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• Pet Adoption and Ownership

Postby Kyrit » 01/05/2015 4:52 AM

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• Adoption FAQ

Postby Kyrit » 01/05/2015 4:53 AM

How do I get pets?
       To get a pet, click one of the links under "Adopt!" in the menu at the top of the forums. This will take you to the main site, where all the pet species and colors are listed. Browse around the various types, and when you see one you like, look at the "Roleplayer's Code" below it. The "code" for a pet is how you post it in the forums - paste that code into a post and it will show the pet. So select that code and copy it, then come back to the forums. You can keep all the pets you want in your Zoo Pen, which you can create simply by creating a New Topic.

How many pets can I own?
       You may own three (3) of each specific, unique type. Beyond that, there is no limit. That is, you may own three Concept Penticorns, and three Common Penticorns. You can also own three Concept Draculi, and three Common Draculi. You can own three copies of each coloration under each species.

What are retired pets?
       Retired pets are pets that are no longer available for adoption from the main site, or that are no longer available on the forums for free. You can buy them from other members who either adopted one while they were still available or bought one from someone else — look in the Advertise or Auction House sections to see what people are selling.

What do I do if I buy a retired pet?
       If you buy or trade a pet from another member, at least one person must post in the proper topic to inform that it has changed hands. This is so records can be updated so that pets stay listed with their proper owners. The complete set of rules for trading pets, which must be followed, can be found further down in this topic, here.

How do I know what retired pets I own?
All ownership lists are now viewable to the public, to ensure that users do not trade pets that they do not have. If you're not on the list as owning a pet, posting it in your Zoo Pen and claiming that you own the pet is illegal. Because of this, it is very important that you check the lists from time to time and make sure that you are correctly listed for everything you own. The mods are only human and may make errors in recording. It's also highly possible that if you got the pet from a trade neither person bothered to inform about it. The official ownership lists can be found here.

What about adopting pets that are soon-to-retire?
       There is a subforum in the ownership section which lists all pets that will retire soon. If you adopt one of the pets on those lists, you must post there what you have adopted. If you don't make record of your adoption there, you will not be recorded as owning those pets and will lose the right to own them when they actually do retire. This only applies to the pets on those lists — most pets will never retire, and there is no ownership list for those.
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• Pet Behavior, Stats, and Traits

Postby Kyrit » 01/05/2015 4:54 AM

Can my pets talk?
       This is all up to you! Many people here give their pets intelligence on the same level as humans, allowing for complex emotions and an excellent use of language. Others make their pets talk only via body language, like regular animals, or they can only talk via telepathy.

Can my pet have a human form?
       Yes, it can. Lots of people give their pets either human, anthropomorphic or both forms, as they might find this easier to roleplay.

How can I tell what level my pet is?
       Your pet will gain one (1) level every time it is involved in five (5) RP posts. Every pet starts at level 1, with 0 posts. If you'd like, there is a handy chart here that details how many posts correspond to what level.

Special Abilities
       While Traits can definitely describe a variety of abilities for your pets, they are not mandatory for RPing. Your pets can have any abilities you can think of: they can have the ability to fly, the power of telekinesis, or even be a God, or be immortal. Just be careful that this does not make your character prone to god-modding or power-playing.

Do pets die?
       No, not unless you want them to. The only exception to this is during a war plot, where a pet can die during battle, but don't worry: every pet will be revived after the plot is over. Unless your story asks for your pet to die, Evelon will not have your pets die.

Do breeding posts count towards leveling up?
       Yes, they do. If you miss adding your breeding posts to your pet's post count before it is moved, the breeding room graveyard is now visible for you to backtrack.

What about roleplay posts in areas like the marketplace and updates when required?
       These posts do count as well. Any time you roleplay your pet, it counts toward your post count. It is up to you to keep track of these though, since some things like the old Seasonal Specialties threads will be moved to a hidden graveyard after some time.

Do I have to count all my posts toward my pet's level?
       Nope! If you decide not to use a post, go ahead. After all, you might have changed the pet's character and want to start new with it. Maybe you even decided to stop keeping track of your level.

