Nice and peaceful, Nabias offers a great place to start your journey or stock up on supplies before heading out to brave the rest of the wilderness out there. They also have Barakka's largest hospital facility to treat all sorts of injuries you could get out there. (+2 Precision)

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.:The Wishing Well:.

Postby Kyrit » 06/23/2012 9:57 PM

You heard from some local town gossip about a well just on the outskirts of town, near the more impoverished part of town that seems more humble than the rest of the place. The ground here gives way to the dead leaves deposited there by the nearby jungle's edge, and the buildings here are more open to the humidity and heat, covered in thick carpets of moss.

There is a well here, sheltered by a small stone 'housing' seemingly made by hand. It is dark, and you cannot see its interior from the outside, only a cold, inviting darkness. It seems to be only slightly taller than a person, clearly enough room for only a few to huddle inside, and you smell the cool, musty scent of water inside, as the jungle sounds all around envelope you...

Rumor has it that you may drop a coin onto this mysterious well, whose depth seems endless. First, you must speak to the well and wish, for a creature fashioned of your own desired design, a very special pet that would be yours and only yours...  If you are lucky enough and looked highly upon by the Holy Triumvirate themselves and are here at the right time and place, supposedly, that creature will find you in your travels and swear its life to you until the very end... Mayhap, you could even wish a blessing upon someone else dear to you...

So, do you believe in miracles? Why not try a coin or two...

(The wishing well is able to grant basic customs, customs with minor edits, and pets such as retired, seasonal, or war pets. It might even give you an item, such as a room key or potion if that is your wish. Please make sure to be very specific about your dreams.))
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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby SpringsSong » 06/24/2012 6:28 PM

She came here with coins in hand, sighing as she looked from the coins to the piece of paper which she held in the other hand.  Though many of her companions thought her crazy for wanting another form aside from her human and Paragon ones, she was determined to go through with the wish that she had in mind.

Approaching the well, she read the paper over one more time:

"Oh Gods and Goddesses of Evelon, I have but one request to make.  I wish to be able to take on the form of a smaller creature at will; specifically, that of a Morning Kitrell.  Its eyes should be the same as mine (4973AB).  However, where the Morning Kitrell's body is white, it would match mine (5c246f); where the wings are teal, they should be a shade of purple (aa00ff), and where they are yellow, they should instead be the same color as my fire (ff00aa).  The reddish dots on the pelt should be black in color, while the blueish ones should be a light lavendar (E066FF).  Lastly, she should have a golden necklace with a garnet (aa0000) gem on the chain."

Here, she took the coins and the paper and tossed them into the well, folding her arms across her chest as she sighed.  Now all she could do was wait...

{Wish granted}
Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby Azura Rayume » 08/07/2012 1:43 PM


This was stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. He was a man firmly rooting in the natural world and the mortality of everyone and everything, but still he was here, staring into a hole in the ground with a fancy cover, and wondering if this would really work.

Most of him, what was left of the logical part of himself, told him it wouldn't. Even though he was alive when he shouldn't be by any stretch of the imagination, this was a child's dream. There had to be a normal, logical explanation for everything, and there wouldn't be for this if it were true; he simply didn't believe in magic. He should just walk away now, content to live out his foreseeable future with Raito. That's what would have made sense.

The other bits, the ones that made instinct and emotion, told him the opposite. They were the pieces of himself that had driven him to open that old photo frame and copy the picture and note that were in there, regardless of how much it hurt him to defile the last remaining pieces of his old friend, his first love. The part that had driven him to a place for a sketch of what his friend would look like in this world. It was the part of him that felt horrible for being here because it felt like betraying Raito but also kept him standing there with papers and coin in hand.

"Alright, I'll just get this over with," he growled, angry at himself as much as with the world in general. "Look... uh... Well. I've got this friend. Well, more than a friend really. And he's kind of dead... but you can fix that, right? I mean, I've heard of some things that didn't exist before, or people who had died, that you- well, I think it was you- brought them into being. Right?" He glanced back over his shoulder to make sure no one was watching him; all this talking to inanimate objects was making him paranoid. "Look, I had this drawing done so I could find him if he was here. Regardless, I didn't see him. So that must mean he isn't here. I've got a letter he wrote and a photo, too. If they'll help find him."

