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Re: Dark Ride {Self}

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 03/25/2015 10:26 AM

She called down the hall that it was dinner time and three of Leonie's sisters came and took their seats. Margie and Becca had already moved out. Amaryllis should move out and they always tease her about it. Jackal and Leonie had a few more years but Juillet would be graduating that year and going to college.

Amaryllis or Amy for short took the other seat next to Bleu “I see you brought your puppy today,” puppy referring to Bleu. Something my family teased Bleu about for as long as she can remember.

“Yeah she wouldn’t stop whining” Leonie joked.
“Woof woof.” Bleu replied without amusement.
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Re: Dark Ride {Self}

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 03/25/2015 10:43 AM

There was a ding at the elevator and Leonie's dad stepped out “Mm… something sure does smell mighty fine.” He hung up his coat and took off his shoes to join them all at the dinner table. Bleu finally couldn’t contain herself. She pounced for the ladle and dumped a mound of spaghetti onto her plate. As they all served themselves like normal people Bleu happily inhaled her noodles.

Personally Leonie felt as if her family was pretty normal, they would talk about what people normally talk about at the table: mom would ask dad how was his work day, he would then rant on and on about stuff they won’t remember, then the conversation would move forward into what they did in school and so on.
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Re: Dark Ride {Self}

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 03/25/2015 1:00 PM

Julie seemed to cut into that routine, “so Bleu I heard at school today you saved a girl that must have been exciting.”

Bleu looked up and finished slurping up a noodle that didn't make it all the way into her mouth, "yeah I guess so.” She seemed more interested in her food.

“Yeah well there’s been a lot of talk about it, you should be proud.” My sister rambled on.

“Well speaking about saving people someone started a bet at work to see who Dark Ride will go after next and I put a hundred on that string of robberies that was happening in the only classy part of town. There's a rumor that its a inside job.”

“Oh hon, I told you it’s not good to do that you never do win.” Leonie's mom shook her head.

“Yeah I know but I feel as if this time I will.”

Jackal chimed in “I heard it could be a butler.”

After hearing that it was Leonie's turn to talk “Yeah a guy who acts like a butler and goes and gets himself hired in really nice households then raids the place when no one’s home.”

She looked over at Bleu to see if she was reacting to any of this, she just had her head down most likely trying to disguise a smile.

Amy also took a peek at Bleu “You are awfully quiet, what do you think of Dark Ride?”        

Bleu hesitantly looked up to find everyone staring at her, “well she… is pretty awesome.”
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Re: Dark Ride {Self}

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 03/25/2015 1:01 PM

Leonie rolled her eyes, of course that was her answer but before Amy could reply Jackal continued Bleus sentence. “Ah yeah she is, she is sooo awesome. She is beyond cool everyone talks about her at school. On Halloween people made their own Dark Ride costumes and wore them to school.”

“That girl is crazy, I pray for her because one day she going to find herself in a spot that she can’t get out of.” Leonie's mom was the one to speak now but as she did, her eyes stayed focused on Bleu which made her suspicious.
“Well I think she’s brave and tries to do what is right in a city full of wrongs.” Julie seemed to have given this topic a lot of thought. Before the conversation could continue Blues phone rang.
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Re: Dark Ride {Self}

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 03/25/2015 1:04 PM

She looked down confused as if surprised someone called her, she answered and got up from the table. “Hello?”

Then there was a bunch of loud noises that must have been words not capable for their ears to understand because of it being so far away. Bleus face harden and looked at them, who were all silently staring and then she walked off into Leonie’s room to finish her conversation.

Leonie looked at her mom and she just shook her head as if telling her to wait. As she finished her spaghetti Blue came back out and retook her seat, her mood had changed and she only picked at the food with her fork.

“Sweetie you can stay here tonight, you know you are always welcome.” Her mom got up and started to collect the dirty dishes and all Bleu could do was force a half smile. As Leonie helped her mom with the dishes that night, Bleu slowly went back to Leonie’s room as she was going Leonie’s dad came up to her and gave her a one armed hug as if knowing what was going on.

Bleu had a rough home life, it was only her and her dad their. Her dad was a drunk and really verbally abusive most of the times. Occasionally he would hit her but that was only when he was too drunk to remember it.
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Re: Dark Ride {Self}

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 03/25/2015 1:05 PM

After she finished she entered her room surprised to see Bleu not there. There was nowhere for her to have gone and Leonie would have seen if she exited her room.

