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Escaping the city {self}

Postby dirtylion » 03/06/2016 10:30 PM

“No don’t do this to me now Bruce!” Maurice sighed in anger as his little car sputtered to a stop in the middle of practically nowhere. Looking around the only he spotted was farms, farms, and more farms. Luckily Bruce broke down next to a corn field that shielded him from the hot sun. Trying one more time to get the engine going he resigned to getting out and walking. There had to be someone that managed all these farms he was bound to stumble into. Looking at his watch he realized it was already past mid-day. Had he really been driving for that long?
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Re: Escaping the city {self}

Postby dirtylion » 03/06/2016 10:31 PM

It had been more than two hours of him walking down the road and not a single car had passed by. The only thing he could see for miles were stalks of corn. Looking over his shoulder for the millionth time he noticed in the distance a dirt cloud as an old pickup was making its way near. Raising his hands in the air and waving them he started to shout. “Hey, hey I need a ride!” he yelled as he walked into the middle of the road. The truck slowed down to a stop when it came up to him.
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Re: Escaping the city {self}

Postby dirtylion » 03/06/2016 10:32 PM

With the window already being rolled down an older lady peered out at him, “do you need a lift somewhere?”

Maurice nodded vigorously, “yes please to the nearest town would be nice.”

The lady squinted at him for a second, “Maurice is that you?”

Maurice’s eyes widen, “Pam! What are the chances that you would be the one to find me in the middle of nowhere?”

After Maurice climbed into the passenger seat and but on his seat belt Pam put the truck into drive, “I thought I recognized that old ten can that you drive on the side the road.”

Maurice chuckled sadly, “yeah it wouldn’t be the first time that The Mighty Bruce has decided to die on me.”
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Re: Escaping the city {self}

Postby dirtylion » 03/06/2016 10:33 PM

“So what has you driving all the way out here? Aren’t you a little far from home? Where is that sweet girl you were here with last time?” Pam questioned him.

The questions reminded Maurice as to why he had been driving in the first place and it made him sad all over again. “Well Pam I think I made someone hate me again so I left. Hellen isn’t with me because she does a lot of solo work when there isn’t any need for my specialties,” he answered.
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Re: Escaping the city {self}

Postby dirtylion » 03/06/2016 10:34 PM

“Oh I see,” she nodded her head understandingly. About a year ago both Hellen and Maurice had helped her by removing some bandits from one of her barns on the edge of her property. They had been extremely helpful and even though she paid them she still felt in debt to them. “Was there an exact destination you were heading to?” she asked hoping she wasn’t becoming creepy.

“Well at first I thought to go visit my sister but I didn’t want to show up uninvited… again. She can be pretty testy and I don’t want to push my luck. I already have one person that hates me I don’t need another,” Maurice explained while looking out the side window.
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Re: Escaping the city {self}

Postby dirtylion » 03/06/2016 10:35 PM

“So no, I don’t have anywhere specific that I was heading to. I just started to drive and this is where I ended up I guess,” Maurice answered.

“Well if you need a place to stay for a while, my door is always open to you,” Pam offered. “It gets pretty lonely around the house with just me and Dennis. It’s been a long time since we had someone young around to keep us on our toes,” she laughed while she turned the wheel coming into town. “We can stop by at the mechanic’s shop and let them know that we need somebody to go out and pick up your car,” she stated.
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Re: Escaping the city {self}

Postby dirtylion » 03/08/2016 4:32 PM

“Thank you I would really appreciate that. Until I find what I am going to do with myself,” Maurice smiled kindly at the older woman. If he had a choice of picking a grandma, he would have chosen Pam. She was the sweetest most hard working old lady he had ever met. That and she a made a really good chicken pot pie. He had a weakness for a homemade chicken pot pie.
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Re: Escaping the city {self}

Postby dirtylion » 03/08/2016 4:33 PM

Back at Black Wrath Guild

Leah walked around in confusion, “where could he have gone?” she whispered to herself.

“Who?” a voiced asked behind her catching her off guard.

“Oh, Maurice and I we were supposed to meet today but he never showed up and when I went looking I couldn’t find him anywhere. No has seen him all day. Have you, Leon?” she asked worried.

“Yeah, this morning. He said that he was going out for drive. He didn’t mention needing to meet anyone.” he answered.
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Re: Escaping the city {self}

Postby dirtylion » 03/08/2016 4:33 PM

Copper strode up to the two, “here Leon.” He handed a sword over to the man.

“Thanks Copper, hey before you leave do you know why Maurice went for a drive today? He was supposed to meet Leah but never did,” Leon took the sword off of Copper.

“Oh god,” Copper let out a heavy sigh. “Did Maurice look depressed?” he asked.

Leon shrugged, “I guess why would he be though?”
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Re: Escaping the city {self}

Postby dirtylion » 03/08/2016 4:34 PM

“Because when he goes off to drive it means he thinks he’s hated. More than once he has run off under the impression that he isn’t liked,” Copper informed. “Did someone say something to him that would give him the thought that he was hated?” he asked.

Leon shook his head, “no I rarely ever see him.”

“I'm only hanging with him because we are doing a project together for Raz. I don’t think I offended during that time and the last time I saw him he seemed pretty happy,” Leah frowned.
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