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Re: The Voodoo Queen [Details Inside]

Postby AuroraSky » 07/09/2015 3:59 PM

Marie Laveau was very satisfied. Finally, but painstakingly slowly turning around, she grinned at the younger girl, choosing to ignore the murderous look in her eyes. Seating herself back in her chair, Marie rested her elbow on her arm rest and leaned back to get comfortable. She had an idea she was going to be here for a long time. "Who are you?"

The girl hesitated. "My name is Arcane Everlight." She responded in a way that sounded as if Marie was interrogating her. Though, wasn't she?  "That your real name?" The girl's eyes furrowed, not in annoyance but in confusion and doubt. Marie cocked her head, curiously. "I guess it is now. I don't remember the name I had before that one. Whoever I was before Arcane Everlight is dead now, anyways."

Arcane was interesting, if not demented, Marie decided. "Who is it that you work for?"

Arcane seemed to struggle with this internally, shifting awkwardly in her seat. Marie could tell she was grappling with determination and loyalty, and Marie herself was enjoying watching the struggle. "A classified organization." Arcane said finally, looking at Marie for confirmation that that was an acceptable answer.

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Re: The Voodoo Queen [Details Inside]

Postby AuroraSky » 07/09/2015 4:07 PM

Marie stared at Arcane neutrally, thinking. "Government affiliated?"

Arcane's mouth turned into a grin so slight Marie might have missed it, for reasons Marie couldn't imagine. "Something like that." Arcane said, as if she were in on some sort of inside joke. There were a number of organizations Marie knew to be real within Evelon, and guessed that Arcane might have been on one of them, but she knew trying to find out which from the girl herself would have been fruitless. Marie would find that out on her own time. "You an assassin?" Marie guessed. Arcane was light on her feet, looked hard and cruel, and seemed to know her way around a weapon. Wasn't a far off guess. "Yes." Arcane answered without skipping a beat. "You any good?" At that, Arcane had grinned a grin at Marie so maniacal that Marie had decided that was enough.

"Who are you trying to protect?"

"Demetrius Owens."

That, Marie hadn't been expecting. She raised her eyebrows. "You mean the Archduke?"

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Re: The Voodoo Queen [Details Inside]

Postby AuroraSky » 07/09/2015 4:12 PM

"The one and only."

Marie nodded, taking that in a bit. An attack on the life of an Archduke was no easy feat, nor was it one that came without a hell storm of repercussions. Demetrius Owens was respected far and wide, and there were few who would even want to bring harm to the man. Marie knew a few. "He don't have guardians to handle this?" Marie asked. "Why are you involved?"

Arcane hesitated again. "I'm not supposed to be...technically. But I need to keep him alive."

"He your friend?" Marie didn't think he was, why would the Archduke of Skytaen befriend a little punk like this one, but if Arcane was defying whatever organization she was a part of, there must have been some reason for it.

Arcane snorted so suddenly Marie had almost jumped out of her seat. "I don't have any friends." She said firmly, and Marie wanted to laugh. Another one of those, huh? "You can't get through life without any friends." Marie countered.

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Re: The Voodoo Queen [Details Inside]

Postby AuroraSky » 07/22/2015 4:26 PM

Arcane snorted at her again, which was beginning to really get under Marie's skin. "I've been doing just fine so far." Arcane countered. "But that's not the point." She was beginning to look very uncomfortable again, and Marie swore she could see a thin line of nervous sweat forming at her brow. "Look, you don't know what I'm risking to be here." The girl said in a low voice that might be construed for her pleading. "Are you going to help me or not? I am running out of time, and so is the Archduke."

Marie had already decided that she would help her, but pretended to think for a few moments, enjoying watching the girl sweat. Something she was sure that Arcane did not do often. She tapped her lip and hmm'ed a few times for kicks, until Arcane was digging her fingernails into her palms. Marie grinned. "Fine, I'll try and help you little killer child." She said at last, and she could see Arcane, just slightly, relax in her seat.