He rolled the pages together, tying them tight with a piece of cord he had found along the way. With a sign, he tossed the bundle into the opening along with the small amount of coins he had managed to scrounge up for this. "I just wish I had my Alex back."

{Wish granted}

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Wouldn't you like to see
Something Strange?

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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby Toon-Souseiseki » 01/16/2013 4:18 PM

Writing away near a fountain in the Town of Nabias, Musa was just minding her own business till she heard from a few people about a well just a little outside of the town.  What are they all talking about?  I wonder what it could be, she thought and decided to ask someone in the town what was all the commotion.  She got her answer from a random Kitrell, "Didn't you hear?  There's this well that can grant wishes!"

Ah yes, the sweet little Likuta knew now and there.  She thanked the Kitrell and wanted to see if they were true.  A Wishing Well, a real Wishing Well.  Oh if it IS true, I hope my friend will be able to come visit me quite soon, Musa thought as she walked through the sweet town of Nabias.  She searched and searched and searched for this Wishing Well.  At last, Musa did find it and her light blue eyes sparkled.  She ran as fast as her little paws could go towards the Wishing Well.  

"Alright, alright, alright.  What to wish for.... What to wish for," she said, clapping her paws together.  She opened her red journal and started to flick through the pages quickly.  "No, nope, nu-uh, not her eithe--Wait a minute," she said stopping to a page that had a drawing of a man.  She saw the information of the man.  Siz-foot tall, Japanese attire, loving father to all.  She smiled a bit, "It would be nice if you came into the world."  She wrote down the information and looked at the well.  I hope this works, she thought before ripping the paper out, holding it tightly to her heart, and closing her eyes.

"Oh great Wishing Well I have only one request to make.  I wish for a man to come to Evelon and live with me.  His name is Dounny Evermore, and he is a sweet man.  I hope he comes one day, someday..."  She continued to say please for the next five minutes, holding the paper tightly to her chest.  On the paper, it said the following information:

Username: Toon-Souseiseki
Lucain Gender: Male
Order Type: Cusotm
Main Body Color: 84897d
Eye Color: a62222
Top Marking/ What Color: Malamute/acafa6
Bottom Marking/ What Color: Arach/cdbc60
Top Minimark/ Color (Optional/ Only for Custom Buyers): Banded/535450
Bottom Minimark/ Color (Optional/ Only for Custom Buyers): Kohl/2a2a2a
Wingblade Color: 535450 faded to a62222
Background Type (See below): white

Best Reference
The heart wants what the Heart GRIEVES FOR
And that's the TRUTH
Though it may hurt, I give what they DESIRE
What they Desire is my own IMITATION
The reality is, my mind thinks FICTION

Musa-The Storytelling Likuta

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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby HunnyBun » 01/16/2013 5:08 PM

The town was alive with excited people, everyone was flocking for the wishing well. They all seemed to be wanting their wish to be granted. It was a sea of people pushing and shoving, and tons of coins being thrown in. Quill slowly approached, and waited shyly in the back. When she was finally able to make it through the crowd, she stopped near the rim of the well and looked down.

It didn't look any different from any other well, yet everyone was working so hard to get to it. She sighed, maybe this think really could grant her wish. Or at least, she hoped and wished it would. Holding a crumbled piece of paper and her coin close to her heart, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

"The Think Tank group, I started collecting Maus to make into each of the six characters. Sadly, the last one has been the hardest. I haven't been able to get it, and all I need is one more for it to be complete. I've searched and tried so hard to get it, but it seems I may never get that last one. So please well of wishes, please grant me this wish."

She threw the piece of paper into the well.

"Can you bring me my dream of a Mobius Maus to finish my hunt and grant my wish? Or in the least a regular Maus to finish my collection?"

She sighed and flicked the coin off her thumb and leaned in to hear it splash into the water below.

