A wide open area of flat, grassy land and rocky trenches, supposedly a wide range of ancient civilizations once lived here. Species that like wide, open areas, such as Gyrophants, Serraptors, and Sahound, thrive here, though only the agile survive. (+3 Speed)

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Sera and Felicita Part 2 (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/30/2015 2:58 AM



The lies were finally out. Felicita knew the truth about her parents. It was the reason why they were here. They were on their way to Terrace Park from Roraldi forest to find the truth about Felicita's parents.

Oh, Terrace park, Sera still remembered the day she found Felicita there. She had been so young and so confused. Yet she was so adorable and so happy to follow Sera. When had she started asking questions and becoming so mature?

Sera sighed. It was going to be a long journey.

"Hey Felicita, you doing okay?"
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Re: Sera and Felicita Part 2 (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/30/2015 3:06 AM



Felicita let out a small cough to clear her dry throat. "I'm a little thirsty.

It was true she was thirsty but she was happy. She had her best friend or "sister" beside her and was going on a trip. Sister. Had it only been yesterday that she truly believed she was? Sometimes she wished she didn't know the truth.

"How much farther until we are out of plains? I'm so thirsty and everything just looks the same."

Felicita sighed. Her feet were starting to hurt. She smiled despite her pain so Sera wouldn't worry.
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Re: Sera and Felicita Part 2 (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/30/2015 3:12 AM


Denver sniffed. How long had Solomon said he would have to wait here? He leaned back against the tree. The large barrel of water beside him was tempting, but he would wait until they got here.

Denver had only met Felicita. He still remembered the day she brought him and Solomon a wonderful fish. It was true Solomon always provided for him, but it was nice to see someone being kind. It didn't happen as much as you might think.

Denver hated waited. They would be here soon though. Solomon had told him so and Solomon was never wrong. Solomon knew the truth. It was his gift.
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Re: Sera and Felicita Part 2 (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/30/2015 3:26 AM

What was that by the tree? wondered Sera.

"Hey, Felicita do you see that up there? Is...is that a khuna?"

It was weird. You usually didn't bump into too many people on the plains. He looked to young to be traveling alone...
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Re: Sera and Felicita Part 2 (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/30/2015 3:59 AM

"Yes...I see the Khuna." said Felicita. "In fact, I KNOW that Khuna!"

Felicita remembered the Khuna as the mysterious beggar's companion. However, Sera had not yet met him.

"Oh Sera, I havent told you! You see, there was this beggar. I gave him a fish and he told me you were lying about our pasts and that was his little companion! Long story really."

Felicita called out to the boy, "Hey! Hey you! Did he leave you here? Are you okay? Where is the beggar?"
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Re: Sera and Felicita Part 2 (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/30/2015 4:02 AM

Finally! They were here

"Felicita! What beggar? Oh, he's not a...well anyways, I don't know where Solomon is. He sent me to wait for you. I'm supposed to help you. I've been travelling for quite some time you see and... Oh, you must be thirsty! Come and drink."
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Re: Sera and Felicita Part 2 (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/30/2015 4:04 AM

Had that little pipsqueak of a Khuna really just said all that. Dang, he sounded older than he looked. Sera had so many questions, but she was thirsty.

"Umm so who exactly is...Oh, water!"

She went to the barrel and got a gulp.

"Why, it's still cold! It's pretty warm out for it to be still be cold. Felicita, come drink!"
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Re: Sera and Felicita Part 2 (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/30/2015 4:10 AM

"It's okay Fel...Fel... I'll just call you 'Cita. I tend to stumble over them big words. I'll explain everything. You just drink."

He pointed towards the barrel Sera was already gulping down.

"So, I guess I should start with Solomon. You see, he goes around doing nice things and bringing truth to those who deserve it. One of those nice things were adopting me. Oh, but I'm not his son. No sir! I'm his little helper. I help him bring truth and kindness. Maybe one day I'll even have a gift like him! Oh, his gift is to find truth. Well, anyways I met 'Cita when Solomon was going to give her truth. She was kind to us and so Solomon thought she deserved it. Well, then Solomon was worried about to GIRLS travelling alone so he sent me. He's never let me go anywhere without him, but I 'spose I'm old enough. Probably 'gonna even get a gift like Solomon's soon. Oh yeah, and he brought the barrel. It was to heavy for me.

Denver blushed.

"I forgot the most important thing. My name is Denver and I'm going to travel with you two!"
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Re: Sera and Felicita Part 2 (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/30/2015 4:17 AM

"What?!? I mean, I heard you, but how am I the only one that doesn't know him. How did he know we would be here? Gifts, you mean like what the old prophets used to have wayyyy back? Those don't even exist anymore!"

Sera was confused and upset Felicita hadn't told her anything about this early.

"So what you're saying is that if it wasn't for this Solomon guy we would still be happy, at home in our oak tree? This is the companion to the guy who wrecked our lives?!?"
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Re: Sera and Felicita Part 2 (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/30/2015 4:19 AM

"Ruined our lives?" asked Felicita. "All he...I mean Solomon, did was tell me truth! You're the one who lied to me. Maybe if you would have just been honest with me we would be on this trip!"

Felicita plopped down in the grass.

"Besides... I thought that you, well, you wanted to go with me. I thought this was going to be a fun trip. I didn't know I wrecked your life..."
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Re: Sera and Felicita Part 2 (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/30/2015 4:21 AM

Sera was shocked at the things that had come out of her own mouth.

"Oh Felicita, I'm so sorry. I just wanted to be the one to tell you the truth. I'm angry that it took me so long that someone else had to do it. I don't mind going on this journey with you. I even like the change it's bringing. I just miss when everything was certain, you know?"

Sera put an hand on Felicita's shoulder.

"You made my unhappy life meaningful, you didn't wreck it."
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Re: Sera and Felicita Part 2 (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/30/2015 4:23 AM

Denver had begun to drink out of the barrel. This was none of his business. Why did girls fight so much anyways. Oh well, Solomon sent him here for a reason and he would stick it.

"Hey you guys seen any of those Ttee lizards?!? Solomon said if I caught one I could keep it. Oh wait, I'm sorry, I'm interrupting. I am sorry, I just do that a lot. I get excited."

Denver's face grew red.
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Re: Sera and Felicita Part 2 (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/30/2015 4:25 AM

Felicita laughed.

"Oh don't be sorry. I think we needed a little distraction from the emotions. It has been one emotional week, hasn't it Sera?"

Felicita got up and smiled at Sera.

"It'll definitely be good to have some company."
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Re: Sera and Felicita Part 2 (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/30/2015 4:27 AM

"Oh yes, don't you be sorry... Denver, isn't it? Yes, that's what you had said."

Sera smiled at the young boy.

"We wouldn't dream of leaving you alone out here. In fact, I'm a little bit of a hunter and maybe if we turn over a few rocks we could find some Ttees for you. No worries kid!"

Sera loved children and this one was absolutely adorable!
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Re: Sera and Felicita Part 2 (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/30/2015 4:29 AM

"Really? A hunter!" yelled Denver. "I always wanted to learn to hunt. Could you teach me? Oh please, please, puh-lease!!!"

Denvers paws danced on the grass excitedly.

"Oh, this is going to be a great trip! Solomon is more of the quiet type. Get's boring. Mostly he just laughs at me, but I don't mind. I like making people smile."
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