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Re: The Voodoo Queen [Details Inside]

Postby AuroraSky » 07/22/2015 4:32 PM

"Talk." Marie commanded, and Arcane wasted no time.

"The assassination attempts that have been made on Archduke are commanded by a man from the East, named Caligula." She started, her voice a little more authoritative and much less whiny now, Marie noted. "Are you familiar with him?"

"I've heard the name." Oh, she had heard more than that. According to legend, Caligula was a nasty, spiteful old man who had been quite determined to watch Skytaen burn to the ground, for reasons not many were familiar with. Marie might have cared to found out, but she didn't trouble herself with the problems of Skytaen. She was much more comfortable tending to her bayou.

"Lately, to do so, and..." Arcane paused, eyebrows bunching up together. "I'm not sure how...he seems to have enlisted the help of a..." She smoothed back that platinum blonde hair. "I guess, you would call it a spirit?" Arcane finished, grimacing at the word.

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Postby AuroraSky » 07/22/2015 4:38 PM

Marie smirked. "You're not too comfortable with the undead, are you?" She asked, raising her eyebrows in amusement.

Arcane forced a smile, like she was worried she might have offended Marie. "Not exactly." She admitted. "Not just the undead, to be honest. The whole..magic, thing. I don't have confidence in tricks and illusions. I only trust what I can see and explain."

Marie wasn't surprised. The girl looked to be someone who lacked the Faith, most of those assassin types did. Which meant that if Arcane had come all this way, so far past Skytaen, to see some voodoo queen for help, then she was mixed up in something quite dangerous. "So you came to see me, because you want to know how to fight a spirit?"

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Postby AuroraSky » 07/24/2015 3:24 PM

Arcane nodded, despite how ridiculous that had sounded her when Marie had said it aloud. And in that moment, Arcane considered that perhaps this whole journey was ridiculous altogether, and that she should high tail it back to base and pray that Command hadn't found out about it. But as soon as the thought had crossed her mind- "Lucky for you, I can help."

That was like music to her ears; Arcane wanted to sigh with relief, but instead she just nodded firmly, as if that was what she had predicted Marie's answer to be. "But before we get into the nitty gritty, I have to know what you're up against."

"His name is Seeksoul." Arcane sputtered out immediately. "He's a-"

"Barghest." Marie finished for her. Arcane looked at her incredulously. "Y-Yeah. How did you know?"

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Postby AuroraSky » 07/24/2015 3:29 PM

But the grave expression that had quickly spread across Marie's face had made Arcane very, very uncomfortable, and a good deal less optimistic. "How do you know him?" Arcane repeated again, more urgently. But Marie still hadn't responded, and instead the older woman had turned on her heel and dashed towards the back of her hut, disappearing through chains of noisy beads that had been there in place of a door. Arcane lurched forward, then stopped, unsure if she should follow.

But when Marie still hadn't returned after a minute, Arcane stepped through the beads after her. When she did, she was surprised to find Marie on the floor, flipping so rapidly through pages of a questionable looking book Arcane thought she was going to tear them out clean. She wanted to ask for an explanation, but wasn't sure if she should break whatever trance the woman was in. Marie began to bite her nails.

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Postby AuroraSky » 07/24/2015 3:34 PM

It had taken a few more increasingly tense minutes to pass before Marie had snapped her fingers like she had just figured out whatever had been troubling her. She stood, the massive book in her arms, and slapped it on a small table in the center of the room they had been standing in. When she did, puffs of dust flew madly into the air, trying to get down into Arcane's throat. She grimaced and tried to wave away what she could. "What is that? How do you know Seeksoul?" She demanded now.

Marie turned the book to face Arcane, and she peered into it suspiciously. The language the book was written in was something Arcane had never seen before, and she was fluent in fourteen languages and semi fluent in twenty seven, but what Arcane did recognize was the image of Seeksoul in his Barghest form, grinning eerily at her from the top left of the page. Arcane tensed, from habit, at the mere sight, remembering their first encounter at the Shrine.

