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Re: "Hurricane for an Ally" With Leander (L & V)

Postby DeadAlice » 06/25/2015 8:39 PM

Raz took out two magazines and loaded it into his guns then, shoved them into his belt. He went towards one of the bodies, pulled his arms and dragged him behind the crates. Doing this four more times until he moved back at the floor with the blood mess that now was spread in multiple directions. Raz took off his black sweatshirt and got to work on the floor doing the best he could to clean up the mess in order not to throw off any suspicion. When he was done there was a slight orange residue from the blood, but Raz worried about the floor, actually he was worried about the sweatshirt and how Edith would take the mass amount of blood that was dripping from it. She'll probably kick his ass and Raz would think about that later he gripped two id's from two of the dead men. Tossed one to Hurricane and put one on his shirt. The id's were just general cards for the people that worked there to go through the locked doors, these would help out a lot. However, the id's weren't going to do any good because Lewis and more men showed up and managed to grab the both of them and tie them up together.

"Raz, my very 'good' friend," said a man with blonde mohawk. He was injured and still pale.
"I believed we were friends, however, what you are doing is going against my back, many of these children have gone missing and shown up on my bulletin board," Raz said and then spit on the ground to show his disgust in him.

"Like I said you are a 'good' friend with this annoying idea of justice and fair game. I'm the type that likes to go out and get what I want without dealing with rules."

"What do these children have to do with getting what you want?"

"Well, I want money. Sometimes it isn't easy to steal money so, I just sell 'products' and collect the cash," he said as he rubbed his two fingers together with his thumb.
"Children are not things that are meant to be sold."
Lewis laughed and his crew joined him.
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Re: "Hurricane for an Ally" With Leander (L & V)

Postby dirtylion » 06/28/2015 8:34 PM

Hurricane struggled against his binds. He stopped for a split second and rolled his white sightless eyes. "You could have sold cocaine instead." A pain erupted in his gut as Lewis punched him in his stomach.

"Piece of shit," Hurricane coughed out.

"And you are one to talk," Hurricane could feel Lewis's breath as he leaned into be menacing, which was pointless since Hurricane couldn't see him anyways. "You are just as vile as any criminal."

"Yes a criminal with standards, I don't go kidnapping children and locking them in cages. Only someone with a sick messed up childhood could turn into a pile shit like you."

"I do what has to be done."

"No, you do what you want. There's a difference."

"Shut up no one asked for your opinion!" Lewis yelled harshly splattering Hurricane with spit.
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Re: "Hurricane for an Ally" With Leander (L & V)

Postby DeadAlice » 07/23/2015 9:55 PM

Raz watched Lewis with rage that probably changed his aura into a menacing bloody red. He wanted so badly to finish Lewis off, however his hands were tied; literally. How the hell is he going to get out of this mess? Hurricane is getting the shit beatin' out of him and Lewis's men surrounded them, but there's no way in hell that he's going to get out of this situation. "Damn," Raz thought he knew if Edith were here right now she'd rub it into his face that he was stupid enough to go alone.
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Re: "Hurricane for an Ally" With Leander (L & V)

Postby dirtylion » 07/23/2015 11:20 PM

The air around him became less dense as he felt Lewis move away from him. Hurricane hurt from head to toe however his body had seen worse days and he made it out alive then. Except then he had his stellar sight. If all the times he wished he could see it would be right now. He had someone else for once that depended on him. His eyebrows scrunched up in frustration, what would he be doing right now if he could see? He would scan the area for first an easy means of escape then the movements that it would take to reach the destination in the least amount of time. Alright so maybe he couldn’t see his route but maybe he could sense it.

He calmed his mind until it was empty, his heart rate slowed, and he blocked out what was being said.

Then he saw… without actually seeing.

There was a door to the left of him and four men not counting Lewis were in the way of getting to it. The way he knew, as if he had seen it except it was more as if he felt it. It was an odd sensation that he couldn’t yet describe.

A sly grin spread across his face due to the fact that now that he knew what he was previously missing. The binds that were keeping his arms secured around his back were the least of his worries. He didn’t get such a high title of being one of the great assassins for nothing. He knew their every move, every twitch, and every shift. He leapt into the air and brought his legs up giving room for his arms to slip underneath. When he gracefully landed his arms were in front of him. He heard Lewis snarl and shoved Raz in front of him. Hurricane lashed out with his elbow and caught one man in the gut. Taking his tied hands he grabbed the man’s head and rammed it into his knee making a satisfying crack. He dodged one, two, three swings. One swift kick to another man’s skull had him on the ground.

