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.: A Spooky, Scary House :.

Postby .:Random Event:. » 10/07/2016 8:12 PM

"Heya! Welcome, welcome! I'm Colby! And you're in the right place if you want some serious Halloween fun!" the Myu Reaper stated, grinning maniacally. "See this here is the Master's mansion and he's super rich, so this year he's chosen to go all out. All sorts of spooky halloween scares in there, yep!"

The feline hopped off the fence and started trotting down the path, only stopping to make sure you were still following. "See here, it's like a contest. There's all sorts of hidden prizes in here. The longer you can last in here, the more prizes you can get! There's some pretty scary rooms in there, it's definitely not for the faint of heart. We even got a little bit of special help," the feline lowered it's voice and gave a sneaky look around before continuing, "we got some magical help. See, there's some very real things in there, and you've gotta be super careful okay? Some stuff ain't real, like everything in the front yard is safe. But the other rooms? The garden's got some real stuff, the kitchen's got some real stuff so. Uh... that reminds me!"

Colby stopped at the stairs and a man dressed in a pressed suit stepped out and passed you a piece of paper and a pen to sign. "A waiver. I'm sure you understand." Colby explained with a little smile. "We don't want no trouble, you understand the risks you take when you enter. Just remember to stick to the easier rooms if you're not up to the challenge."

The Basics
-  So this is a Haunted Mansion Event, the idea is to make as many roleplay posts in this thread as possible. There's no time limit, once you're in, you're in for the entire time the event is running.
-  Each room has a separate prize list, so the more time you spend in one room influences what prizes you get. You can come out of this event with multiple prizes, so it's up to you if you want to focus on one room or jump around.
-  You can choose to RP either by yourself or you can interact with each other!
-  Prizes will be distributed at the end of the event.
- This event will run until (approximately) the 10th of November. This date may change depending on when the Seasonal Specialties starts selling pets.

-  Standard roleplaying rules apply
-  Please track your own posts and add something along the lines of "Red Zone: 10" (that is, you've made 10 posts in the Red Zone). The individual rooms don't need to be counted, they're just marked for your own roleplaying reference. I will be checking these at the end, but this is just to make it easier on me, especially if you want to hop around a lot.
-  You are in no way stuck with your pet choice for the event. If you want to swap out pets, you can do so without changing rooms or you can RP your pet leaving, and a new party entering.
- The map is a guide, but feel free to expand individual rooms if you need to. However, you must roleplay moving between zones and bold when you are doing so.
-  There may be prizes for quality as well as quantity, so don't feel stuck by either of those things.

-  Candy Points
-  Missing Riddle Pieces
-  Retro Halloween Pets
-  Fall Wild Pets
-  ???

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Re: .: A Spooky, Scary House :.

Postby .:Random Event:. » 10/07/2016 8:13 PM


Orange Zone
Rooms: Front Yard (A), Foyer (B)
Connects to: Grey Zone, Green Zone, Red Zone

Everyone starts here!

The front yard seems barely threatening at all. Seriously, was this even a haunted house? Sure, there was the old house (which really looked more like a Gothic Cathedral from the outside) towering menacingly above the yard, the big metal fence surrounding the property and all the plant life in the gardens seemed dead. However, that seemed to be completely offset by the big banner that was hung over the entrance reading 'Spoopy Haunted House'. Well, really the only thing worth noting that might be scary was jump scares in the form of silly, adorable ghost, cat, pumpkin and owl cardboard cutouts popping out of bushes.

There was a short dirt path from the front gate to the house, and the big stone stairs leading up were flanked by enormous Grondalith statues. Though their eyes were stone, you couldn't help but feel like they were watching you. Once you made it up the stairs and through those big stone doors, you were in the foyer, which looked like it was decorated by things bought from a discount store. And you were probably greeted with more little cute cardboard cutouts jumping out from behind the pillars.

Red Zone
Rooms: Dining Room (A), Kitchen (B), Freezer (C), Walk-in Pantry (D), Hallway (E)
Connects to: Orange Zone, Green Zone

The dining area... well, to put it lightly, looked like it was decorated by a bunch of savage vampires. Two long tables ran along the length of the room. At every seat, there was an exquisite set of white chinaware with a gold trim... but on a lot of the plates it was hard to see under the thick layer of grimy blood and guts spilled over them. The golden, ruby encrusted goblets on the table also were full of a suspicious red liquid.
If it weren't for the gross blood splatters, rotting guts, flies and maggots (were these... real? It was hard to tell), the kitchen would have looked like something out of a high end restaurant. A few of the cook-tops were set on and there were a few pots with an unknown liquid bubbling away in it. The walk-in freezer was moderately uncomfortable to be in for long periods of time, and was (predictably) full of unidentifiable meat product.

