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The Almanac Conclave--Years Beginning

Postby Kallile » 11/02/2015 1:53 PM

Winter Kitrell

Name: January
Gender: Female Age: Immortal Forms: Quad/Human
Lifemate: Never Offspring: None
Theme Song(s):

January is cold and bitter. Her rough exterior matches the often icy conditions of the month which she rules over. She is not one for flare or fancy trinkets like some of her fellow conclave members--she prefers simple designs, flavors, and emotions. She's highly uninterested in the politics of the group or the group in general--she is simply there to do a job. Even socializing is rare for this ice queen. (WIP)

Posts:  Level: AP:
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Special Notes
--Member of the Conclave--never for trade
--No known sibling who also serves on the conclave
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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The Almanac Conclave--Emotional Renewal

Postby Kallile » 11/02/2015 1:53 PM

Icicle Quiksylph

Name: February
Gender: Male Age: Immortal Forms: Quad/Human
Lifemate: Never Offspring: None
Theme Song(s): ---

The month hosting the holiday based on new and rekindled love is a cold one, and the same can be true of the month's guardian. That is not to say that February is harsh like his consort January--he is far from him. He's just a bit...small. And organized. And perhaps the tiniest bit snippy. He keeps the tone of his month at heart--choosing a faceless form in favor of the idea that 'all love starts with strangers we haven't met yet'. Ergo--he himself embodies the faceless stranger. He can be quite generous when the mood strikes him, and he can just as easily be spiteful.

Posts: 0 Level: 1 AP: 5
Element(s): Ice
Offense: 8/100
Defense: 3/100
Precision: 7/40
Endurance: 9/100
Speed: 11/100
Fame: 2/40
Passive Traits: Aerodynamic, Hyper, Lifesense, Spiritbond
Battle Traits: Freezing Touch
Current Roleplay(s):
Location Boost(s):

Special Notes
--Part of the Conclave--never for trade.
--No known siblings in the conclave--though he and January have quite a bit in common
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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The Almanac Conclave--Seasons Uprising

Postby Kallile » 11/02/2015 1:54 PM

Stellar Riopath

Name: March
Gender: Male Age: Immortal Forms: Quad/Human
Lifemate: Never Offspring: None
Theme Song(s): ---

March is unpredictable. One minute he will be jovial, spirited, and perhaps even a little silly and at the drop of the hat he can transform into the heart of a raging thunder storm. This unpredictable nature makes him hard to read and even harsher on the month he lords over. He sees little wrong with his somewhat bi-polar nature--he is simply taken eons of his reign to culminate the persona he needs to dictate his season properly. He is perhaps the most militaristic of all his brethren and treats his time on the throne as a monarchy.

Posts:  Level: AP:
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Special Notes
--Member of the conclave--never for trade
--Brother to August
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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The Almanac Conclave--Spring Showers

Postby Kallile » 11/02/2015 1:55 PM


Name: April
Gender: Female Age: Immortal Forms: Quad/Human
Lifemate: Never Offspring: None
Theme Song(s): ---

The fourth member and proceeded by three harsher members, April is a breath of fresh air. She is sweet and gentle to a fault--her emotions rule her and she can be overly sensitive to quips and poorly worded phrases from her fellow conclave members. This emotional nature leads to lots of tears--much like the multitude of rainstorms that often accompany her month.

Posts:  Level: AP:
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Special Notes
--Member of the conclave--never for trade
--Sister of May and June
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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The Almanac Conclave--Life's Rebirth

Postby Kallile » 11/02/2015 1:56 PM


Name: May
Gender: Female Age: Immortal Forms: Quad/Human
Lifemate: Never Offspring: None
Theme Song(s): ---

Following the emotional reign of her youngest sister, May is the steadfast hand that brings the conclave to order on many occasions. Unlike the harsh rule that January brings or the quiet command of October, May leads her month with a sense of hope and purpose. She is a nurturing soul and brings about much of the new life for the year which has earned her the nickname of 'Midwife' from August. She lets most troubles roll of her shoulders like water off a ducks feathers--undisturbed by harshness towards her or any other. But don't you dare mess with what is under her protection--for then her wrath will unfurl and you will face the most horrifying mother nature imaginable.

Posts:  Level: AP:
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Location Boost(s):

Special Notes
--Member of the conclave--never for trade
--Sister to April and June
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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The Almanac Conclave--Comforting Rays

Postby Kallile » 11/02/2015 1:56 PM

Rabbot AC1

Name: June
Gender: Female Age: Immortal Forms: Quad/Human
Lifemate: Never Offspring: None
Theme Song(s): ---

The middle and peppiest of the sister trio, June likes to think (and say, sing, chant, scream, etc) that she is the one who finally brings the fun. Exuberant and simply oozing with child-like youth, June brings forth the first true breath of summer. It is hard to be in an ill-mood when she is around and that might simply be because June can't stand a frown. She wants to build castles and take hikes;; stay out all night catching bugs and stargazing. Her dreamer ways make her an easy target for some of the moodier conclave members but that's where May's protective big sister nature helps keep June seeing only rainbows and unicorns.