"Wanna know a secret?
Promise not to tell?
We are standing by a wishing well

Make a wish into the well
That's all you have to do
And if you hear it echoing
Your wish will soon come true"

We're waiting every night
To finally roam and invite
Newcomers to play with us
For many years we've been all alone

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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby Mojave » 01/16/2013 11:29 PM


The sound of heavy footfall, rustling of scales, and the sound of spikes and horns rattling against each other announced the late evening arrival of the creature Mojave. She had exhausted herself the past few days running errands in her human form, and was no longer able to hide her hideous form. It would take her several days of rest and gorging before she could shapeshift again. But this opportunity was too important for her to wait. She had run herself ragged to keep from thinking of Peyote and his untimely death. But upon hearing that the wishing well was active again, she had grabbed pAndy and come.

Perhaps she was simply delusional from lack of sleep. Normally she wouldn't have had much faith in this sort of thing. And yet.. here she was, standing at the well, craning her head into the hole to see if she could see the supposed magical waters. Even her eyes could not discern the liquid at the bottom. With a sigh, she sat down and a zombones tumbled clumsily from her back, it's skull clacking bonily as it struck the spikes that covered it's master's body. With an indignant clack of it's jaws, it began ro blindly search around for something to eat.

Ignoring her familiar, Mojave considered the well. Was she supposed to talk to a well? She snorted and shook her head, surely not. "Anyone there?" She called out, her voice surprisingly gentle for a lusikross, almost that of a human woman but tinged with a raspiness. No response... she looked around and circled the well, hoping to find instructions. Of course there weren't and by coming so late so few would see her, there was of course nobody around to watch and imitate.

Forlorn, she rested her head on the edge of the well while she watched pAndy for a bit. As she watched him, she began to debate if she should even wish for Peyote to be restored to her. It was selfish, and he had only been a simple fish. Of course, she would wish him ro return as a werebetta to be so much stronger than he had been and be able to enjoy a life in the wild seas of his own rather than to be confined to a bowl. As she mulled these thoughts over, tears scalded her eyes. They dripped unfelt from her hard scales, soundlessly falling into the well. No, she could not wish for something so selfish when the fairies back home had their own wish. She silently pulled a bunch of pictures from a pouch attached to her leg, and examined each one before casting it into the well. I wish you would come back to me, Peyote. I wish I could have found a way to turn you into a werebetta so you could live wild and free. As an afterthought, she dumped a pouch of coins into the well, if not for her wish, then for someone else's.

When the last photo was gone, she picked pAndy up between her fierce teeth and placed him securely upon her back again. Silently, they left the well the way they had found it. ... 233949.jpg ... 231921.jpg ... 231930.jpg ... 2335-1.jpg ... 232203.jpg

{Wish granted}
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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby Sarah » 01/31/2013 2:43 AM


A lone tear fell from her face, falling onto the cobblestone pavement that surrounded a small well. “I heard you can grant wishes.” The girl whispered, her voice trembling. “I know that I haven’t done the best things in life…” it was hard for the girl to go on, she knew she was not deserving of what she asked. Something deep inside her made her feel like she had lost something. “In my life, I was never able to bear children. I was never old enough, and… it has been a dream of mine to at least conceive one child, to pass on my blood, to raise such an innocent thing.

The girl stopped in front of the well, realizing she had been pacing around it. “You see, my parents where never supposed to even have me, a mortal and a demon. It wasn’t the birth that was wrong; it was the relationship they shared after. They truly loved each other. They raised me with such kindness. They are gone now, and I wish I could be able to show them how much I appreciated them by loving a child of my own. An unconditional, unbreaking love. To feel that, it is selfish of me to ask for it.” She started pacing again, tears blurred her eyes, and she pulled a hand up to wipe away some of the tears to find that her face was completely damp.

It’s odd; I never cry… obviously I need to get some self-control.” She laughed a sadly, “it was part of my punishment that I should not be able to know love. I know I should be suffering eternity with this broken, hollow heart. It took me quite a bit to get here, I’m such a coward, I was afraid. Sometimes it is hard to live a life where so much is expected from you, and the one thing you really want is just beyond your reach.” She wished she had the words to explain. She looked back at the small well, a whish forming on her lips.

