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The Mini Adventures of Maurice and Hellen

Postby DeadAlice » 06/24/2015 11:39 PM

"The Mini Adventures of Maurice and Hellen"
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Maurice and Hellen are bounty hunters at the guild called "Black Wrath". Their job is to go out on "missions" and finish the clients request to earn money to live. Just because Maurice and Hellen are partners doesn't mean that they are all alike, a matter of fact they are more different from each other than any other team in the guild. However, Maurice the ex-assassin and Hellen the half death god are probably the best team at the guild because of their abilities put together. Maurice is a huge coward with silly fears, but with the brain of criminal genius he is able to get needed information for the missions just by outsmarting his opponents. Hellen is a short swordsman that don't understand social activities or people's emotions, but she is a "hell" of a fighter with her demon sword Yoru. These are the many short stories of Maurice and Hellen's troubles during unexpectedly weird missions that they take on.

"Table of Contents"
Story I: "Paradise Jungle + The Two Bizarre Camels"
Short Description: Maurice and Hellen travel to the jungle in order to help a scientist who believes he's found a new species of some animal. Maurice and Hellen thinking the mission would be a bit of eccentric decided to take on the job, however when they arrived a the scientist's lab it was completely destroyed and the scientist was nowhere to be found. Making their mission turns into a missing person case, but there will be a lot of difficulties on their journey.
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"Paradise Jungle + The Two Bizarre Camels"

Postby dirtylion » 06/25/2015 6:26 PM

The sun was beating down on his face forming sweat on his forehead. Maurice wiped it away and let out strangled cat noise. “It’s so hot Hellen,” he whined. They were traveling to a small jungle island in the middle of summer and even when they passed under the shade it didn’t get any cooler. Why they were doing this job? He had no idea, neither of them enjoyed the heat, Hellen especially. He looked over at his partner and found that she as well was sweating. They were in the back of a fruit truck, it was empty at the moment besides a few rotten fruit the littered the bed. The farmer was the only man on the island that they found that was generous enough to give them a ride to where they needed to go. Maurice was wishing really hard for some air conditioner. Especially Bruce’s, they had recently obtained enough money to get a top of the line air conditioner for their little Honda Coupe.

They were heading towards a research facility for new species. The scientist put up a bounty for help containing their new eccentric pet that they had recently found, so there they were heading to go and babysit an animal that hasn’t even been named yet… which of course made Maurice very unsettled.
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Re: "Paradise Jungle + The Two Bizarre Camels"

Postby DeadAlice » 06/25/2015 8:50 PM

Hellen could feel the pools of sweat dampening her clothes as she sat in the back of an old truck that was loud and jittery. She ran her fingers through her bangs to wipe the sweat off her forehead. Hellen hated the heat. "Why did this job have to be in the heat," she wondered in her head. Sadly, her and Maurice needed the money and the payment for the job was awesome. They would have enough to get Bronze a new coat of paint and some sweets from Rosalyn's Bakery back at the guild. Just thinking about the delicious powered donuts that she makes made Hellen's head cool down a bit.

Hellen and Maurice saw a large building that looked out of place in the jungle. As big as a middle school with a silver medal and tinted glass windows. Hellen grabbed her sword, her luggage and pushed herself off the truck leaving behind some keystones for the man's kindness.
"Maurice we can walk from here, grab your things we're leaving," Hellen said while facing the direction of the lab and walking with her things. With her sword on her belt, luggage in hand and the other hand wiping sweat for her brow.
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Re: The Mini Adventures of Maurice and Hellen

Postby dirtylion » 06/27/2015 9:29 PM

Maurice grabbed his backpack and jumped off the truck, he stumbled a little but stayed on his feet. He gave a grin to the driver and quickly caught up to Hellen who hadn't waited for him.

"So, what do you think we will find in there. Do you think the species will be dangerous?" Maurice hadn't enjoyed the thought of them being around an animal that hadn't been discovered completely.

He stopped dead in tracks when they got closer to the research facility and noticed that some of the windows were broken and the lights were off except for some of the bulbs that meekly flickered in and out. Worried creased Maurice's face and he turned to Hellen to see what they should do next.
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Re: The Mini Adventures of Maurice and Hellen

Postby DeadAlice » 06/29/2015 2:40 AM

Hellen too noticed the lights and the shattered windows. Inside she could see lights flickering off and on. She dropped her luggage and put her hand on the grip of her sword.
"I'm going ahead, you stay here and watch our stuff. I'll come get you when I know it's safe," Hellen said over her shoulder and without waiting for Maurice to protest she ran off to the side of the building with the most visible damage. When, she pushed past large plants that she didn't know the names of she saw the south side of the behind completely destroyed. It looked as if a large machine had torn down the back of the building in some type of horrific rampage. Hellen unsheathed her sword and walked over the pieces of the broken building. Hellen's military jungle boots was the only sound Hellen could hear, she wondered if there were supposed to be other species in this building and if they were dangerous.
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Re: The Mini Adventures of Maurice and Hellen

Postby dirtylion » 07/19/2015 3:26 AM

Maurice stood there for a while cautiously looking over his shoulder ever few seconds. His eyes were wide, this was far scarier that he first thought.

