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Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 07/13/2008 1:44 AM

Benji trembled a bit, as the Rabbot hopped away toward Metha, and the teapot squirmed out of his arms - to be replaced by the small sprite. He held out his hands, and the molten one landed in his hands, looking up at him with hope, and a little chagrin. He heard a voice in his head - and something that it said tickled him pink, as he started giggling a little.

"I love you too, Singe!" he said quietly, as the sprite moved to hug his arm.

Benji was overflowing with happiness, and - had he been in Kuhna form - would have been wagging his tail furiously. The boy nodded to something the sprite said, and cuddled him as close as he dared, looking up to Metha.

"Thank you! Thank you ma'am. I promise I'll take really, really, really good care of him! And...." he paused, head tilted, listening. "... he says he'll take really good care of ME, too."

With that, he pat the bunny on the head, and bent to give him a kiss between the ears, before he strolled out of the shop, calling over his shoulder.

"I'll get the other soldier to come by soon! Ummm.... I think tomorrow. I have to go get some sleep now, cause Singe says if I don't, he's gonna drag me to bed himself. I'm sorry, Ms. Metha! Can I come hang out again soon? Just to say hi?"

[OOC: Rabbot sending soon, Baskerville sending soon]
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Postby GrayGriffin » 07/13/2008 2:38 AM

A. Joe cursed. Stupid Quicksylph! They would have made it a strong warrior. Sighing, he quickly hurried out the door, whistling to the two creatures. Gazing longingly at Metha, they slowly followed after.

"Boy," hissed the Lunafly, flittering close to Benji. "You want these beasts? I'll give 'em to you for that pretty little thing."

[I don't want to take the sylph from you, but that's what A's like. *shrugs* Just staying true to his personality.]
Crossing my heart
Open wide
You're my crystal and clover
All of me
Is dedicated to hold you

Swear to God
Double knot
What would you do if I stole you tonight? (Ahh ahh)
Why waste time? (Ahh ahh)

'Cause the world goes on without us
It doesn't matter what we do
All silhouettes with no regrets
When I'm melting into you
'Cause I belong in your arms
I belong in your arms

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Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 07/13/2008 5:09 AM

Confronted in such a manner, the little boy started to cry, and ran back to the closest adult that was there, Metha. He sobbed into her, and shook, afraid of the angry Lunafly - which Singe was glaring at menacingly, standing on Benji's shoulder and looking back. Benji couldn't stop crying. He'd never, ever been spoken to like that before, and he was very, very afraid. He clung to Metha as tightly as he could, and managed a weak point back at the Lunafly before bursting into tears again, sniffling.

"H..h...he wa..wants to t..t..take S...Singe f..f...from me!" he sobbed, clinging as tightly as he dared. "I'm... s..s...sc...scared!"
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Postby ToxicShadow » 07/13/2008 5:47 AM

It just so happened that Metha had followed Benji to the door, which had kindly let him pass through without biting at him. It was behaving, now that the boy had been accepted by Metha and one of the lost beings harbored here. It brought a genuine smile to her face, seeing the two of them together. They would be getting along perfectly. It was all that she could ask for. All she ever wanted was to help those without a place, find it. It looked like another job well done.

That was until the Lunafly came into the picture and frightened the boy. Automatically, her nurturing instincts kicked in when he clung to her. As well as the cat, it had reacted, jumping from her shoulder as she lowered herself down to more of Benji's level. "Hush, hush." She cooed softly. It seemed she was very sane now. She ruffled Benji's hair gently, trying to comfort him. "Don't worry. He won't be going anywhere, accept with you." The slyph had made his own choice. She'd enforce it, if need be. "Nor will he," meaning the Lunafly, obviously, "be able to hurt you."
The cat's fur stood up on end, teeth barred in a hiss toward the one daring to possibly break the finely set rules. Should Metha be upset, so should it.  

