With temperatures rising over 143°C (289.40°F) in most areas, the only relief is during the nights when it is much cooler. All travelers are advised to keep to the local towns on the desert's outskirts and avoid traveling too far from civilization. (+3 Endurance, +2 Defense)

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Re: Mythe's Pregnancy (Self)

Postby Sarah » 12/24/2014 1:56 AM

Sleep was given to her quickly and without interruption until late into the night. She woke to the cold, but there was so much more going on. In the darkness shadows fluttered in and out of existence, and they were human shadows. Very suddenly she was wide awake. Her body tensed and her eyes tried to take in the whole village at once. There was no immediate threat so she did have some time to gather herself, but she doubted it’d be enough time. Slowly she rose and took in her surroundings. There weren’t many prisoners around. She assumed most of them had been holed up in the mud huts so the riders didn’t have to watch them. A few huts away there was a fire and a few low voices surrounding it and Mythe assumed it was the night watch.
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Re: Mythe's Pregnancy (Self)

Postby Sarah » 12/24/2014 1:57 AM

With what little mana she had recovered through sleep she summoned a small weapon just in case things turned bad. Though her walk in the desert she had used it to stave off as much damage as she could but now she had enough free to protect herself from another form of bodily harm. It was a small dagger that glowed a dull blue and was made of a similarly colored navy blue metal. The name of the dagger was inscribed in silver down the blade. It was a simple weapon but if it touched a person’s blood they would be marked for death. This didn’t ensure their death but made it so others were more likely to target that person. Mythe hadn’t created it since she could only summon it as if it were some sort of spirit, but it served her purposes well enough.
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Re: Mythe's Pregnancy (Self)

Postby Sarah » 12/24/2014 1:57 AM

Mythe expected that the fire might spread if there was anything it could spread to. Instead once the riders had their attention drawn into the eerie night the fire was extinguished and they were all plunged into darkness. Mythe was thankful that her magic let off a faint glow even if the glow was barely enough to light her path. With only the faint sound of sifting sound able to give her away she stalked towards where the fire once was. Mythe wasn't sure what she should feel once she arrived. the fire was clearly put out by magic considering it wasn’t sizzling with water or blood. Blood that was pooling and sinking into the sand around the dead bodies of the night watch. Silence surrounded her and she barely dared to breathe. Was the killer still around waiting for others to kill? What would happen to the riders sleeping peacefully in the huts? Dread weighed heavily on her and she struggled to regain her panicking mind. It was in her best interests after all to begin moving. Should she wait around the killer might find her a target, or the riders might come out to see where the light had gone. With her standing around frozen they wouldn’t think twice about naming her the killer.
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Re: Mythe's Pregnancy (Self)

Postby Sarah » 12/24/2014 1:57 AM

Giving herself a mental kick in the ass she sprung almost literally into action. The first thing she knew she had to do was find cover. Being as pale as she was it would be no use to try and take advantage of the darkness for cover. Instead she found herself peeking out from behind a mud hut with her eyes trained on the dead men and the empty fire. She readied her weapon and switched from holding reverse to forward in her hand. She told herself that it was to make sure she was ready for an attack but the action also helped her focus. Her main worry was that she wasn't taking in the sights and sounds of her surroundings. Mythe didn’t know how but she knew the killer was still around. All she had to do was locate them and then either kill them or stay as far away as possible.
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Re: Mythe's Pregnancy (Self)

Postby Sarah » 12/24/2014 1:58 AM

Sure enough another round of riders pulled themselves towards the fire. They were shockingly alert as they surveyed the area and checked the bodies. Mythe had expected them to look tired or afraid, they were in the dark after all. One of the men made eye contact with her and she ducked her head behind the hut. Her white hair and red eyes stood out horribly in any setting, and she expected him to call out and run after her. Instead a blood curdling scream spread from the riders to the rest of the oasis until Mythe had to cover her ears and curl on the ground in order to protect herself from not only the noise, but the anguishing emotion that rolled through the air.

