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Re: Aliens & Angels (P - Jedi) [M]

Postby Jedi » 01/26/2016 6:30 PM

"Sounds fun," he said as he pushed himself out from the table. He stood up and grabbed a hoodie from the coat rack, zipping it so that his bare chest was no longer exposed. Kzeleck walked into the lair wing of his complex, heading for the communications system. After a few familiar keys, Nolan appeared on the screen. "I was wondering when you'd show up." Kzeleck ran his fingers through his hair. "Sorry, I slept in. Late mission last night." Nolan shood his head. "Late mission my ass. You were probably up watching your Seraph play video games again." Kzeleck let out a chuckle. "Hey, I didn't stay up nearly as late as she did. So what have you got for me?" Nolan turned away, checking a computer file. "Looks like you've got a wild Lahdib running through town. He was seen terrorizing a superstore last night without a disguise." Great, Lahdib were especially difficult to capture. It had been a long time since he'd went after the last one. Luckily, he had a partner to help him capture it this time.

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Re: Aliens & Angels (P - Jedi) [M]

Postby Kitsumi » 01/26/2016 6:39 PM

While Kzeleck was talking to Nolan, Gloria began washing the dishes. While they were soaking in hot soapy water, she cleared off the table. The various breakfast items were put away in their perspective shelves or the refrigerator. Then she washed, rinsed and put the dishes in the drainer to dry. Knowing that her partner would probably be waiting for her, she made a mental note to put them away later. Then, she headed into the room where Kzeleck was.

"So what are we up against?" She rested one arm on Kzeleck's shoulder, leaning towards the screen. "Whoa, is that thing walking around in public without a disguise? Great, we're probably going to have to do some cleanup to deal with the witnesses."

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Re: Aliens & Angels (P - Jedi) [M]

Postby Jedi » 01/26/2016 7:01 PM

"Hey Gloria," said Nolan upon seeing her. He had seen her nearly a dozen times in total since Kzeleck had first captured her. "Yeah, it's called a Lahdib. It can run up to speeds of twenty-five miles an hour and can pick up a small car in each hand. Kzeleck's only ever taken on one since he's been working here. That's how he lost his eye." Kzeleck waived him off, silencing Nolan for the moment. "Anything we need to know pertaining to the mission?" Nolan went back to the computer, typing on the keyboard and scrolling with the mouse. "Nope, that's it. Oh, did you ever find that alien woman? The one like you?" Kzeleck held his hand over the keys. "No, still looking though." Nolan looked towards the camera. "You sure? Cause-" Nolan was cut short when Kzeleck ended the transmission.

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Re: Aliens & Angels (P - Jedi) [M]

Postby Kitsumi » 01/31/2016 1:00 AM

"Well, shit," Gloria's eyes widened. "And we're supposed to take that thing out? How?" She looked at Kzeleck out of the corner of her eye. Why had he never mentioned losing an eye? For some reason, she had always thought that the cyber eye had been something he had chosen. That it had been a sort of upgrade for him. She had never realized that he had received it as a result of losing his eye. She made a note to ask about it later.

Once the call was cut short, Gloria sighed. "At some point, you're going to have to tell them where we left Alana. I'm just surprised that we've been able to keep her hidden in their own facility for so long."

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Re: Aliens & Angels (P - Jedi) [M]

Postby Jedi » 01/31/2016 1:14 AM

"We can't really worry about her right now. We've got a very dangerous mission to complete. I'm sure you'd like to get to it before anyone else gets hurt." He opened up his weapons vault, gesturing for her to follow. "We're gonna need some bigger guns if we want to take this thing out." He lifted a large rifle, loaded it with ammunition and turned to hand it to her. "Do you think you'll be able to handle this? I want to keep you as far from this thing as possible."

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Re: Aliens & Angels (P - Jedi) [M]

Postby Kitsumi » 01/31/2016 1:18 AM

Taking the gun, Gloria grinned. She knew that this was a tense situation, but she couldn't help but throw out at least one joke. "Are you starting to actually care about me now? How sweet of you." Her tone was more playful than sarcastic. She knew that he had been concerned about her well-being for a while now, and that it had more to do with their friendship than with the act that they were sleeping together. "Yeah, I can handle the gun. I've gotten pretty good at shooting from long distances, too. I can snipe the thing from afar while you draw it's attention. Just...can I ask for one thing?"

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Re: Aliens & Angels (P - Jedi) [M]

Postby Jedi » 01/31/2016 1:26 AM

He listened intently to her answer, but felt able to also ready a weapon for himself. He grabbed a similar gun, loading it with a different type of ammunition. "What is it?" he asked as he closed the loading chamber of the rifle. It made a large charging noise as it powered up, ready for combat. He knew they were about to face an incredibly difficult foe. He then turned his gaze, giving her his full attention.

