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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Kitsumi » 01/17/2016 12:40 AM

Once he saw Edge waking up, Donovan backed off slightly. He didn't go far, though - Edge made sure of that when he wrapped his arms around him. "Too much?" the boy asked, shyly. He was in that early stage of a relationship, where he second guessed everything he did yet still acted impulsively. "I'm actually feeling a lot better than I have in a while. I actually, more than an hour." He chuckled. "How about you? I didn't wake you up too early, did I?" When Edge began to adjust his position, the boy tried to climb off the chair to allow the man to get comfortable. Instead, he was pulled into the man's lap, causing him to let out a small noise of surprise before he settled in comfortably, sitting sideways in his lap. Leaning close, Donovan nuzzled against Edge's neck before leaning his head on the man's shoulder.

As close as he was, Donovan was able to feel the vibrations in Edge's chest as he spoke. Focusing on that, at first the boy forgot that he was supposed to be answering. "Huh? Oh! Oh, yeah. I think that would be nice." He grinned shyly. "I'm not too quick at picking things up, but if we're not going out, we should have plenty of time." He began to laugh, and then remembered. "Oh, but maybe we should wait until after breakfast. I think it's supposed to be arriving pretty soon. Eden's already got me on a special diet to help me gain weight. So I should probably make sure to eat as soon as the food gets here."

Sighing happily, Donovan let his eyes fall half shut as he enjoyed the sensations of Edge's hand moving over his skin. "I don't think you know the effect you have on me, Edge," he said quietly. His hand was pressed flat against the man's chest, feeling the planes of his body beneath the shirt, while the other hand was slightly trapped between their bodies.

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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 01/17/2016 11:49 AM

I wonder if it's anything like the effect you have on me Edge thought quietly, but didn't say. He grinned a little, and traced the side of Donnie's neck, resisting the urge to lick that particular area... Especially as the ordered food arrived. Sort of shifting so that he had Donnie essentially on his back, he rose, letting the boy follow if he would, retrieving the food from the delivery woman and paying her, before taking the food inside. As he set the food out on the counter, he tried not to gawk at just how much Eden had ordered. There were hashbrowns, scrambled eggs, a myriad of cheese-toasts, pancakes, waffles, three different kinds of syrup, butter, two full gallons of milk, a full gallon of chocolate milk, some more of that orange-pineapple juice, and some jam. Eden must have ordered out the whole breakfast section of the store.

Grinning again, Edge started to divvy up the food, sorting and stacking to make a passable buffet table of his kitchen counter. He sighed a bit, happily, and handed a plate to Donnie, whether or not he was still behind him. "Eden sure does spoil me while he's here." he said, picking up two waffles, sprinkling with chocolate chips, and spreading on the strawberry syrup. He also grabbed a helping of scrambled eggs, and two cheese-toasts, headed to the other side of the counter, where there were actually bar-stools to sit on. He took a seat, and waited for Donnie to serve himself before eating.

"Gods, this is good. What did he do? Buy out every breakfast place on the map?" He chuckled, and enjoyed the food.
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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Kitsumi » 01/17/2016 7:31 PM

When the food arrived, Donovan allowed Edge to take the lead. He kept close by however, grinning happily at the woman who had brought the food. In his mind, anyone who brought those delicious smells had to be some sort of goddess. He had been feeling hungry before, but now he was starving. Jumping forward to help unpack the various breakfast items, the boy's jaw dropped at the sheer amount of food. "Um, are we inviting like, five more people over for breakfast?" He giggled, but was barely able to tear his eyes away from the food. "I think this is more food than Jared ever kept in his fridge at one time," he commented. "And it smells so good."

"Nothing wrong with being spoiled every now and then," Donovan said, nudging Edge gently with his shoulder. "I feel like a prince or something, with this feast in front of me." He accepted the plate, and began to put food on it. He didn't see any sausages, so he instead put two eggs on his plate, hoping it would be an acceptable substitute for Eden's diet plan. Then he took a couple of pancakes, spreading butter on them before practically drowning them in syrup. Finally, he sprinkled a few chocolate chips on top. Balancing the plate in one hand, he searched the cupboard for the cup that Eden had mentioned. Once he found it, he filled it to the brim with chocolate milk.