“Okay time to go,” a mans voice snapped at her. A hand reached out to drag her farther away from the oasis.
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Re: Mythe's Pregnancy (Self)

Postby Sarah » 12/24/2014 1:59 AM

This was it, finally she was going to perish in the desert. She couldn’t even see who her captor was. It just looked like a very short shadow was dragging her away. It took her some time to discern her captor. Whoever it was was very short and was wearing a cloak so dark blue that it blended into the night sky and obscured any other distinguishing features. The cold grip it had on her felt unnatural as if she were being assaulted by a dead person. She looked down to see that it was almost the case, tight skin hung desperately onto bone with no muscle or fat to smoothe out the joints. Mythe almost vomited before she remembered it was a common trait among reapers.

“Zarketh?” She tasted the worlds on her tongue. They felt familiar somehow but also very foreign and… Sweet? Faintly she wondered why she had said the name but she really didn’t know what was happening now.
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Re: Mythe's Pregnancy (Self)

Postby Sarah » 12/24/2014 2:00 AM

“I won’t have my little girl die to this desert hell,” the voice snapped.

“What?” Mythe almost snarled. Her father was dead, and he wasn’t the type to come back alive. Plus Mythe wasnt into that sort of thing.

“Do you not remember at all? That healer gave you what you wanted. A child, my child, is inside you now. I won’t have my own blood die after all the work her mother went through,” he snarled back at her.
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Re: Mythe's Pregnancy (Self)

Postby Sarah » 12/24/2014 2:01 AM

Mythe was very suddenly lost and her mind was ablaze with thoughts and emotions while her body felt like it had been dunked into ice water. She forced her body limp, they had to stop, she needed an explanation.

“Good gods woman what is wrong?” he turned to look at her and he watched her flinch back as his black eyes stared out from his hooded skeleton frame. though he was small he was an intimidating sight. “Whatever, we have to leave now anyways,” He rolled his eyes, and opened a door to the silver vault.
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Re: Mythe's Pregnancy (Self)

Postby Sarah » 01/10/2015 8:10 PM

Mythe's mind struggled to refocus. She hadn't bit off more than she could chew. All she had to do now was convince herself of it. Sucking in a deep breath of air Mythe chose to quit thinking. A skill she had learned a long time ago. It wasn't something she liked to do since it left her bewildered once she 'awoke' from her thoughtlessness, but for now it would be beneficial to her. Set on retaking control of the situation Mythe followed the man through the vault door. This new world was shining silver and Mythe was blinded for a time as the man led her to some unknown place.
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Re: Mythe's Pregnancy (Self)

Postby Sarah » 01/10/2015 8:13 PM

"We are headed to my home," Zarketh informed her. They were walking between what looked like too tall apartment buildings. "you will stay there until you are ready to deliver my baby," he told her forcefully. "It has taken too much for me to return here. You will do as I say," He added vaguely just before Mythe could complain. "Any resistance and I will kill you," He growled trying to ensure her submission.
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Re: Mythe's Pregnancy (Self)

Postby Sarah » 01/10/2015 8:23 PM

Mythe nodded along with what the man told her. He was truly a man now, or at least he looked like one. The oddest thing at the moment was that the road was completely empty. The whole city looked well kept but uninhabited. Mythe wasn't thinking enough to question it, but it did strike her as odd. They must have arrived to where the man lived because when Mythe became aware again she was walking into a very normal looking apartment.

"Earth colors so that your eyes don't ruin," Zarketh explained. He flicked a light on before turning back to the door. "Someone will get you when it is time," he promised before leaving.

Mythe heard the door click shut and it triggered her thoughts back. Where was she? There was a door in front of her. She tried to open it but it seemed to be locked from the outside. She pounded on it but the door was made of metal even though it looked to be wood.
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Re: Mythe's Pregnancy (Self)

Postby Sarah » 01/10/2015 8:41 PM

Sliding down the door to sit Mythe took in her surroundings. The room was simple enough. A kitchen nook was directly to her right and in front of her was a couch facing a television. There were two other doors besides the metal one. The first was directly to her left. The other was on the left wall too but farther down the wall. Mythe could see no windows in what she assumed was the living room that was in front of her. On shaky legs she stood and turned to the door on her left. With ease it opened to a bathroom. The light clicked on as soon as she entered. Mythe was relieved that this one had been the bathroom because as soon as she lurched to her feet she was gagging and once she reached the toilet she was vomiting. Her head was swimming and she could feel her pulse pounding away through her veins.
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