Posts: 0 Level: 1 AP: 5
Element(s): Earth
Offense: 9/100
Defense: 4/100
Precision: 10/40
Endurance: 13/100
Speed: 12/100
Fame: 8/40
Passive Traits: Automaton, Leaper, Recognize Impostor
Battle Traits: Combat Endurance, Lunge, Metal Plating
Current Roleplay(s):
Location Boost(s):

Special Notes
--Member of the conclave--never for trade
--Sister to April and May
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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The Almanac Conclave--Boisterous Ambitions

Postby Kallile » 11/02/2015 1:57 PM


Name: July
Gender: Female Age: Immortal Forms: Quad/Human
Lifemate: Never Offspring: None
Theme Song(s): ---

July is the go-getter of the assembly. Her confidence oozes off of her in spades as does her lust for adventure. She adores the long daylight hours of her reigning month and takes every moment as if it might be her last. She can be a bit of a daredevil when it comes to outdoor activities and loves the wind in her hair and the adrenaline spiking through her bloodstream.

Posts: 0 Level: 1 AP: 5
Current Roleplay(s):
Location Boost(s):

Special Notes
--Member of the conclave--never for trade
--Sister to December
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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The Almanac Conclave--Eternal Flames

Postby Kallile » 11/02/2015 6:42 PM

Clockwork Fellox

Name: August
Gender: Male Age: Imortal Forms: Quad/Human
Lifemate: Never Offspring: None
Theme Song(s): ---

Perhaps it's bitterness over the previous two rulers, perhaps it's just the unbearable heat that often seems to follow him, but August an be grumpy. Brooding, temperamental, and downright grouchy actually. He's not of for fun and playing, not one for good times or wishful dreaming. He would rather sit back and watch the world burn underneath his super-heated days on the throne--unforgiving and brutal. (WIP)

Posts: 0 Level: 1 AP: 5
Element(s): Fire
Offense: 8/100
Defense: 6/100
Precision: 6/40
Endurance: 12/100
Speed: 6/100
Fame: 2/40
Passive Traits: Cyborg, Independent, Perceptive, Recognize Impostor
Battle Traits: Metal Plating, Pursuit, Spectral Strike
Current Roleplay(s):
Location Boost(s):

Special Notes
--Member of the conclave--never for trade
--Brother to March
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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The Almanac Conclave--Hardship Approaching

Postby Kallile » 11/02/2015 6:43 PM


Malware Mekkayena

Name: September
Gender: Female Age: Immortal Forms: Quad/Human
Lifemate: Never Offspring: None
Theme Song(s): ---

In the wake of August, September comes off as rather worried. Almost always found looking over her shoulder or heard muttering to herself, she is the embodiment of the worry that begins to set in with winter just around the corners. There is so much to do, so much to set into motion for there to be a bountiful harvest. It's just too much for one Guardian to take! Despite this slightly OCD and paranoid persona, September is truly a giving creature and seeks to make all happy whom she meets.

Posts: 0 Level: 1 AP: 5
Element(s): Metal/Electricity
Offense: 11/100
Defense: 7/100
Precision: 12/40
Endurance: 14/100
Speed: 11/100
Fame: 2/40
Passive Traits: Celestial Heritage, Night Vision, Scavenger
Battle Traits: Metal Plating, Powerful Jaws
Current Roleplay(s):
Location Boost(s):

Special Notes
--Member of the Conclave--never for trade
--No known siblings
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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The Almanac Conclave--Creeping Shadow

Postby Kallile » 11/02/2015 6:44 PM


Name: October
Gender: Male Age: Immortal Forms: Quad/Human
Lifemate: Never Offspring: None
Theme Song(s): ---

Wise and stead, October hushes down the rush and flurry of September's antics. There is a subtle darkness to him though instead of scary many find comfort in it. He is not brooding, nor is he twisted, but just a little dark in the way he views and tells things. He distributes the bounties that September prepares and sees that all begin their foraging for the long winter months ahead. (WIP)

Posts: 0 Level: 1 AP: 5
Element(s): Earth/ Dark
Offense: 6/100
Defense: 8/100
Precision: 5/40
Endurance: 14/100
Speed: 5/100
Fame: 1/40
Passive Traits: Aerodynamic, Defender, Night Vision
Battle Traits: Solid Stance
Current Roleplay(s):
Location Boost(s):

Special Notes
--Member of the conclave, never for trade
--Brother to November
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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The Almanac Conclave--Welcoming Darkness

Postby Kallile » 11/02/2015 6:45 PM

Rangifer Kasuga

Name: November
Gender: Male Age: Immortal Forms: Quad/Human
Lifemate: Never Offspring: None
Theme Song(s): ---

November is often feared for his fearsome looks--he is the constant reminder to those who deal in his month of reign that lack of preparation brings death. But November is far from fearsome--in fact he can be rather gloomy and depressed if not dignified. He knows he is feared, and while there is nothing he can do to change that he tries to make himself into the fair prince of judgement that he truly wishes to be. At times it is only his brother, October, who is able to talk some sense into the self-doubting lug.

