on supernatural crimes, including murders. Zarya is a werewolf who has cut ties with her birth pack, and Akiba is still struggling to wrap his mind around the whole supernatural world since his girlfriend's death. Dunno if you might be up for that or not, figured it wouldn't hurt to ask though.

@ Bacon

Eli is a bit hard since I'm not sure about if/how he would react to characters that aren't human (since that is most of my characters). For now I'm only going to suggest one of my characters up, since while she is not fully human she has no real powers or visible signs of her mixed blood.

Fele is considered to be a half shifter (cat) & half human. Fele is always a bit wild and very adventurous which she will drag who ever is nearby into (even when she doesn't know them). She can be reckless and impulsive, known for not thinking things completely before jumping in. I see her just meeting him in the middle of some kind of adventure she's on, while he's delivering flowers somewhere. She'd probably drag him along for the rest of the adventure, and end up getting in more trouble along the way.

I'm currently somehow stuck on the idea of mixing him up with Sevina, especially if she were to see him at some kind of a bar getting in a fight. Not sure he would be a lifemate for her either, not that she's sensitive to anything considering what she does. She would probably egg him on to take on someone she knows she can life some cash from, then she'd offer to buy Bryne a drink while she picks another target or something. Eventually it could develop into a relationship, if it was interesting enough. She would find him easy muscle to get what she wants.The thing is the only thing Sevina cares about is like I said her little sister, who gets sick easy.

I'm definitely on board for Penny with Izscak, he's not easy to push but he won't have a pointless argument either. That and some of the things he comes up with would keep anyone on their toes. I can see him having something simple like sore muscles, but telling her he has some made up thing instead and messing with her over a cure. Then being drag out of his fun by a demon attack outside the shop, maybe causing a little damage to her shop in the process of killing it.

Bottles smashed, I raised my hand
How can you all even stand?
And why is there joy in this poison? Oh
Faking smiles and confidence
Driving miles to capture this excitement
I can't take anymore

You're never gonna get it
I'm a hazard to myself
I'll break it to you easy
This is hell, this is hell
You're looking and whispering
You think I'm someone else
This is hell, yes
I am in hell

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Re: Looking for Rp/Lifemate Partners

Postby Baconwizard » 11/19/2014 7:10 PM

Oh my gosh, all of these. All of these sound like so much fun *clutches at face*. Hmm... I'm partial to trying out Eli or Penny, because they're new, and their stories seem like they could go off in fun directions. That said, Bryne and Sevina could be really nice and twisted, oho.... So it's your call! We could do all of the above, or whichever one strikes your fancy~
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Re: Looking for Rp/Lifemate Partners

Postby crow » 11/19/2014 11:54 PM

Holy crapola, lemme just... take all that in. [deep breath]. Woo.

Jackdaw: Yeah, that does sound like fun! I think his plot would kick in eventually when I get around to figuring out what happens to him (if Risse doesn't give away his identity to the demons, someone probably will eventually) but that hasn't happened yet and your idea is intriguing. ovo We might even be able to make a war RP of it if you'd be okay with that? Points and all~

Blue: I can see Blue and his plot working for both of those... I guess it's up to you! Blue needs all the help he can get against Rafe since Rafe runs a whole gang/clan of vampires. The caveat there is that I might ask you to wait a while for the meat of the plot--- I still have to straighten out some details in the Blue/Rafe backstory. Hopefully you don't mind? I mean, we can always do the other stories in the meantime, and Blue can at least meet your characters, maybe tagging along with what they're doing instead.

Dante: Actually, reading over some of your characters' profiles, I wonder if Dante might be interesting to RP with Matok? I feel like he'd be compelled to help Matok with his own healing abilities. Regardless of whether he'd actually be able to help, that might be an interesting RP. I'm not sure about Dante in situations with more healers, since he already has a mentor, and I'm... not sure what we'd do in a situation that's all doctors and no patients, unless you had any ideas?

Part of the reason I'm suggesting Matok is also that it might help tie Ellevera to the plot, since Matok wouldn't be able to see her. She'd come in later, but she is trying to find Dante, so it'd be easier to get her involved that way.

