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Re: .:Millie's Christmas Event [LAST 4 slots Open!]:.

Postby crow » 01/02/2016 2:49 AM

The cat feigned cleaning a paw. “Oh, no, young mistress. I've much better things to do than tail you around the festival. I had myself a very nice time at the bird pond, personally.” As he spoke this, he wished that it were true. Her guess had in fact been right on the mark. He had spent the bulk of his time chasing her around the festival while doing his best not to be seen. It was exhausting, and he wished they were going home, but he knew that was a pipe dream. The evening was still young, and she had joined up with some friends. There would be no dragging her home until they were all dragged home together, by their respective guardians.

Speaking of respective guardians... He knew that his absence was merely an illusion, and Sivain was likewise not far off, but they were an unusual case. Elliot's sister was to their knowledge a fairly mundane individual. “Where is Miss Charlie this evening, Elliot? I don't believe I've seen her around.”

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Re: .:Millie's Christmas Event [LAST 4 slots Open!]:.

Postby crow » 01/02/2016 3:02 AM

“Oh,” said Elliot, shuffling uncomfortably. “She's... around.” He didn't dare say she wasn't, since Rhodes very clearly fell into that category of grown-ups even if he was a cat. Fortunately for him, Rhodes didn't manage to eavesdrop on his conversation with Suvi earlier where she had asked the same thing. Charlie might have been back by now, but he honestly didn't know. He remembered belatedly that he was supposed to be waiting for her back at the bake shop where he'd been before. He wasn't sure how to suggest going back without tipping them all off though. It was much too late now.

He was saved from any further interrogation by the enthusiasm of the Thorn Thief. “Rose! Black one is Rose, yes? Black one is with red ones? Black one will answer questions for Skitter?” It crowded up close to the cat, crouching down so they were face to face. Rhodes was rather taken aback, both at its apparent lack of respect for personal space and its... rendition of his name.

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Re: .:Millie's Christmas Event [LAST 4 slots Open!]:.

Postby crow » 01/02/2016 3:11 AM

“I beg your pardon?” said Rhodes, incredulous. “Are you speaking to me?”

“Yessss. Small one say Rose knows. Rose will tell?” Skitter looked hopefully at Rhodes--- as hopefully as one could with black pits for eyes. Rhodes glanced at Suvi, and in that glance she knew they would be speaking later about making promises on his behalf to strangers. She wasn't looking forward to that. For the moment, however, that was offset by her ongoing struggle to repress her giggles. Skitter hadn't disappointed her after all in making a nickname for Rhodes. It wasn't Siv-Siv, but it sure was something. The cat's reaction made it all the better, really.

“It's Rhodes,” said the cat, doing his best not to look completely put-off. He had enough sense to recognize the Thorn Thief as a simple creature, who likely meant no offense. Still, he couldn't take kindly to his name being mispronounced so.

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Re: .:Millie's Christmas Event [LAST 4 slots Open!]:.

Postby crow » 01/02/2016 3:20 AM

Skitter was happy to oblige. “Rooooooose,” it said, dragging out the syllable, as if that were the issue at hand. The cat eyed it for a moment, considering his options. However, he was smart enough to recognize a losing battle when he saw one. He didn't try again, and merely sighed, resigning himself to his fate.

“Very well. I will attempt to answer your questions, yes, as you have so happily befriended our young mistress. What would you ask of me... Skitter, was it?” he said. He hoped he wouldn't regret this. He didn't know how much he knew that would be of help to Skitter. More to the point, he didn't know what something like Skitter would want to know about the war. It wasn't a participant, surely? He hoped not, for a wide variety of reasons.

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Re: .:Millie's Christmas Event [LAST 4 slots Open!]:.

Postby crow » 01/02/2016 3:32 AM

Skitter beamed at him, glad to have the cat's cooperation. It had been wondering if the small one had been a liar. There were two small ones, small one and smaller-small one, and small one looked like a lying one too. Something about the face. Pinchy prickly foxy-like, no good filcher-like. “Skitter is looking for big brother,” it said. “Skrit! Like Skitter, but bigger, color different. Greeny-green. Big brother very handsome.”

“Er... Yes, I'm sure,” said Rhodes. He wasn't sure where this was going. He understood the entreaty for information, but he didn't know why it had anything to do with him. “And your brother is involved with the war how, exactly?”

“Red ones!” Skitter exclaimed. “Red ones come, say they give us shiny-shinies for favor. Skrit say, easy-peasy, say good deal for Skrit and Skitter. Go a while, come back with shinies. Then no come back. No come back for long time.” At this, the Thorn Thief began to become despondent again. “Small one say Rose is with red ones? Rose know where Skrit go?”

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Re: .:Millie's Christmas Event [LAST 4 slots Open!]:.