I wish for a lucain key, so that I may know the unconditional love my children will have for me, and the love they will get from me in return.” With that the half demon left the well behind; knowing all the way it was foolish to think she would be able to get what she wanted from just a single wish, but all the while she hoped her wish would come true.

{Wish granted}
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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby Jessari » 02/02/2013 11:54 PM


It looked suspicious. Hell, it even felt suspicious. Dean curled his lips in a grimace as a wave of goosebumps rose along his arms. He wasn't scared, definitely not. Just...creeped out in a major way. He'd spent his whole life, from the time he was big enough to fire a pistol without falling over from the recoil, finding ways to destroy things like this. Supernatural things. And now, he was visiting an actual wishing well with the intention of asking for a favor. What was he thinking?

He stood a ways from the well, trying to shake the feeling of wrongness that crept through his bones. All the people he and Sammy had been able to find and interview had reported that their wishes had been granted to the 't'. Every detail had been exact, and months after, the well wishers were still satisfied. A life of fighting evil made Dean skeptical of anything that seemed to come without a catch. There was always a catch. There had been that wishing pond in Indiana for example. It had granted wishes, but they all had kickbacks of some sort - some had even caused the wishers' deaths.

But this well sat there looking all innocent and inviting. Dean narrowed his eyes at it, as though daring it to show its darker side, which it had to have even if he didn't have any proof of it. How did it grant wishes, anyway? Was there a demigod living in its depths? Perhaps the whole 'coin-tossing' was a front, and this was simply a variation of a crossroads demon, who convinced wishers to bargain away their souls in exchange for whatever favor they'd come seeking. He smiled a little at that thought, his hand sliding around to his back pocket, where the small flask of holy water sat. Yeah, that was probably it. Had to be.

"Poke your head out of there," he whispered, edging closer to the well, "and I'll gladly exorcise your ugly ass."

But he still had to go through the motions, just in case. Dean cleared his throat, dark eyes flicking about the area. He'd chosen to come at nighttime, hoping there wouldn't be anyone else about to see him talking to an inanimate object like a friggin' bag lady. "Uh, so. Wishing Well. How's it going?" Oh, this was going to go very well. He cleared his throat again, and pushed on. "I, uh, hear you grant wishes, and, well, I've got one. It's not for me, really. It's for this kid I've been taking care of."

As he began talking about Feral, his eyes softened slightly, his speech becoming less stilted. "She's a bit unusual. Well, more than a bit, actually." He chuckled quietly, a quick burst of noise in the silent night. "When I found her, she was living wild in some ruins. She didn't know how to talk, although she was quite a prolific growler, and she barely knew how to walk like a normal human being. I've been trying to teach her things, normal things she should already know, like how to use a flippin' fork for something besides stabbing holes in my leather seats.

"Anyway, she's been picking up words here and there, and she's become fixated with the word 'brother'." He brushed a hand over the stubble on his chin, his expression thoughtful, "Here's something I haven't told you yet: she's a shapeshifter. Other than her human form, which I think is her true and original form, she also has a canine form she favors. Actually, she tends to spend more time with a fur coat on than she does a t-shirt and jeans. Now, I ask you this: why the fixation with 'brother'? Why the preference for canine form?"

He began to pace a small path beside the well, eyes fixed unseeing on the ground. "I know, I know. It might not mean anything, but I just- I can't shake this feeling that she's got family out there of one species or another." What was really killing him was the times she'd peer out the window, nose pressed against the glass, her eyes lonely and sad. He knew the feeling, was more closely acquainted with it than he'd ever let on. He could be there for her, but he doubted he'd ever be more than a weak substitute for the one she was longing for.

Dean suddenly seemed to remember he was pouring his heart out to a well that might or might not end up killing him with karma on down the road. He straightened, coughed into his fist. When he spoke again, his tone was more business-like. "Well, anyway, if she has a brother out there, and he's not dead or evil or something like that, I'd kinda appreciate it if you sent him our way. Hell, if he's a canine like I'm thinking, I guess Sammy will be able to house-train them both together." He grinned at that, and with a jaunty little step, he flipped a shiny coin into the air. It flashed silver in the moonlight before disappearing into the depths of the well.

