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Jakarta Fever Myth or Not[P]

Postby Nyxia » 11/23/2014 8:50 PM

Patrols were slow going, especially as the day drew on and on. He had no idea why Farja had decided to send him out to some sleepy bedroom town, and not one of the more exciting cities. More over he hadn't even had a chance to catch Jiayi before the other man had left for some kind of patrol, which meant their chess game would still be frozen where it had been left three weeks prior. By now he'd seen nothing out of the ordinary inside the town's limits, and was following instructions to check the perimeter of town. Somehow his entire day had just crept away from him, and Izscak was suppose to stay and make a second sweep tomorrow.

He doubted that anything would change, which meant he needed to find something to entertain himself by. He had a handful of ideas for that, as the sun began to steadily sink behind him. It wasn't likely that anything would have been lurking about in the daylight anyway, which was why he started looking for a spot to settle himself down. He picked the spot on his way into the town in the pre-dawn hours, now it was a simple matter of returning and having some dried meat for supper.

It didn't take Izscak but twenty minutes to return to the light forest cover he'd spotted before, only this time he noticed that there was a cottage several feet from the large oak tree. It didn't particularly matter to him, there was the possibility it was abandoned after all. Even if someone did live there, he doubted they would bother him. As he set down the bag he'd brought along, Izscak didn't feel much like sitting down yet. He couldn't build a fire since it would attract unwanted attention, and his food didn't appeal to him either. Instead he pulled his short sword, and began to hack at one of the lower branches. One however quickly became three, and soon he was taking out a fair chunk of wood from the trunk of the tree. He might as well make a few chess pieces or something while he waited for the sun to set.

Bottles smashed, I raised my hand
How can you all even stand?
And why is there joy in this poison? Oh
Faking smiles and confidence
Driving miles to capture this excitement
I can't take anymore

You're never gonna get it
I'm a hazard to myself
I'll break it to you easy
This is hell, this is hell
You're looking and whispering
You think I'm someone else
This is hell, yes
I am in hell

We Don't Have to Dance - Andy Black
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Re: Jakarta Fever Myth or Not[P]

Postby Baconwizard » 11/23/2014 10:16 PM


As the sun dipped lower over the hills, and the shadows on the forest floor grew deeper and darker, Penny made her way through the trees, her basket filled with herbs and supplies that she had gathered. When she got home, she would have to prepare the herbs and hang them from the rafters to dry. Then she'd have to clean up the store and make sure that everything was ready for tomorrow... Running a business was much harder than Penny had first thought. Her mother had told Penny a lot of things about magic and healing, but nothing had prepared her for a real-life job. But at least now Penny was finally starting to get her momentum up. Maybe one day, she'll be able to fulfill her dream.

Looking around, Penny's small frown deepened. "It's getting dark," she murmured, to no one in particular. Brushing her wind-swept hair out of her eyes, Penny looked down at the old, crotchety broom she was riding. "C'mon, let's pick up the pace. We're almost home." The broom seemed to slow in response, as if speeding up was the last thing it wanted to do, then it slowly began to accelerate. Penny sat back, a satisfied smile on her face, and gently patted the smooth wood. "That's a good broom."

After a few minutes of fast flying, the forest began to clear, and the path that Penny had been following widened into a dirt road. At the border of the trees, Penny's little cabin sat nestled between a towering, old oak tree and a copse of aspen, Penny's namesake. Bulky basket on one arm, Penny stopped her broom in front of the door, her other hand searching for her key. "Now where did I put that darned thing," she muttered, slipping off her broom and to the ground. Putting the basket on the doorstep, and then propping her broom against the door, Penny searched her pockets for the rusty old key. With a gasp, Penny pulled it out with a triumphant cry, and held the key out in front of her "A-ha!"

Penny blinked, her vision focusing on what lay beyond her key, something not fitting right with her memory. Frowning, Penny brought the key closer to her eye, squeezing one shut and peering through the ring on the key as if it were a telescope, or an eyeglass. The kindly old hawthorn tree was missing branches. And... a whole chunk was hacked out of the trunk! Outrage bubbled up in Penny's chest, making it hard for her to breathe for a moment, and Penny drew herself up to her full height. It wasn't terribly intimidating, but Penny was too angry to care. Penny stomped across the road, hell-bent on finding the perpetrator and giving them a piece of her mind.

