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Custom Design Contest

Postby Kitsumi » 07/17/2015 10:41 AM

The Contest
The aim of this contest is to create Paragon designs based off of characters from The Girl at Midnight by Melissa Grey. My hope is that by the end of the contest, I will have a design for each character that will either become a custom or will be obtained with the help of a Palette Potion.

The Prizes
One design for each character will be chosen as the 'winner'. The creator of the design will win 100 KS. There are seven characters in all (counting the bonus Lucain) so there will be 700 KS total awarded as prizes. A single person is able to win more than once if more than one of their designs are chosen.

The Rules
  • Once you enter a design into this contest, it is no longer yours to use, sell or giveaway or elsewhere. If your design is chosen, I will be using it either as a custom or for a Palette Potion. If your design is not chosen, you are free to do with it as you wish.
  • Each person can create as many designs per character as they want. I will list the amount of entries I have received for each character. One entry = One design, not one person.
  • Please do not post your designs here or anywhere else! Send them to me in a private message - I will respond with 'Received' so you can be sure that I have your design, and will move the message to a special folder in my inbox. This is to keep from having any claims of design theft.
  • If there are not at least three designs (from at least two different people) for a character by the end date, there is a possibility that a winner will not be chosen for that character.
  • If no designs meet the criteria I am seeking for a character, there is a possibility that a winner will not be chosen for that character.

End Date
Tentatively setting the end date as 8/17 at 11:59 pm (going by Evelon time). This date may be changed, but I will give at least three days notice before the end date, in case anyone was interested in entering but had not yet submitted a design.

Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Questions, comments and concerns can either be posted here or messaged to me.

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Re: Custom Design Contest

Postby Kitsumi » 07/17/2015 10:42 AM

The Characters

Echo (4 entries)
She should be mostly based off a magpie (for obvious reasons stated below) but could (warning: hints towards plot spoilers from the book) also have some Phoenix-like features. She can be any species of Paragon, although I would prefer her not to be a Windgill or Voidbringer. I would prefer her to be wingless and tailless.

“...the Ala, Echo’s adoptive Avicen mother-figure, calls Echo her “little magpie” and with good reason. Upon their first meeting, Echo tried to pick the Ala’s pocket, but not necessarily because she wanted to steal things. She had to steal in order to survive. Now that Echo has a home and family — as unorthodox as they might be — she doesn’t necessarily need to steal for survival. It’s become a part of her personality, a way of staying true to the little street urchin she was before the Ala found her, a way of sticking it to the system that let her fall so deeply between the cracks of the civilized world. And she also just likes shiny things, like a magpie.” (author quote)

Caius (4 entries)
His design should include plenty of green and bronze, perhaps some dark brown or black and some golden tones. I would like for him to be a Voidbringer with Hybrid wings and either Razor or Slicer tail.

“As the Dragon Prince (the Drakharin have an elected monarchy and it’s all very cutthroat), Caius has his own crest — it’s green and bronze... He’s used to wielding the power of life and death over his subjects (and prisoners) so I [would like him to look regal]. He likes making rules, but he’s not always great at following them, so variety [is] an important part of his design.” (author quote - edited by me)

“He was sickeningly handsome, verging on beautiful. The light threw the angled planes of his face into  sharp relief. He was tall, with just the right amount of muscle for his height. Hair so dark it as all but black brushed the faint dusting of scales on his cheekbones, and his eyes were the kind of green that would make emeralds weep with envy. There was a savage sort of beauty to him.” (book quote)

Dorian (3 entries)
Dorian’s designs should have a lot of blues, and probably plenty of silver as well. He could also have some green and bronze, since he is Caius’ captain of the guard. I would like for him to be a Voidbringer with Hybrid wings and either Razor or Slicer tail. Bonus points granted if you include add-ons of his eye-patch and scarring on his cheek in the design.

“As the captain of Caius’ guard, Dorian is with him through thick and thin. Their personalities work well together...Dorian is the calming influence. Every Drakharin with enough power to command magic has a certain element that calls to them and Dorian’s is water. He feels at home by the sea and his eye(s) are the changing blue of the ocean. His one remaining eye (the [left eye] was cut out during a battle a very long time ago) is sort of a mood ring. It’s dark and stormy when he’s feeling anger or passion and as clear and light as a spring day when he’s happy. Depending on who you ask, it complements his silvery hair quite nicely.” (author quote - edited by me)

“Silvery-gray bangs just barely brushed the top edge of Dorian’s ever-present eye patch. His one good eye was the cerulean of a Caribbean sea, mingled with the navy of a starlit ocean. Specks of teal danced in his iris if he stood in the right light… Though the eye patch was stitched in a sapphire hue that complemented the blues and silvers of his tunic, the perfection of his face had long ago been marred by the injury sustained…” (book quote - edited by me)

Ivy (4 entries)
Ivy’s design should be mostly white, with pale/pastel colors used other than her eyes. She should be a Windgill with Angelic wings and a Feathered tail.