I can't see a recently evolved pet!
       Just refresh the page and the new evolved form should show up. You see, computers store those pictures in a temporary folder when you first view them so it doesn't have to re-load the image every single time it comes up. When the image changes, your computer still uses the old file it has stored until you tell it to re-load the image by refreshing the page. Sometimes the issue may also be with photobucket. It often times takes a while to register the change in image.
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• Trading Pets

Postby Kyrit » 01/05/2015 4:57 AM

What is a trade note?
       A trade note, or rather trade notification, is simply you letting the correct person know about a trade after it has taken place, preferably right after the trade happens. Do your best to notify the staff of your trades as soon as possible: waiting can cause errors and problems in the records over the long term.

Where do I send a trade note to?
       Instead of sending trade notes via PMs, we now leave the records open publicly. If you trade a pet, simply find the list that it is recorded in and post about the trade there. For trades involving multiple pets, you might have to post in multiple topics. It might mean you have to take more time to post them, but this helps not to overload the server with huge topics, and it helps trades and pets be more organized.

What must I include in a trade note?
       Most trade notes simply need you to post the species you have traded and who the pet has gone to. In some situations, such as customs and breedables, you may have to post more. For Customs, Lucain, and Paragons you must post the image of the pet since the ownership lists are handled using their images. For generation Kuhnas, you must list both the species of the Kuhna and its parents. Alternatively, you may also post the litter number of your Generation Kuhna instead of its parents.

How should I structure a trade note?
       There is no set structure for a trade note. Just keep in mind what the user taking care of the list needs to record the trade and go from there. If they don't need a picture, don't post it. If they need the names of the parents, remember to list them.

No trading unlimited pets
       What is an "unlimited pet"? Any pet you can find and adopt on the main site is considered "unlimited." If the pet is a custom pet, a custom color, or any retired pet, it is considered limited and you are allowed to trade it. However, if the pet is still publicly available, such as the Arkuhna, or a free coloration, such as a Common Tali, then the pet cannot be traded.

When you trade a pet, it's gone.
       For example, you have three Berry Kuhnas, and you want to trade one away. Once you trade it away, you are now left with two (2) Berry Kuhnas. If you trade one away and you claim that you still have three, that is illegal. If you have one Berry Kuhna, and you trade it away, you will have none. If you want another one, you must trade for it.

Retired pets can break the "three each" rule
       Free colorations are limited to three (3) copies only, per species. For example, you cannot have more than three Common Talis. You can have other species with the same Common coloration, but you cannot have more than three (3) copies. However, since retired pets must be bought, they are excluded from this rule. You are free to have more than three Berry Kuhnas if you wish to have more! If the pet is retired or exclusive, you are free to have more than three copies.

Trade limits
       A pet may be traded an unlimited amount of times.

No personal, monetary profit!
       Real money ($RL) is a big part of Evelon: you can buy customs, items, and pets from others with it. However, you must understand that you cannot sell pets in order to obtain monetary profit for yourself. You cannot sell retired pets for a few dollars and keep this money for yourself. This is something the staff will absolutely not tolerate.

       However, there are a few exceptions to this rule. Any pet that YOU originally bought for $RL can be sold back for personal monetary profit. If you bought a custom and you are not satisfied with it, another user can buy the pet from you for $RL — this Evelon's version of a "refund", should you be unsatisfied with your purchase. This rule follows the original buyer only. For example, if you bought a custom from User A, you cannot sell this custom for personal profit, since you did not buy the custom with $RL directly from Baal. This right is only reserved for User A, who used their own $RL to pay Baal for a custom.

       However, you are allowed to sell pets for $RL that will be used on other Evelon features. This could be to buy another custom or random, or in order to buy items, such as Breeding Keys or a Fortuna Strain. Such trades typically translate to Evelon's second currency: Goddess Tears (GT). You may trade your pets for GT if you are uninterested in KS or other pets. GT is Evelon's equivalent to $RL, where 1 GT = $1. Guidelines for purchasing GT can be found here. Since this money will be used on Evelon purchases, you are not profiting personally, which is why this is allowed.

Trading Pets With High Stats
       Pets stats transfer with the pet. When you notify a mod of the trade, please be sure to let them know the pet's stats to ensure that the receiver does not unfairly boost them.