Postby crow » 01/02/2016 3:42 AM

It took Rhodes a moment to work out what Skitter was saying, but once he had the gist of it, he shook his head. “I'm afraid I don't know anyone of that name. I haven't seen any of your kind since we enlisted either.” The Thorn Thief visibly wilted at that, and even Rhodes felt slightly awkward, if not quite guilty, for disappointing him.

But Suvi offered, “Sivvy might still know something. He went to the war too.”

Rhodes sighed. “Do not give it false hope, young mistress. Young master Sivain and I were together for much of our journey. I doubt there is very much known to him that I would miss.” Even as he said this, however, he wondered at the truth of it himself. The one place he notably did not accompany Sivain to was the battlefield. He held himself back from saying that though; if they had met under those circumstances, that didn't bode very well for this Skrit.

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Re: .:Millie's Christmas Event [LAST 4 slots Open!]:.

Postby crow » 01/02/2016 3:54 AM

Then again, if Skrit was indeed affiliated with the Imperials and not some sort of turncoat as Rhodes suspected, perhaps they had met as allies. Rhodes had a hard time picturing Sivain fighting alongside a Thorn Thief, but the war was sometimes a strange place to be.

Dante spoke up: “We might as well get moving. I can't speak for the rest of you, but I didn't come here to stand around.”

“Right, you came for the free food,” Suvi supplied. Dante shrugged; it was the truth. He wasn't about to be ashamed of it. He had moved past that stage, at least with these three. Having arrived at that thought, however, he remembered that he had not been properly introduced to the... cat. Rhodes, that was what Suvi had called him. Where did he hear that name before...?

“... You're the accountant?” Dante said incredulously, eyes going wide as the revelation hit him. The cat looked as if he would have liked to be offended at this, but couldn't muster up the energy to do so. That was a common enough reaction that he was fast becoming tired of it.

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Re: .:Millie's Christmas Event [LAST 4 slots Open!]:.

Postby crow » 01/02/2016 4:05 AM

Ducking a small bow--- ever the consummate professional--- he said, “At your service. Of course, I fulfil other roles within the Estate's holdings. It was not in the contract, but life has a funny way of turning out like that, doesn't it?” This, too, was something he was resigned to. It helped that he liked the ones he worked for. Goodness knows he had left employers in the past for less.

To his credit, Dante got over his shock relatively quickly. A talking cat for an accountant wasn't something he ever expected to encounter, but to be fair, a lot of his own life was also pretty strange. The whole dhampyr thing meant he'd seen his fair share of the supernatural. It was just that Dante's experiences tended towards the grisly and terrifying, rather than the kind of cartoon kid-show premise that would preclude talking animals. Or, well, talking animals with fur, anyway. He had seen talking snakes, but those hadn't at all inspired any fuzzy feelings in him. He would take the softer sort where he could get it. “I have to admit, I was expecting someone...”

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Re: .:Millie's Christmas Event [LAST 4 slots Open!]:.

Postby crow » 01/02/2016 4:17 AM

“Taller? Less furry? Human? You can say it, you know. There isn't going to be a tactful way to put it, once you've started it off like that.” Rhodes' reply was more snippy than he had meant it to be, but introductions were a bit of a sore point with him. He did not dislike his stature the way Suvi did, and was rather proud of his being a cat, but he wouldn't have complained if he had the chance to retire this little routine. “In this day and age, one would expect children to be more open-minded. I suppose we've a ways to go.”

“Well, it's nice to meet you,” said Dante, a little helplessly. It was a good thing they were moving. It gave his limbs something to do. “Er, come to think of it, where are we headed anyway?”

“There's a candy stand over there,” said Elliot, who hadn't spoken up in a while. “I was thinking, you're probably hungry again, right? If you don't want candy, there's hot chocolate and chestnuts over there somewhere too. They're all pretty high-calorie. That's what you needed, right?”

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Re: .:Millie's Christmas Event [LAST 4 slots Open!]:.

Postby crow » 01/02/2016 4:32 AM

At this interjection it was Rhodes' turn to examine Dante in a new light. “Is something the matter with your diet?” he asked. Somewhere along the way, Suvi had scooped him up, and he was now riding with his front braced on her shoulders while she carried his hindquarters in her arms.

“Ahaha... You could say that. I mostly just need to eat a lot. I have a special condition to do with my blood, so my metabolism is fairly hyperactive.” Rhodes had wrought better than he had thought, for he managed to get his revenge in exactly the way that would inflict the same damage. The irony was that Dante, of all the people there, understood best how the cat felt about having to explain the same thing over and over. The day he could stop having to tell people about his 'condition' would be a bright one indeed. He didn't think it was ever going to come about though. Maybe when cat accountants became commonly accepted, boys who ate their weight in food would be too.

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Re: .:Millie's Christmas Event [LAST 4 slots Open!]:.

