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A Valentine's Day Without Lovers

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/18/2016 5:31 PM

Carrying a silver tray, the young woman, who looked no older than twenty five, at the very most, moved across the main room. Her home was beyond what seemed reasonable for just herself, the manor having so many rooms left empty. Of course, she did not live entirely by herself, but it was far too much, even for a family of five.

There was a small circular table, set only for two, and that was her destination. One by one, she moved the tea pot, tea cups, saucers, and so forth from the tray and onto the table. Once she had set the table, she returned to the kitchen to dispose of the tray.

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Re: A Valentine's Day Without Lovers

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/18/2016 5:38 PM

It was almost tea time.

Traditionally, every day, Rhosey and her brother, War, agreed to set a short bit of time aside to have tea together. It was almost always just the two of them. Although, occasionally, her adopted son, Leon, would join them. Today, Leon had been sent to work, however. He volunteered to take his mother's place at work today, at the family's business. He'd said that she should get her time with War today, since they had been too busy to sit and chat for the last week or so, even though she had tried to argue.

Often times, either Rhosey or War were too busy to keep their date, but even as the years had gone by, he kept on humoring her, as much as he was able. He didn't even like tea all that much, but agreed, for her sake.

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Re: A Valentine's Day Without Lovers

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/18/2016 6:23 PM

While in the kitchen, the timer on the oven sounded off, and Rhosey promptly moved to turn the oven off. From a drawer, she grabbed two oven mits and pulled out an odd cake pan from the oven. The scent of cinnamon and sugar filled the air. Seeing as it had been awhile since they'd been able to have tea time, she figured she would do something a little special. War adored any sugary cinnamon sweets, so cinnamon monkey bread would be the perfect surprise.

Using a silver tea tray, she flipped over the cake pan, the mass of cinnamon and sugar covered balls of dough left nicely on it.

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Re: A Valentine's Day Without Lovers

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/18/2016 6:26 PM

After transferring the cinnamon monkey bread to the table, as well as plates and silverware to actually eat it, the tea kettle squealed. It was at this moment that Rhosey wondered if War was really going to make it. He'd been out all night for work. And, while that was entirely normal for him, he had been gone all morning, too. Perhaps something else came up.

Well, rather or not he could make it, she needed to have things prepared, in the event that he did. She returned to the kitchen to fetch the kettle.

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Re: A Valentine's Day Without Lovers

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/18/2016 6:35 PM

Through a full length mirror hung on the wall in the main room of the manor, a young man appeared. The reflected glass ripped as he moved through it, but once he had entirely passed through, it returned to its regular physical state. It was one of War's unique abilities, to move through mirrors as through they were passage ways. The distance in between did not influence his powers, and he was able to traverse even to other worlds, if he was just able to find the right mirror. It was for that reason that the entire manor had mirrors. He could move to nearly any room from anywhere in one, swift movement.

He sucked in a deep breath once he'd stepped into his home, the scent of cinnamon and sugar making his mouth water. Although he was weary, he'd made it.

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Re: A Valentine's Day Without Lovers

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/18/2016 7:58 PM

Eyeing the table that was entirely dedicated to tea time, he could see that the table was already set and everything was ready to go. He approached it, leaving a bouquet of two dozen roses on his sister's chair. They had once been white roses, but he had specially ordered them for this day sometime in advance. They were dyed black and vibrant green, Rhosey's favorite color scheme.

He kept the box of chocolates that he'd gotten from a small, local chocolate shop in his hands. Even those, he had hand picked.

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Re: A Valentine's Day Without Lovers

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/19/2016 3:40 AM

Rhosey entered in the main room once more, holding the kettle of freshly boiled water in one hand, and a wooden box full of a variety of teas in the other. When she laid her eyes on her brother, her face lit up. "War, you made it."

When he saw her, and that her hands were full, he set the chocolates down and moved to where she stood. He held his hand out, the silent signal to hand something over. Rather than the kettle, she handed over the box of teas. She wasn't a weak woman, she could handle a full kettle. Besides, passing it over would have been nearly impossible without one of them getting burned.