Angel: Yeah, I think that'd be an interesting meeting for sure. Angel and Torch are from the same loose plot; she's only ever dealt with people with superpowers, and supernatural things are going to be a bit of a surprise to her. I mean, even the ghosts she sees are a result of her own abilities, rather than things that manifest of their own accord. x3 She and Akiba can commiserate over their mutual confusion.
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Re: Looking for Rp/Lifemate Partners

Postby Nyxia » 11/20/2014 2:12 PM

@ Bacon
Right now I think I would want to Eli/Fele & Izscak/Penny to start with. Though I'm not sure where Eli/Fele would take place.

@ crow

Once more I need to reply to that, how do you manage to do that. I wouldn't mind a war rp of it, I need the points too. Plus it would be rather fun for Xarla to go from quiet skulking in sleepy towns to the chaos of a war area, she'd be like an amazed kid.

As far as Blue is concerned I can wait until you've sorted out your plot stuff for him. I don't really think we're hard pressed for time on this one.

Dante & Ellevera/ Matok

I think that could work out well, though Matok can't actually be healed by another from any illness he has taken on even if he isn't aware of that yet. He would be happy that someone cared a bit to try at the very least, and he would probably in part some wisdom he has. Plus later having a encounter with Ellevera would be funny, Matok can't see a spirit so he has always question if they have any kind of form or not. In his own very serene way he would likely be trying to sort out all of it, while trying to help them.


I think it could be interesting, she would tip Akiba's understanding even further out from normal. At the same time she would probably be fairly helpful to Zarya, with seeing the dead and all. Possibly them meeting on a case the two are working?

Bottles smashed, I raised my hand
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And why is there joy in this poison? Oh
Faking smiles and confidence
Driving miles to capture this excitement
I can't take anymore

You're never gonna get it
I'm a hazard to myself
I'll break it to you easy
This is hell, this is hell
You're looking and whispering
You think I'm someone else
This is hell, yes
I am in hell

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Re: Looking for Rp/Lifemate Partners

Postby Baconwizard » 11/20/2014 7:20 PM

Hmmm... for Eli/Fele maybe the Town of Nabias? The description says it's a nice, quiet town, which is suitable for Eli, but it's close enough to adventure and danger to attract people like Fele. Izscak and Penny... I pictured Penny having a small cottage at the edge of a wood and near a town, and it's her dream to buy a shop on the main street. So either Nabias, or Whisper Forest?

Also, once we decide on a location, I'm alright with starting the Eli/Fele rp, if you'd like to start the Izscak/Penny one. Is that fair? I actually don't have any ideas how to start the Izscak/Penny one, haha....
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Re: Looking for Rp/Lifemate Partners

Postby Nyxia » 11/22/2014 11:11 AM

@ Bacon

I'm sorry for the late reply here. Nabias works fine for me for both rp locations. I'm fine with starting Izscak/Penny. I'll edit this in a moment with the link for them, sorry for the delay.

Bottles smashed, I raised my hand
How can you all even stand?
And why is there joy in this poison? Oh
Faking smiles and confidence
Driving miles to capture this excitement
I can't take anymore

You're never gonna get it
I'm a hazard to myself
I'll break it to you easy
This is hell, this is hell
You're looking and whispering
You think I'm someone else
This is hell, yes
I am in hell

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Re: Looking for Rp/Lifemate Partners

Postby Baconwizard » 11/23/2014 6:40 PM

Here is the Eli/Fele RP!
To you I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world.
To you, I shall be unique in all the world....

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Re: Looking for Rp/Lifemate Partners

Postby Nyxia » 11/23/2014 8:51 PM

Alrighty, thank you. I've got the Izscak/Penny one set up as well, here: X

Bottles smashed, I raised my hand
How can you all even stand?
And why is there joy in this poison? Oh
Faking smiles and confidence
Driving miles to capture this excitement
I can't take anymore

You're never gonna get it
I'm a hazard to myself
I'll break it to you easy
This is hell, this is hell
You're looking and whispering
You think I'm someone else
This is hell, yes
I am in hell

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