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Re: .:Breeding Updates:. (Feb 7)

Postby Jaykobell » 02/12/2015 5:05 PM

Kodai did your hatchlings, and I'm assuming she noticed your room was on our 'to be done' litter list and she just did it.

I would bring it up with her, instead.
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Re: .:Breeding Updates:. (Feb 7)

Postby Shieba » 02/12/2015 5:17 PM

Alright, I'll shoot her a PM and can only hope she sees it in my time limit for the room. Thanks a bunch. Still, does that mean it's still not save to just put nothing in the title? I'm a bit confused because this happened despite the new rule and wonder if I did something wrong. o3o Don't want to repeat mistakes.

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: .:Breeding Updates:. (Feb 7)

Postby Jaykobell » 02/12/2015 5:25 PM

It's entirely possible Kodai didn't remember to check when she saw your room and just went according to our internal list; or she didn't check the updates and had no idea about this being in the rules. It's very recent so if anything, please do excuse us if we make mistakes.
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Re: .:Breeding Updates:. (Feb 7)

Postby Shieba » 02/12/2015 5:27 PM

Alright. =) I sent her a PM now. Thanks a bunch, I just wanted to make sure I didn't do anything wrong or that there's anything I should have changed.

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Postby Kyrit » 02/18/2015 9:07 PM

First off, if any of you got an error 500, I apologize. I don't know what I did to deserve it, but Evelon went completely haywire on me for a few minutes there. And if you saw any mods appearing as mods of an area three times, again... sorry.

But hey! Exciting news!

If you venture to the Breeding Area, you'll find that instead of trying to sort through 50+ topics of rooms at a time, the staff have decided on splitting the breedables up in to more manageable sub-forums. Now you won't have to hunt through so many rooms in order to find your own room to reply to. We hope that this will be useful for both the staff (it's hard to find a finished room in 50+ threads) and for users.
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Re: .:Breeding Updates:. (Feb 18)

Postby Redd » 05/18/2015 12:53 AM

We've put some new rules up regarding breeding extensions, as well as some ways to help you out, so if you're struggling, please give them a read. We're being a lot more specific and a lot stricter due to the increase in requests, increase in failures and how flexible and lenient the system actually is.

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Re: .:Breeding Updates:. (May 18)

Postby Redd » 05/24/2015 10:57 PM

Not.. really a true breeding update but we've put up a place for you to get approval for palette potion babus.

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Postby Kyrit » 06/28/2015 2:51 PM

Ever since we finally got those Soveris licenses out, you guys stopped bugging us about licenses. That doesn't mean that we stopped thinking about them though, and we've got a bit of changes related to them that you guys might like!

First off, Crow will now be handling sending out your licenses. While that's great, we might not have made an official announcement just for that. Nope, we've got even bigger news in stock for you. So what am I going on about?

Licenses will be giving out more rewards from now on. For each license you get, aside from your easily grabbed Rank E licenses, there will be a reward. This means instead of only rewarding users when they reach Rank A, we will be rewarding users for Ranks C, B (not for Kuhnas, since they don't have one), and A. Of course, the Kuhna's special Z license has a reward attached to it as well, but we'll keep the surprise of that one for when someone finally reaches that goal. ;) For now though, here's a list of Ranks C-A for each breedable.

Kuhna Rank C - 300 KS OR Kuhna Key
Kuhna Rank A - 1000 KS + Gen Kuhna of choice (including Endangered) OR 500 KS + Elixir of Fertility

Lucain Rank C - 300 KS OR Lucain Key
Lucain Rank B - 600 KS OR Lucain Key + Potion of choice (Must be a potion compatible with Lucain)
* Potion only comes with Key option
Lucain Rank A - 1000 KS + custom Lucain

Paragon Rank C - 300 KS OR Paragon Key
Paragon Rank B - 600 KS OR Paragon Key + Potion of choice (Must be a potion compatible with Paragon)
* Potion only comes with Key option
Paragon Rank A - 1000 KS + custom Paragon

Soveris Rank C - 300 KS OR Soveris Key
Soveris Rank B - 600 KS OR Soveris Key + Potion of choice (Must be a potion compatible with Soveris)
* Potion only comes with Key option
Soveris Rank A - 1000 KS + custom Soveris

You may look at them and ask, why does the KS part of the or situation seem like a better deal, price-wise? Well, we want to give users the option of obtaining breeding room keys since it will support them toward getting their A license, but we also want to encourage some users to take the Keystones. If you don't mind only three breedings per month you can bypass a key and get more Keystones to be spent on other things, be it buying pets from others or buying things from the marketplace.

So, what does this mean for those of you that already have an A license, or maybe even a B or C? We will not retroactively give out prizes for the A license, as much as I'd love to have another EoF myself. For all other license levels though, we are giving you some options!

