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Re: .:Millie's Christmas Event [LAST 4 slots Open!]:.

Postby crow » 01/02/2016 12:16 AM

Just then, a man stepped out from the crowd. “I was there,” he said. “I saw it. The Thorn Thief has the right of it, I'm afraid. The child was really quite upset. What abominable behavior in the midst of the celebrations! You should be ashamed of yourself.” He turned and began to scold the large man, whose face twisted in an expression of irritation and... something else. Dante would have hesitated to call it anything like humiliation, but he had the distinct sense that the fellow didn't appreciate being called out in front of a crowd. He opened his mouth several times to make a retort, but by now the crowd had been fully won to Skitter's side by the witness testimony. They shouted him down, and Dante let them.

Taking Skitter by the hand, he ducked quietly out of the crowd while they were still distracted, and didn't stop until they got a good ways away from the commotion, just in case. It might have been better to wait for the crowd to deliver an official verdict, but Dante had been raised by a recluse for too long. He had had more than his fill of being in a crowd for the moment.

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Re: .:Millie's Christmas Event [LAST 4 slots Open!]:.

Postby crow » 01/02/2016 12:23 AM

Skitter shifted uneasily as soon as they stopped. “Dante mad? Dante mad?” he asked fretfully. Dante sighed and shook his head.

“No, Dante's not mad. Dante's tired.” He wondered if he looked angry, for Skitter to have asked him that. He had never thought of himself as a particularly intimidating individual. Even earlier, when he had been addressing the crowd at large, they hadn't seemed fazed much by his presence. But perhaps Skitter was only worried that he had done something wrong. Dante rather preferred that explanation.

“Skitter not mean to make big fuss. Just want small one to stop crying,” said Skitter. He still looked miserable. Dante did his best to crack a smile, for his sake.

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Re: .:Millie's Christmas Event [LAST 4 slots Open!]:.

Postby crow » 01/02/2016 12:29 AM

“You meant well. I know. And it really was rotten of that fellow to do that to a child. But next time, Skitter, do things a little more subtly when you can. Maybe... take his cake when he isn't looking. Or attract the attention of one of the bakery ladies. Bystanders can be very useful.” He thought back to the crowd. If they hadn't been there, that encounter might have turned out very differently. Dante didn't know if the man would have resorted to violence, but thus far his half of the vampire heritage didn't contain much in the way of combat prowess. They would have been in trouble if it had come to a physical confrontation.

Skitter was nodding enthusiastically. “Next time. Next time Skitter do a sneaky-sneak.” Hearing him phrase it that way, Dante began to wonder whether he was going to regret this later. It was too late for second thoughts, however. He was also too tired for that kind of worrying. If it was going to become a problem, then he'd cross that bridge when he came to it. For now he was just glad that the whole ordeal was over with, and that they had come out of it intact.

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Re: .:Millie's Christmas Event [LAST 4 slots Open!]:.

Postby crow » 01/02/2016 12:37 AM

About this time, Suvi and Elliot were beginning to make their way over to where Dante had ducked off. Suvi had been fixated on watching the crowd mob the angry man. If it weren't for Elliot's careful observation of Dante, she would never have known where to look for him afterwards. Elliot had no stake in the man's fortunes, however, and was more concerned with what happened to their friend.

As they walked, Suvi said, “Serves him right, I'll bet. I have no idea what he did, but I'm sure it's awful.” They had been too far away from the commotion to hear what was being said, sadly. Suvi had considered going closer, but then she wouldn't have been able to see what was happening. It was one or the other, and in the end she opted for vision over hearing, especially since it seemed like Elliot was content to stay where he was.

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Re: .:Millie's Christmas Event [LAST 4 slots Open!]:.

Postby crow » 01/02/2016 12:44 AM

Elliot made a non-committal noise. “I'm sure Dante will tell us when we find him. But don't you think it's interesting, that he sided with the Thorn Thief? Doesn't it seem like they know each other?”

“Huh?” said Suvi, who had picked up nothing of the sort. “What do you mean, they know each other?”

“Well, look at the way the whole thing started,” Elliot said. “The Thorn Thief went straight for Dante as soon as it saw him. It was hiding behind him until that guy provoked it, I think.”

Suvi scoffed. “It was just looking for a place to hide,” she reasoned.

Elliot didn't look convinced. “There were bigger people. Dante's kind of scrawny. If that guy wanted to bowl them both over, he probably could have.”

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Re: .:Millie's Christmas Event [LAST 4 slots Open!]:.

Postby crow » 01/02/2016 12:53 AM

“We'll ask him when we get there,” said Suvi placidly. She was still convinced that it was all coincidence, but on the other hand she didn't much care one way or another. What was a Thorn Thief here and there? She was just glad to see the big guy get served.