Once he was seated beside Edge, he explained what Eden had told him earlier about how much to eat while Edge was still sleeping. He finished with, "And apparently this cup is now mine." He chuckled, taking a long gulp from the cup.

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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 01/17/2016 11:51 PM

Edge laughed a bit. "You're welcome to the cup." he said, smiling widely as he finished inhaling his breakfast with a long drink of regular milk. "I'll put the rest of this stuff in the fridge, and I'll stick the pancakes and eggs in the oven so they don't get cold." He got up to do that. "Don't worry, and take your time. We have all day - literally."

Eden appeared shortly after Edge got up, appearing to just have hung up the phone. The look on his face was of concern, but not anger. He certainly wasn't upset. "Okay, so... One of my friends is coming over in a couple of hours, and we're going shopping, but I won't be gone that long. He called shortly after I got off the phone with Luminare." He shrugged, and helped himself to some food as Edge was putting it away. "How do you like breakfast, Donnie?" the man asked, canting his head to one side. "I tried to get everything they had. Don't see sausage, so that's a shame... I can pick some up while I'm out, possibly."

"I haven't seen this much food on my counter since you had those other guys over." Edge commented, sticking all three milks in the fridge. "There's enough here for at least three days, and I'll use everything... but the eggs. I think the eggs will have to be eaten up, or trashed. I don't like keeping around eggs too long."

The doctor nodded. "I agree. If there are eggs still left, they go in the trash. Not going to risk you two getting ill while you're supposed to be receiving treatment for being ill." he smirked, and ate some.
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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Kitsumi » 01/18/2016 2:23 PM

"Where did you find a cup like this anyways?" Donovan asked, after swallowing a large mouthful of food. "My mom used to collect all sorts of silly cups. She had one that was kinda like this, but it was smaller, and was a wolf I think." His eyes showed only a slight hint of sadness as he remembered his mother, before it vanished. He focused on Edge as the man stood, watching him out of the corner of his eye as he continued eating.

Donovan's attention turned to Eden as he reappeared in the room. He wanted to ask about who this friend was, and what they were shopping for, but didn't want to pry. He assumed that Luminare, at least, was another doctor. But he may have been completely wrong about that. "Are you sure you can trust the two of us here alone?" Donovan teased. "I have a feeling Edge is a troublemaker, and I'm a pretty good henchman." In response to the food, he raised his fork, which held the final bite of his breakfast. "It's really good. I had two eggs instead of sausage, so I hope that's okay."

Not knowing much about food, he simply nodded to what Eden and Edge were saying about the eggs. He wondered if all the times he had eaten week-old leftovers that Jared gave him had contributed to the several times he had ended up ill for a day or two. It was highly possible that he had unintentionally food-poisoned himself a few times by eating the older meals.

Chewing the last bite of food, the boy stood, taking the paper plate and plastic fork with him. He found the garbage can and disposed of his trash, before sitting back down to finish the rest of his milk.

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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 01/18/2016 5:25 PM

"Oh, I'm sure you two will be just fine." Eden said with a smirk, finishing his meal and grabbing a coat out of the closet, pulling it on. He graciously accepted the help when Edge came over to help him do so. "I'll be gone for about six hours. Give or take. Pretty sure it's going to take that long. You two will be fine in that time. I've left orders for the delivery-person to leave the things at the main office. Me and Luminare will bring some friends back to help install them. I'm sure you two can amuse yourselves." He chuckled, and started out the door, grabbing a hat. "Be good." he winked, and then was gone, out the door, and into the elevator.