All at the same time, she had been offering a piercing glare in the direction of A. Joe. Her ears pulled back against her head, and allowed a short protective growl in warning to him. "Leave now, or I will have you forcibly expelled. We do not allow such behavior here. And you are no longer permitted within the premises of my establishment." And she wouldn't be one to be tested, less he should have the entire property against him. Wouldn't want that, now would we?

[Mind to all, that I don't want this thread too cluttered.]

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Postby Polaris » 07/14/2008 10:50 PM

Polaris sighed, the scorchslyph seemed to have choosen someone else. Her little inkslyph fluttered back to Polaris's shoulder, entwining its small hands in her hair which left small dark streaks. The girl comforted the slyph by stroking its black hair, "Don't worry darling, I'm sure you'll make some friends..."

Polaris gave a congratulatory smile to the boy who was currently holding the scorchslyph, Benji was it? He looked like he'd take good care of the slyph, anyway. Wisking her way through the door, and pulling her wings tight to her back so the door wouldn't eat any stray feathers, the girl and her slyph disappered into the sky in a flurry of feathers.

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Postby ToxicShadow » 09/28/2008 9:39 PM

For once in her unusual lifetime, Metha's expression was grim and unchanging as she walked the corridors of her palace home. A small brown sack was clutched in one hand, it wiggling just a bit, not actually noticeable because of the slight swing of it as she stepped. She came to set of double doors, having been guided there by a path of temporary stick-on floor arrows. This room had yet to be used in her career and was deeper in the palace then usual, so she marked it out for any potential guests. The human form Lucain pushed the doors open with her free hand, leaving them open as if to welcome people inside.

In the lowered center of the large room she just entered, was a giant raised tank, filled nearly to the brim with pure, clear water. Several sea plants and a few underwater rock formations were set into it. The water bubbled, too, from a set of special filters running all along the edges on the bottom of the tank. It was taller then she, by twice. And she walked down a set of steps to get to the lower central area it rested in, then up a ladder leaned against it. While it seemed nothing was there, she shook the contents of the bag into the tank. It was impossible for anyone not standing where she was to see what all the small pieces of food were that fell into the water. But, in a flash, a vibrantly colored Hydrolisk almost savagely consumed it's snack as it breached the water's surface.

Metha actually sighed. "Today. Today strangers are welcome to meet you. Be on your best behavior."

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Postby MillietheWarrior » 09/29/2008 8:55 PM

This place wasn't so bad. Why, she could even grow to like it. The spiraling rooftops, the oddest assortment of colors. It seemed like a nice place, for anyone. Why would Millie say this place was creepy? It certainly didn't look like it. That Millie was off her rocker, yes she was.  And all the air space. Rhythm wondered if any pets came here just for the sake of being here. The atmosphere had a strange feeling about it, but the birds were chirping, the sun was shining, and it was, all in all, a very pleasant day and place. She couldn't be happier to be here. She had gotten wind of a Lucain who seemed to be in the business of adopting out odd and different pets. Being so odd and strange herself, Rhythm found this little tidbit to be absolutely fascinating. She just had to come see for herself. She was fairly interested in seeing what this 'Motley Metha' was all about.

Millie had ranted and raved about a 'crazy woman who likes cat tea!' for an hour after she had returned from her first and second trip, but Rhythm wasn't inclined to believe her. Millie had a tendency to exaggerate. She had not, however, exaggerated the house. Rhythm was awestruck as she stared at it, seemingly transfixed for quite some time. She almost forgot why she was there. Almost. With a start, she shook herself, and plodded up to the building. She was too large to fit through the doorway, a fact she despaired at, for she would quite have liked to see the inside of this beautiful place. With a sigh, she peered through one of the large windows, white eyes observing what she could see of the place. It was, simply put, an odd decorating choice. She found it to be appealing, though perhaps not to anyone else's eyes. Rhythm had a very odd sense of style, so she wasn't bothered in the least by all the strangeness around this place.