Posts: 0 Level: 1 AP: 5
Element(s): None
Offense: 10/100
Defense: 2/100
Precision: 12/40
Endurance: 12/100
Speed: 10/100
Fame: 10/40
Passive Traits: Cold Adaptation, Dash, Evasive
Battle Traits: Sharp Hooves
Current Roleplay(s):
Location Boost(s):

Special Notes
--Member of the conclave, never for trade
--Brother to October
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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The Almanac Conclave--Frostbite Dreams

Postby Kallile » 11/02/2015 6:47 PM

Name text fade
Song Lyrics/saying here

Gender:   Age:  Forms:
Lifemate: Offspring:
Theme Song(s):

Personality Here

Posts:  Level: AP:
Current Roleplay(s):
Location Boost(s):

Special Notes
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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The Priest

Postby Kallile » 12/05/2015 10:47 AM

"Above all I'd fix my eyes on you."
Bred Bearhound/Dweller/Tearstain/Psieye Lucain
Tal'galar x Usheret

Name: Zadok
Gender: Male Age: Young adult Forms: Demi-god/Alien hybrid
Lifemate: None Offspring: None
Theme Song(s): 'Fix My Eyes' by For King and Country

The most human looking of all the siblings, Zadok has always been fascinated by his mother and her claims of being a goddess. His gentle soul always lent him to be something of a pushover, however, and while he claimed that he could take it he couldn't bear to see others doubt Usheret or her power. As soon as he was old enough he began studying her history to act as a priest for her, to enlighten others about the Fortune Goddess and her deep kindness.

Though he does mostly keep to the vows he gave himself, he does stray from time to time, often wondering if he, too, will have any powers that manifest as he ages due to being her biological son. He's a kind dreamer and a gentle hand--something his younger brother detests about him.

Posts:  Level: AP:
Current Roleplay(s):
Location Boost(s):

Special Notes
--Never for trade
--A human/turian hybrid. He has a small crest of plates on top of his had that look something like a small crown amidst his hair and small exterior mandibles that sharpen his jawline. Like all his siblings, his middle and ring fingers are fused though there is a clear line where the two digits were once separate.
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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The Rebel Do-Gooder

Postby Kallile » 12/05/2015 11:10 AM

"Ain't much I can do, but I do what I can."
Bred Dweller/Reaper/Mudpaw/Appaloosa Lucain
Tal'galar x Usheret

Name: Kandosii
Gender: Male Age: Young adult Forms: Demi-God/Turian hybrid
Lifemate: None Offspring: None
Theme Song(s): "'Til It's Gone" by Yelawolf **explicit lyrics**

Kandosii, or just Kanod as he sometimes prefers, is gruff to say the least. Ever since coming of age to learn of the planned abduction of his mother and the change of heart in his bounty hunter father, he's harbored a deep bitterness that seems unable to be soothed. He detests dark dealings, often taking it upon himself to act as something of a vigilante for the things which he believes to be right.

He looks the most like his father and in fact there are very few human traits that grace his figure. This often brings about ridicule that does little to help his bitterness. He has gained some foresight abilities from his mother, though he refuses to enhance them. He detests his priest brother and his blind loyalty to their mother's claims. His sister is, perhaps, the only member of the family that he feels he can connect with.

Posts:  Level: AP:
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Location Boost(s):

Special Notes
--Never for trade
--He is more Turian than human in appearance.
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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The Rambunctious Pilot

Postby Kallile » 12/05/2015 11:27 AM

Bred Frostbite/Reaper/Coontail/Socks Lucain
Tal'galar x Usheret

Name: Renet
Gender: Female Age: Young adult Forms: Demi-god/Turian hybrid
Lifemate: None Offspring: None
Theme Song(s): TBA

The peppiest of all the siblings, Renet was born in the star and that is where her heart has stayed. She loved ships and spacecraft--anything that will get her airborne really. The hum of engines, the rush of hitting turbulence, the freedom of zero gravity...she can hardly get enough of any of it. Which is good, for she seems to be a natural pilot. Some speculate that perhaps she is a demi-goddess of machines the way she learns so easily about so many different crafts. But she's never sought to prove or disprove these theories.

She is the glue that holds her siblings together--it's hard for either brother to feel he has disappointed the youngest sibling and only sister they have. Because of her the boys stay...civil. She is a healthy blend of both her parents--truly being a 'hybrid'.

Posts:  Level: AP:
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Location Boost(s):

Special Notes
--Never for trade
--A Demi-god/Turian hybrid. She is a good blend of both--something like this concept as done by lily-girl414 on deviantart. Note this is only a loose ref as to how her features (ie. hands, feet, and so on) look. The character shown belongs purely to the artist, I just happen to really like the way she depicts the hyrbid body.
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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