Grey Zone
Rooms: Reading Room (A), Library (B), Hallway (C), Guest Room (D)
Connects to: Orange Zone, Green Zone, Purple Zone

The library and reading room was impressive. Huge bookshelves stretched high up to the ceiling and the reading room was full of cozy little chairs and reading lamps. But what was that strange rustling noise and seriously how did that creepy doll get there?
The guest room - if it could be called that - was covered in a black and white striped wallpaper and was absolutely full of dolls. A sewing machine was neatly set up in the corner, complete with a few mannequin busts and boxes full of ribbons, buttons and string. However, something was off about this room. The light switches didn't work and the room was instead bathed in moonlight from the open window. It could have been the darkness but... were the dolls staring at you? And that mannequin definitely wasn't there before.

Purple Zone
Rooms: Master Bedroom (A), Walk-in Wardrobe, Bathroom (C)
Connects to: Grey Zone

The master bedroom had been stripped bare, only leaving a dirty king-sized mattress in the center of the room. The whole room had instead, been decorated to look like a dirty, disused medical ward. There were a few hospital tables scattered around, each one containing a varying amount of medical implements... some definitely not sanitized. On the bed itself were two very human-shaped body bags.

The bathroom was... well in serious disrepair. The once white tiles were grey and grimy, and the lights were either broken or flickering badly. In one corner of the room was an impressively sized spa bath, filled the to the brim with water. The facet was trickling, but it was enough to cause the tub to constantly have water spilling over albeit at an incredibly slow pace. There was a shower bath against the wall with a plastic shower screen pulled up. There was a strange light flickering behind the screen and pulling it back revealed a... human body laid out across the tub with medical implements scattered about everywhere. The body had been delicately cut open and a torch had been propped up and pointed at the chest cavity.

Green Zone
Rooms: Gardens
Connects to: Orange Zone, Grey Zone, Blue Zone, Red Zone

The garden was incredibly well maintained, and each section was walled off by a large trimmed hedge and all entrances were flanked with colossal Chernobyl gargoyles. Neat cobblestone paths led guests to all sections, and not a blade of grass was out of place. Guests could choose to visit a massive hedge maze, a rose garden, a small pond full of Memorinessi or the gardener's pride and joy, a garden full of hedges trimmed into shapes of rare and exotic animals.

However while the garden felt fairly safe, the hedges sometimes felt like they were moving in closer, the gargoyles gaze felt almost too real, the roses had some wicked looking thorns and.... was that your imagination or did you just hear something growl?

Blue Zone
Rooms: Entryway (A), Change Rooms, Baths (C)
Connects to: Green Zone

Ah, the bathhouse! I hope you brought your swimwear. The first room was fairly empty. The air was thick and steamy, and it was kinda hard to see the white marble pillars through the fog. The changing rooms were split into two sections, for males and females and signage stated that guests to the haunted house were able to use the lockers and facilities to change into their swimwear and take a dip in the baths. The floor here was covered in about half an inch of water, and it was like the drains weren't working or something.

The next room was the bathroom. At the far end of the room was a beautiful marble sculpture of a Cephalori Seamare, surrounded by smaller depictions of Merham and Trumpetter, with water spouting from their mouths into the Olympic sized swimming pool below. On the right side of the room, there was a set of spas and on the left there was a steam room and sauna. The room was still full of steam and the water was now lapping at your ankles. The pool, though advertised as okay to swim in was full of murky green water and you could make out... shapes under the surface.
Season in Effect: Winter
Status: Slow but Active!

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Re: .: A Spooky, Scary House :.

Postby Silver » 10/07/2016 9:03 PM

Sprout could hardly contain his excitement as he ran toward the haunted house. This was the most exciting thing that ever happened to him. After a whole year of begging, Cider finally agreed to let him go on his own! Well, not completely alone, of course. As always, his two best friends were right there with him. Luckily, getting his friends to tag along was much easier than convincing his overprotective sister to let them go.