If you are retroactively claiming the reward for a C license, you may choose either option as normal.
If you are retroactively claiming the reward for a B license as well, you must choose the opposite type of reward as you did for the C license.
For example, if for my C Lucain license I choose the 300 KS, for my B license I will have to choose the Key + potion. This will hopefully keep us from flooding the system with too much of one or the other type of prize all at once.

In order to claim your retroactive license prizes, please post in the license center as you would if you were asking for a license upgrade per usual. Include in your post;
» Which license(s) you need a reward for
» Your choice of reward for each license (keep in mind the regulations for B level retroactive prizes)
» A link to your proof of having bred enough offspring (such as in your Important Documents)

We hope you guys will enjoy the new reward system for licenses. And if you do, be sure to thank Crow for bringing this idea up to everyone and working with us to make this system possible.
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Re: .:Breeding Updates:. (6/28)

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/01/2015 2:10 PM

I'm totally late in commenting, but I am SO happy that these things came out! <3

It definitely gives everyone a good reason to breed, aside from just trying to get to that distant A License that can seem just way too far away sometimes. Getting prizes for every achievement is fabulous!

The prizes came out pretty close to what I suggested last summer, so yay, on that front~ That makes me especially happy. xD It's nice seeing our suggestions get implemented.

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Postby Kyrit » 07/29/2015 1:16 PM


After much debate and thought on what would and wouldn't be a good idea to implement, the staff has come to a consensus that the only truly viable option for us to balance the breeding area is to remove Keystone gain from the breeding area. On September 1st we will remove Keystone gain from the area, giving you a little over a month to start planning your breedings based on this change.

Just because we have decided to go with this option does not mean that there weren't any good suggestions at all. There are some that we are still talking about, and we are working on ways to potentially earn Keystones aside from just roleplays (you guys will be seeing a contest up within a few days). We would like to think that removing Keystone gain from the breeding area will not be the end of Evelon, and hopefully it will make room for us to focus on more events and getting the war back underway.

Aside from this, we have another announcement to make, reguarding the five sentence rule, as a noticeable number of breedings have had posts that either barely manage to make five sentence or don't make them at all. These breedings kept getting left in limbo while we tried to hammer out what to do. We enforce the 10 sentence rule when giving out BP, and we should enforce the 5 sentence rule, especially in the breeding area where you are given pretty pets for your posts. As such, we are bringing back a warning system, despite having done away with warnings long ago. Here are the details on how warnings will work;

First warning; 5 KS fine
Second warning: 25 KS fine
Third warning: 50 KS fine
Fourth warning (and onward); 50 KS fine + loss of 1 breeding slot for the next month

The Evelon staff does not want to have to read everyone's breeding posts, but if a post seems incredibly short it is often read through to ensure that it is a full 5 sentences. For those unsure of what makes a complete sentence and what doesn't, going through this thread may prove useful. It is mostly for the war, though it was made for the exact same reason that this warning system is being put in place. It's always safest to try to aim for an extra sentence or two if you're uncertain as to if you have made 5 complete sentences.
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Re: .:Breeding Updates:. (8/3)

Postby ToxicShadow » 08/03/2015 3:26 AM


... And now for the weather!

A warm, tropical wind has began blowing over the lands! Researchers seem to believe that this is no regular wind, either, and are expecting this unusual weather phenomenon to affect offspring born while the winds are blowing through!

The Tropical Winds breeding season is making an appearance for the first time ever! For the duration of this special season, all custom style litters started during the season will be affected. Yes, this includes custom Kuhna breedings! Breedings started before or after the season will not be affected. The season can be negated by a Charcoal Tonic, for those not interested in random offspring.

Now whatever might the babies turn out like? Well, they may range from common beach or sea dwellers, to looking magnificently tropical!

This Season will end Tuesday, Aug 18, 2015 11:59 PM .

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Re: .:Breeding Updates:. (8/3)

Postby ToxicShadow » 08/23/2015 2:00 PM


The Tropical Winds have blown through Evelon and are finally gone. Any breedings started after Tuesday, Aug 18, 2015 11:59 PM will not be effected by the season.

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Postby Kyrit » 10/05/2015 6:24 PM


Sometimes it's hard to tell if you're waiting on a partner to PM a mod to split of babies or if the mod just hasn't had the time to send them out. To make the division of offspring easier, the staff has decided that instead of messaging staff members for your babies, you will now be posting in the nursery. This will make it easier to know if you're waiting on your partner or staff, and it will also help us with record keeping so that users don't have to always post in the records to get their offspring added.
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Re: .:Breeding Updates:. (10/5)

Postby Moofius » 10/05/2015 8:50 PM

Ah I really like this change. uwu <3 Thank you for this~ It is small, but very very nice~
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Re: .:Breeding Updates:. (10/5)

Postby zapdragon555 » 10/06/2015 12:34 AM

Very nice change! ovo

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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