The picture the saw when they eventually did arrive pretty much settled that argument though. The two were talking quietly to one another in a way that was obviously familiar. “Told you,” Elliot said matter-of-factly. Suvi stuck her tongue out at him and ran down to break up what she was sure was some kind of secret conference.

“You didn't tell us you brought a friend,” she said, sticking a finger out accusingly at Dante. She was forced to snatch it back almost immediately, however, as the Thorn Thief snatched at it.

Skitter hissed at her. “Small loud one not point at Dante!” it said.

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Re: .:Millie's Christmas Event [LAST 4 slots Open!]:.

Postby crow » 01/02/2016 1:01 AM

“Whoa,” Suvi said, taking an involuntary step back. “Hey, call him off. I didn't mean anything by it.” She eyed Dante warily, not sure what to make of him either now that he was in such... apparently fierce company.

Dante laughed weakly. “It's alright, Skitter. She's a friend. They both are. We're just playing, aren't we?”

“Sure we are,” Suvi agreed, a little too quickly. She nudged Elliot, who nodded belatedly, too caught up in staring at Skitter thus far. Elliot had never seen a Thorn Thief up close, and was trying not to let his inner academic get the better of him.

He didn't win that particular battle. “Um,” he said. As soon as he did, everyone else's eyes fixed on him, making him feel a bit uncomfortable. The still-mistrustful gaze of the Thorn Thief didn't bode well for his request, but Dante was looking at him expectantly, so he coughed once to clear his throat. “Do you think your friend would mind if I... took a closer look at him?”

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Re: .:Millie's Christmas Event [LAST 4 slots Open!]:.

Postby crow » 01/02/2016 1:40 AM

He knew it was an odd request, and the puzzled expressions of the others only confirmed that. “Oh, I uh... I like flowers and plants and stuff. I have lots of books. It's just, I've never had the chance to... see a Thorn Thief up... close.” Now it was his turn to frown in confusion. As he spoke, the Thorn Thief in question had sauntered up to him. Elliot's eyes followed its strange swaying gait, falling silent as he did so. “Um, what are you doing?”

What Skitter was doing was peering very closely at Elliot. It stayed like that for several moments; then its hand shot up and patted the top of Elliot's head. Elliot was just about to say something, thinking this was perhaps a greeting, when the gnarled hand levelled out towards Suvi, then back again. Was it... Was it comparing their heights? Elliot heaved a sigh, his goodwill evaporating in the face of such a blatant attack against his stature. It was already clear that he was the shortest one here. The Thorn Thief didn't need to rub it in.

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Re: .:Millie's Christmas Event [LAST 4 slots Open!]:.

Postby crow » 01/02/2016 1:49 AM

Behind Skitter, Dante said, “I don't see why not. I mean, he's started on you already, so he might as well.” Elliot supposed he had a point there. If it was going to be reciprocal, for that matter, he supposed he didn't mind so much either.

“Okay,” Elliot said, peering at the bark-like skin that covered the Thorn Thief's arm. “Will he answer questions?”

“Small one can ask Skitter,” said the Thorn Thief. “Not need ask Dante. Skitter talk.”

Elliot jumped a little. “O-Oh. Sorry. Did I... offend you?”

The Thorn Thief didn't answer that, but said, “What small one want to know?”

Put on the spot like that, Elliot found that he was at a loss for words. He had to think on it a moment, and his thoughts kept running away from him because he was in a rush. Finally, he managed to get out, “What do you, uh, eat? You... do eat, right?”

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Re: .:Millie's Christmas Event [LAST 4 slots Open!]:.

Postby crow » 01/02/2016 1:57 AM

Skitter blinked, looking what might have been thoughtful. “Dirt,” it replied. “Rocks... Only small ones. Orange peels. Apple cores. Garbage, lots-lots. But not have to. Just for fun.” Beside Elliot, Suvi wrinked her nose in distaste. She had thought something smelled weird about this place; she hadn't realized until now that it was Skitter. She silently edged away from it and closer to Dante.

Elliot, for his part, wanted to smack himself on the forehead. It photosynthesized, of course it did. He'd even read about this before. Why did he ask such a dumb question? He had to think of a better one. “Then... is it hard for you in the winter? Does the cold bother you?”

The Thorn Thief had to think a little longer for this one. “Cold not nice... but fire not nice either. Skitter like when leaf fall. Trees look like Skitter. Big brother like summer... Liked,” it said, correcting itself. Elliot could have sworn that its face fell for a moment, and he was wondering whether he ought to be sorry that he had asked.

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Re: .:Millie's Christmas Event [LAST 4 slots Open!]:.