He waited a moment, muscles tensing beneath his jacket as he waited for something to emerge. Nothing happened. No fireworks, no giant serpents, no demons asking for his soul. It was rather anticlimactic, really. Dean frowned, as if the well had affronted him by not throwing a monster at him. Pulling the flask of holy water from his pocket, he twisted the lid off and upended it over the well until it had completely drained. Better safe than sorry, right?

Wishing for a Fenrir with spiked collar, wristlets, aura and fangs edited out like this. His fur colors and pattern should mimic this gal's pelt as closely as possible. His eyes should be colored to match hers as well.
Feed me chicky nuggies and chokky milk.


This is the way...

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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby Kylo » 08/06/2013 10:09 PM


He had been stuck in this god awful form for far too long and he wanted a new one right now. The yonyuu shook out the dew from his fur and approached the well. He had heard from his Turks that wishes had indeed been granted here and well he figured it was worth a shot. Stepping up to the edge of the well, the golden furred beast looked over and down into the depths of it. He found that he could not see the bottom. Sighing he rolled his eyes at how ridiculous he must look and sat down.

"Dear, whatever your name is god. I, Rufus Shinra, humbly request that you give to me a new body. One that fits me far better. I am not meant to be some dainty creature of the sky. I am meant to strong on both the inside and out. I want to be a lucain. Can you do that for me? I will in return leave this parcel of keystones here for you."

Now he knew he looked ridiculous. he didn't even believe in gods, so this to him was insanity, but if it got him a better body then he would find this for more worth it. Sighing again he pushed the parcel of keystones down the well and left. He had looked like a fool and probably all for nothing.

Rufus 'Cain
1. Your Name/Forum Name: Talcen
2. Lucain Gender: Male
3. Order Type: Custom
4. Main Body Color: #f6f6f6
5. Eye Color: #49769e
6. Top Marking/ What Color?: Arach #dccda5
7. Bottom Marking/ What Color?: Frostbite #9baac4 (Over Arach)
8. Top Minimark/ Color? (Optional/ Only for Custom Buyers): Sunbear #f6f6f6
9. Bottom Minimark/ Color? (Optional/ Only for Custom Buyers): Tearstain #9baac4 (Over sunbear)
10. Wingblade Color: #dccda5
11. Anything Additional: (*Requires an Additional Cost):
12. Method of Payment (Name Used for Payment Method):
13. Total Cost: 20$

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby Middy » 03/01/2014 2:13 PM


This form was so unfitting for him, it was like he was in the wrong skin or something! Every time he looked into the mirror when he took the form given to him in this new land it made him sick. It was one of the reasons he tried to stick to human form as much as possible. He knew his true form wouldn't fly here, but really? A damned dog thing? Bleh! Thankfully he had heard news of some sort of wishing well in town so.. why the heck not? He had tried worse things just because he could, such as tarot cards, absurd magical healing, and something called aromatherapy. Well.. that last one worked a little, it did calm him down a little before making him really hungry.

Oliver walked towards the well, dragging his cane behind him to hear the small little noises it made when it went over another cobblestone. What could he say? The sound made him happy. He stole glances at some of the women passing by him, sometimes giving a tilt of his top hat or lowering his red lensed shades to get a better look. Some of the girls giggled, while some just didn't notice him at all. Sad really. In such a flashy style of dress, who couldn't notice him?

Well it didn't matter, if he really wanted to pick up a woman he could have done it already. Ah, but he wasn't here for a date or one night relationships, he was here on a mission to a wishing well. Oliver approached the stone built well, looking down into it. Pretty deep, and the water from what he could see was so... clean. Oh how he wanted to just go down there and corrupt it, but no he had to be on his best behavior if he wanted a chance at a new body. Preferably one with scales, or covered in slime.