When Sprout got to the fence, he stopped to address his friends only to realize they were still pretty far away. They were walking toward him in nor particular hurry. He dramatically rolled his eyes and brandished his plastic sword in their direction. "Hurry up guys! I mean, mateys!" He remembered to put on his best pirate voice, the one he had been practicing all week.

Orange: 1 | 1 Total

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Re: .: A Spooky, Scary House :.

Postby Night » 10/08/2016 1:57 AM

Had it not been so dark as it was when Gyrotae made an appearance, there would have been something clearly amiss. The air seemed to warp and twist as a shadow pooled on the ground in front of the haunted house, writing and squirming until it took the form of a lone tali standing before the mansion. It raised its snout, mouth open as it scented the air. Then it's lips pulled back, coiling downwards in disgust. This was a gathering place for the mortals. How cute. Gyrotae slunk forward from the shadows and into the yard, inspecting the building. The sharp scent of fear clung to the air around the place, both exciting and intriguing it. What was this place? It looked like nothing more than the typical dwelling place of a human, if a bit on the run down side.

The tali nudged open the gate, having little care as towards the notion of trespassing. What would they do, call their human police? The thought made Gyrotae smirk, and it spent a moment or two inspecting the towering building, trying to take it all in. There was nothing that stood out as particularly 'scary' to it, though... well. Perhaps her perception of fear was a tad skewed. It wasn't as though there were many things that could scare something that just drug itself fresh from the pits of the underworld.

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Re: .: A Spooky, Scary House :.

Postby Night » 10/08/2016 2:10 AM

Gyrotae was quickly growing bored with the entire concept, preparing itself to leave and find something else to do with its time. The sign caught the tali's eye as it fluttered softly in the autumn breeze - as though it were calling attention to itself. 'Spoopy Haunted House.' It wasn't sure precisely what 'spoopy' was supposed to mean, although it could gather it's best guesses considering the context. These humans were quite odd, with their strange spellings and verbage. Gyro was quite curious to see what these mortals thought was truly fearsome, however. If anything it may aid in the creature's quest.

The tali made its way up the short path, giving pause to stare down the statues that adorned either side of the porch. It didn't appear as though they had much of an eye for decoration, whomever had built the place. Gyro slunk up the steps, the wood protesting under its weight as it went. Only once it reached the porch itself did it realize that something or someone had been trying to hold its attention. It snarled at the thing - Colby, apparently, whatever that was supposed to mean to it. Names were only important when they were attached to something powerful, and it felt no immediate threat from the creature that was presented before it. There was apparently a waiver that had to be signed in order to enter the premises. The tali considered turning tail then and there, or perhaps just eating the human and creature and entering despite. It was, however, already entertaining the thought of finding out what precisely drew the mortals here, and it wasn't as though it had anywhere pressing to be. When you were gifted with immortality, there were few things that fell into the category of requiring immediate attention.

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Re: .: A Spooky, Scary House :.

Postby Night » 10/08/2016 2:19 AM

Something seemed to shift and shimmer around the tali, pressing its form into a sleeker and smaller build. Its face narrowed, fur growing fuller and clinging tighter around it until it had a significantly more effeminate appearance. Secondary sex characteristics were always strange to her, but they made the humans more at ease. It also allowed her to sign the waiver with a fake female name, which would at least prevent any prodding from her cohorts should they find that she had visited the mortal realm and deigned herself so low as to view one of their simple attractions.

"Thank you." Her voice held an odd quality, almost as though several people were trying to talk at the same time. Before it could be questioned, Gyro slipped through the door and into the first of the rooms. The foyer was equally as unimpressive as the outside had been, and she already questioned why this had held such a draw. She took in the decorations with something akin to disgust, leaning particularly close to a pillar. Something jumped out at her from behind it. She ignored it entirely, choosing instead to narrow her eyes at a fake cobweb that had been strewn up. Were the humans supposed to believe that this was real? Overall it just seemed tacky. If she weren't so opposed to their kind in general, she may have deigned to give them a few tips on actually making a haunted house appear. You know. Haunted.

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Re: .: A Spooky, Scary House :.