Postby crow » 01/02/2016 4:52 AM

Thankfully both subjects where thereafter dropped, and the two were saved from further discomfort. With so many people, the silence didn't last long. The children seemed especially eager to fill it up with conversation, and Suvi had plenty of innocuous openers. They passed the rest of the walk pleasantly enough, and soon the scent of sweet things caught their attention. Suvi was the first to perk up. “Candy!” she exclaimed, and ran for the stand, in a scene reminiscent of when she had discovered the bake shop. Skitter followed her, and Elliot after them, while Rhodes and Dante continued at a more sedate pace. The two glanced at one another, as if surprised to find each other kindred spirits, but said no more on the matter.

By the time they reached the stand, the more enthusiastic members of their little band had already more or less decided what they wanted. “Can we buy it, Rhodes? Can we? It's not a lot, is it?”

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Re: .:Millie's Christmas Event [LAST 4 slots Open!]:.

Postby crow » 01/02/2016 5:06 AM

“Young lady, I believe you've had enough sugar for the night,” said Rhodes.

Suvi immediately made the most disappointed face she could. “Oh, come on, Rhodes. Please? Skitter and Elliot are getting candy! Just one lollipop? Just one chocolate bar?” Her voice had taken a distinctive tone, somewhere between wheedling and cajoling. Behind them, Skitter reached for a piece of toffee, but Dante silently smacked his hand and forked over a small sum of keystones to the people running the stand. Elliot watched them, amused.

Eventually, Rhodes caved. He knew he shouldn't encourage such behavior, but he couldn't be too strict with her on such a festive occasion. In truth he was just glad to see her back to her usual spirited ways. He had been right after all about the festival doing her some good. He was certain she would speak to Sivain when she saw him next, and hoped that she had already forgotten the grudge she'd been holding onto. “Very well,” he said, with more resignation than he really felt. “But only the one lollipop, understand?”

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Re: .:Millie's Christmas Event [LAST 4 slots Open!]:.

Postby crow » 01/02/2016 5:17 AM

“Mhm!” said Suvi, looking on with eager eyes as Rhodes too paid for the candy she was about to eat. Elliot made his own modest purchase after, making sure to buy one extra for his sister. After a moment's thought, he bought a third too. She might come back with her friend, after all. If she didn't, Elliot would eat it himself, with no great grief on his part. Suvi unwrapped her candy at once and stuffed it into her mouth, eyes closing in a blissful expression. “Mmmmm,” she said, humming appreciatively.

“One would think we never give you any treats,”  said Rhodes, but his tail waved back and forth contentedly. They all stood around for a moment, tasting their purchases in silence. Dante had held himself back to a modest selection of sweets. Even more self restraint saw him eat only one, savoring it slowly. The rest was for the road, just in case. Candy was great because of its high energy content, and in a pinch it wasn't a bad thing to have on hand. He didn't know when he'd next get a chance to buy any, and at such a good price too.

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Re: .:Millie's Christmas Event [LAST 4 slots Open!]:.

Postby crow » 01/02/2016 5:33 AM

After a moment, Elliot turned to Skitter. “I didn't know Thorn Thieves could eat candy,” he said.

Skitter hoarded his candy protectively and hissed at Elliot. “Can!” it declared defensively. “Who say can't? Who say?”

Dante laughed. “Skitter, he's not going to steal yours. He just thought it was interesting. Right, Elliot?” The younger boy nodded. “See? Remember when he was asking you questions earlier? This is like that.”

“Oh,” said Skitter. Slowly, he put his gnarled claw-hands down, though he still looked at Elliot with a degree of wariness. Elliot, for his part, tried to appear as innocent as possible, though he probably could have taken a few pointers from Suvi on his acting. He really hadn't meant to steal Skitter's candy, and hoped the Thorn Thief wouldn't hold his question against him.

Wanting to make peace, he broke a piece off his own chocolate. “Here,” he said, holding it out to Skitter. “You can have a bit of mine.”

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Re: .:Millie's Christmas Event [LAST 4 slots Open!]:.

Postby crow » 01/02/2016 5:43 AM

Skitter's eyes darted from the candy in his hand to his face and back. “Really? Really really? No trick? No trade?” He was clutching his own treats protectively again, but Elliot shook his head. The Thorn Thief hesitated a moment longer before quickly snatching the chocolate and stuffing it into his maw.

Dante, watching this exchange, said, “Skitter, what do we say?”

Skitter froze guiltily, slowly turning back to Elliot. “Thank you,” he said awkwardly.

Elliot smiled at him. “You're welcome.”

Of course, if Elliot knew the trouble he was inviting, he might not have gone through with it. Suvi had sidled up to him, and was now eyeing the rest of his chocolate with a gaze that didn't bode well for it. “I'll trade you,” she said. “You can have a lick if you give me some chocolate too.” She held out her lollipop, which was already covered with saliva and bite marks.

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