Edge came back in, finishing putting things away, and finally stopped moving to put both elbows on the counter, and his head on his hands. "So... You want to start those lessons?" he asked Donnie, grinning a bit. "We can talk and stuff, too - but... You were eager for the lessons, and I'm eager to start teaching, so... Let me ask you something."

He pulled himself up onto the counter, and sat there in front of Donovan, cross-legged. "How much do you know about the heart, and the heartbeat, and stethoscopes and the like? So I know where you're coming from, and how much ground I have to cover? I know some of that was bound to have been taught in school, but I know that when I had this interest shoved at me like a freight train... I didn't know jack, because I didn't remember what was taught to me in highschool."
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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Kitsumi » 01/22/2016 11:42 PM

For some reason, Donovan felt a slight pang of loneliness at the thought of Eden leaving. Of course he was happy to still have Edge, and the alone time was actually appealing. But he was becoming fond of the doctor, and would miss him during his absence. "I'll try to be good," Donovan joked. "But I can't promise anything!" He waved, and watched as Eden left.

"Sure!" It wasn't something that Donovan had ever really wanted to do before meeting Edge. But now he was beginning to feel excited to learn whatever either brother wanted to teach him. He had a feeling that by the time all was said and done, he would be a bit obsessed with heartbeats and such himself. There was a bit of a problem, though...he was going to have to start from the very beginning.

Sighing, Donovan ran his hands through his blue hair, grinning sheepishly. "I...really don't know much. I mean, I know that the purpose of the heart is to pump blood throughout the body, supplying it with oxygen. And I know how to use a basic stethoscope - earpieces go in your ears, and the other end goes on the person's chest or back to pick up the internal sounds." He shrugged. "Apart from those basics, I don't remember anything I was taught in highschool. I don't even know how many times the heart is supposed to beat per minute or anything like that."

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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 02/05/2016 8:25 PM

"Oooooh boy." Edge said, laughing lightly. "Alright, well.... I can find that out for you. It varies by person. Different people have different rates, different hearts, slightly different rhythms. Like... for example. I know my resting rate is eighty." He shrugged. "It's a bit high because I'm so skinny and also don't have a whole lot going for me in terms of health, but..." His grin broadened. "Alright, come up here. Hop up here, and give me your wrist and your neck for a moment."

He waited for Donnie to get up onto the counter. When he did, he reached out to press his fingers to Donnie's neck with one hand, and wrapped his fingers around the pulse in Donovan's wrist with the other. He was quiet for about a minute, give or take, counting and measuring. Even so, he wasn't quite sure he had that number right, because that was a mite too fast for someone of Donnie's age and apparent physical fitness.

"Hmmm.... Donnie, grab one of the stethoscopes from the basket. The pink one would be good, because that's a cardiology model. Then come back up here, and sit, so I can take a listen. It'll be... a bit more detailed than in the club. I want to find out what your normal rate is, so I can explain everything to do. I'll describe what I'm doing, but I do want to get a listen at you. Slowly. And detailed."
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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Kitsumi » 02/06/2016 10:27 PM

Knowing that this was a topic which both brothers probably cared quite a bit about, Donovan found himself excited to learn anything he could. Of course, knowing next to nothing, he had questions pretty much as soon as Edge began teaching him. "If everyone's is different, how can you tell what is normal? Is it just something you have to kinda figure out after checking them over for a period of time?" He tucked that little piece of information - Edge's normal resting rate - in his memory. He'd want to keep that in mind, especially if he was going to help get Edge back to a healthy state and then keep him healthy.

The grin that the other man shot Donovan caused his heart to jump a bit. He smiled back in response, his cheeks going ever so slightly pink. Using his arms, he lifted himself up onto the counter and faced Edge. He leaned forward and held out his arm, giving full access to his pulse points. Keeping his breathing even, he tried to remain still and quiet in order to keep from distracting Edge. He tried to keep his eyes focused on a spot behind his boyfriend's head, but his gaze kept wandering to the man's face. He was still a bit amazed that someone like this would even want to bring someone like Donovan into his life.