Postby Night » 10/08/2016 2:26 AM

Gyrotae nosed at a particularly unattractive looking section of the web, smelling cotton and dust. The hard plastic leg of a spider prodded at her nostrils. This earned a glare at the entire room overall. Another cardboard cut out jumped out from behind a second pillar, and she pinned it with a look of distaste. Jump scares? It was all so childish. Was this just an attraction meant to attract human children? Surely nothing with any sort of sentience would balk at this place.

For whatever reason, the idea that this place existed at all made her irrationally angry. Though, that could be said for anything at all that those that walked in the way of the light produced. She yawned, jaw cracking. It wasn't too late to just turn around and find something to wreak havoc on while the night was young. Something was drawing her ever forward, though, and she was curious. If the next room was this horridly decorated, she told herself, then she would move on and find something else to do.

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Re: .: A Spooky, Scary House :.

Postby Night » 10/08/2016 2:34 AM

Another jump scare, another cardboard cut out. This one was doomed to meet a wretched end, however. She growled, allowing the sound to bubble up from her maw until it was almost a roar. Then, with all of the significant force she possessed, she tackled the thing and tried to rip into it. It fell, producing a hollow noise and then flattening under her weight. Flush against the floor, it was difficult for her to grasp onto it in her current form. Deeming it significantly enough dealt with for the time being, she straightened and pulled away. Really, she ought not let such trivial things bother her. But honestly, this was all so ridiculous that she felt the need to act out in some way. The entire place would probably meet a terrible end if she weren't so bent on figuring it out.

The concept, when she thought about it for a moment, was actually rather funny. A demon from the netherworld, casually strolling through a shoddily done up haunted house as though it were actually going to scare her. It was probably in the same vein as a vampire going to the doctor for a check up, or... well, something like that. She couldn't be bothered to come up with an appropriate adage.

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Re: .: A Spooky, Scary House :.

Postby Silver » 10/08/2016 7:33 AM

"Hold yer breeches," came the muffled voice from behind a mask. From that far away, it wasn't even loud enough for Sprout to hear. Not that Cantare really cared. He was too busy awkwardly fiddling with his skull mask so that he could see out of it properly. Something told him this was going to be a recurring problem throughout the night, but he didn't have time to worry about that right now.

Cantare shook his head a little to make sure the mask would stay in place. "Much better," he announced. Now that he was confident his costume would stay in place, he picked up the pace to catch up with Sprout. The last thing he wanted was to be separated from his friends. Though he'd never admit it aloud to them, he was a little nervous about going into the haunted house. It just seemed so... scary!

Orange: 2 | 2 Total

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Re: .: A Spooky, Scary House :.

Postby ShadowStitches » 10/08/2016 8:30 AM



"Really?" Neo strolled behind her best friend, obviously unimpressed with the all too
harmless looking front yard, and the house that lay in front of them. "Mate, you couldnt have found anything more boring then this, could you" The short, slightly chubby girl pulled her hoody a little closer, stroling behind her lanky, super happy looking friend. Thirteen turned around mid stride, walking backwards for a few meters while looking at her "C'mon. It will be fun" He chirped, his dreadlocks practically bouncing with excitement. "Its nice to just do something fun once in a while, ya know?" The gir sighed and shook her head "sure is. But cant we do something else then visiting a fake haunted house for fun?" Thirteen shrugged "why? what wrong with that""Oh, I dunno. maybe the fact that we look at 'real' haunted houses as a profession? or kind of profession?"

Thir stopped, and fell in step next to her, his smile fading a little. "Look. sorry. I did not mean..." "Its okay. No worries. I understand, but c'mon man...this thing looks pretty cool, you have to give it that." Neo eyed the statues surrounding them, now she started to smile too
"fine. I guess this could be fun..."
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Re: .: A Spooky, Scary House :.

Postby amapup » 10/08/2016 1:03 PM

The teen looked apprehensively at the darkened manor ahead of him. The children's home had decided to organize a fun field trip so they could enjoy the holidays. Of course, that field trip had to be to a haunted house. Recto struggled not to flinch as a grinning pumpkin sprung out inches away from him. Not that the illustration was particularly terrifying, but he resented the sudden intrusion in his personal space. How did other pets manage to enjoy these kinds of events? At least he was visiting with a group; maybe the attraction wouldn't be too bad...


Recto yelped at the sudden hand on his shoulder, spinning around to find the girl giggling profusely. "Wow, you really are spooked by this stuff!" She clapped him on the back, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Did I 'shock' you?"