"MAHRAGAAAA!!!" Maurice jumped a few feet in the air from the loud frighting noise. He spun around trying to spot what had made the terrifying noise. His imagination was taking over in trying to find a host for the noise. Tears started to form around his eyes, "HELLEN!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, "HELLEN!"
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Re: The Mini Adventures of Maurice and Hellen

Postby DeadAlice » 07/23/2015 10:29 PM


Hellen spun around at the scream that came from her partner. She drew out her sword and began to run towards the front of the building.
"Yoru awaken, you have a job to do," Hellen said to her sword in her mind.
A large yawn filled her head and then an answer, "You rang?"... Hellen's sword began to glow turquoise in a sharp line down the blade. Hellen was about to swing her sword at the unknown enemies until she saw her partner.
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Re: The Mini Adventures of Maurice and Hellen

Postby dirtylion » 07/24/2015 2:44 PM

Maurice was jumping up and down with a smile on his face, "Hellen! Look, look Hellen! Camels! Aren't they cute?" He wanted to over and squish their faces but he didn't want to get to close. There was two of them and they were both standing next to a tree. One of them let out the god awful noise he had heard earlier before he spotted the cute camels. He looked back at Hellen with a smile excepting her to also be happy with his discovery.
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Re: The Mini Adventures of Maurice and Hellen

Postby DeadAlice » 07/27/2015 3:46 PM

Hellen looked at Maurice then the camels and back Maurice. Her gripped her sword harder and the blade turned full turquoise. Her anger made her shoulders shake and she started to breathe heavily.
"You mean to tell me that you screamed for some camels, Maurice?" her tone seemed other worldly. Hellen walked slowly to Maurice looking down at the ground menacingly with an black smoke appeared to be leaking from her body. She was only about a few feet away from Maurice when she pointed her sword towards his face, "You won't stupid enough to actually waste my time with a couple of non-threating animals would you?" When she looked up at her partner, her eyes were glowing the same color and intensity as her blade.
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Re: The Mini Adventures of Maurice and Hellen

Postby dirtylion » 07/29/2015 12:07 AM

Maurice took an uneasy gulp and chose his next few words carefully, "well at first I didn't know what this terrifying noise was so I called for you. But before you could show I saw the camels and realized that they were the one's making the noise. So by the time you did get here I wasn't afraid anymore, I was just excited to show you the cute camels." Hopefully that got him away from angry Hellen and with nice Hellen again. He really hadn't meant to make her mad he thought as he cowarded away from her menacing sword.
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Re: The Mini Adventures of Maurice and Hellen

Postby DeadAlice » 09/07/2015 4:48 AM

Hellen sighed, the color of her blade and eyes faded as she calmed herself. She knew that to expect anything less from Maurice after the few years she had known him. "Annoying," she said to herself while she sheathed her sword. "Your partner is an idiot Hellen, why haven't you killed him yet?" she heared Yoru say. "I question that myself too sometimes Yoru," she answered back.
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Re: The Mini Adventures of Maurice and Hellen

Postby dirtylion » 09/07/2015 2:57 PM

Maurice smiled seeing that Hellen had calmed down. "Did you find anything inside?" he asked wanted to distract her before she changed her mind and attacked him. He knew Yoru, her sword, communicated with her but it was weird seeing her talk to herself. He was under the impression that Yoru wasn't a big fan of him. A camel came up behind him and nudged his arm and turned around and patted it's head, "how strange are these camels. I thought they were suppose to be mean and spit a lot."
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Re: The Mini Adventures of Maurice and Hellen

Postby DeadAlice » 09/07/2015 4:12 PM

"Yeah, the south side of the building was destroyed. I don't know exactly by what, but it managed to completely shatter all the windows on this side of the building as well. I think that the glass was somehow shattered from some kind of loud noise," Hellen finished. She watched the odd camels snuggle against Maurice's arm. "Indeed, camels are known for their poor manners of spitting and upon other things, but these two seem strange to say the least," she said as she walked closer to one and patted it's head.
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Re: The Mini Adventures of Maurice and Hellen

Postby dirtylion » 09/09/2015 3:16 PM

Maurice looked around, "well if they were to go anywhere their only option would be the jungle. There's nothing around for miles." He shuttered, what if it was that creature that had did this? Of course that was most likely the best conclusion what else could have broken those windows like that? "What do you suggest we do Hellen?" he asked worriedly. He really hoped her answer wasn't search the jungle.
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Re: The Mini Adventures of Maurice and Hellen

Postby DeadAlice » 09/14/2015 12:43 AM

"Simple, we search the jungle," Hellen replied knowing full well that Maurice won't like the answer. She went to one of the camels which conveniently had a rider's seat on his back. Hellen took it slow to make that she didn't upset the creature in fear it would become hostile. She put on foot through one of the side hoops hoping to hoist herself over the camel without hurting it. Luckily the camel had been trained and  bent down for Hellen to easily swing herself onto the seat without falling. Hellen patted the camel's neck and it stood up, she took the lead and the camel started on walking. "Maurice let's go," Hellen called back.
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