Hopping back off the counter, Donovan nodded. "Will do. I'll be right back." He searched through the basket until he found the one that he assumed was correct. It was the only pink one he found, at least. He took it over, holding it up for Edge's inspection. "Is this the right one?" He couldn't help but grin. "You have so many of these things. I think it's cool. I didn't even realize they came in colors and styles like some of the ones you have."

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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 02/06/2016 11:52 PM

"Yup! That's the one. Alright, now..." He took the instrument from Donnie, and settled it into his ears, waiting for him to climb back up onto the counter. Once he'd done that, he scooted forward, and reached out to Donovan with the stethoscope, feeling along his collarbone.

"Alright, now I'll start showing you which areas are which." he said, feeling and counting his fingers. "See, this bone that runs across the top of your chest, your clavicle, is a good way to find the first landmark. The line right in the middle of where your clavicle meets is good. Put two fingers from the middle to the right, and go straight down about three fingers." He counted his fingers slower, to let Donnie feel them against his skin. "This is your aortic area. The aortic valve of the heart is right here." He smirked, and settled the stethoscope's chestpiece there, pressing slightly, and listening to Donnie's heart beating. "It may sound odd, but... People like me, with this interest... they like to describe what they hear to their partners, sometimes. Right now... this area of your heart is beating strong. It's clear - I can hear each sound. Maybe a little on the fast side. Are you okay? Just excited?"

He didn't stop listening, but scooted closer, resting his free hand against Donovan's cheek, and looking into his eyes. Gods, he was in love with him. It had happened so fast, and he didn't.... quite understand why it had happened.... but he was glad it did. It brought something to his life that had been missing, and he'd never known it. Now that Donnie was here... he couldn't possibly imagine life without him. Love at first sight... Well, if it had to happen to someone, it was going to be Edge. The drama just fit.
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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Kitsumi » 02/07/2016 12:18 AM

Once he had delivered the medical instrument, the boy climbed back onto the counter. Once again, he leaned forward to make it easier for Edge to find the specific areas he was looking for. He shivered slightly, not so much because the metal was cold, but mainly because he was excited.

"Clavicle...I at least remember hearing the word, even if I wasn't paying enough attention in school." Donovan giggled slightly. He shivered again, although now it was because of the sensations caused by Edge's fingers tracing across his skin. It wasn't sexual of course - it didn't have to be. Just having someone touch him, a person that actually seemed to care about him, was enough to cause Donovan's heart to race. He forced himself to focus on what the other man was telling him. "I don't think it's odd at all. It's actually kind of...intimate." He ducked his head, feeling a bit embarrassed. "I am pretty excited," he admitted. "I like learning things that are important to you. And I like being this close to you."

The way that Edge was looking at him made Donovan's pulse pick up, his heart beating even slightly faster than it had been before. His lips parted slightly, and he licked them as he realized suddenly how dry they were. His hand raised to keep Edge's in place on his cheek. He didn't know how to express what he was feeling. Instead of saying what he felt, he found his lips forming the question, "Why me?" The question was vague, and so he attempted to explain. "There were so many people you could have chosen in that club. But for some reason you picked me. Why?" He knew it was interrupting their lesson, but he just wanted to ask, at least once. He hoped that Edge wouldn't mind the slight deviation.

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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 02/07/2016 1:15 AM

Edge decided that the question... well, it needed an answer, even if he didn't exactly have one. He slid over the stethoscope to the next area, knowing Donnie would ask later. Right now... he just wanted the sound of the boy's heartbeat in his ears for some reason. No... he knew the reason. But he didn't really know the answer to Donovan's question. The quick pulse in his ears was enough to tell him that he was right, though - about... mutual feelings. He gave a little grin.

"I don't really know, Donnie. It was something about you. Something about the way you stood, or the way you looked, or the way you moved..." He flushed, thinking about it, and offered a weak grin. "I guess it was just YOU, really." he murmured, looking into his eyes. "Something about you. I don't think I really know. And I also... just.... I can't imagine not having you here now. That's just not something I can deal with."