Two successful minutes later and Hurricane looked up from the ground where the men now lay unconscious. Sometime during the fight his binds had fell off. Sweat dripped down his forehead and every bone in his body was screaming from the earlier torture it took but he hadn’t felt that great in months. In a deep low voice he spoke with the same force that he used to have, “Lewis I put you in the hospital once, do I have to do it again?”
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Re: "Hurricane for an Ally" With Leander (L & V)

Postby DeadAlice » 07/27/2015 4:02 PM

Raz watched as the blind man made graceful kicks and punches as if he could see their moves before they made them. Raz could see that the clouded aura that surrounded Hurricane was now clear like a bright sunny day. He could see Hurricane use his blindness to his advantage. No longer pitying himself, Hurricane was defeating his enemies clear minded. While Raz watched as Hurricane threw punches he saw the nervousness of Lewis's features. Lewis must have noticed that Raz was watching him in amusement because took out a knife stabbing Raz in the stomach. Lewis checked to see how deep Raz wound was by putting two fingers into Raz flesh causing him unbearable pain. Raz yelled in pain, Lewis smirked dropping Raz on to the ground a kicked Raz's stomach. Raz's went wide from the agony as he coughed up blood onto the concert floor Raz watched as Lewis started making his way out of the building. Raz's vision started to blur and his mind began to haze, he laid there as he felt his life slip away.
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Re: "Hurricane for an Ally" With Leander (L & V)

Postby dirtylion » 07/27/2015 5:19 PM

Hurricane heard the thump of Raz falling to the floor, he admitted a snarl and closed in on Lewis. Without warning he grabbed the knife that Lewis was holding out in front of him and threw it across the room.

“Wait, you don’t have to do this!” Lewis pleaded once he saw no way out.

“You didn’t have to stab him, you didn’t have to abduct children then sale them, you wanted to. Just like I want to make sure you won’t lay another one of your filthy hands on someone else,” he walked forward grabbed Lewis by the neck and snapped it when he let go Lewis crumpled to the floor.

Hurricane turned to Raz with fear, he didn’t sense any movement from him but he could hear him breathing. It wasn’t strong but it was in fact there. “Come on man don’t die on me now," he moved him into a flat laying position and took off his jacket scooting it under his head. Hurricane then went and ripped Raz’s shirt so the wound was clear.

He took a calming breath, reminding himself to stay focused. A man’s life depended on it. He stood up and started to walk around the warehouse room, he needed a few things before he could help. A few minutes later he was able to find some duct tape, salt, water, and glue.

“Alright Raz it’s going to be okay,” he knew even when people fall unconscious it was still a good thing to calmly talk to them. Taking a bit of Raz’s shirt he held it over his and felt the wound softly, he needed to know how bad it was. It wasn’t spurting which meant that the knife had missed an artery. He then opened the water bottle with his mouth as his other hand was occupied holding down pressure to the wound. Adding the salt he found into the bottle of room temperature warm water, he shook it.

“This might hurt a little, but it needs to be done," he slowly poured the salt solution into the wound making sure it was cleansed. He added pressure for about ten minutes until the blood clotted. After double checking that the wound was completely clean he took the glue and added it to one side of the slit, pinching it together with his other hand he wrapped a piece of duct tape over it making sure it wouldn't get any more dirt or debris into the wound. He took Lewis’s shirt that he had pulled off of the man and the wrapped his wound up, adding more duct tape to hold it in place.

Hurricane sat back and wiped the sweat off his forehead, how was he going to get him to some real medical attention? He was pulled from his thoughts by a cell phone jingle. He leaned in again and fished a phone out of Raz’s pocket.

“Hello?” He answered.

“Raz, where are you? You have taken far too long to get back,” a woman shouted at him over the phone.

“Uh, this isn’t Raz, but I’m with him. He is unconscious and has a fatal wound. I’ve patched him up the best that I could but he needs some real medical attention.”

The lady’s tone changed, “where is your location?”

“We are in a warehouse that was being used by a man named Lewis,” he said in hopes that that would be enough information for her to send help.

“We will arrive shortly,” the line went dead.
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Re: "Hurricane for an Ally" With Leander (L & V)

Postby DeadAlice » 07/27/2015 7:09 PM

Raz woke up in a hospital bed in one of the guild's medical facilities. Raz tried thinking back to what happened at Lewis's, but the most he remembers is Hurricane saying something to him. Raz looked around the room, usually a hospital would have an all white room, however, the guild's medical centers had a theme of black and gray. The room was extra dark from the blinds being closed, but Raz knew where the call button was. He pushed it, waited for one of the medical members to come in but sadly Raz got Edith that slammed open the door and pulled back the curtain she placed her hands on the bed to yell into Raz's face. Somehow Raz predicted this and didn't need to expect much so he kept on the same expression while Edith ranted at him for his stupidity.  
"Raz! You idiot! You asshole! Damn you why are you the way that?!," said a very angry Edith.

"Edith, why must you yell there are other patients here you know," said an already exhausted Raz.

"Shut-up! You're lucky that we got there in time and managed to capture Hurricane too!"

"Hurricane? What are you talking about?"

"We saved your dumbass and caught Hurricane, he's in The Cage waiting for your punishment."

"You're the idiot."


"Calm down. Hurricane wasn't the one to do this to me stupid. It was Lewis. Hurricane helped me."

Edith looked at him for a moment with a puzzled look in her eyes until she realized her mistake. "Shit! So he was telling the truth!?"

".....Yes, if he said something along the lines of what I just said."

"Well damn.....I feel bad."

"You should. You're an idiot. Now, help me out of bed and we'll go release him."