Oliver made a piece of paper with a flick of his wrist. He stared at the blank parchment, trying to visualize something that he would feel comfortable being. An image of a paragon appeared on the paper, a void who matched the coloration of his real form. Sure, there wasn't a mess of writhing octopus tentacles sprouting from its back, but it would have to do. He carefully rolled up the paper, making a small red ribbon materialize to wrap around the rolled up paper. Once it was neatly rolled, he dropped it down into the well, watching lazily as it fell and made a 'plunk' noise at the bottom.

Usually things like this needed some sort of prayer right? If that is how this thing worked then... why not? "Dear God or Goddess of the wishing well of Nabias, I have come seeking your aid and have travelled from far away. My request is a fitting form, since I have been cursed with the form of a canine. The feeling is so unnatural that it makes me avoid taking it, I greatly dislike it. The form of a paragon would be so much better, something strong and feared. A void, with a plumed back and razor-sharp tail. Darkly colored with blood reds to a rich crimson. I would feel much better being such a creature, and would be very grateful," he smiled after making his wish, a warm feeling filling him. He could sound professional if he really wanted to, so hopefully the well spirit would appreciate it.

Oliver blew a kiss into the well and tossed in some small gold coins for luck, then picked up his cane and set off to his next destination. Like always, he didn't know where he was going. Anywhere sounded good, he had this whole new world to explore and he was going to make the most of it. For starters, he needed to pick up some food. Seafood sounded good, but he doubted they served starfish. Oh well, calamari sounded just as good as anything. Or sushi... whatever, he would decide when he got there. With one last farewell to the well, the red suited man vanished into the crowd.

PSD File
Aura color: Black

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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby SpringsSong » 03/01/2014 2:49 PM

Spring timidly approached the Wishing Well, tears stinging her eyes.  She held a photograph close to her chest, stopping to look at it every so often.  Doing so brought more tears from her eyes, and a strangled sob caught in her throat.

"I hope this works," she muttered to herself, looking at the well.  "Uh, I'm not so good at this wishing thing," she said, her voice still trembling with tears.  "But... I had a friend back in my home.  Called her Vespa--not because I like their scooters or anything; never had one in my life.  But she's a downright sweetheart, never bit or anything.  Unfortunately, we had to surrender her--things changed and we really couldn't care for her.  But... I want her memory to live on here, on Evelon," she said.  "I, ah... had this picture done of her, as a Kuhna.  She was just a simple black cat, as you can see," she added.  At this, she took the portrait and a few Keystones and tossed them down the well, tears flowing from her eyes.


Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby Indigo » 03/01/2014 4:14 PM

She had spent almost the entire day lurking around the well, hiding, trying not to be seen. Each time she'd thought it safe to come out and make her offering someone else had approached and she'd had to flatten herself against the stone until they went away again. It wasn't really essential, the not being seen, but it mattered to her. It was a silly thing but she needed to do it, to prove herself worthy, almost, of what she asked. There was that phrase--what was it? "When the student is ready, the master will appear"? The situation was a bit different here, of course, given that the master had already been and had disappeared mid-tutelage, but maybe if she could show she was good enough...maybe Joli would come back.

It was a thought, anyway. Stranger things had happened.

Finally it seemed there was no one around to see her, no one else coming to the well today, and Lucille crept out from behind the well's housing. It was dark, but that was fine; seeing in the dark was one of Joli's first lessons. She walked around to the front of the well, wondered if she was supposed to drop the money in before or after, decided after made more sense. She said, "Hello." It seemed inadequate.

She took a deep breath, and continued, "I need your help, please. It's not what a lot of people would consider important, I guess, but...well...I used to have this teacher, or friend, or--both, really. She was teaching me how to be unseen, because being seen has never been good for me, you know? I'm only ever seen when I don't want to be. And she was helping me...with that. But then something weird happened, and at first I thought she had just disappeared like she usually did--they used to call her Miss Disappear, you know--but she never came back after that and nobody even seemed to have heard of her. Even people who had known who she was. It was like--there was a rip, and she fell through, and somehow she had never existed anymore. If that makes sense. Does that make sense?

