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Re: Hacks In the Slums, How Surprising [P, M: L V]

Postby Lilith Michaelis » 08/11/2015 7:49 PM

Okay so, people did mess with the booze, but it didn't mean he let people get away with it.

Luce's eye visibly and violently twitched when the little mercenary tossed yet another bottle over his shoulder, splattering it all over the place. It was expensive, that one had to have been at least ten years old and now it was ALL OVER THE FLOOR. You are so dead, ya lil' rat.

Glass met flesh and a distinctive CRACK! filled the air as something in Worth's jaw cracked and his head snapped back. "Oof!" Ohhhhh that was gonna hurt later, more so than it already did. The hack stumbled a bit, righting himself as he rubbed his jaw, glowering down at Sasha.

Wait. Why was he by the files--"Oh come on! Tha's just not fair!" he shrieked, rushing over to try and stop the smaller man before he could--Damn it. "Are you fuckin' kidding me."

Fine. That's fine. That's cool. Totally didn't need those records, nope nope nope youlittleshitIwillendyou. You come into his home and puke on his stuff. Officially peeved, Luce swung a leg out at lightening speed, aiming for the Smilokuhna's stomach. Take that, you little pukey bastard.

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Re: Hacks In the Slums, How Surprising [P, M: L V]

Postby Saahs » 08/12/2015 4:52 PM

He was dizzy. Gods he was stupidly dizzy. It was a horrid mixture of being sick and a flush of adrenaline from combat. If this could be called such. At the moment what was going on could be better described as a complete... catastrophe. With a flourish Sasha slammed the cabinet shut. Let the nasties mingle with the papers for a wee bit.

And then a foot mingled with his gut. The Smilokuhna gave a gurgled bark as he was kicked, but was quick to retaliate. Swerving around his discarded weapons, he threw the remnants of the bottle at Luce's head. Taking the opportunity if given he then lurched forward to drive an elbow into Worth's gut.

[[small reply, didn't know what else to put other than more hits but i figured i should let worth respond first ;v; ]]
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Re: Hacks In the Slums, How Surprising [P, M: L V]

Postby Lilith Michaelis » 08/16/2015 8:06 AM

He was definitely not happy. Nope. Especially considering there was now vomit all over his files and now the cabinet was shut and ugh. Those were going to smell horrible. Hey, even Worth has standards. Could they be saved? Probably. Maybe. Did he remember what any of them were or what they said? Noooot so much, which was why just trying to zap them clean was going to be a problem. Thing's still smudge, kiddies.

The dear smelly doctor cracked a grin as his foot made contact with the Smilokuhna's guts. Ohhhhhh that was satisfying, so very satisfying. He was about to follow the kick with a headgrab or something to pin the little sick shit down, but was abruptly interrupted by a bottle to the face. Again. What was with this kid and trying to break his face with bottles? Appropriately distracted by his face, Luce wasn't exactly prepared for the sharp elbow that suddenly met his stomach. The lanky doctor doubled over, still rubbing at his face, grunting at. That elbow fucking hurt.

Now, Luce liked pain. He was all for feeling pain. Pain was good. If the situation was different, he'd be thoroughly enjoying this. But the fact of the matter was he was getting tired of being pummeled in the face with his own bottles, damn it. Of course, he had a few options here. 1) He could get the fuck out of dodge and run, it really wouldn't be that hard. Not actually being human had its perks. 2) He could beat the shit out of this mercenary and send him back to whichever idiot was trying to get rid of him now. Or 3) He could just lie down and give up while groaning annoyingly loud.

Maybe he could get away with option 3 for a few seconds. Yeah. That sounded good. And hey, if shortshit over there got too curious or stabby, a good punch oughta do him just fine. Running and fighting were always options. So, that's just what he did. A low groan, almost a whine, eeked out of the doctor as he let himself collapse and topple over on to the floor, facing the ceiling. At which he was now fixing a glare. Because this is totally the ceiling's fault.