[Well this got unnecessarily long, oops. I promise posts won't be this long in the future x'D Penny is so fun to play with ahehehe]
To you I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world.
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Re: Jakarta Fever Myth or Not[P]

Postby Nyxia » 12/15/2014 5:57 PM

He had spent a bit of time stripping the bark away from one of the branches, and slowly it had taken on the shape of a rook under his blade. That was pleasing, considering the first one had ended up looking somewhat like a lop sided flute. That disaster lay beside him on the ground while he carefully slid the blade over the smooth wood, his mind having focused solely on that task. In reality Izscak wasn’t worried about anyone daring to attack him, not in a place this dull anyway. With nothing better to do he decided the rook was fairly perfect, and set it aside in order to begin on another part of the board. When the night had taken a firm hold of the part of the world, Izscak would go out and scout about to see if anything at all did lurk here.

Right now it was still light enough that his dark leather armor would draw as much attention as it had in the daylight. That would make his job harder, and probably things would get more dull when the demons or their masters could easily hid from him. No, he planned to sit right here a while longer. The base of the queen was beginning to partly take on its form, though he couldn’t say for sure it wouldn’t be a failure if his mind wandered. He hadn’t given the old cottage another thought, no light was coming from the old building. His eyes now and again though traveled to the road he could see through the brush cover that protected him, only to fall back to his work.

When nothing had come or gone on the road, Izscak felt secure enough to hum softly while he worked at the queen’s crown. Tomorrow he would return to agency and report to Far that there was nothing out here, and give the woman a piece of his mind about boring jobs. They could have recalled Hima, or even that lazy Lich for something like this. Izscak wasn’t sure what that woman’s game was, but he was looking forward to returning and then going home.

Bottles smashed, I raised my hand
How can you all even stand?
And why is there joy in this poison? Oh
Faking smiles and confidence
Driving miles to capture this excitement
I can't take anymore

You're never gonna get it
I'm a hazard to myself
I'll break it to you easy
This is hell, this is hell
You're looking and whispering
You think I'm someone else
This is hell, yes
I am in hell

We Don't Have to Dance - Andy Black
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Re: Jakarta Fever Myth or Not[P]

Postby Baconwizard » 12/15/2014 10:47 PM

Yep, there was definitely someone hiding behind those bushes. Brimming with righteous anger, Penny put her hands on her hips, glaring at the dark shape sitting next to the tree. Stealth usually wasn't her strong suit, but Penny found that her magic attacks were usually more successful combined with the element of surprise. Focusing her energy, Penny waved her hand, pushing the branches back so that she could charge through with a cry. "Hey, you!"

Penny stopped short, glaring at the back of the perpetrator that she had surprised. Oh. That was a sword in his hand. Penny's eyes widened, then narrowed, and she drew herself up, realizing that she might actually have to fight. And her broom was back in the cabin... Penny would just have to do this by herself. "What the heck do you think you're doing?!"
To you I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world.
To you, I shall be unique in all the world....

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Re: Jakarta Fever Myth or Not[P]

Postby Nyxia » 12/22/2014 6:56 PM

The bushes parted so suddenly that Izscak didn’t even have time to react, instead he simply sat there staring at the young woman with a blank expression. “Hello, yourself.” His voice was toneless, unsure of what exactly was going on. It took him several minutes to get up to speed mentally with what had happened, magic was still a fairly new thing to him. His expression slowly shifted from blank to a lazy kind of smile as he watched her eyes dance across his blade before moving into a fight mode, she was so much smaller than him that it was actually funny magic or no. With care he slid the blade back into its sheath strapped to his thigh, “I would believe you can see for yourself.” His answer mixed with the humor and sarcasm in his voice,  smirking up at her. Izscak made no move to get up, in fact he didn’t seem the least bit worried about her.

After a moment he began to study the queen he’d carved, a little lopsided, but still well detailed. Jiayi would have scolded him for blatantly ignoring the woman, for the pure reason that if nothing else she could need aid. This woman didn’t seem like she needed help, she seemed like she was just unhappy with his choice in camp out location. “Look, doll. If you wanted to come sit by the fire, there are a lot more pleasant ways to go about it.” He smirked quietly as he worked on the final part at the top of the crown. It was more excitement than he’d had all day, and Izscak was not about to drop something so amusing.

