These woods are nice for a casual walk or even if you have a more adventurous urge. Bubbling hot springs lie just around the bend, fruits can be found to suit every taste bud, and rumor has it there are talking Tali who can speak Lambastian! (+2 Precision)

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Re: Sera and Felicita (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/24/2015 3:25 AM

"No silly! the fox was from yesterdays dinner. Tonight we have a squirrel to share and I guess some fish." Sera said.

She pawed towards the oak tree, "Come in, I'm starving and want to eat! Ya know, I was thinking we could keep a basket full of berries in the house so we could start eating in the morning too. I think I would catch more on a full stomach."
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Re: Sera and Felicita (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/24/2015 3:28 AM

"Oh yes," said Felicita, "I suppose that would be nice."

She pawed at her food in an absent-minded manner, but only for a moment. She didn't want Sera to catch her deep in thought and worry. She quickly scarfed down her food and laid down.

"You know, I'm real tired so I won't be asking you a bunch of questions tonight," she said.

It was true she was tired, but she was more worried about what the man had told her. She didn't want to hear any more stories if they were just that. Stories.
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Re: Sera and Felicita (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/24/2015 3:31 AM

Sera wondered why Felicita didn't want to hear a story. Sera had even thought up some good ones for tonight. Stories about how their "parents" had gone on great adventures and done great things. Sera had even started to believe some of the stories.

"Oh okay," she said, "Goodnight."

Sera laid down and played the stories she planned to tell over and over in her head like movies on the big screen. She sighed happily and soon was fast asleep.
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Re: Sera and Felicita (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/24/2015 3:36 AM

Felicita, on the other hand, could barely sleep at all. She kept going over what the man had said. Each time she did, the voice in her head got scarier and deeper. How could she know for sure? She didn't want to just ask Sera. It would hurt her if it was the truth.

She would have to go back to the beggar. It was true, she was quite scared of him. However, it was obvious he took good care of the young Khuna who sat beside him. This must mean he was nice and would be willing to help, right?

Felicita sure hoped so and planned to go the very next day. She was finally able to shut her eyes and get some sleep, but before too long the sun shone in and she awoke. She wished the night was longer that night.
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Re: Sera and Felicita (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/24/2015 3:39 AM

Sera awoke with a smile on her face. She was ready to face the day.

"I'm off to catch something big today. Maybe a boar...or...or...maybe a whole bear!"

A bear was nearing the impossible on the scale of things it was likely for Sera to catch. Not to say it was impossible for Sera to bump into one. It was just pretty impossible that Sera would end up eating the bear and not the other way around.

" Welp! I'm off!" shouted Felicita and she was out the door before she could get a reply.
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Re: Sera and Felicita (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/24/2015 5:50 PM

Felicita woke up groggy and still extremely tired. She did however share the determination her "sister" had. She was determined to find the truth. This all started at the market and so that's where she would go.

Felicita started her walk towards the market.
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Re: Sera and Felicita (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/24/2015 5:53 PM

Sera spent her day in the field chasing after small mice, despite her earlier claims to catch something huge. The truth was, mice were more fun to catch, even if they weren't much for the eating. She enjoyed the chase and the challenge it was to out smart the little things.

"Gotchya!" she would yell every time she finally snagged one.

In the end, she decided she would let them all go. She would go to the market and get something truly wonderful for dinner.
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Re: Sera and Felicita (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/24/2015 5:55 PM

Felicita spotted the beggar in his usual place.

"Hey, you!" she shouted, as she ran up.

She was ashamed she shouted as soon as she saw the young Khuna asleep beside the beggar. The beggar just calmly held one claw up to his lip as if to shush her.

"What brings you here?" he asked.
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Re: Sera and Felicita (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/24/2015 5:58 PM

Sera searched all the booths for something really great for dinner. Finally, at the end of the market stood not a booth, but  a small bakery. Oh, it smelled delicious.

Sera burst in the door overwhelmed by the pleasant smell of freshly baked bread. When was the last time they had actually had bread anyways?

There was white bread, wheat bread, rolls, sweat rolls, and more. It would surely take some time to decide.
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Re: Sera and Felicita (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/24/2015 6:20 PM

"I need to know..." said Felicita, "I need to know if what you said was true."

"Why, of course it's true," said the beggar. "Why lie to a complete stranger?"

"Then explain. Explain what I was being lied to about and what is the truth?"

"Do you honestly think I am going to answer your questions without food in my little one's stomach? I gave you a piece of truth already as thanks and yet i see in your eyes you come back accusing me of lying."

With that the beggar got up and walked away.
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Re: Sera and Felicita (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/24/2015 7:01 PM

Sera looked over everything and finally decided on honey-wheat rolls.

Healthy yet delicious, thought Sera.

She just hoped Felicita would like them. She had seemed stressed lately. She started off towards the oak tree.
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Re: Sera and Felicita (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/24/2015 7:41 PM

Felicita headed back to the oak tree with her head down. Occasionally she would kick a stone or two out of her path.

How could I be so stupid? she thought.

She should've have brought something to feed that poor little khuna. Now she would have to wait until tomorrow for the truth. For now, she was just glad to get home.
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Re: Sera and Felicita (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/24/2015 7:48 PM

"Felicita!" yelled Sera. "I'm glad your home. I've got a surprise tonight! Honey-wheat rolls!"

Sera was excited to see Felicita's face when she smelled the sweet smell of the fresh bread.

"Hurry in here! I've been absolutely dying to try one!"
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Re: Sera and Felicita (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/24/2015 8:12 PM

Despite Felicita's disappointing day, the rolls did smell amazing. Immediately, a smile spread across her face and her mouth began to water.

"Oh Sera! They smell absolutely delicious!"

She grabbed one and sank her teath in. It tasted like home. The warmth and sweetness was so comforting she knew she would sleep good tonight.
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Re: Sera and Felicita (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/24/2015 9:07 PM

Sera was happy to see Felicita look so content. Sera hated it when Felicita was stressed. Did it have something to do with why she didn't ask to hear stories of their parents anymore?

Sera dismissed the thought and grabbed a roll for herself. It tasted like pure happiness. Sera smiled, sighed and suddenly felt sleepy. Within moments she was in a happy deep sleep.
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