When trading a pet, can I put restrictions on that pet being traded or how often it can breed?
       There's a yes and a no to this question. There are things you can and cannot restrict upon trading a pet to another user. Since this topic became a topic of a lot of fuss back in the day, it has been given its own section here
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• Trading Pets with Restrictions - Contracts

Postby Kyrit » 02/16/2015 6:25 PM

Many times when trading a pet, especially a breedable, the seller will stipulate some restrictions that the buyer has to agree to if they want to buy the pet. This also applies to pets fresh from the splitting of litters. When you buy a pet with restrictions on it, those restrictions are a contract agreed upon at the time of sale. Once you get the pet, you are bound by the terms of the contract: they were a price you had to pay.

What can and cannot be restricted?
       For the most part, we leave the users alone in this area. However, there are some things you cannot ask a buyer, or a receiver of offspring from a litter, to agree to. You cannot ask for a user to give the pet back to you if they wish to trade it, nor can you ask your breeding partner to give you a baby if they don't want it anymore. You also cannot ask for someone to sell a pet only to you, and to no one else, or for the user to sell a pet for a much lower price than its market value. Once you trade or sell a pet, it is no longer yours. You cannot trade a pet or separate a bred litter and then request for these pets to be given to you for free if the other party wishes to sell them or get rid of them. However, you are allowed to ask the new owner to notify you if they want to trade the pet. If you wish to have a chance at offering and being competitive, you are definitely allowed to ask for the owner to notify you. You are not asking for a cheaper price or for the pet to be given back to you, which is why we are allowing this.

       However, keep in mind this kind of trading restriction does not follow the pet from one trade to another. For example, User A asks User B to let them know if they want to trade their pet later. At some point, User B does decide to trade the pet, and they let User A know, as agreed. Down the line, User A cannot get the pet back, and User C obtained it instead. Because the contract between User A and User B was respected, User C is not obligated to contact User A if they wish to trade the pet. Unlike breeding restrictions, this kind of contract does not travel between trades.

       If you are determined to keep control over your pet, it may be best to keep it with you, and to not trade it. You are free to warn potential buyers that you want the pet to come back to you should they wish to trade it, but you need to understand that people may avoid your pets because of this. You are always allowed to discuss and work out a deal with others in PMs, when all else fails.

       Finally, understand that you cannot tell the new owner that they cannot trade the pet to certain people. We understand that everyone on the forums won't like everyone else, but this is no reason to flat-out exclude certain people from obtaining certain pets. Once you trade a pet, it is no longer yours. This means that it might be traded to people you don't necessarily like. You have no control over this, except for trying to get your pet back from the seller. Otherwise, you cannot PM the seller and tell them they cannot trade to User A.

How do restrictions follow pets?
       You are obligated to follow the restrictions you bought with the pet, and you are obligated to alert any future buyers of those terms. The contract follows the pet: if you were to sell that pet, whoever buys it must also honor those restrictions. You cannot sell it with no restrictions or looser ones if you bought it with restrictions. You can add restrictions, but you can't sell it with a contract that doesn't fulfill the conditions of the original contract. For example, you buy the pet and agree to breed it only twice. You then want to sell it, but you want whoever buys it to only breed it three times. You can't do this! You can make the buyer agree to only one breeding, however, since this is still within the two-breeding limit.

       You may not try to further restrict a pet's breeding or anything else after it no longer belongs to you. While you may change your restrictions as you wish, such as making your breedable's babies only be able to breed once instead of twice, you cannot force old babies no longer in your possession to follow these restrictions. You are definitely free to PM the owners and ask if they would mind following the new restrictions, but they have every right to decline. You are also free to abolish your restrictions and to let the owners know that they can now breed their pet as many times as they want! While you have a certain level of control, keep in mind that it is fairly limited.

Arithmetic: Breeding Restrictions
       Breeders must keep in mind that restrictions follow the pet, regardless of trades. You cannot "reset" a pet's restrictions by trading it around with others. For example, you bought a breedable that can only breed twice. You decide to breed it once: however, a few months down the line, you decide to trade the pet. Since you've already bred the pet once, whoever buys the pet can only breed it once more. This new owner breeding the pet twice would bring it over its original restrictions of two breedings only. Always let others know how many breedings a pet has left when trading!
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