He moved the stethoscope again. "You do things to me. You touch me in ways that... well... nobody has managed, and that's... I guess maybe that's why. Not really anything to do with my kink, but... maybe something to do with who you are." He leaned forward to stroke the side of his cheek, and kiss him. It wasn't full-blow hard and passionate like the last time. This one was soft, slow, and sensual. There was love there, not just lust. "You make my heart race, and I don't exactly know why." He took Donovan's hand, and kissed his fingers, handing him the stethoscope. "Go ahead. See for yourself. But.... let me kiss you again while you do."
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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Kitsumi » 02/07/2016 2:09 AM

//I am so sorry, this post is so short and crappy ughh

It may not have been the clearest answer, but it was the right one. The boy's smile went from ear to ear, until his cheeks almost hurt from smiling. He shook his head quickly at the mention of Edge not having Donovan here. "I'm not going anywhere. Unless you leave. I'll go wherever you go, for as  long as you want me. Maybe forever, if you can put up with me for that long." He didn't think he needed to vocalize that the need went both ways. He was already finding that just the thought of being without Edge made it hard for him to breathe.

Returning the kiss, Donovan sighed happily against Edge's lips. His eyes fluttered shut, as he felt himself flooded with so many emotions and sensations. It was a disappointment when the two parted, but Donovan soon realized why. He took the medical instrument, smiling at the brush of lips against his fingers as he took it. Fitting the earpieces into his ears, he settled the other end of the stethoscope on the spot where Edge had shown him, the aortic area. Then, leaning forward, he offered his lips to his boyfriend. "Kiss me," he requested, quite plainly.

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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 02/07/2016 4:14 PM

"Alright..." Edge murmured, leaning forward to wrap one arm around Donnie, and pressing his lips to his, eyes going half-lidded, then closing completely, threading his fingers through the other's hair. He kissed him slowly, quietly, but passionately and lovingly, with no hardness or harshness. Gentle, but intense. His blush was rising, and he made no attempt to hide it as he pretty much made out with Donovan on the kitchen counter.

The other's internal systems were giving Donnie a show, though. His heart was pounding hard, pushing against the stethoscope and Donnie's hand alike, beating at nearly one-ten right now, and still climbing. His lungs were working hard too, gasping for breath on the brief breaks in contact. To say that Edge was 'affected' by Donovan was an understatement. The boy had him completely at his mercy, attested to by just how fast and hard his heart was beating, how flushed his face was, and the sound of his lungs.

Of course, Donnie was kissing hard, and unable to speak, but his body language did plenty of speaking, as he brought his other arm around the boy, and deepened the kiss, using his tongue, and gripping the back of Donnie's neck - gently - with the hand that wasn't tangled in the boy's hair.
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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Kitsumi » 02/07/2016 6:31 PM

Lips moving almost without thought, Donovan's first thought was how intimately their mouths fit together. He could have sworn that their lips were perfectly fitted for each other. The boy leaned into the kiss, having to steady himself with his free hand on Edge's shoulder to keep from falling off the counter. He was so caught up in the physical presence of the kiss, that for a moment he forgot about the stethoscope.

The rapid beating of Edge's heart soon became impossible to miss, though. Donovan loved the sound of it, loved to hear the effect he had on the other man. In very little time at all, he had caused the heart rate to pick up quite a bit. And while he wasn't sure, he thought that he could also hear the changes in Edge's breathing.

He could see why couples did this, now. Literally hearing Eden's racing heart seemed to spur him on, make his desperate to deepen the kiss. His lips parted, granting access to his partner's probing tongue. He moaned slightly into the kiss, his hand on Edge's shoulder moving to clutch the back of his shirt, pulling him as close as possible. His legs were on either side of the other man's body, and his knees pressed slightly into Edge's hips, gripping him gently. Donovan couldn't help but want to feel as close to his partner as possible.

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