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Re: A Valentine's Day Without Lovers

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/19/2016 3:44 AM

"Pick which one you want to drink," Rhosey told him, as they both returned to the table.

The woman removed the lid from the tea pot and poured the hot water from the kettle inside of it. Meanwhile, the man plucked a bag of cinnamon apple tea from the box, setting it up in the tea cup on his side of the table. Then, he moved to take the now empty kettle away from Rhosey. "You go ahead and sit down," he told her.

Then, he moved to return the kettle to the kitchen.

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Re: A Valentine's Day Without Lovers

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/19/2016 3:49 AM

Rhosey, too, selected her tea and plopped the bag into her tea cup. While they had a variety of tea, including loose teas, she hadn't brought everything out today. While still standing, she poured water from the tea pot into both cups and proceeded to cover them with their respective saucers. Often times, they each had different teas, like this, rather than selecting a single tea and letting it steep in the tea pot itself.

Then, just before sitting, she picked up the roses that had been left for her. She found herself smiling to herself and smelling them. They still had a nice fragrance, despite having obviously gone through the process of being dyed.

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Re: A Valentine's Day Without Lovers

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/19/2016 3:55 AM

War soon returned, the corners of his mouth turned up in a smile, too, seeing Rhosey enjoying herself. She glanced up at him when he stepped up to the table and slid into his seat across from her. "What's the occasion?" She asked. To which, War sighed.

"You should know," he began. He knew very well that Rhosey was aware of the date. She wasn't the sort of person that forgot the date of each day. "Happy Valentine's Day." With these words, he also took a hold of the box of chocolates, it a white, rectangular box held closed with a black ribbon, and offered them to her from across the small table.

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Re: A Valentine's Day Without Lovers

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/19/2016 4:00 AM

She accepted the second gift, but her expression was difficult to read for a moment. Of course, without having pupils and having extremely light irises, it was difficult to read her expression if she wasn't smiling. War could discern that she was happy, even grateful, but momentarily remembering something less than pleasant. And he knew exactly what that was, at least somewhat. It was one of those two people, or maybe both of them.

"I'm sorry it seemed like I was going to be late," War went on, intentionally interrupting the thoughts she was having. "I had to pick those things up for you."

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Re: A Valentine's Day Without Lovers

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/10/2017 3:21 PM

She heard her brother's words, but her mind didn't process them immediately. It was true, her thoughts were of the past. It was several years ago now but, honestly, her life had remained considerably stagnant since then.

In some aspects, she had moved on. She rescued a child from an abusive home, nearly dying in the process, since the deal was to give up her life for the child. But she couldn't really die. She became a mother in such a way. And, eventually, she and her family left their old world behind, and came here. Although, their lives were nearly identical to what they were back then.

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Re: A Valentine's Day Without Lovers

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/10/2017 3:24 PM

So, so much had happened since then, but Rhosey no longer had the heart to fall in love. Well, it was very possible that she could, she supposed, but after losing both of the men she had ever come to love so dearly, well, it left scars on her heart. Still, if the past said anything, they could probably be healed. After all, after her first loss, she didn't expect to fall in love again. But it happened. Too bad she had to give him up, too. But... did she want them to be healed?

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Re: A Valentine's Day Without Lovers

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/10/2017 3:30 PM

It was only a moment that Rhosey was lost in her thoughts, which seemed to be moving a mile a minute, and War remained quiet during that time. He knew what she was thinking, so he wasn't going to push her too much. He only wished that there was more he could do for her. But he was her brother. Sure, they weren't actually related, and he truly did love her, but not that way. He could take care of her and dote on her, but he couldn't make all of the hurt go away. He was not in a position to do so.

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Re: A Valentine's Day Without Lovers

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/10/2017 3:34 PM

Finally, the woman snapped out of her thoughts. She looked up, meeting her brother's eyes, and she smiled. She processed his earlier words, only if it was a bit late. Lifting the flowers closer to her nose again, she closed her eyes and inhaled their scent once more. "They're beautiful, War. I can't believe you got this kind of thing for me. Didn't you have to special order them?" She didn't apologize for her moment of silence, knowing that he'd only tell her it was not necessary.

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