Possibly the rainiest place on Evelon, Baian stretches for miles along the southern coasts. Thanks to the moist soil rich in minerals, wildlife here have developed unique adaptations. To travel through this thick, muddy area, most either take specially designed boats. (+2 Offense)

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The Valley of the Undead [Self]

Postby dirtylion » 03/11/2016 4:46 AM

The Underworld had skies that turned from dark blood reds to poisonous greens. The many forests that cover the land were charred black and rotten from the inside. The leaves that the wind would pick up and throw about were brown like decay. The nights in the realm held no stars and the moon only ever showed its dark side. Any life that the Underworld held were sinister, only out to gain for themselves. There were no rules, and no ultimate law that the creatures had to follow. The only time these beings would come together is if they could benefit better or had a common cause. It was those exact reasons that Elvira traveled to the swamp lands in search for two cats.
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Re: The Valley of the Undead [Self]

Postby dirtylion » 03/11/2016 4:51 AM

Comet lazily looked up to notice a beautiful raven haired women stepping out of the fog and into the clearing that he and his brother Shadow called home. “What brings you out to the swamps woman?” he hissed.

“I’ve come with a proposition that I don’t think either of you could refuse,” Elvira spoke choosing to ignore the hostility that she had been shown.

“Keep talking,” Shadow snarled coming up behind his brother.

“Two nights from now I and several other ambitious dwellers will be venturing out to the realm above… for an extensive amount of time. The world of the living is just ripe for the taking and that is exactly what I plan on doing. Of course, I would like the three of you to accompany me on this task,” she informed.
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Re: The Valley of the Undead [Self]

Postby dirtylion » 03/11/2016 4:52 AM

“The three you say?” Shadow asked now intrigued.

“Oh yes, if you both decide to come along I will give you what you need to bring your third brother back to life,” Elvira said as she pulled out a vile from one of her many pockets. The contents swirled around inside like oil producing a rainbow like effect when it hit the right light.

“How should we believe you,” Comet asked not ready to accept that their brother could be resurrected so easily.

Stepping closer Elvira pulled out a satchel from her coat. Opening it she removed a very large beetle. It lay unmoving in her hand. Uncorking the vile she allowed on drop of the oily concoction the fall onto the hard shell of the bug. Almost instantly the oil was absorbed into the bug and after a few second of stillness the beetle’s legs started to twitch before it fully got its bearings back and skittered about on her hand.
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Re: The Valley of the Undead [Self]

Postby dirtylion » 03/11/2016 4:53 AM

Quickly clasping her hand closed the only thing that could be heard was a sickening crunch as the life left the beetle for the second time. A little bit of brown liquid oozed from between her clinched fist, “is this proof enough?”

Shadow nodded, “satisfactory indeed.” He took a glance at his brother, “I suppose this means we will be making a trip then.”

“Yes, we are off to take a visit to the Valley of the Undead,” Comet answered.

Elvira tucked the vile away for safe keeping before focusing her attention back to the two death omen cats, “we must move quickly if we want to be back in time.”
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Re: The Valley of the Undead [Self]

Postby dirtylion » 03/11/2016 4:53 AM

The Valley of the Undead wasn’t far beyond the swamps that the cats called home. Reaching it wasn’t the problem, navigating through it though would prove to be a challenge. In the Underworld nothing truly died, they would go to the Valley of the Undead after being killed. The valley was a desolate wasteland blanketed in a thick fog not allowing anything to see any farther than a few steps. The only thing that could be seen were old mausoleums that rose higher than the mist far off in the distance. Pain infested moans could be heard in the distance when arriving at the edge of the valley. It was said that these were the moans of the ghosts that would roam the area. It was almost impossible to see the ghosts due to the fog but no one doubted that they were there because you could tell if one passed through you. It left a person shaking and gave them a strange taste in the mouth as if it got coated in salt.
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Re: The Valley of the Undead [Self]

Postby dirtylion » 04/01/2016 1:56 AM

Standing at the entrance Elvira saw only the top of the iron gate looming above the fog. The locations name curved throughout the top in iron. The ‘d’ at the end threating to fall as it dangerously hung due to the metal rusting from the moisture of the fog. “Will either of you have a good idea where your friend is located?” she asked breaking the silence.

Comet shook his head, “no it would be too difficult to find without help. Do you have a spell that could identify the location?”

“No, but I can do one better than that,” she answered as she snapped her fingers summoning something to her.
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Re: The Valley of the Undead [Self]

Postby dirtylion » 04/01/2016 1:56 AM

Elvira motioned with her hand to introduce the new individual who stood with them, “this is Venomous. He is one of our more trusted ghouls that guard our manor. If there was anybody who could guide us through the Valley of the Undead it would be a ghoul.”

Venomous nodded in agreement without speaking. He leaned forward and with his long green nose took a whiff of the Kuhna before heading out through the fog. Not wanting to lose him Elvira set off with a brisk walk following close behind him.
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Re: The Valley of the Undead [Self]

Postby dirtylion » 04/01/2016 1:58 AM

Ghouls were known to travel in packs always in search for their next meal. They fed off the flesh of those who didn’t breathe no longer. It was well known that many lived in the valley due to the amount of the dead creatures that resided there. Instead of relying on their eyes to find the way they used their strong sense of smell to navigate through the fog. The reason that the witch’s manor had so many around was because Imelda had made a deal with them that if she kept them well fed then in return they would protect the manor from threats. Since ghouls main purpose was to find food Imelda and the rest of the witches that resided at the manor had many loyal body guards to call upon if they need them.
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Re: The Valley of the Undead [Self]

Postby dirtylion » 04/01/2016 1:59 AM

For the most part the valley was quiet except for the moaning heard every once in a while. Some could be faintly heard others would suddenly happen practically right next to them. Sometimes shadows could be seen but before they could see who owned them they would be gone already off and down another windy path that led through the graveyard. Suddenly Venomous stopped in front of a mausoleum. It was small and only held on stone tomb in the middle. On a plaque it read the word Luck.
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Re: The Valley of the Undead [Self]

Postby dirtylion » 04/01/2016 2:01 AM

Without hesitation Elvira threw her hand out with force making the stone coffin burst away on the top revealing what lay inside. The corpse of the third Kuhna that normally traveled with Comet and Shadow. Chuckling quietly to herself Elvira said, “for being the bad omen of luck he such wasn’t lucky was he?”

Shadow growled, “just bring him back already.”

Elvira uncorked the bottle and carefully poured it over the dead cat. Stepping back, she waited for movement. Before the minute was up they heard a raspy groan and then movement as Luck rose out of the coffin and wobbly stood in front of them.
“Hello brothers it’s good to be back,” he smirked.
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