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Re: Aliens & Angels (P - Jedi) [M]

Postby Kitsumi » 01/31/2016 1:33 AM

"I don't want you to put yourself in a situation where you could get killed. Heck, I don't even want you to end up with a scratch. You got that? Stay out of harm's way. Draw the thing out by peppering it with a few harmless bullets," she assumed they would be harmless, judging by the size of the creature. "And let me take it out with a couple of tranq darts." She began to head towards the door, but then paused. "By the way...I know that I'm the one who came up with the idea of putting aliens on trial. But this one has already injured plenty of people. If I think you're in any real danger, I won't hesitate to shoot to kill."

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Re: Aliens & Angels (P - Jedi) [M]

Postby Jedi » 01/31/2016 3:07 PM

Kzeleck placed a hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort her. "I trust you, Gloria. If you feel you have to put it down, then so be it. But don't think I'll be that easy to kill. I've faced one of these things before. If you think this is bad," he said as he removed his hand and pointed to his eye. "Then you should've seen him." He then grabbed a gun strap and latched it onto his rifle. He grabbed another, offering it to her. "Ready to go hunting?"

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Re: Aliens & Angels (P - Jedi) [M]

Postby Kitsumi » 01/31/2016 3:45 PM

Her partner's trust didn't do much to reassure Gloria. She was already beginning to feel the worry take control of her thoughts. She was terrified of what would happen if she ended up not being able to do her part. Without her to back him up, Kzeleck would end up hurt...or worse.

But she couldn't let herself think like that. She had to calm her mind, and prepare for the hunt. "Yep," she said, shouldering her gun. "Let's go catch a Lahdib."

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Re: Aliens & Angels (P - Jedi) [M]

Postby Jedi » 01/31/2016 3:55 PM

Although he didn't see it right now, it was clear the Lahdib had been here very recently. And so Kzeleck started sprinting towards his new target. His tracking skills were quite attuned, so he was able to follow the beast quite easily. Before long, he turned a corner. The thick red arm came swinging at him faster than he'd expected. Apparently, he had been too reckless and let his guard down. And so he fell to the floor, having the wind knocked out of him. But he didn't have time to catch his breath. The other arm came crashing down towards him, just missing him when he rolled to the side.

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Re: Aliens & Angels (P - Jedi) [M]

Postby Kitsumi » 01/31/2016 4:02 PM

Gloria cursed as she saw her partner heading right towards the Lahdib. "Kzeleck, wait!" She tried to warn him, but it was too late. "Damnit!" From her position, she could see exactly what was happening below her. She was perched on the top ledge of a tall building, overseeing a large chunk of the town below her. She bit her lip as Kzeleck just barely dodged the alien's second attack. Peering through the scope of her gun, she aimed it so that the crosshairs were settled at a hopefully soft spot on the creatures head. Squeezing the trigger, she released a bullet straight towards the head of the creature. It was a tranq dart, hopefully enough to subdue the enraged alien. If that didn't work, she would switch to more deadly ammunition.

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Re: Aliens & Angels (P - Jedi) [M]

Postby Jedi » 01/31/2016 4:11 PM

Kzeleck rolled out of the way of a couple more downward swings before he finally jumped back to his feet. He brought his rifle up to aim at the beast, but it knocked it out of his hand. The strap had caught on his shoulder, pulling it out of socket. It was then that the beast smacked the top of his head, knocking out a small dart that found it's way onto him. The tranquilizer hadn't set in yet, so the beast was able to keep lashing out at Kzeleck some more. But now wasn't the time to risk his life. Kzeleck took to a dash, trying to escape the other alien. "Great shot Gloria. Let's just hope the dart set's in soon."

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Re: Aliens & Angels (P - Jedi) [M]

Postby Kitsumi » 01/31/2016 4:22 PM

The alien wasn't slowing down. Even though the Seraph's aim had been true, the dart seemed to have little to no effect. "He's too big!" she practically screamed. "Those dinky little darts aren't going to stop him. I don't have time to keep reloading!" Already she had fired another couple of shots, but those hadn't done much. "Hang on, Kzeleck!" The Lahdib was getting closer to her partner. "Get your dart gun ready. As soon as I have the beast distracted, pepper him with as many tranqs as you can. Don't worry about hitting me!"

Without pausing to explain her idea, Gloria stood and jumped from the building she was standing on, allowing herself to freefall towards the pavement below.

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Re: Aliens & Angels (P - Jedi) [M]

Postby Jedi » 01/31/2016 4:30 PM

"Gloria, don't-" he said before he was cut off. He was interrupted both by her sudden action, and the beast's arm bashing him to the side. He was unable to breath, laying nearly two meters away from it. That's when he heard the shot. A large red beam burst through the Lahdib's chest. Upon further realization, the shot did not come from Gloria's direction, but from the alley behind the creature. He took a second to catch his breath as the monster fell to the ground. "And I thought you were a skilled hunter," said a familiar voice. He looked up to find none other than his ex-fiance. "Alana?"

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