“All of the Avicen have a sweet tooth (there’s something in their genetics that makes them love sugar the way hummingbirds love nectar), but Ivy’s is the stuff of legend. The way to her heart is through her stomach, usually with baked good with globs of frosting and a ton of sprinkles. Her favorite food is cake. Her second favorite food is also cake. And her third favorite food is still cake. She also really likes those candy buttons that come on strips of paper and she’ll choose those over cake when she feels like eating healthy.” (author quote)

“...an Avicen with familiar white feathers and the jet-black eyes of a dove.” (book quote)

Jasper (3 entries)
Peacock colors are obviously a good choice for Jasper, with the addition of purple and fuchsia, maybe also warm brown. He should definitely be attention-grabbing. He should be a Windgill with Angelic wings and a Feathered tail.

“Jasper is described as peacock-esque, but that’s not to say that his Avicen feathers explicitly resemble those of a peacock. His hair is a plethora of shades of blue, green, gold, and fuchsia, all blended together to create a stunning effect that offsets the gold of his eyes. And trust me, he knows how stunning he is. Echo describes him as the shadiest person she’s ever met, and she’s not wrong. He’s a career scoundrel - a Han Solo, if you will. But just like Han, Jasper’s heart isn’t quite as inactive as he wants you to think it is.” (author quote)

“The warm brown of his skin glowed prettily in the gentle orange light of the streetlamp. His smooth, short hair-feathers were waves of purple, green and blue. Jasper was a peacock, through and through. He was so striking that even the scowl on his face seemed more like adornment than genuine irritation.” (book quote)

Tanith (4 entries)
Colors for Tanith are mostly fiery colors: orange, red and yellow/gold. She could have some black as well, and should look intimidating, fierce, blood-thirsty, etc. She should be a VoidBringer with Hybrid wings and either Razor or Slicer tail.

“Tanith is Caius’ twin sister and she definitely has a fiery personality, literally and metaphorically. Whereas Caius is the more cerebral of the two, she tends to make decisions based on what her guts tells her is right. They have a contentious relationship, as siblings do, but there is still love there, no matter what crimes they’ve committed against each other in the past… She’s very proud of her dragon heritage and her coat of arms as the general of the Drakharin army is a crest of scarlet and gold” (author quote - edited by me)

“...resplendent in her gilded armor, even with a layer of soot and rust-colored blood adorning it. A few locks of blond hair had fallen loose from her braid, framing her face with soft gold. Her crimson eyes gleamed with mirth… A bloody Tanith was a happy Tanith.” (book quote - edited by me)

Bonus Lucain (3 entries)
As a bonus, I am including a Lucain I have had trouble creating a design for. He is based on the song 'Human' by Christina Perri. He is a cyborg with a mixture of normal human organs and robotic parts. He is very self-conscious of himself and hard on himself. Constantly eager to please others, he wears himself thin until he has nothing left to give. I am unsure of any colors/markings I would like for him so feel free to go wild with his design.

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Re: Custom Design Contest

Postby Kitsumi » 08/16/2015 9:13 AM

Just bumping this up with a quick reminder that this contest ends tomorrow!

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Re: Custom Design Contest

Postby Kitsumi » 08/18/2015 8:29 PM

It is time to announce the winners! I've been staring at most of these designs for a few hours now, aha, because you guys made it really difficult to choose. Your designs were all amazing, but there were a few that really stood out for the characters. So, here are the winning designs!

zapdragon555's design wins! The moment I saw this design, I thought of Echo's fearless determination. She just fit the character so well.

zapdragon555's design wins! This one was an especially difficult decision, and Thunder - your design was a very close second. But in the end, I thought that this design looked not only regal and commanding, but also savagely beautiful.

zapdragon555's design wins! This was another difficult decision, and DeadAlice, one of your designs almost won. But I simply love how this design is unique to him, but also has a bit of Caius' colors and a shared marking, tying the two together.

Thunder's design wins! This was probably one of the hardest decisions. But in the end, I liked how this design reminded me of a frosted cupcake with sprinkles. It's definitely fitting for Ivy!

Thunder's design wins! I'll be honest - those white face stripes totally won me over. And I think he looks the most like he demands attention.

DeadAlice's design wins! All of the designs were gorgeous and fiery, but I think that this one looked more capable of Tanith's evil actions. Plus, the ancient marking really stood out to me as fitting her character.

Bonus Lucain
Thunder's design wins! This decision took the longest. At first, I thought that one of DeadAlice's designs was going to win. Then I nearly posted claiming zapdragon555's design the winner. But in the end, this design called out to me and gave me more inspiration for the robot character than any of the others.

Congratulations to the winners, and thank you so much to all three of you for all the designs! KS will be sent to you shortly.

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