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A Small Town Out of the Ordinary [Jump Right In RP] [Mature]

Postby amanda784 » 11/13/2015 8:08 PM

(Just to be safe I marked this RP as mature for possible language and/or violence. Feel free to jump right in with a post if you'd like.


Damon liked the change of scenery that this little town held. Being a reaper it was hard to find any place to fit it in at all let alone a place where other's had powers. Then, there was the fact that Damon was rogue. This meant that although he had powers and knew how to use them he had chosen not to side with the angel or demon side. He simply remained neutral to either side. Lucky for him, this little town was a special one. The town's population was made up of oblivious powerless lucain, the occasional angel, and the young ones with powers that attended "Star's School for the Gifted".

Star was an angel and a beautiful one at that. However, that did not mean that all the young one's who attended her school were going to join the angel side. In fact, angels had this strict policy for free will and winning over young one's with love or some similar bullshit.

Damon wasn't sure if that "love" or "free will" stuff really worked for bringing those with power to the angel side. It certainly hadn't worked on him, but since the angels firmly believed in it they tolerated him well. Heck, he even considered a few of them as friends.

It was a pretty little town, Angel Brooke. Damon wasn't sure if he considered it "home", but it was a good spot to stay for know. He found himself a little apartment on the edge of the town higher up in the moment as the rest of the town. It was a quiet least, for now it was.
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Re: A Small Town Out of the Ordinary [Jump Right In RP] [Mat

Postby amanda784 » 11/13/2015 8:17 PM


Star would absolutely kill herself if she had to sit through another one of those stupid failed student interviews. Okay, so maybe that wasn't true. After all, wasn't it a sin to commit suicide? She wasn't sure. She tended to focus simply on the Special Rule: Treat others as you would like to be treated. It was said that rule outweighed all others and if you kept just that one rule you would keep all the rules.

Star was searching for young ones with power through the form of student interviews. Star had taken out an ad in the local newspaper searching for "students with exceptional abilities". So far, she had met with a student with an "exceptional" smile, GPA, and singing voice. All of the interviews had two things in common: the students were obviously forced there by an overly proud parent and none of the students were truly exceptional. In fact, Star had thought the student with the "exceptional" singing voice had a singing voice similar to a dying cat.

Star let out a sigh.

Come on, thought Star, Only a few more interviews to suffer through today...
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Re: A Small Town Out of the Ordinary [Jump Right In RP] [Mat

Postby Nevermore » 11/15/2015 4:05 AM

(pet image for now)

Ina was slumming it with some home boys getting away with some nasty smokes and skateboarding at the peek of their game; he enjoyed the humor, he enjoyed the adventure, and he enjoyed feeding off the bad deeds. For what was a greedy hungry demon good for if he wasn't doing his job correctly? He couldn't say he took pride in his work, but that he enjoyed his work a little too much.
Ina had just come off his board after a successful grind and jump twist off some stair rails laughing and watching back to see how his buddies would do their tricks. Who cares if they were a little high and off balanced. Everything was sure to be fine, none of them had a care in the world, none of them new what evils were afoot as long as Ina was part of their gang. Wearing dark sweatbands on their heads had been their gangs trademark, Ina's just so happened to have his name hand sown on his, perceiving to be the gang leader or perhaps second in command.
After the other successfully finished their stunts it was about time to make some street havoc; spray paint in one of the members backpacks ready to go, they all took off hooting and hollering down the street.
Him and the boys found one of those high and mighty schools, and it looked like it was student interviewing day or some crap like that. Ina thought it would be appropriate if they painted some 'Hail Satan' symbols and words over the front brick wall, and spray painted they did.

(Edit: Sorry I made it so there could be some easier form of interactions  :D )

(well I hope my jump in is a success <3 I thought it would be cool to role play with Ina, he could potentially get tagged and force to join the school and so on lol)

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Re: A Small Town Out of the Ordinary [Jump Right In RP] [Mat

Postby amanda784 » 11/16/2015 2:19 PM

((Ahh! I'm loving the hooligans in Angel Brooke! You're jump in is definitely a success. Not that Miss Star would agree...))