That’s when she notice her window slightly open, Leonie pull it all the way up and climbed up the fire escape to the roof and she found Bleu standing there looking out into the city. It was cold, her breath hung in the air like smoke.
“Why are you up here?” Leonie rubbed her arms trying to gain some warmth
“Just clearing my mind,” she didn’t move. There was silence for a while as they watched the traffic beneath them.
“Why do you do it?” A question Leonie never asked. It had been two years and the question never seemed to cross her mind.
She looked at Leonie, “do what?”
“Become Dark Ride.”
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Re: Dark Ride {Self}

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 03/25/2015 1:07 PM

She startled me as she began to laugh, “it has been two years and you still don’t know?”
Leonie lowered her head “No…”
She spread her arms and slowly spun in a circle as if to grasp every bit of scenery, “because of all of this”
Leonie looked out into the city, there was bustling of cars, noise of sirens and distant laughter.
She continued, “I know it’s every emotion, its darkest secrets, its time of need. It’s mine and I will defend it with my life.” She spoke of the city as if it were a person.
Leonie watched her turn and stare off into the sunset. Its oranges turning into blood reds as it dipped behind the horizon.
“There’s only one thing that I truly believe and that is: if you have the ability to make change then you should do it because not everyone can. I have the ability to help this city so it should be my responsibility. You should not sit around and watch things happen when you know you could have changed it or even stopped it.” She sighed “Now do you understand why I do it, why I became Dark Ride?”
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Re: Dark Ride {Self}

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 03/25/2015 3:02 PM

It’s been a couple days since the incident on the roof and Leonie’s mom was right, Bleu got over whatever happened on the phone. Now she had direct instructions to wait outside Bleu’s apartment building so they could go to the movies and watch whatever looked interesting and gory because Bleu wouldn’t watch anything else.

She tapped her foot impatiently, she hoped Bleu hadn’t fallen asleep again. She didn’t think she would, Dark Ride hadn’t made an appearance since she captured the ‘Bad Butler’, something the news casters coined. Which of course made Leonie’s dad very happy. She know Bleu did it on purpose but she would never admit to it. Leonie had enough, she didn’t want to stand out in the cold any longer so she decided to go and get her.
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Re: Dark Ride {Self}

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 03/25/2015 3:03 PM

Leonie walked down the hallway when she heard yelling and when she got closer to the door and she could tell the loud deep voice was coming from behind it. Leonie stood there unsure of what to do it was getting late, and it was already five o’clock. The sun had almost set and still her father continued to screech at Bleu. Most of it was too unclear for Leonie to understand but she grasped parts, it sounded as if he was blaming her for him losing yet another job and that they had no money and why she wasn’t making dinner for him plus a few colorful words were also tossed into all of that.

Leonie finally decided it wasn’t best for her to still be up there and so she was about to go back outside and act as if she had never heard anything. As soon as she was started to turn around the door flung open and she came face to face with Bleu who was surprised to see her friend  at the door. She looked away and pushed past hard. As she did so Leonie looked through the open door to see glass shards everywhere on the floor and her dad with a half broken whiskey bottle leaning against the wall staring at her. Leonie turned away in a hurry and followed Bleu who was walking so fast that it was had to keep up.
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Re: Dark Ride {Self}

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 03/25/2015 3:04 PM

She rounded corners going deeper into the bad part of the city. Leonie felt wet drops start to fall on her head then it steadily got harder until it was pouring and her feet splashed as she ran just to keep up with Bleu. They passed drugs stores and houses that held groups of shady people outside glaring at them, but none made a move. Leonie didn’t know for sure but she was pretty positive Bleu got herself a reputation as herself, not as Dark Ride in this area.

The people around here were too cowardly, or too smart to mess with Bleu. They ran into a building and took the stairwell, their feet squeaked as they climbed the metal stairs when they entered the second floor, Leonie followed her into room 43 were Bleu pulled out a key and unlocked the door. When she opened it Leonie found herself engulfed by the smell of musk and mold.
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Re: Dark Ride {Self}

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 06/05/2015 12:51 PM

"Where are we?" Leonie asked but Bleu didn't reply, she just continued on her way down the old hallway until she reached what looked to be the master bedroom. She walked over to the right wall. There was a crooked picture hanging, it was a picture of the city way back in the day. You could tell by the classic cars and older fashion.

Bleu pushed the picture to the side and stepped through.

"Uh... Bleu?"
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