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Payment Alternative for HOLIDAY Customs

Postby Jaykobell » 12/29/2015 7:01 PM


So, with the holidays happening, it made me think of something.

I've seen a few people saying that they need quick sales for KS/GT, obviously in the hopes of being able to buy gifts. And while I understand the prices and the fact GT is also an option, I only wanted to bring up another alternative we could think about.

Mind you, this would only apply to holiday/gift customs. This doesn't include custom sales (which we don't even have) or monthly customs from the raffles; this only includes these customs for the holiday season that are meant to be given as gifts.

In a similar way to the Equal Pet Exchange, what if members could offer other pets in exchange for a custom order? Depending on a set value, members could exchange a certain number of pets (like the overwhelming amount of unused seasonals) in order to stack up enough 'KS' value to get a slot. We could even allow any pets, including breedables, where those could then be put in the Equal Pet Exchange itself, or they could be used as auction or raffle prizes.

With the holidays, a lot of people pitch in the customs, because they're usually not opened like that and it's usually for gifts. And I know there is now the GT alternative, but I know I was personally tight on money this year due to my surgery and my car payments... and also IRL gifts that DEFINITELY cost $RL. I wasn't nearly able to spend as much as I would've liked this year due to all that.

And yes, I know Evelon is about RPing, that's how you make KS... but many of us are very busy, especially around the holidays; finals, rushes at work, exhausting preparations for the holidays. On the spot, you might not be able to stack up on what you need.

So what better way to allow members to get gifts than by exchanging other things literally nobody wants? My trades are filled with breedables over my head. If I could exchange maybe 1 Lucain or Paragon for 2 customs, I think that'd be amazing. And with the slot system in place, it prevents abuse as well by just dumping more and more expensive pets for more custom slots.

Does that make sense?

Again, this is only for holiday/gift customs, and not for any other kind of customs. It's just to get rid of the overwhelming amount of pointless pets, and I realize Salvis does handle that... but sometimes the KS from there just isn't enough, and there are a whole bunch of KS sinks now; between breeding rooms and potions and the now more affordable Einsor pets and the Scintilla, it's easy to see KS depleting downhill faster than a snowball down a hill.

But I'd like to know what people think, and if anyone might have ideas to add on to this; or concerns I might not have thought of.

So discuss away, yes?
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Re: Payment Alternative for HOLIDAY Customs

Postby Citanul » 12/29/2015 8:46 PM

I think this would be a real interesting idea. I know I have tons of pets that are just building up - and many that Salvis hasn't taken yet or I've missed him taking.

I would also second the Equal Pet Exchange idea! It would help, I think, in taking some of the rotting pets out of people's pens and giving them new homes while generating some 'customs' that people do want. It would especially be helpful for someone like me. I've lost all inspiration for my Paragon - but I don't want to put them in the Exchange for 'Paragon' points I'd never use. I'd be happy to send them off there to gift someone a custom.

I know just buying one gift custom this year wiped out most of my KS, plus buying potions for my secret santa since I had nothing else on their wishlist. XP
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Re: Payment Alternative for HOLIDAY Customs

Postby Kyrit » 12/30/2015 2:25 AM

Sadly, I don't think something like this is feasible. I do love the idea of it, but at the same time I just don't think we have the staff for something like this.

So far we've done a total of around 40 customs, give or take a few since there were also a few wish-a-thon customs. Out of those.. I can say I've done 24 customs. We've also got at least 17 custom orders waiting to be finished (more if there are some I just haven't seen). The original idea was that we were going to have 4 staff members working on customs, buuut that hasn't exactly been the case. xD; It's mostly just been myself and Kreepy, and then Thunder and Crow have also actually been able to handle a few orders (mostly ones they wanted to gift to people). Admittedly, there are a few orders (somewhere around 3-4) that I'm waiting on someone to give me the psds in order to be able to do, but all in all it already feels like we're having to make users wait quite a bit for some of their orders.

I would love to make it easier to get customs to gift people, but unless next year we've somehow got a lot more time for art staff I just don't see it as possible. If we get 60+ customs this year and get about the same next year but add the ability to get them via trading in seasonals we'd likely have customs piled up until February.

Or maybe we could find some way to make it work, but it'd have to be heavily limited, as in like. 1 custom order per person being done with way.

I do want to be able to make something like this work. It's just that as the only real workhorse on customs right now (Kreepy's currently battling with her moves, family, and trying to get other things done for Evelon behind the scenes) the idea of potentially being even more swamped next year while I'm in graduate school terrifies me.
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Re: Payment Alternative for HOLIDAY Customs

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/30/2015 3:53 AM

My opinion is much the same as Kyrit's opinion. I would love to be able to do something like this, but I'm just not sure how feasible it would be.

Although, it did occur to me that one way to make it more feasible could also be to limit what can actually be ordered this way. If ordering this way was limited to RANDOM custom pets, I think it would be much more feasible. Even the not-so-artsy of us staff can recolor pets, so that increases the number of staff that are able to help out.

Then, if the more artsy staff feel like it/have the time, they can always snoop around wishlists and see what they feel like doing that's a little more complex. If they don't have the time, then recolors are still great, too.

Random customs may not always be the absolute MOST wanted pets, but everyone can appreciate a random custom, especially since many users even have listed pet species they like for this purpose.

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Re: Payment Alternative for HOLIDAY Customs

Postby Citanul » 12/30/2015 10:55 AM

Wow. I didn't know there were so many customs ordered. Yeah, I guess that makes sense. Hmm. I think that the 'random custom' thing may only work if we could still pick the species? I know that while we would all love a custom, there are a lot of pets I would feel bad never using, but would want to keep since they were gifts.

Sorry for any weird text or spelling, on my phone
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Re: Payment Alternative for HOLIDAY Customs

Postby Thunder » 01/01/2016 12:51 AM

I'm going to have to agree with Kyrit and Toxic on this one :< There's a good number of custom orders still waiting to be done, and the staff has all been pretty busy. I personally want to do more of the orders, but it's extremely hard for me to work on any right now since I'm on my family vacation and did not bring my tablet, so anything requiring drawing new markings and whatnot is out of the question (which is...a lot of the orders OTL). So yeah...unless we get more people working on these, I don't think making this a payment alternative is feasible right now, as much as I like the idea itself.

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Re: Payment Alternative for HOLIDAY Customs

Postby Redd » 01/01/2016 12:55 AM

Unfortunately, I'm with the others on this one :< For the reasons Kyrit listed.
Aaaand to be honest, completely random orders take me the most amount of time to do so x'D I think the alternative would be out of the question for me.

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Re: Payment Alternative for HOLIDAY Customs

Postby ToxicShadow » 01/13/2016 7:33 PM

In response to Cita:

Yes, with my suggestion of random pets, I figured it would be the same as this past holiday's custom sales, where the species can be indicated.

Response to Kreepy:

If completely random orders are the most difficult to do for you, since they are random, it's a good possibility that you could snoop through users' wishlists for ideas. (Especially if this only applies to gift customs, since almost all users update their wishlists for the holidays.) I'm sure many users would love getting customs off of their wishlists, as opposed to something totally random. Making it random simply makes it so that most staff can help out, if we need to.


Other than that, I do like the idea of basically having a way to recycle pets for other things. That's the main selling point of this suggestion, at least for me.

There could always be a limit in place for this, such as only being able to obtain two custom pets this way, per user. They could gift the person they are a Secret Santa for and another user, for example. Even one or two customs this way can save a user a lot of funds.

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