Her eyes roved over everything until it came to rest on a woman sauntering through the palace. She went through a very large door, carrying something in a brown sack. Rhythm despaired at being unable to see this, until she decided to forsake her Paragon form and opt for a slightly human one. Albeit, she'd still have wings and a tail, but at least she could fit. In a flash of shimmering purple light, she was part human, and dashed to the doors, intent on seeing what was going on. She pulled open one of the large doors and stepped inside, hurrying over to the woman. "Miss,"she called out, but the woman disappeared. Rhythm was torn. Should she enter? It was quite rude to enter one's home without permission. But then, she was already inside, and this was an adoption palace, right?

Biting her lip, she followed after the woman, hurrying to catch up.  She ended up walking down some steps, and stopping in front of a large tank. She watched as the woman traveled up a ladder, shook something into the water, and a strange creature flashed up to catch it. She stared at the tank, her eyes brightening . "What a beautiful creature!" she exclaimed, before she could stop herself. Then she smacked a hand over her mouth and smiled sheepishly at Metha. "Er, forgive me, Miss. I did not mean to trespass. I saw this place from down the road, and came inside. I wanted to speak to you, but you disappeared before I could. Sorry for the intrusion..."She smiled slightly, a bit nervously.

"My name is Rhythm. I've heard about your palace and it's wonderful pets. I was...wondering. Is that little Hydrolisk for adoption? It's very pretty. I've never seen one like that."She stepped closer to the tank. "I can offer some KS, and, well, an everlasting home and care. It could be my companion. I would quite like to take it with me on adventures, if it decides it would like to go. I don't like to force anyone to do what they do not want to. We have a very large aquatic center back at my home. I cannot recall ever seeing another Hydrolisk there. But if it needs companions, Mille would be happy to find it some friends, as would I." Her eyes twinkled and she looked up at Metha, smiling brightly. "I'm sorry. Here I am prattling on like a nitwit. Are you Miss Metha? It's a pleasure to meet you. I've heard a lot about you on my travels."

200-250 KS
Love and a good home

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Postby Kyrit » 10/05/2008 12:53 AM

Why him? Why did he have to be the one to go check out and see if what they had been told was real? He played around with fire day in and day out, so why send him to go find some water beast? Irvkel let out a sigh and juggled the little bags of keystones that he had brought with him as he walked up to the building. "Mythical beasties... Like a merperson I would suppose they meant." his words drew out as he followed the arrows, hoping that it was where he was supposed to go see this creature.

So, why would the ring master be interested in a merperson? Oh... Yeah. Beasts like that tended to draw in a crowd since so many thought they weren't real. Surely hundreds of people would pour in daily to get to see a beautiful mermaid.

It appears as though some lady had walked in moments before him, seeing as how he came in just in time to see the assault on what seemed to be just water. Putting on a show for them? Maybe this one had come from a circus already.

"Good evening ladies. It appears as though I'm not the only one that has come to offer on the sea's little witch." he started out, walking over to the other two. "Odd that so few have come here. He or she is quite the amazing little beast. Don't know if things would go well with how shy it seems to be, but I'm sure the ring master could fix that with time. Anyways," back to juggling the four little bags be went, talking all the while. "These four bags each have 50 Keystones in them. These are part of the offer. You may take all, one, none, of any other amount of them as you see fit, so long as it comes from just these two bags. The rest of the offer you ask?" Throwing each of the bags in to the air, he caught them in one hand and put the other behind him.

Moments later when he moved his hand back around to where it was held out infront of him, sitting in his palm was a little Whispwing. "We found this little one floating around the tent a few nights ago, and seeing as how we have a member that is deathly afraid of them, we can't keep him. Maybe you'd know what to do with him."

Surely the ring master would be proud of him, putting on such a show.

50-200KS (Increments of 50 according to Irvkel)
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Postby ToxicShadow » 10/14/2008 7:40 PM

"Indeed, indeed~ I am Metha." Spoke the humanized Lucain, eyes shifting from Rhythm to Irvkel and back. She lowered herself into an over dramatic bow, then up again, smiling. Two prospective peoples, hum? That worked out fine with her, made things less complicated. Without a doubt, she listened fully to what each one had to say, whenever it was that they spoke. "Oh yes, an no need to apologize for coming in, my dear," she directed at the Paragon gone human, "for all are welcome in these doors, less they should cause problems to my other guests or this house."

