Nice and peaceful, Nabias offers a great place to start your journey or stock up on supplies before heading out to brave the rest of the wilderness out there. They also have Barakka's largest hospital facility to treat all sorts of injuries you could get out there. (+2 Precision)

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This Strange New World [P, Freezy][Quest]

Postby SpringsSong » 09/12/2016 1:12 PM

Bejikixen.  Aesthyarytiss.

Text like this indicates Draconic.  <Text like this> indicates thoughts in Draconic.

"Haven't you felt it, Bejikixen?" Aesthyrarytiss said as they walked into the town, her emerald-green eyes gleaming brightly.  "Something shifted in the air the other day... I just know it!  I felt her the other day!"

"I do not doubt you, my dear," Bejikixen said, offering a smile.  "But we have seen no sign of her yet--we were chasing after Thurkearmaekrix when we disappeared.  Perhaps something happened to open a similar rift again?"

"It had to have," Aesthyarytiss, pointing down the road, where a new figure stood.


The figure at the other end of the road had a confused look on her face.  She seemed out of place; her pale golden wings caught the light and scattered them all around, and her eyes had an ethereal glow to them.  Aesthyrarytiss did not wait a second longer before taking off down the road.

"Athearverthicha, sister!" she called.

The pale golden Dragonborn turned to the sound of the voice, only to brace herself mere seconds later when the two collided.  It took her a moment to collect herself, but when she gathered herself, she gave a sigh and embraced her sister.

"Aesthyrarytiss--a sight for sore eyes if ever there was one," she said softly.  "You'd not believe what happened to me..."

"Try us," Bejikixen said, chuckling softly.
Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Re: This Strange New World [P, Freezy][Quest]

Postby Freezair » 09/12/2016 5:09 PM


Desmond knew it by the smell: Someone from Elsewhere was here.

It wasn't something he'd ever researched or done much deep delving into. It was just something he had an instinct for. Evelon had its own smell to it, a smell familiar and deep. People not from Evelon--from Elsewhere--tended to carry with them a smell that was subtley different. Especially if it was in deep contrast to that of the place he was in. Maybe it was the ozoney crackle of magic that lingered after a big magical event, which was what was usually required for a being to hop dimensions and end up in Evelon. Maybe each world in the vast panoply of worlds they lived in had its own chemical unique to itself, and that was what Desmond was smelling.

Whatever it was, he smelled it now. It stood out sharply in contrast to the warm, perfumed, tropical smell of his hometown of Nabias. It was a cold smell, a sharp smell, like copper covered in ice, with the breezy mustiness of pine trees behind it. But at the core of the icy smell lurked a touch of smoke. Fire and blood. Something almost... draconic.

Padding along on his paws, Desmond put his nose up in the air and attempted to follow the smell. Soon, he spotted three figures, hugging near the end. The smell unmistakably came from them. They looked human, but again, there was that dragon-like smell. Perhaps they were like him, and could change forms to suit their needs? He pondered this as he approached.

Well, then, he thought. Time to find out if my hunch is right and they're recent immigrants.

He cleared his throat and spoke as loudly as he could without shouting, trying very hard to draw attention to  his smaller form near the ground. "Excuse me... If I may have a word?"

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: This Strange New World [P, Freezy][Quest]

Postby SpringsSong » 09/12/2016 6:52 PM

"...I see," Athearverthicha said after several long minutes.  "That would explain why you never found me... and why Thurkearmaekrix--"

"It doesn't matter now," Aesthyarytiss said.  "We're all, we're not all here.  Where are Zaratoovir and Ixenvaess?" she asked, and Athearverthicha looked away.

"Gone," Athearverthicha said.  It was at this point in time that they heard the other voice that spoke to them in the common tongue, and they all turned around, looking at the small feline-like creature.

"...hello," Aesthyarytiss said after a few moments, speaking in the common tongue.  Bejikixen and Athearverthicha looked at the strange feline with curious looks, unsure of what to think.
Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Re: This Strange New World [P, Freezy][Quest]

Postby Freezair » 09/13/2016 12:38 AM

Desmond noticed right away that the way they looked at him was... odd. People who came from Elsewhere tended to come from places with very different sentient species--it was no wonder they were shocked to hear a cat speak.

"I promise you, I'm a friend," Desmond said. "Despite my appearance, I'm one of the kinds of sapients you can find in this world. Pardon me if I'm being nosy, but I couldn't help but notice. You... You three don't seem to be from around here. You're... not native to this world, I mean. I promise you I don't mean to pry. But... am I correct? And you smell as if, perhaps, you've only come here recently... oh, I DO hope I'm not being too nosy."