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Postby AuroraSky » 07/27/2015 1:22 PM

Marie pointed at the image impatiently. "His name isn't Seeksoul," She said, as if she had told Arcane this a hundred times before. "He is a Seeksoul."

Arcane looked at Marie, bewildered. "What do you mean he is a Seeksoul? What the hell is a Seeksoul?" She peered down at the writing, scanning to see if there were any words that she might be able to translate, but the for the most part it had all just appeared to her as gibberish. "What does it say?" She demanded, forgetting her manners.

It went unnoticed as Marie spun the book back to face herself. "Seeksouls are demons, brought forth by members of the mortal world. When they're summoned, they are given a name, just one, and it's there job to carry out the assassination of whoever they were given. No matter the cost and no matter who gets in their way." Marie said, hastily summarizing what had been written.

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Postby AuroraSky » 07/27/2015 1:30 PM

Marie scooted out a stool and sat down, wiping her brow and shaking her head at Arcane. "Woo, child, I don't know what it is you've gotten yourself into, but you need to get yourself out. And I mean out."

Arcane could feel her heart, what had been left of it, sink a little lower in her chest. Give up? If she did that, then Demetrius would be executed. And even worse, Seeksoul would win. He would get the best of her, prove that he was the better assassin, and that was the part that Arcane could not, would not live with. "I can't." She said, more firm than she felt.

"Then you're going to die." Marie said bluntly, not breaking eye contact with the girl.

Arcane twitched. She had had many attempts on her life before, but she didn't plan on dying anytime soon. Her expression fell into something of anger and disappointment. "You said you could help me."

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Postby AuroraSky » 07/31/2015 2:46 PM

"That was when I thought that I could help you." Marie said, slamming the volume closed. An unnerving amount of dust puffed into the air, and Arcane once again had to fan it away from suffocating her. Marie turned around and pushed the book back where she had found it, then pushed past Arcane to go back to the kitchen. "Why can't you help me now?" She demanded as the woman disappeared through the beaded curtain. She waited, then waited again for a response, but there was none. Arcane made her way through the beads again only to find herself entangled, so with an angry snarl she began thrashing about, ripping down some of the chains.

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Re: The Voodoo Queen [Details Inside]

Postby AuroraSky » 08/28/2015 10:42 AM

Marie watched her destroy her decorations in the very same fashion that a toddler with. She rolled her eyes. "Child, if you don't stop messing with my beads..." She warned, folding her arms. Arcane dislodged herself from the threatening pieces of painted wood and came to stand in front of Marie, her arms folded in the same way. Arcane's eyes were narrowed and accusing, and Marie knew there was going to be trouble.

"Why can't you help me now?" Arcane asked again. Marie had half expected her to stamp her foot at her this time.


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Re: The Voodoo Queen [Details Inside]

Postby AuroraSky » 08/28/2015 10:48 AM

"Because Seeksouls can't be killed." You stupid girl, Marie had wanted to add. "They can only be banished."

Marie watched Arcane process this for a moment, before the teenager asked her, "Okay fine, so how do I banish him? And where do I even banish him to?" Marie blinked at her, then sighed. Evidently this girl was more determined that Marie had anticipated she would be (and hoped that she would be). How was Marie even to explain all of this to her? "For starters you would have to banish him back to the Underworld. You know the Underworld, right?"


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Re: The Voodoo Queen [Details Inside]

Postby AuroraSky » 08/28/2015 10:52 AM

Arcane nodded. "The Realm of Hades." As part of her training, she had taken a good deal of history courses, and had learned quite a bit about what the mortals knew of the Gods. And from what Arcane had learned, Hades was to be the most feared of them all. Petty and sadistic, Hades had caused quite a bit of trouble for the Heavens and the mortal world. And if Seeksoul was a minion of Hades, then..."I have to banish him, huh." She repeated. "Which I'm guessing won't be easy."

"No it will not be." Marie answered gravely. "But I'll just take a wild guess and say that you're still very much interested in how to stop Seeksoul, right?"


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