As tempting as it was to decide herself, on her own opinions out of what was said and what was done, she mentally scolded herself. It was probably a better idea to let Savalith decide, despite her worries of hearing Irvkel's mentions of a ring master. She'd heard plenty of rumors of random people abusing creatures, and certainly didn't want that to happen to any of her... clients. Yes! Clients...that word worked well enough to explain what they were... Oh! Then again, both of these people seemed nice enough.

She'd turned on her heels, and began to tap on the glass of the huge tank. "You see that? They're here as prospective new homes for you!"
For the time being, the Hydrolisk did not present itself. Rather some few words were spoken, like gurgles from beneath the water. "Time...More...time..."

[[On that note, anyone else is welcome to offer or edit offers up until Friday, 5 pm Pacific. A new owner will be selected shortly after.]]

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Postby ToxicShadow » 10/17/2008 4:19 PM

Tapping her foot almost impatiently, Metha began to look around- looking for a clock. Too bad she had forgotten to place one in this room. When she did realize it, she frowned inwardly. It had been enough time, hadn't it? No way she could stand sitting around any longer.
"Seems like we've all waited enough, don't you agree?" She didn't wait for anyone's answer before tapping lightly on the glass tank once more. "Time we have waited, that time is now up. Make a choice, make a choice~"
She stepped back as the Hydrolisk moved from it's underwater hiding place, shot up, and burst out of the surface. It jumped all the way from the top of the tank, down to the floor where they were standing, bringing a wave of water with it. [This upsetting Metha just a little. Now she'd have to clean up the mess after the guests took their leave.] It's eyes were narrowed in a scrutinizing way, shifting between Rhythm and Irvkel. Finally, without a word of it's own, the beast decided. The only way to tell anything was that it came to stand beside the other human formed Lucain. Perhaps that had a little to do with it- it'd gotten along with Metha, a Lucain. Perhaps it'd get along with Irvkel too, even if it would be past to another once it went home with him.

There was a tilt of Metha's head, before she nodded. "Looks like it has chosen you, Irvkel. My apologies Rhythm, but I can not change it's mind. Thank you for visiting, and better luck next time." She smiled, in an encouraging way. "As for the payment...150 ks and that Whispwing? Alright with you, Sir?"

[Draiz, just send the according payment over, and I'll send the fella your way.]

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Re: .+ Metha's Motley Palace

Postby ToxicShadow » 09/07/2010 11:26 PM

Metha strolled into her living room, balancing two vibrantly colored cups of tea stacked upon her head. Much to one's surprise, even with her unusually long steps, the tea cups did not waver and tumble to the ground. She stood before her sofa, removing both cups from her head and smiling, quite pleased with herself. Her lessons in balancing had paid off!

She proceeded to lower a black and purple tea cup and it's saucer to the plushly carpeted floor, before plopping down into the sofa, throwing one leg over the other instantly. She lifted a blue and green cup to her lips, taking a long drink.

"Another day, another chance at a beginning," she mused.

Then there was a clicking sound that came from her, no doubt that it was emitted from her with the use of her tongue against the roof of her mouth. Moments later, a small Sulkuhna wandered into the room. It moved slowly at first, but dashed forward at the sight of the tea cup sitting on the floor. She nearly dove her face into it, tails flicking violently with happiness. Metha could only chuckle her bemused chuckle. Quite a cute little Kuhna, this one was.

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Re: .+ Metha's Motley Palace

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 05/14/2012 8:44 PM


Teira ran into the shop, cloak flapping in the wind. It was almost noon, and she wanted to place her offer before she switched... Her mage self would never have the guts to attend something like this. Quickly, she walked up to the person who seemed to be running this operation, and spoke her interest about the Sulkuhna she had passed on the way in.

