Almost large enough to be considered a theme park while remaining free to the public, Terrace Park is rumored to have been the site of the Grand Hollowheart's defeat, leading to the Hollowhearts first accepting a pact with humans. (+2 Fame, +2 Endurance)

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Planet Earth Turns Slowly [P/Crow]

Postby Azura Rayume » 03/18/2015 2:08 PM


The stars were always more comforting than inside for him. Jupiter strung up his hammock between two trees as far from the main part of the park as possible, humming along with the song in his headphones. Practiced fingers tied the knots he needed and pulled the support cord taunt, and he barely managed to contain the urge to dance. He pushed on the hammock for a second, and, satisfied it wasn't about to fall down on him, pulled a small pillow and blanket from the shiny silver backpack on the ground beside him and threw them into his bed.

Pleased that he had a place to sleep for the night, he reached for the bag again and fished out a flashlight. Tonight was one of the first nights of spring with all the fireflies out, and it was a full moon, too. He knew that, if he went far enough into the woods, he'd find a meadow full of them and dark enough to maybe see an arm of the galaxy across the sky. His parents would be furious if they found out that, not only was he sleeping outdoors, but he was wandering around alone at night. Whatever, he was seventeen, almost legally an adult. He could make his own decisions.

He hung the pack on a tree branch and pulled the zipper up on his star-covered hoodie, then flicked on the light and headed off into the woods along a path he knew so well. With the sounds of the park dying down and the lights beginning to switch off, he wanted to hurry before the show really got started.

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Re: Planet Earth Turns Slowly [P/Crow]

Postby crow » 03/19/2015 1:51 AM


A voice broke through the quiet.

"Look out belooooow!" Whump. Rustle rustle. Snnnnap! Whump!

A shadow fell from the branches of a nearby tree, landing with a crash in the underbrush. There was a faint, muffled groan from where the shadow had landed. Something rose gradually, appearing at first like the wobbly silhouette of a blob, before it straightened up and revealed itself to be a human. A young man, in fact, with twigs sticking out of his hair, and goodness knows what other assorted debris.

"Ahhh, that really hurt..." He was rubbing a spot on his rump, which had borne most of his weight in that final slam into the ground, though his shoulder was giving his hindquarters a good run for their money in terms of pain. He'd taken two whole branches on that arm. Still, looking himself over, he was relieved to see that it was only scratches and bruises--- even if some of the scratches and bruises looked rather dire. Nothing was broken, as far as he could tell, though he probably wouldn't be able to keep wearing this shirt for much longer.

He didn't catch sight of the passer-by until the last minute, when he was just about to step onto the trail himself. "Oh," he said, and froze. Looks like there was someone to warn about his unplanned descent after all. His eyes darted down to his ragged clothes and the leaves clinging to him. "Oh," he said again. "Um. Hello. You wouldn't happen to have a band-aid, would you?"
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Re: Planet Earth Turns Slowly [P/Crow]

Postby Azura Rayume » 03/19/2015 12:15 PM

Jupiter trotted down the trail, trying his best not to run in case anyone saw him. Everyone already thought he was a giddy idiot; he didn't need to confirm that for them. The song in his ears shifted, a little louder than the previous one. He matched his steps to the beat and smiled, half-dancing his way along until a loud crash jolted him back to reality.

His music had drowned out the warning cry, but he caught the snapping of at least one tree branch and the heavy thump on the ground. He jumped and swung around to catch whatever it was in the beam of his flashlight. It was a... guy? He had been expecting a very confused animal or something, not a person. And was he bleeding?

The teen stared at him a moment longer, dropping an earbud once he realized the stranger was speaking, before nodding. "Back at my hammock," he said, not quite sure where this guy had actually come from. "Are you, um, okay to walk, or do you actually need real help?" He didn't want to run off for a butterfly bandage and find out this guy had a broken leg or something.

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Re: Planet Earth Turns Slowly [P/Crow]

Postby crow » 04/19/2015 2:07 AM

"Oh, yes, I'm---" Elirian paused as if the question hadn't really occurred to him. Because it hadn't. He took a few careful steps, which conveniently took him out of the foliage and back onto the path proper, then beamed again. "Yes, I'm fine, I think. Nothing broken. Ahaha!" He was covered in leaves and twigs, not to mention all manner of cuts and bruises, but other than that he did appear to be just fine. "This kind of thing happens a lot, actually. I think I've gotten better at falling," he said, scratching his head. He came away with a handful of pine needles.
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Re: Planet Earth Turns Slowly [P/Crow]

Postby Azura Rayume » 10/06/2015 9:53 PM

Jupiter suppressed a giggle, one had fiddling in his pocket to pause the music. At least the guy was alright; he would have been in quite a pickle if more serious medical attention was needed. "Alright, you just wait here, I guess? I can be back in just a minute, just... don't go anywhere." He made a motion for the guy to stay, like he was a dog or something, before he ran off back down the path of his hammock.

"Okay, band-aids," he muttered, snatching up the bag the moment he reached the little campsite. He rummaged through the contents for the little first aid kit he always kept in here."Band-aids, band-aids... Oh, I should take that ointment, too, and... never mind, I'll take the whole thing just in case." He slung the backpack over his shoulder and made his way back to the stranger, his breathing a little ragged from all the running. He didn't usually run, but this was an emergency, and he hoped the guy hadn't run off on him.

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Re: Planet Earth Turns Slowly [P/Crow]

Postby crow » 02/10/2016 2:24 AM

"No, I don't--- I don't believe I can," he said. Rather than seeming disheartened by this, however, the young man appeared bemused, still smiling slightly, almost as if he had received a gift of some sort that he didn't know what to do with. It was a funny reaction to what should have been quite serious pain.

But he had spoken the words too late. The stranger had already run off, leaving him to his own devices for the moment. He figured he ought to remove himself from the underbrush, at least. He attempted to walk as he normally did, but a sudden sharp pain shot through his left leg as soon as he put his weight on it, and he fell forward with a cry of pain. "Nngh... I guess I'm going to need a lot of band-aids," he said. The extra fall hadn't done him any favors either. The twigs and rocks cut new scrapes into his hands, and he watched the blood collect around the cuts with a quiet fascination.
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