Some people were proud, it was true. They wanted to figure out the ins and outs of Evelon living on their own. Other people didn't want it to be known they weren't natives. If these were such people, he would leave them be--forcing help on people who didn't want it was no good. But when he saw the opportunity to possibly help others, he had to take it.

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: This Strange New World [P, Freezy][Quest]

Postby SpringsSong » 09/13/2016 9:55 AM

"We... no, we are not from this world," Aesthyrarytiss said after the feline had finished speaking.  "We're... still not sure, you see, how we ended up in this... this land," she said, taking her hands and indicating their surroundings.  The foriegn word she said rolled off of her tongue--it was in a different language; the language that she and the others were doubtless used to speaking.

"I... do not understand this word, 'nosy'," Athearverthicha said after several moments, the words sounding much harsher from her mouth.

"I believe what he means is to place your nose in the business of another," Aesthyrarytiss said, and Athearverthicha nodded.  Whatever Aesthyrarytiss had said, it seemed to be a close enough equivalent in their language for Athearverthicha to accept.

"Athearverthicha--the pale golden one with the glowing eyes--has only come here recently.  My... how would you say... our word for it is rumag, and it means one that you share a deep, connecting bond with..." he said, pointing to Aesthyrarytiss.

"We have been here longer, and there are three others that have been here longer still," Aesthyrarytiss said.  "But, we are forgetting our ominaki--how we are called," she said.  "My full name is Aesthyrarytiss ux Maekrix tibur Eärwen Lissësúl--but Aesthyrarytiss is how I am commonly called, now."

"I am Athearverthicha ux Darastrixethe-Elghasek tibur Nessa Lissësúl--Aesthyrarytiss' twin sister," Athearverthicha said.  "I am commonly called Athearverthicha."

"And I am Bejikixen ux Vaecaesin tibur Aranel Oronrá--Bejikixen has been my name for many years, now," Bejikixen said.
Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Re: This Strange New World [P, Freezy][Quest]

Postby Freezair » 09/14/2016 1:25 PM

Desmond chuckled kindly when they had trouble deciphering his language. "Yes. 'Nosy' is a word we use to mean asking questions that are impolite, or trying to make yourself a part of a discussion you don't belong in. It is something I try not to be. But it happens occasionally, given the nature of my work."

He bowed to them and introduced himself in return. "I'm afraid I do not have a name as elegant as yours. I am Desmond Icebolt, called Desmond or Des by my friends, and I am a helper and a guide. I am a person who finds and helps those who have come to our world from other places. You did seem a little confused, and I recognized a smell on you which was distinctly... not of this world, shall we say. So I wanted to investigate. Investigate, and welcome you to our land of Evelon."

He looked between the three figures. "You will... pardon me if I stumble over the pronunciation of your names a little. Here in our world, the fashion is to shorten our longer given names into shorter use-names for everyday use--'nicknames,' we call them. Typically only loved ones and legal institutions will use these longer formal names, so I haven't had as much practice speaking longer use-names such as yours--now, let's see."

"Athearvertika?" He pointed to the woman who hadn't understood the word "nosy."

"Aestharitiss," he said while pointing to the other woman.

"And," he said, pointing to the man, "Bejikixen. ...Bejikixen. I think I'm actually getting that one all the way right," he marveled to himself. "...The others didn't sound right when I said them..."

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: This Strange New World [P, Freezy][Quest]

Postby SpringsSong » 09/16/2016 7:41 AM

"Those are... close, little calti," Athearverthicha said.  "Desmond is... an interesting name," she said after a few moments more.  She looked to her sister, who chuckled slightly before she spoke again.

"Our names were not always so long," she said.  "In our world... how to say, this was not always how we looked.  We were once elves--well, my charir molik was a half-elf prior to his ritual," she said, the two draconic words sounding something like a term of endearment--at least, to two of them.  Athearverthicha could only stare at her sister when she said that.

"It is tradition for those who become ux Bahamuti--Dragonborns of Bahamut--to take on a proper draconic name once they have completed their ritual," Bejikixen explained.  "It is made up of three different parts--"

"--but we are getting ahead of ourselves," Aesthyrarytiss said.  "With an additional name such as Icebolt, my curiosity is piqued.  Do you have any... powers relating to your name?" she asked.
Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Re: This Strange New World [P, Freezy][Quest]

Postby Freezair » 09/16/2016 1:01 PM

"Ahh. There are many cultures that have similar customs in our world as well," Desmond said, nodding. "Where a person may earn new names or titles based on important life events or impressive deeds. Dragonborn, though... that sounds a bit like something in our world--but that would probably be very complicated to explain right away."