Postby crow » 01/02/2016 2:06 AM

Suvi, whether out of a rare moment of tact or simply because it occurred to her, chose that moment to ask, “So how did you guys meet anyway? You and Dante, I mean.”

“Oh, I can tell that one,” said Dante. “Unless you wanted to...?” Skitter shook its head no, so Dante continued. “I was, um... Well, you already know that I ran away from my mentor. It was kind of tough for a while. I didn't have any connections, and I didn't know where to go or what to do. I needed money, but they wouldn't hire me since I was too young... But right about then, there was this big hubbub about a monster running about. They opened up this commission for people to go search for it. It didn't matter if you were Imperial or Purine, since there were already casualties on both sides from this thing, apparently.” He'd heard a lot of it second-hand, really, and his search never turned up the real monster. Still, he'd gotten paid--- something he was genuinely surprised by, considering how useful he actually was to their venture. “I heard a rumor about a monster lurking around in the city, so I tried to track it down. That was how I found Skitter.”

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Re: .:Millie's Christmas Event [LAST 4 slots Open!]:.

Postby crow » 01/02/2016 2:16 AM

“Skitter not monster,” the Thorn Thief clarified. “No need hit Skitter, or yell, or put in cage. Skitter like elbow room.” It waved its arms around and did a funny little dance, just to demonstrate. Even Elliot laughed at its antics.

“Right, sorry. I hit him over the head with an old bat when I first saw him. I couldn't see him clearly, and I thought it was a real monster,” said Dante, smiling ruefully. Skitter winced at the memory and rubbed at the back of its head. “Anyway, once I realized, I figured he was probably lost like me. Apparently he's looking for his brother.”

“Skrit!” said Skitter. “You see Skrit? You see big brother? Big brother like Skitter, but different colors,” it added helpfully. Suvi shrugged, while Elliot shook his head no. The Thorn Thief deflated as quickly as it had perked up, leaving them both feeling a little guilty. But they didn't know what they didn't know, and neither of them had actually encountered anything that looked like a Thorn Thief until today.

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Re: .:Millie's Christmas Event [LAST 4 slots Open!]:.

Postby crow » 01/02/2016 2:24 AM

“Don't worry, we'll find him. You said he was under commission from the Imperials, right?”

“Red ones, yes. Red ones promise shinies, promise tasties. Skrit said, easy peasy, no worries! Skrit said, will do! ... Skrit missing long time now.” The Thorn Thief curled up into itself, sitting down and hugging its knees. Folded up, it was so much smaller and more compact than Elliot thought it could get. If it weren't for the current mood, he would have been quite impressed.

Suvi cocked her head. “You said Imperials, right? That's the side Sivvy signed up for, I think.” Come to think of it, what did he do in the war again? He wasn't just a plain soldier, was he? No, Sivvy had to have been doing something important. He was the strongest, and he knew so much that he wouldn't even tell Suvi. She was sure the war people had to be impressed with him. “Maybe he knows something. I could ask him for you.”

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Re: .:Millie's Christmas Event [LAST 4 slots Open!]:.

Postby crow » 01/02/2016 2:31 AM

“Really? Really really?” said Skitter, perking up again immediately. “Small one will ask Siv-Siv for Skitter?”

Whatever Suvi had been about to say was blown aside by a fit of the giggles at Skitter's nickname for Sivvy. “Siv-Siv!” she repeated, gasping for breath. “Oh, that's a good one! I can't wait til he hears that one!” Skitter, who was quite confused by her reaction, looked askance at Dante, who shrugged. Eventually she calmed enough to say, “Yeah, I'll ask... pfft... I'll ask Siv-Siv for you. Man, can you come up with anything funny for Rhodes? He's an Imperial too,” she added, as if that would somehow seal the deal for Skitter.

“I'll thank you to do nothing of the sort,” said a stately voice. The boys and Skitter looked confused, but Suvi froze right up as if she had been caught doing something amiss.

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Re: .:Millie's Christmas Event [LAST 4 slots Open!]:.

Postby crow » 01/02/2016 2:41 AM

She knew exactly who that was. A small black cat minced its way between them a moment later, its twin tails flicking back and forth. Dante and Skitter eyed it uncertainly, while Elliot recognized the cat and lifted a hand in greeting. He didn't dare do much more. Rhodes might have looked like any old house pet, but he acted and spoke like... like a teacher, sort of. Like someone older and respectable, at least. “Now, what was this about asking us about Imperial information, Suvi?”

Suvi's eyes narrowed suspiciously. This was very good timing of his, turning up like this. Rhodes was, of course, a cat of impeccable timing no matter how you sliced it. However, she suspected she hadn't been as free and unsupervised as she had first thought. “Were you following me this whole time?” she asked.

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