"Hi, I'm Teira. Listen, I don't mean to be rude, I'm going to switch selves at noon, and I just want to get my interest in now, before I do. My other self will tell you all the details, but I want to offer 1 bleached leebra,1 sky ferrikoon,1 perevi drakel, and 45 KS for the female sukuhna."

Just then, the clock in the room struck twelve, and Teira shuddered. Her eyes seemed to switch colours... the left one, previously dark blue, was now white, and the right one had gone from white to blue. Her stance, previously so upright and confident, was now slightly hunched, and... shy? Was that the word?

She shook herself, and spoke (in a much softer voice than she had previously): "Forgive me, I was in two minds as to whether or not I should come here before I changed... I guess I didn't want me to back out after I changed back. I wish to put that offer in for the sulkuhna, as I saw her in my crystal ball. I have seen that she will someday be a great healer in her own right, as long as she receives the training, and I wish to offer my services. I am not the wealthiest, but I can offer a loving home, regular company and a thorough tutoring in the arts of divination, healing and clairvoyance.

Teira sat back, and glanced down at her armour, a reminder of the fact that she wasn't the only one who would be teaching the sulkuhna. "She will also receive a thorough tuition in fighting arts, survival and other less magically-inclined subjects from the other me. In all, she will have quite an education... We also have several members of her genus amongst our ranks, so there would be the possibility of her finding herself a family (albeit an adoptive one) who can attend to all of her needs adequately."

She looked at the shop owner, and bit her lip. Would it be enough? Would the shopkeeper understand what she couldn't say, that she also wanted to help the kuhna through her suffering, as she had in turn had help from an elder mage?

{{Again, just to recap. I am offering 1 bleached leebra,1 sky ferrikoon,1 perevi drakel, and 45 KS for the female sulkuhna.}}
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: .+ Metha's Motley Palace

Postby ToxicShadow » 03/21/2015 5:39 PM

"Kera, Arek, Nak, Flak!" The woman of the house called out, her finger delicately pressed to an intercom switch that allowed her voice to ring out through the entirety of the Motley Palace. "It's tea time~ Please report to the dining room at once!" With that announcement, the woman made her way from the kitchen into the massive dining hall. "Oh, Chef, please hurry with the tea!" Metha called back behind her.

The dining hall was grandly decorated with an array of bright and colorful balloons, streamers and flower arrangements. The long table centered with in it that could at least seat twenty people was set for every single, non-matching chair that was pulled up to it. There were numerous platters of finger sandwiches and sweet treats, even bouquets of fruit. At each end, as well as the center of it, were elegant, silver chocolate fountains. One with white chocolate, the others with a regular sort. And, of course, there were many, many teapots. Some tall, some short, some round, some not, in every color imaginable, with just as many tea cups and saucers that, intentionally, didn't match. It was certainly a party!

She flopped into the chair at the very head of the table, carefully yet quickly snatching up the tea cup sitting before her, already filled to the brim with tea. Lifting it to her mouth to take a sip, she stopped just short, her eyes shifting to the corner of the room. "Oh, Khimera, dear, don't cause any trouble today, hm?" She said, speaking to the Khimera that was content to sit in the corner.

Just as she spoke, two Kuhnas and two Leploras bounded into the room from way entryway, while a Lucain followed by unnaturally colorful cats, some even with polka dots, followed after him. "Wonderful!" The woman shouted, setting down her tea and clapping her hands together once. "Everyone is here~ As you know, today is the day that we are officially and fully back in business~ We should be meeting many a stranger soon, so I want you all on your best behavior, hm? This tea party is to celebrate and welcome our guests! Have fun, my little dears~"

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Re: .+ Metha's Motley Palace

Postby MillietheWarrior » 03/21/2015 8:55 PM

“Oh my, I knew I shouldn't have let you have that sucker.” Creme Brulee worriedly fussed over her three-year-old daughter, who was fidgeting under her mother’s attention as Brulee tried to make her look presentable; it was a difficult task, considering the little girl had red smears on her cheeks and the front of her yellow dress. Brulee sighed, trying her best to straighten the dress and wipe a smudge of her cheek, and gave up; children would be children. “Oh, Pumpkin. What am I going to do with you?” she chided fondly, but the little girl wasn’t paying attention. She was more busy staring at the large house that resembled something from one of her fairytale books; her mother had said they were going to find a new cook for the bakery, but Pumpkin was more concerned with the pretty spires and the idea that maybe a princess lived in this castle.