When they asked him about his name, a smile broke out on Desmond's face. This was one of his very favorite parts of his job--when outsiders asked him things about himself, or his world. He loved the cultural exchange of ideas that came with meeting people from Elsewhere. He loved learning about how their worlds worked, and educating them on Evelon in kind.

And, Desmond thought, it was helpful to have an outsider's perspective on one's day to day life from time to time. So many people did the things they were brought up to do without thinking about them, or without paying attention to them. People from Elsewhere were always keen to see the things Evelonians paid no attention to or took for granted. It was a reminder that there was more than one way to be a sapient and to live one's life, and everyone needed that reminder from time to time.

"It is true that many family names in this world are derived from professions--Cooper, Smith, Farmer, Hunter, Fletcher--or other titles that simply described a family. But these days, many of these family names are passed down without the same meaning. Many generations ago, there was certainly a Kuhna--a member of my species--who could conjure ice with magic and throw it as one shoots and arrow. He or she was given the title 'Icebolt' for his or her abilities. But that skill has been lost in my family, I'm afraid. My mother can breathe a cool mist good for cooling off on a hot day--if you don't mind the slightly fishy smell--but I only have enough competence in magic to be able to change into a human form when it suits me. And that ability is very common here in our world."

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: This Strange New World [P, Freezy][Quest]

Postby SpringsSong » 09/18/2016 12:04 PM

"A human form?" Aesthyrarytiss echoed.  "So you can... change your form to suit your needs, so to speak?"

"We have had some beings of this world ask us if we were... Paragon, I think was the term," Bejikixen said.  "I believe they were described as the majestic dragon-like beings of this land.  I wish the truth were that simple, but these forms?" he said, indicating the three of them.  Each had distinct draconic characteristics; they were covered in scales, and their faces each looked like a distinctive type of dragon.  "They are... malrak; no going back once we had gone through the Rite of Rebirth."

"I am curious, though," Athearverthicha said, leaning in to look at the Kuhna closer.  "Your species... Koo-nuh, you said?" testing the weird word on her tongue.  "Do they... all look like you, or are there... throden iri--that is, many kinds?"
Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Re: This Strange New World [P, Freezy][Quest]

Postby Freezair » 09/18/2016 3:24 PM

"Yes, many creatures in our world can change form. Some are born with the ability; I learned it. Many non-human creatures choose to adopt human form for any number of reasons. Many of the sapient species of this world are, like myself, quadrupedal. They enjoy the freedom that having free hands and opposable thumbs brings. Some small creatures like myself enjoy the added size. And some wish to take human lovers. Of course, there are other possibilities than simply human forms--I know of a Paragon, who is indeed a large draconic creature, who can become a type of crane known as a Tengumi.

"Myself, I decided to learn a human form because I have noticed that most of the other worlds that connect to Evelon in some way have humans. It appears to be our connective tissue. Thus most creatures can recognize a human shape. I chose that of an old man, so as to appear nonthreatening and friendly."

Publicly admitting that always made Desmond blush a little. He'd been teased more than once by his fellow Evelonians for choosing such a "weak" human form. So many people he knew who'd learned how to adopt human forms--the ones who hadn't been born with them--tried so hard to look "cool" and "strong," to be the most attractive humans they could be. Desmond stuck by his form with pride, but he still felt those twinges of self-awareness whenever he spoke of it.

But then one of the fine ladies asked him about his species, and he was distracted again. "Ah! We are not all alike. Kuhnas, you see, have some of the greatest natural variation of any species here! There are over fifty distinct breeds, races, ethnicites, however you wish to think of it--many of which are sub-breeds of the other varieties, with incredible individual variance! I'm what's known as an Empty Kuhna, and a fairly standard specimin of my breed, though my sister Orange takes after our mother a little and has spines down her back. And all this is to say nothing of our life cycle! We're a neotenous species who can undergo a sort of voluntary growth to our 'adult' forms, even though we are fully mature in this stage, which looks more like a cub than anything..."

He'd really got to rambling now, and it might take a cleared throat to stop him.

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: This Strange New World [P, Freezy][Quest]

Postby SpringsSong » 09/18/2016 4:21 PM

"Interesting," Aesthyrarytiss said.  Frankly, some of the things that Desmond said were making their heads spin: voluntary growth, despite being considered grown in one form, particular species of the felines having spines on their backs--was that subspecies meant to better survive in aquatic environments?--and many other things.

"I do not see anything wrong with choosing a form like that," Athearverthicha said.  "Our father was one of the kindest people that we knew in our village, and he was... very likable.  He was a bit older--but then again, we are--were elves, so our lifespan in a fair bit longer."