"Haha," Recto responded weakly, swallowing hard. Great. How was he going to survive this?

[Orange(A) - 1 Total - 1]

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Re: .: A Spooky, Scary House :.

Postby Kittyms » 10/08/2016 5:07 PM


Jak could hardly control his excitement as he approached the huge gothic mansion. It was ages since he had been in the outside world and this was the most fun assignment that he could possibly think of. Their master, Lord Maurdevol, had instructed him and the surly Chaos Slynx walking beside him to explore this haunted house and see if they could pick up any useful items or tips on being evil. Jak did not care about the second half of the assignment, but he loved to steal and to play practical jokes on others. He leaped into the air, vanished, and then reappeared a few steps away, one paw on the wrought iron gate. He tilted his masked face back to look at his companion.

"Quit your bouncing," Edward grumbled, his ears slanted back in distaste. The Slynx did not care for this job, he disliked Jak, and seeing all the other pets gathering outside this haunted house put him on edge. He had fed recently, but that did not mean that his hunger would not catch him off guard while they were exploring the mansion. The sooner they got this assignment over with the better. "What are you waiting for, let's go in."

It was impossible to tell if Jak smiled because his face was literally a mask, but there was a definite spring in his step as he pushed the gate open.

{Orange Zone (A): 1; Total: 1}

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Re: .: A Spooky, Scary House :.

Postby Kallile » 10/08/2016 9:12 PM


"Oh come on, it's going to be fun!"

The Kuhna-tailed woman yelled as she looked over her shoulder. She was already halfway to the gate before the whirling-whizzing-calculating trio behind her were around the block corner. The three metallic raptors were larger than your average Velix--modified beasts that stood nearly as large as the woman leading them. Their gears were shifting, electric eyes flashing as they 'blinked'.

Request does not compute. The rusted monstrosity said, opening its mouth to allow the speaker box inside its throat to be heard. The other two whirred in response as they considered the options.

"It's for fun. You might not understand, AREN, but CLAP and MIDD will. Right guys?"

After a glance and a sequence of eye-flickers, the shinier of the two stepped up with a cheery if not robotic voice.

Well all righty boss! Lead the way!

Indeed. More information is required on topic: FUN.

Pressing her fingers to the gate, Amelia rolled her eyes and laughed. She'd promised them a social lesson today--the old rust Velix might not have the most compatible software but the other two were both learning models. The more they saw, the more they learned. The rust? Well...just in case the place really was haunted, the battle unit might not be too bad to have around. It'd make him feel a sense of participation and acceptance despite his age anyway. This was going to be interesting if nothing else!

Orange Zone A: 1 post
TP: 1
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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Re: .: A Spooky, Scary House :.

Postby Silver » 10/09/2016 12:14 AM

"Hurry, Fritz! We gotta catch up," Cantare called to his friend lagging behind him.

"Brrrrrr," Fritz groaned, taking a few staggering steps. "Zombies don't hurry," he explained.

Cantare immediately started laughing and slowed down so he could catch up. He had to admit, Fritz's zombie impression was pretty good! Since he wasn't in any particular hurry to get to the gate anyway, he was happy to wait for his zombie friend. Plus, it was actually hilarious.

Meanwhile, Sprout crossed his arms and started tapping his boot impatiently. They were taking forever! He really wanted to start exploring already. "C'mon!" he shouted.

Orange: 3 | 3 Total

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Re: .: A Spooky, Scary House :.

Postby Night » 10/09/2016 1:30 AM

She carefully considered the flattened cardboard cut out a moment longer before turning her attention to the options presented before her. There were evidentially three different directions one could move from here, and none of them stood out to her as particularly appealing. She tilted her head back and forth between the three presented doorways, taking them in as though they were going to unveil their secrets through simple observation. When none jumped out at her, she huffed and turned randomly to the left. This particular doorway didn't look any more intimidating than the others, and she couldn't say what made her choose that direction as her first venture.

Gyrotae approached the door cautiously, as though it would jump out at her just as the cut outs had. Not that those had been particularly frightening, but it was still rather unpleasant to have things shoved into one's face without warning.

The frame stood open, a small favor that she supposed she might be thankful for if she were capable of such an emotion. It was rather hard to turn doorknobs when you were woefully devoid of thumbs, and it was such a bother to shift on the mortal plane. Too much of a pain to attempt, at least.

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