Star was relieved when the last of the possible students didn't even bother to show up. She was sick of that feeling of failure in her gut and if she had to sit through just one more failed interview...why, she was not sure what would happen.

Star slumped behind her desk, elbows rested on top and head rested in her hands.

"Dammit!" she kicked a leg to her desk as she yelled. She wasn't sure whether or not saying that particular word would be considered a sin, but she figured it wasn't as bad as the other ones going through her head.

Star took a quick inhale and let it out slowly.

Why had the sent her here? To laugh at her? Star thought herself to be a fine teacher, but it was known that not all angels agreed.

Star felt so defeated, she figured she may as well just leave. Star grabbed her bag from under the desk and headed for the large metal doors toward the entrance of the school. She shoved open the front door and jumped just a bit when it slammed behind her. She turned to look and was terrified by what she saw.

At the sight of the "Hail Satan" symbols on the front of her once beautiful school, Star suddenly felt weak. At first, her head ached with anger, but it quickly faded to a fuzzy dizziness. Her knees buckled and everything went black.

Star could only hope it was the work of hooligan teenagers and not a demon in town.
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Re: A Small Town Out of the Ordinary [Jump Right In RP] [Mat

Postby Nevermore » 11/16/2015 4:45 PM

Waiting for one of his members to finish their painting he looked at the almost finished project and smiled, what a wonderful Satan image for these kiss ass angels to get angry over. Oh how he wanted to see their faces once they saw what they had done to their precious special school!
The image was of a normal Satan looking role pushing his pitchfork up an angels butt.
"All right time to wrap it up!" He motioned with his hand out stretched doing a flick with his, index and middle fingers drawing out a circle.

As he waited for the guys with their bandannas over their faces to pull the still usable spray paint cartons back into the one guys back pack and then skateboard out of there. It was his job to leave last, just in case some one would see what they had done. That way it would only be him who would get in trouble. Some sort of chain of command silent rule some/their gang(s) lived by. He was not the leader, but he was one of the more loyal members who would not rat out the others.

This act of manipulation to get them to do such a terrible crime, grew their darkness and in return he devoured what all they had grown. Because there were so many angels around it was his job to keep their gangs aura in the clear as to not stand out, and get captured. Because he ate whatever they created they ended up slipping by the angels with ease. Ina however had to really keep it low, the human disguise was good and well made, but once he lost his temper then it would be the end for him for sure. For now the angels could question what he was, but could never fully determine what he was. Which of course made his life easier running around this Angelic place.

After lighting a normal cigarette and placing it in his mouth to suck on, he figured he had given the boys enough time to regroup in the Young and Homeless shelter they all called home. He cradled his skateboard in his right arm while his hand stayed tucked in his cargo short trouser pants, his long socks rose a little underneath his knees while his high tops colored with flames went two inches above his ankles, he stepped off the side walk and into the street. He wore a baggy red zip up jacket which was currently unzipped and showing off a damsel in distress with her hand over forehead and this dark masked red demon peering over her. His left hand rose up to take the cigarette out of his mouth as he did a quick inhale then he let out the cigarette smoke from his mouth. He had an ease to his walk and wasn't in any type of hurry, being in a hurry usually looked like you were the culprit so for now he was going to stay back and walk in a nice pace, but hopefully try to peek on some of the faces when they realized what his street gang had done to their precious school. Upon looking back he caught a distressed figure who was inside the gate, his cigarette had fallen from his mouth as it laid open, had she seen them all? Was their cover blown? Could he some how find out? Should he get the hell out of there while the women was distracted?
(Yay, Thanks~  :'D so Excited to raise Ina's character  ^_^
I hope she doesn't get a heart attack :'o)

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Re: A Small Town Out of the Ordinary [Jump Right In RP] [Mat

Postby amanda784 » 11/17/2015 7:05 PM

Star was lucky to have fallen into the soft grass. Her feet were still on the concrete sidewalk. Had she fallen the other way she would be facing the possibility of a concussion. Star sat up and blinked a few times trying to gather her wits. Star suffered from severe anxiety that often caused her to pass out, black out, or go into a full-blown panic attack.

Her memory slowly went from blurry flashes to clear picture. The symbols on the brick wall. Her heart began to race and her head began to pound. Her breathing went from normal to quick. She began sucking air in so fast that she felt like she couldn't breathe and then she was wheezing.