[[Hhhh this is a shitty post but here you go. This is what happens when I have three things I'm thinking about doing and decide just to flop. Literally.]]

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Re: Hacks In the Slums, How Surprising [P, M: L V]

Postby Saahs » 08/17/2015 1:45 AM

As he recoiled away from Worth, Sasha let the bottle slip from his grasp. It was clearly accidental as he gave a low grunt of surprise. But the merc didn't lower to pick it back up. If he even bowed his head he was going to fall on his face. At the moment that wasn't on the agenda. So he stood his ground, waiting for this mother fucker to move again.

Which he... sort of did? Falling over counts as a move, right? Sasha's ear flicked and he gawked at the hack doctor for a moment. Tentatively, he scooted towards him, reaching a foot out to nudge him with the toe of his boot. Well, he wasn't dead, he was still breathing and groaning almost miserably. But that could be fixed easy.

... "Easy". Sasha looked back to where his weapons lay. All the way over there. Damn did they look heavy. Slowly, a sense of hopeless surrender overtook him and he turned. With a long but frail groan the Smilokuhna gently rested his entire face on the desk. And started to go limp against it like a sad, sad ragdoll. This was it, the pinnacle of his shame. His glistening list of targets scratched off the list, soiled. Soiled and tainted by the name Doctor fucking Luce son of a bitch Worth.

"Okeeyy... Am done."

And that was all he could say before his vision went dark.
when that light goes out this eve,
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Re: Hacks In the Slums, How Surprising [P, M: L V]

Postby Lilith Michaelis » 08/18/2015 6:24 AM

The man on the floor resembled a disgruntled twig with a dorito chin, even more so than he usually did. Worth grunted, sort of a harumph with a closed mouth, at being poked with Sasha's foot. How dare you, you pint sized furball. For his trouble, the mercenary received a glare before it was fixed back on the ceiling. He was officially done for the day. D-O-N-E.

What Luce didn't quite expect was for the mercenary to faceplant on his desk, instead of fetching his weapons. Obviously the man was sick, but wowie. Someone achieved maximum whoopsie doopsie, didn't they? Honestly, it was the thunk and the low groan that caught his attention, finally glancing over. "You givin' up too, shortstack?" he grunted irritably. Sorry Sasha, he ruins everything. The mercenary was the latest in a long line of would-be assassins who have discovered that Doctor Luce Worth is the personification of Murphy's Law.

Ohp. Down he goes. Luce finally pulled himself up at the sound (and sight) of the Smilokuhna thumping on tthe floor in a passed out heap. At which he took the opportunity to extend his leg and return the favour by poking him with his shoe. "Are ye dead? Cos that'd be inconvenient, I ain't in the mood t'dispose of bodies. Oi. Furball." Prod. Prod. Prod.

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Re: Hacks In the Slums, How Surprising [P, M: L V]

Postby Saahs » 08/18/2015 6:37 AM

A response didn't arise from Sasha. No amount of gentle toe-to-shoulder love could wake him. Yesiree he had given up, unmoving save for sparse feeble breaths. From the outside, it seemed he was completely out cold. Just a limp pile of fur, plate armour, and soon-to-come shame. The only thing that could even possibly make the sight more pathetic would be if he had whiskers that were miserably bent.

Finally, he shifted. It was a tiny movement, but it was there nonetheless. For a few moments he was still again, and then moved a second time. The third time, he almost managed to turn off of his face. Then the moving stopped for a long, gruelling minute filled with shoe-poking and failure.

The murky dark finally started to clear, not enough to perceive exactly what he was seeing. There was sound, possibly a voice, and... Who the tickleable fuck was poking him.

The merc swatted at the offending foot sluggishly, and gave a weak grunt. "Knuggid'uff..." he mumbled. It was possibly an actual language.

[[apologies for typos i am a tired bean]]
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Re: Hacks In the Slums, How Surprising [P, M: L V]

Postby Lilith Michaelis » 08/19/2015 4:10 AM

Well, he had certainly roused the Smilokuhna from his slumber. Maybe. Possibly. It was hard telling, he could have been grumbling in his sleep for all Luce could tell (he could relate). He cocked his head at him, eyebrows arched and clucking his tongue softly. Tsk tsk tsk.