Brulee stood and straightened, taking up her daughter's hand and gazing over the strange place with the same look one might give a particularly messy spill. “This is...definitely an interesting place,” she mused, making her way up the strange colored pathway with her daughter in tow. Pumpkin clung to her mother's hand and dress, still gazing around her with an air of wonder as they descended the steps. Brulee was surprised to see a brightly colored Lucain waltz by to seat herself at a table, but was slightly disturbed to hear the teapot being called a 'kitty.' Maybe this wasn’t the best place to find a new chef. Still...she needed someone to help in her restaurant; she had enough hands helping in the bakery, but she needed someone who knew what they were doing to do all the other cooking. Once she got a new cook, she could go about finding him or her some help, and then she would be well on her way to having a successful food establishment.

Clearing her throat, she clutched her daughter's hand tighter, and felt Pumpkin cling to her dress, peeking around her calves to gaze at the odd-colored Lucain. “Hello,” she greeted. “My name is Creme Brulee, and this is my daughter, Pumpkin Frost. I don't mean to interrupt your tea, and if this is a bad time, we can come back later. I was just wondering...er, well, you see, I hear you have a chef living here who is looking for work? I-I just recently started up a new restaurant, and I could really use his help. I need someone who knows what they're doing when it comes to food. Um...I can pay. I can offer him a home, free of rent and charge, near the restaurant. And I know you like to take things in trade, so in exchange, I've got a few things I can give you. I didn't bring them but I do have pictures.” She fished around in the pocket of her dress, producing three pictures of the things she wanted to trade. “I know it's-it's not much but...I'd really appreciate it if he could come back with me and help.”

Pumpkin, who had remained silent the entire time, peeked around her mother's dress and quietly whispered “Are you a princess?”

Banded Nonaga
Actiniari Kalamarei

He will become the head chef of Brulee's resteraunt, and part of the 'food themed' Lucain family she has, which include her daughter and son at the moment. I think he'd be a good 'uncle.' <3

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: .+ Metha's Motley Palace

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 04/04/2015 11:41 AM


Ren sashayed into the strange building, and smiled. The bright colours of the outside and the motley tea party arrangement merely made him feel welcomed, despite the slightly off-putting sight of a lucain calling a teapot 'kitty'.

He strode up to the lucain and smiled, straightening himself up. "Hello, I believe you have a couple of little ones I may be able to help. I noticed the two leplora - Nak and Flak, I believe? I am a florist, you see, and have need of some specialist assistants. My eldest son has recently joined the war effort, my triplets have other commitments, and I would prefer employing live-in assistants rather that just a couple of hired hands. They would be taught cultivation and management of all but the rarest blooms, shop management and customer service, and receive wages, meals and board as payment for their services. I believe this would be a fitting employment for their particular biological makeup and talents, wouldn't you agree?"

Ren smiled, before continuing; "They would of course be considered family, and looked after as such; I have no intention of re-naming them or altering their partnership."

He looked down at the list of paper in his hand, and proffered it towards the lucain. "In terms of offers," he said, "I would offer a downpayment of 150KS, together with one bleached ferrikoon, two original flitterflies, one sky slynx, one sky yonyuu, one snowy kamee, one blackberry slikey, and one bleached fellox. I hope this is considered acceptible."

Offering to take both leplora; offering 150KS, one (1) bleached ferrikoon, two (2) original flitterflies, one (1) sky slynx, one (1) snowy kamee, and one (1) blackberry slikey,
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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