"There is no shame in choosing such a form," Bejikixen affirmed with a small nod.  "To have that ability, though, must come in handy.  I must say... I, for one, envy you."
Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Re: This Strange New World [P, Freezy][Quest]

Postby Freezair » 09/19/2016 11:45 AM

Desmond suddenly had a massively sheepish look on his face. He'd been rambling, and he knew it. What was more, his rambles obviously hadn't made the slightest bit of sense to this people--only a little bit of sense at most. His nose sunk down to his fluffy chest fur and his two tails hung. "Ah... most sincere apologies. I may have confused you a bit. I suppose, the main takeaway there is... yes, Kuhnas such as myself come in many varieties. We have several different 'breeds,' if you will, but there's variation between breeds in things such as coat coloration, tails, wings, and fur thickness. And we are a species that retains traits of of young forms our whole lives through--perhaps you have heard of a kind of salamander called an 'axolotl' that has gills its entire life? We're a bit like that."

But it was Desmond's turn to pounce. "Oooh! You are elves! You know, I've heard rumors about elves being on Evelon before. Never confirmation, merely speculation. They're not considered one of the official known humanoid sapients of this world. But given the unusual nature of this world, I myself strongly suspected we DID have elves, merely elves from other worlds! I say... would you, erm..." He had on a big, silly, embarrassed grin. "Might I... ask YOU a few questions about being elves? You may refuse to answer any of them. In return, if you like, I'd like to show you some good Evelonian food..."

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: This Strange New World [P, Freezy][Quest]

Postby SpringsSong » 09/19/2016 12:27 PM

As he explained, in slightly simpler terms, what he had been explaining, the three Dragonborns nodded slowly.  They had seen natural variation in the species from their own world, ranging from the more common animals, to a ranger's companion or a spellcaster's familiar, to the more majestic draconic creatures.  But when the topic turned to them and their heritage, Aesthyrarytiss offered a smile--a toothy, draconic smile.

"You... want to ask us questions?" she asked, her smile widening.  "I don't see why that would be an issue.  The way I see it, the more that we each know about each other, the better the relations will be between two worlds--even if the link between said worlds is completely gone," she said.

"I do think, however, that food would be a good idea," Bejikixen interjected.  "We are still... learning this world's cuisines.  A friend of ours tried to take us shopping some time ago, but... we are still relatively new to everything here."
Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Re: This Strange New World [P, Freezy][Quest]

Postby Freezair » 09/20/2016 3:02 PM

"Excellent! You shan't need to worry about paying," Desmond said. "I'm part of a charitable organization dedicated to helping travelers from outside Evelon. We buy meals for travelers quite frequently. A few places near our main office even donate food frequently."

Desmond began to walk and beckoned them to follow. "Now, Evelon is a very wide and varied place, with a lot of different types of cuisine. For example." As he walked, he flicked his tails--in the manner other species might point--at a shop advertising very healthy food and a candy store in close proximity. "But this area has a particular flavor all its own. We're located in a very hot, tropical area, so fruit features very prominently in our food. There is a type you simply have to try called pineapple; it's tart, bright, and it makes your tongue tingle when you eat it. But its taste means it works equally well in sweet deserts like cakes and fruit salads, and in savory ones such as roasted meat and--well, the name wouldn't mean anything to you, but it's a kind of flatbread topped with tomato, cheese, and other meats, vegetables, and herbs.

"The food of a place tells you a lot about its culture," Desmond nodded. "So tell me, what did the elves of your world eat? Were you farmers? Did you hunt? Did you raise animals to eat? Or did you mostly eat plants?"

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: This Strange New World [P, Freezy][Quest]

Postby SpringsSong » 09/20/2016 3:49 PM

"Well, we are all thankful for your generosity--and the generosity of your organization," Aesthyrarytiss said, signalling for Athearverthicha and Bejikixen to follow her.  He talked about the different foods, and the three of them nodded as he explained.  When he asked about what kind of food they had in their world--specifically, what elves tended to eat--Bejikixen piped up first.

"I was only a half-elf prior to my Rite of Rebirth," he said.  "My mother was an Elf, and my father was a human.  They were from vastly different lifestyles, and I spent the early years of my life with my father," he said.  "As for our diets, it depended on our lifestyles.  Druids, like my mother, tended to have vegetarian diets."

"Our village," Aesthyrarytiss started, "didn't have any specific specialties.  Some farmed, some gathered herbs, and some hunted.  My sister was one such hunter, and I would join her from time to time."
Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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