She had to tell the others. If there were demons in town it was important they act quickly. However, in the moment she needed to calm down. That meant a trip to Carmella's candy shop...


It had been a mostly quiet day. About the same amount of customers as every other day, which quite frankly, wasn't a lot. There was one thing Carmella liked about the day: Damon had stopped it for his usual hard candies to help him quit smoking. Carmella couldn't help, but smile. She recalled how she had made him laugh by telling him, "I understand you want to quit smoking so you don't have smoker's lungs for all eternity, but do you really want rotted teeth for all eternity?" Carmella wondered if maybe he had the same crush on her that she had on him.

There was the ding of the bell at the front door.

"I'm sorry, but we're getting ready to-" Carmella stopped when she saw Star stumble in. "I told you about all that worrying Star! Wait right there."

Carmella had become accustomed to Star barging in mid-panic-attack at least once a week now. Ever since she started that darned school she seemed to be letting the anxiety really get a hold on her.

Carmella handed Star a hard candy enchanted with "calm".

"Now deary," said Carmella, "what are you worried about now?"

((Feel free to add more characters as we go along! :)))
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Re: A Small Town Out of the Ordinary [Jump Right In RP] [Mat

Postby Nevermore » 11/18/2015 6:27 PM

(Ummm, Oh goodnes, lol : 3 So I haven't created a clear character for this guy <3 So bare with me.. .o. I hope I can decided on him now : P)


Rick was just enjoying his coffee, running around this place with so many 'angels' around gave him some chills. Even if they said they were on the good side. It was still unnatural for them to be here. In fact his beliefs were strongly blunt; if they said they weren't from earth, they didn't belong! And if they weren't in heaven they were fallen. No matter if they called themselves; demons, or angels. They manipulated the system, and they did more harm to the normal human ways then good!

He wasn't going to get accustom to them and he sure as hell hoped they wouldn't get accustom to him! He threw his paper coffee cup away and shoved his hands in his coat pocket. He hadn't shaven in some time and a hair cut was duly noted. He was a little rough ; he wore a knitted maroon infinity scarf which seemed to be peculiarly treasured by him. The season was fall and most coffee joints were selling pumpkin spice, he hated pumpkin spice.

The cold breeze was another thing he wasn't fond of, but it beat being surrounded by angels and demons in his office. He was walking the streets because he was hired to investigate something out of the ordinary... though he thought what exactly was ordinary now-a-days? His detective badge clipped to his pants belt and his black coat mostly covering it up. He was now walking by a school with graphite spray painted all over its walls "TCH" He smacked, "Serves you right, ass kissers" He mumbled under breath while taking the time to get his mobile out to take pictures of the crime. His job didn't care if the victim or criminal was human, demon, or angel... A crime was a crime and he didn't want to lose his badge over some pointless racism.


Ina had followed the women to a candy shop, it was obvious she hadn't spotted him, but his concern had not yet been relieved. He had to make certain nothing was seen by this women. He walked bristly back in forth before deciding what to do next the candy shop was in front of a park, so sitting out wouldn't be so hard, but what he really wanted to do was go inside... However the shop was closing and it seemed the guests that were there were 'somewhat' acquaintances; so getting in without being too blunt wasn't going to help him ease drop. That was obviously out of the question.

((I was also wondering if you had any clear descriptions of your characters? ))

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Re: A Small Town Out of the Ordinary [Jump Right In RP] [Mat

Postby amanda784 » 11/20/2015 6:40 PM

((I have absolutely no solid descriptions. Besides, descriptions seem to change due to RolePlays XD))
"Vandalism, you say?" asked Carmella, prior to Star telling her story. "Now that surely doesn't sound like the work of demons! Sounds like some hooligans are in town, doesn't it?"

Star thought about it for a moment, "Bu-but those symbols. I know them. They are demonic symbols Carm!"

"Now Star," said Carmella, her tone growing stern, "you know better than to work yourself into a frenzy. It was just some hooligans. Say it!"

"It was just some hooligans," said Star quietly.

"Good," said Carmella. "Now you just keep repeating that until you believe it."