"Tha's just sad," Luce crooned as he took the short couple of steps left between him and the mercenary. He bent down and scooped up the smaller being with one arm easily. Would Sasha notice? Who knows. He was probably too tired to care. He strolled over to the nearest exam room, swiftly opening the door and slipping in, depositing Sasha onto the bed. What? Sometimes he shoved mattresses in here for overnight patients, it was a thing. He paused as he stepped away to look around for...something, a look of horror slipping onto his face. "Gods, Hanna's finally rubbin' off on me, ain't he? I'm ruined."

Now where was that IV drip....

[[Small tiny shoddy reply, eugh. Sorry about that.]]

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Re: Hacks In the Slums, How Surprising [P, M: L V]

Postby Saahs » 08/19/2015 4:50 AM


Hanna didn't knock, he'd dropped the habit ages ago. Say what people would but the clinic was like a second home to him. A second home that had actual furniture besides a mattress on the floor. That also happened to be owned by a scuzzy under-the-booth doctor. So no, no knocking happened here, just swinging the door open and peeking inside. "Hey Worth, remember how you were talkin' about your stapler being broken so I grabbed one when I got off my shift for ya." He shut the door behind him, aforementioned stapler in hand. "I hope you have staples though, couldn't get both the stapler and - JESUS what the FUCK happened here??"

He jumped in surprise at the sight. Broken glass (more than usual) across the floor, which glistened with Hanna could only guess (and smell) was booze. And there were... "And why do you have a giant axe and warhammer??"

The short man marched into the clinic, staple gripped firmly.
"Worth you better be in here! I really don't want to deal with medieval bottle-bashing lunatics with just a stapler, man."
when that light goes out this eve,
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Re: Hacks In the Slums, How Surprising [P, M: L V]

Postby Lilith Michaelis » 08/19/2015 5:51 AM

The Smilokuhna now had an IV inserted into his arm, feeding him the usual saline drip and some medicine Worth had thrown in to take care of....whatever it was that was afflicting the mercenary. Normally, he didn't exactly treat his would-be assassins with any sort of kindness, they usually either lost him or ended up dead. Or both. But this guy....Killing a sick, helpless man took all of the fun out of it. It lost any sort of satisfaction. So here they were. It hadn't been long after he'd dropped him on the bed that Luce had stripped the warrior of his armour, or his top half at least. He had to get to the idiot's arm somehow, didn't he? Of course, he couldn't just let him wander around either. The mercenary had tried to kill him. So he was loosely strapped to said bed, tight enough to keep him from trying anything but loose enough to be as comfortable as possible. He wasn't too worried about the smaller man.

The hack had been shuffling about the exam room fidgeting with things—it was hard telling what he was looking for exactly—when Hanna's distinctive yell was heard. Luce grunted, striding towards the front office and opening the door just as Hanna was rambling something about fighting off people with bottles. "Pipe down, Hanna, I'm right here for fuck's sake." He jabbed his thumb behind him, pointing towards the aforementioned exam room with it. "And that idiot happened. Y'know. Before he passed out from gettin' sick. Axe an' hammer are his."

Registering the stapler in Hanna's hands, Luce grinned. "Ya steal tha' there, Hanna?" he asked gleefully, making it quite clear just how pleased he'd be if it had been. What a bad influence.

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Re: Hacks In the Slums, How Surprising [P, M: L V]

Postby Saahs » 08/19/2015 6:19 AM

Hanna came to a halt when Luce came out of one of the exam rooms. He leaned to get the slimmest of peeks into the room. All he could see of course was a wall, but that didn't seem to faze him. Squinting inquisitively, he turned his attention back to Worth. "Okay... Why is someone trying to kill you with a giant axe and warhammer? Didjya piss off a LARP group or something?"