"Well...anyway...I thought you might be able to help. To bring her back from wherever she went. Her real name was Joli Marron, if that makes it easier. And she looked like this--" Lucille fumbled for the photograph with the notes hastily scribbled on the back, and after one last glance dropped it into the well.

The money was harder to find; she'd hidden it from herself on purpose, because otherwise she would have spent it all on fabric long ago, and she knew it was a donation and you didn't really put large sums of money into wishing wells, but this was important and also a little different. She'd heard the wishing well made things that weren't there before, and here she was asking it to bring something back. Well...someone. Maybe that was more work for a thing like this. So she'd saved up. The stones made a loud sound, like a shower of rain, as they poured in.

She started to walk away, but turned back to the well, and said, "Thank you." It seemed right, somehow.
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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby Kitsumi » 04/01/2014 5:06 PM


This was really stupid.

Ramiel had never been known for his wisdom. After all, his rashness and lack of good decision making skills were what had caused his fall. Oh, yeah, and the fact that he had fallen for a human, and done things with her that were definitely against the rules. Still, none of that even came close to the stupidity of what he was doing here. He very well might have been committing suicide - if it worked, that is.

Wishing wells weren't his thing, and he felt awkward as he walked up to it. He had faith, but not in silly, illogical things like wishes. Still, he had heard that this particular well actually did grant wishes. Not all, but some. All he needed was a bit of good luck instead of bad, for a change. He didn't need much, just enough to get his wish granted.

He cleared his throat, leaning over the well. "Um, I'm not sure how this whole thing works." He scratched his neck, trying to look casual. He was talking to a freaking well. It was an inanimate object, and he was actually going to ask it for something. He had to be crazy. "I kinda need some help. See, I have this friend who died. Well, he's not really a friend. More like an enemy, actually. And umm, yeah, I was the one who killed him. But still..."

Sighing with frustration, Ramiel had to will himself not to just leave. He had to finish this. "Listen, I really need him back. He might kill me, but he's the only one who knows how to save her." At this point, his throat clenched. He blinked back the tears, knowing that she would want him to be strong. She wouldn't want him bringing back an enemy who would probably be his demise, but that couldn't be helped. "If you happen to know of a way to bring back a certain Volcanic Panzer by the name of Xaphan, well, I'd be really grateful."

Now all that there was left, was to make an offering to the well and he would be done. "I'm not really sure why a well would need keystones, or Goddess Tears, or anything like that. I certainly don't have anything like that to offer. But I do have this." He held out his hand, a single white feather resting upon his palm. If he wasn't careful, he would soon end up without a single feather left, but...this time at least, it was hopefully worth the exchange. If only he could bring back Xaphan, it would be worth it. "This is my offering. I hope it's enough." He dropped the feather into the well, watching it slowly flutter down until he could no longer see it in the darkness. He pictured it falling, falling, and then floating on top of the water for all time, and he actually smiled.

Asking for a Volcanic Panzer.

{Wish granted}

like sunlight shining through the leaves
we are beautiful

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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/06/2014 3:01 AM


There was no telling if she was following the truth or if she even believed the words to be true. Yet, Keira had been told a series of things that had lead her up until this point.

First, she was told that three teenagers, not much younger than the woman that had once been her human companion in a far off world, were actually her human companion's children from the distant future. Second, she was told that she existed in this future, and that, in this future, there was a child, a kit, that she cared for despite it being just an ordinary cat. However, in the end, that child lost its life. Third, she had been told stories of a wishing well, a wonderful place supposedly able to grant the wishes of those that visited it, no matter how impossible the wishes may have seemed.

The Kuhna had taken to her more human like form, though she still sported her ears and tails, as she ventured through the town and eventually toward the well, guided by the words of the townsfolk. Admittedly, it was difficult to believe that there was some magic well out there, especially in the more run down neighborhood of Nabias, but it couldn't do any harm to try. Maybe if she believed, it would really happen. Maybe she could do some good.

As she came upon the well, she put both of her black gloved hands on the side of it and peered down in it. There was no end in sight, as far as her clear, blue eyes could see. With that fact alone, it was no wonder that the well seemed so mysterious. After a long few minutes of staring, she sucked in a breath, preparing herself.