Star really tried. She went over those words in her head again and again, but all she could think about was her beloved school. She had wished so dearly that just one gifted kid would walk in and she would be the one to guide them to light. She needed just one student to believe in her, but who would walk into a school with demonic symbols scattered about it's brick walls.

"What about my school?" asked Star, begin to sob. She let her face fall into her hands as the sobbing grew louder.
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Re: A Small Town Out of the Ordinary [Jump Right In RP] [Mat

Postby Nevermore » 11/21/2015 2:24 AM

He finished documenting the graphite and began to walk down the street finding a candy shop with a small set of people inside, one seemed out of her wits, maybe something to look in on. A chime rung as he opened the door, "I hope I'm not intruding on anything important" he nodded his head in a hello kind of way and entered the shop walking over to the counter and leaned his back on the glass that showed the different candies they were selling. "I just have a couple things to ask you kind folks..." he flashed his badge. He kept a form of sweet talking to the strangers before him there was no way in hell people would talk with him if they new just how he felt at times. He referred to the way he handled people in a professional detective way. "But first..." he lifted his hand up and pointed out the window "Any one know who that is?" the teenage looking boy in a red zip up paced the park streets now and then eyeballing the shop "Might just be my sense of suspicion, but you never know."

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Re: A Small Town Out of the Ordinary [Jump Right In RP] [Mat

Postby amanda784 » 11/24/2015 6:09 PM

Star sniffled and turned to the cop. Suddenly, she felt a wave of relief wash over her. Certainly a cop could not handle the likes of demons, but if it was just everyday vandals surely he could handle it.

"Is this about my school?" she turned to the cop.

"Now Star," said Carmella, "The man asked us a question, but I don't believe I've ever seen that fellow before. Odd, most the young ones love my little candy shop!"

Carmella felt a pang of hurt. Maybe her little shop wasn't as popular as she had thought...

"You must think me so rude!" said Star, "I do apologize. It's just that school is EVERYTHING to me and..."

Carmella nudged Star.

"Oh," said Star, embarrassed, "Why no, I don't believe I've seen him around."
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Re: A Small Town Out of the Ordinary [Jump Right In RP] [Mat

Postby Nevermore » 11/29/2015 6:09 PM

Rick stood there quietly as the two ladies bickered about, "Ah I see.. So That Star's Guidance for the Gifted belongs to you? You should have reported the Vandalism to the police before leaving the school, a full description of what took place and when you found the Graphite could help the investigation." He grabbed a small notepad with leather bindings from his back pocket and wrote some things down.
He put the pad back in his pocket and looked back up, "I'll keep an eye out for that kid then, but other than that I only found out about your problem when I walked by.." He crossed his arms and examined the candy shop a little further, nothing out of the ordinary, and nothing more for him to be suspicious about. "I'm on a lead case revolving, Dakota Brown. She was a young girl about sixteen. Her parents told us she always hung out around this shop. I'm sure she was just like any other kid coming to get some candy, but if you have anything you know about her it would help a lot." He took out a picture from his inside jacket pocket to show the young girls face to the people in the shop. "Her body was found October Six at six a.m.(Last Thursday)" He placed the picture on the register counter for the owner to look at it little longer. His phone rang and he answered it, "Detective Rick" He was a little ticked that HQ called him directly, but remembered he had an audience, "Excuse me" he apologized and walked a few steps away turning his back to the strangers "Yes, Star's Guidance for the Gifted, the facility is a few clicks from Saint Dave's Street to the north. Uh huh... Well I already sent the pics, Hell no. Put her on... Lil Miss get your ass in gear! Tch" He argued on the phone for a little bit before clicking the off button and turning back to the shop's guests. "Well if anything comes to mind like; the people she hung out with here, or if she looked a little strange it would help" He finished. He would leave soon if there was no leads. He turned to Star "Ma'am, The police will be at your school in about thirty minutes, if you want to meet them there"

Well, Hell! There was no point in sticking around now. He would have to find another way to figure out if she new anything or just leave it alone all together. It wasn't that big of a deal, but if these angels ever found out he was a demon it would definitely tear all his efforts apart. He shrugged it off and walked out of there and back to his gang at the shelter.

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