"You can't g-'

"Quiet. I'm going. Now help me up so I can get into some fucking clothes."
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Re: "Hurricane for an Ally" With Leander (L & V)

Postby dirtylion » 07/27/2015 7:30 PM

Hurricane rolled his head on the back of the wall in his prison cell. This is what he gets for trying to be the good guy. He was in so much pain, every bone ached, and every muscle screamed. However he was too weak to do anything about it due to the magic that lined the walls.

If he could he would have scoffed, this was ridiculous. Safe a man’s life and end up in jail because of it. He heard voices coming near and he assumed they were here to take him away and charge him of murder, soon after he would then be executed. A fabulous way to end a shitty two days he thought sarcastically.

Hurricane sensed Raz at his door along with the crazy women, “you really shouldn’t be up and moving so soon my friend.” He laughed weakly.
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Re: "Hurricane for an Ally" With Leander (L & V)

Postby DeadAlice » 09/07/2015 4:40 AM

Raz, Edith and the special force team walked up to Hurricane's cell. Raz's annoyed month was occupied by a fresh lit cigarette. "Hurry up unlocking his door, he's already weak and you Edith have probably already made his wounds worse by leaving him in here. Quickly get him to the infirmary and get him looked at," Raz finished. He was clearing irritated with idiotism of his subordinates and he worried for his newly found friend. "I'm sorry Hurricane, Edith isn't the type to ask questions rather she's one to 'kill first and ask questions' type of person when it comes to situation where she hasn't been told all the information," he finished with a puff of smoke. He watched as the special force team carefully carried him out of the cell and onto a medical table. They gently pushed him out cells' hallway.
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Re: "Hurricane for an Ally" With Leander (L & V)

Postby dirtylion » 09/07/2015 3:19 PM

Hurricane felt himself being carried then rolled out of the jail. He got pushed into some other building that he assumed was a hospital due to it's smell. He decided that it was time for sleep to take him, it was much easier now due to him being in a bed. He came in and out of consciousness several times. Once because of the doctor, a few times by the nurses checking on him and then once when he heard Raz talking to some lady, the same lady who stuck him in jail.

Finally he woke up filling fully rested and not as sore. His mouth felt dry and he had wipe sleep out of his eyes. He could tell he wasn't alone in his room by the soft snores that he heard in the corner. "Raz... is that you?" he wheezed out and finished with a coughing fit. How long had he been out?
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Re: "Hurricane for an Ally" With Leander (L & V)

Postby DeadAlice » 09/07/2015 4:29 PM

"Hey, Hurricane how are you feeling?" Raz asked while looking down at him with his arms folded across his chest. "You wounds were worse than what I thought they'd be. You've been out for about two days," he finished and then dragged a chair close to Hurricane's bedside. "I'm sorry that Edith misunderstood the situation. She's a bit airheaded at times so forgive her." Raz watched as Hurricane winced in pain when he turned his head to face him, "Anyways, Hurricane I have business to finish with you."
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Re: "Hurricane for an Ally" With Leander (L & V)

Postby dirtylion » 09/08/2015 2:59 PM

"Yeah well you couldn't blame her. I mean I am... was an assassin," he grawfed out. "And I have seen better days, god if feels like I was ran over by a monster truck. How is your wound doing? Hope I didn't butcher it too bad," he knew basic medical attention but key word there, basic. Hurricane cocked and eyebrow, "what sort of business?" He hoped that it wasn't back to the cell since he was healed up.
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Re: "Hurricane for an Ally" With Leander (L & V)

Postby DeadAlice » 09/09/2015 4:07 AM

"Business working for me," he said ignoring his question about his wound. "You are one of the most skilled assassins I've ever come in contact with, well one of the only assassins that I've killed on the spot, to be honest, however, those were fools compared to you," he complimented Hurricane. "I now have over a thousand children in my care because of this situation and this guild is no place for them at least not yet if they wish to stay," Raz said letting his thoughts wander off for a moment. "Anyways, I'm in need of a man who could train and protect these children, I can't think of a man more suited to the task," he finished with a grin.
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Re: "Hurricane for an Ally" With Leander (L & V)

Postby dirtylion » 09/09/2015 1:17 PM

"Wait, what? You want me to take care of children? As in like a orphanage?" he shook his head in disbelief. The man couldn't be serious. He was a killer not a father. Hurricane looked down at the hospital sheets and thought about it. All those kid were probably terrified, they went through an experience where they couldn't protect themselves. "Okay, I'll do it," he finally answered.
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Re: "Hurricane for an Ally" With Leander (L & V)

Postby DeadAlice » 09/09/2015 3:23 PM

✕ ✕ ✕ ✕

Raz lead Hurricane to an old factory with many workers were working inside and outside. "This building belongs to you Hurricane. As, you can see it still has a lot of work to be done, but once it's done it'll be able to hold over two thousand people," Raz said grinning. "You'll be in control of it all, I've got a few staff members for you. Chefs, housekeeper and maintenance. They have their own small living counters in the back. You'll have to hire more staff, trainers and such," he finished.
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