The stapler was presented with an indignant huff.
"No, not this time, my coworkers were hanging around. And I don't steal stuff for you, you can get that done on your own." He jabbed a scolding stapler in Luce's direction. And then held it out to him expectantly. "So, you want it or nah? 'Cos honestly I could use one, too."

Waking up was always a horrendous experience. Waking up while injured and grotesquely ill was even worse. But to make matters worse, as his eyes cracked open, Sasha didn't recognise where he was. Nor could he remember where he was. His vision was blurry and his head began to swim and roll. Slowly, but wildly. A low noise arose from the back of his throat as he sat up--

He couldn't sit up.

Sasha's eyes snapped fully open and his head whipped to see what was holding him down. He was strapped down to a bed, not with the heaviest of materials but it was enough to pin him. Enough to pin him, enough to pin him... If his mind wasn't a mess of dreams and reality dancing together to begin with, it sure was now. The merc let out a distraught yelp and thrashed against his restraints.
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Re: Hacks In the Slums, How Surprising [P, M: L V]

Postby Lilith Michaelis » 05/05/2017 12:19 AM

Luce's nose crinkled as he shot Hanna a rather incredulous look, one that was colored with a dash of confusion as well. "What the hell is a LARP group?" he sneered, attempting to shoo Hanna away from the door as he spoke. He didn't need the kid dying because he was too damn curious.
He came close enough to that on his own on a near daily basis. "Let's just say I don't have y'talent for makin' friends."

It wasn't a lie.

The hack snatched the stapler away from the ginger as it was brandished out to him. It was his now, no take backs. "We'll get you one later, 's not like y'need it that bad, right?" He strode over to his desk and placed the stapler on it and nodded, seemingly happy with its placement. And then he proceeded to pick it back up again, opened a desk drawer, and shoved it inside.

What with the assassins and mercenaries that keep showing up, maybe it wasn't such a good idea to leave a potential weapon out in the open. Even if a stapler couldn't do shit.

And it was right about then that the yelping from the other room came to Luce's attention. Awake already,
huh? He walked back over to the door and cracked it open enough to stick his head inside, narrowing his eyes at his would-be attacker. "Tha's what happens when y'try t'cleave my head off. Now stop yer whinin'."

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Re: Hacks In the Slums, How Surprising [P, M: L V]

Postby Saahs » 06/29/2017 2:20 PM

Now was his time. With the stapler grabbed and himself shooed (to which he scooted back a few inches), Hanna rose his hands up to pantomime holding a sword and shield, brandishing the invisible blade in the hack of a doctor's direction. "It's like roleplay, but so intense you get bruises an' shit from it," was his grand explanation, before he dropped his hands to rest on his hips. "So what, this guys just that into it, or... More like when time and space decides to call it a day and pack its bags for vacation?" He squinted in the exam room's direction again with high Suspicion.

"You never know when ya need a stapler," Hanna pointed out, arms folded over his chest. He peeked an eye open amidst his faux indignant stance, glancing up at the vulture and his antics. And then back towards the room where the sudden yelp had come from. Scurrying over, he snuck his head under one of Worth's arms to get a better look into the room. "... Pretty sure he's trying to chew through the straps, doc."
when that light goes out this eve,
some will run, and some will grieve.

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Re: Hacks In the Slums, How Surprising [P, M: L V]

Postby Lilith Michaelis » 10/13/2017 1:32 AM

Luce popped a brow at Hanna's pantomime, waving his hand at the young man to cut it out. "Sounds stupid," he sneered, ordering a few things on his desk before he went back to check out what was going on in the other room. "Nah, he ain't no....whatever it was you said. An' I'm not sure about the time an' space thing yet, but those are definitely real. And frequently used, by the looks of it."

His nose twitched at Hanna's suggestion. The little furry shit better not chew threw his straps, those were good quality restraints. He opened the door a little wider and slipped in, standing over the struggling Smilokuhna. "Hold still, ya damn idiot," the doctor snarled at his ever so reluctant patient. "You pull out that IV an' there'll be hell t'pay, fuzz butt.

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