"I've been told that you're a wishing well, that you can great marvelous, unbelievable wishes," she began, surprisingly not finding it too entirely odd that she was speaking to an inanimate object. For all she knew, the object wasn't just that, but could have very well been alive in some way. Or, if not that, served a link to something else. "I do have a wish, although it is... a complicated one, and somewhat confusing. According to the stories I've been told, there was someone that I treated like my own child, in a far off land. Unfortunately, that child lost their life. I have come to believe this story, even though I have no recollection of it myself. I wish for Nomo, whom I believe would be found in the form of a Ghastly Kuhna, to be of this world. She is someone precious not only to me, but my human as well."

With those words, she pulled out a coin, something not of this world, but supposedly a object from the world in which Nomo had been born into. Keira held onto it tightly for a moment, her eyes shut. "So, please, grant my wish. Bring her back," she pleaded, dropping the coin into the well.

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Re: .:The Wishing Well:.

Postby Sarah » 07/08/2016 7:11 PM

Annabelle felt so nervous she wanted to scream. After all these years she had thought she tore this part of herself out, this awful human part of her. How long had she been queen? How long would she be queen? Of demons over anything, there was no room for these negative human emotions. There was no room for positive human emotions either. Annabelle sulked carefully. Even she didn't know who's eyes could be on her. Being at this damn well would be seen as a weakness for sure. Who granted these wishes anyways? probably the gods, or something aligned with them. Should someone see her, queen of demons, around this place her reputation would be toast.

The jungle around the place was good hiding, but around the well there was open space before she could get inside the very well concealed building. Those moments of open space could make or break her...

"What're you doing here?" Venna hissed. It was so rare that he left the ruby castle. The orange sunlight was almost blinding to his eyes. His vision was still red from the constant light from the castle. He'd felt Annabelle and came to intervene. Whenever she was having these feelings she made bad decisions. Already she'd given two souls to the gods, but that was before they had met. Since then she had been under control. The change in her mind was concerning and Venna wasn't going to wait around for the consequences to get back to him. To find her here of all places was confusing and worrying. Venna's sight was finally adjusting and he looked at his queen harshly. This was no time for little eyes to spread rumors.

Annabelle jumped when she heard Venna. There was no worse being in the world to know she was here than him. "I'm being selfish and impulsive," she hissed back to him. Before he could do anything she bolted out and ducked into the little place that held the well.

"I know I'm not you're most loved being," she began. Annabelle knew little of the well, but she knew she had to tell the well what she wanted, and it wouldn't hurt for her to be convincing. "I get it, queen of the demons and all. We are at war I guess, but I'm not a bad queen. If anything I've helped you out. My demons are contained and your seraphim hardly have to worry about us disrupting the mortals," Annabelle said. "Listen, if you could do me this one things I guess I'd be in your debt. That would be nice for you hmm? I'd owe you something and I am a very powerful lady," she said. She was on her knees in the little hut. Her heart was racing and she was doing her very best to focus. "This is the most selfish thing I've ever wanted, and I've sent two souls to you to become immortalized," she said letting out a strained laugh. "I want children," she said, her voice dropped to a whisper that was barely audible.

Venna was at her side in a second and Annabelle hated their connection. They both knew what would happen should they have children together.

"I want a Lucain Room Key. I know it's easier nowadays to get children, but these children are special and need something very special to come into existence," she told the well. "Pure bred royalty isn't what you want, but that's why this is such a selfish request. Venna and I... We don't really want it either, but I can't get the thought out of my head. It keeps me up and gnaws at me when I'm working," Annabelle admitted. "Relic is a fine heir, probably the best any of us ever expected. Venna and I are powerful, we'll make sure he's the next to the throne, but I want children that are just mine and just Venna's please," Annabelle begged. "If I'm worth anything, or if Venna is worth anything to you please," she said before falling silent.

A gold coin appeared in her hand and she dropped it in. It wasn't a key stone or a goddess tear, but it was a coin and she hoped it was enough. Beside her Venna sighed and she knew he was wishing with her.

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