Bottles smashed, I raised my hand
How can you all even stand?
And why is there joy in this poison? Oh
Faking smiles and confidence
Driving miles to capture this excitement
I can't take anymore

You're never gonna get it
I'm a hazard to myself
I'll break it to you easy
This is hell, this is hell
You're looking and whispering
You think I'm someone else
This is hell, yes
I am in hell

We Don't Have to Dance - Andy Black
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Re: Jakarta Fever Myth or Not[P]

Postby Baconwizard » 12/22/2014 7:16 PM

Penny drew herself up at his words, her eyes brimming with indignation until it was practically overflowing. This man was so rude! 'Doll?!' How dare he patronize her after he vandalized her trees! An angry flush on her face, Penny took a deep breath, glaring down at Izscak. "Whatever, mister, you're standing on my property." Penny paused for breath, searching for words. It was harder to argue with someone who was ignoring her. Redoubling her efforts, Penny leaned forward slightly, her hands clutched into fists at her side. "You took those branches without permission, and--and they weren't yours to use, so you have to leave now! I'll use force, if I have to!"
To you I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world.
To you, I shall be unique in all the world....

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Re: Jakarta Fever Myth or Not[P]

Postby Nyxia » 12/22/2014 7:40 PM

That was a first for Izscak, not someone being angry with him but someone actually demanding him to leave. "Would love to, doll. You just go ahead and give Far a yell, and tell her that you don't want us protecting this town and I'll be out of here faster than you can blink." A smug smile flashing on his face, just for a moment before he finally looked back up at her. "Yeah, your property. If I leave, and some demon comes along and burns down all your trees. What then? Your probably going to go about being mad that someone wasn't here to stop it." He figured she was one of those kinds, unhappy no matter what happened. That meant nothing was going to change this, and Izscak wasn't in the business of making people happy. If that was the case, he figured he would at least be mildly amused. "The tree, eh. It'll all grow back, so cool it would you." Just for a point he pulled off a twig from one of the smaller branches, his last one to work with, and tosses to the side.

He knew the real reason he was here, not some random threat or summoned demon. He was here waiting by the side of a dirt road for one thing, the rumor that one of the Jakarta demons had been sighted in the area. It was in fact the only things that could possibly cure his friend, and no matter how much Izscak hated to be here bored as he was, he wasn't just going to walk away either.

Bottles smashed, I raised my hand
How can you all even stand?
And why is there joy in this poison? Oh
Faking smiles and confidence
Driving miles to capture this excitement
I can't take anymore

You're never gonna get it
I'm a hazard to myself
I'll break it to you easy
This is hell, this is hell
You're looking and whispering
You think I'm someone else
This is hell, yes
I am in hell

We Don't Have to Dance - Andy Black
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Re: Jakarta Fever Myth or Not[P]

Postby Baconwizard » 12/23/2014 12:36 AM

Penny was so mad, it felt like her hair was standing on end. It very well could have been; Penny could feel the rush of energy and magic rise in her veins with her elevated emotions. She took a deep breath, trying very hard not to hit the man. Violence wasn't good; her mother had told Penny over and over to never use magic for harm. That was why Penny was a healer, wasn't it?  She wanted to use magic to help people.  She'd just have to take care of this crazy guy the old fashioned way. Raising her chin, Penny scoffed at the man's words. "I can take care of a demon by myself, thank you very much! I don't need people like you trespassing on my property and destroying my things! You can go do that somewhere else, but not here!"

Penny froze at the snap, the blood roaring in her ears, and she stared with wide eyes at the twig in Izscak's hand. Her face contorted with anger, and it looked for a moment that the girl might cry. In a sudden movement, Penny lashed out, snatching the twig from the man's hand and holding it tight to her chest. She stared at Izscak, her entire body tensed, waiting to burst with the magical energy pent up inside of her. "You're a monster." Her voice trembled slightly, and her hands shook as she clutched at the twig in her hand. "It's a living thing. You monster!"
To you I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world.
To you, I shall be unique in all the world....

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