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A Ball Of Fun! [Self][Finished]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 10/17/2016 3:11 AM

Gabriel sighed as they entered the shop, ears twitching to the sound of a bell ringing somewhere in the back room. He hated leaving the house, he hated the idea of dressing up, he hated - well, pretty much all of it, really. Halloween, ironically, really wasn't his thing - hadn't been while he was alive, and certainly wasn't now that he was undead. Throw in the fact that as a zombunny he couldn't always keep himself together in a very literal sense, and, well, there would be trouble. There was always trouble; he just couldn't help it - people tended to react badly when he fell apart, and with the other two here it was bound to get much worse; they simply didn't understand the problem.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: A Ball Of Fun! [P] [Quest]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 10/17/2016 3:16 AM

"Come on, old boy!" Lloyd said, as he grinned. He looked right at home in the dingy shop full of odds and ends and outfits of all types, and could have been mistaken for a prop had he not been moving around with such excitement. "Let's start trying things on, shall we? I rather fancy myself as a murderer this hallow's eve." Gabriel snorted in disgust; Lloyd would look more suitable as a corpse, he thought uncharitably. He was definitely maniacal enough to carry off the dashing murderer act, but his own undeath - and partial disfigurement - certainly gave him the spookiness of the grave that he had somehow avoided.

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Re: A Ball Of Fun! [P] [Quest]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 10/17/2016 3:20 AM

Rheese smirked before rapping the two of them on the shoulder smartly. She loved hallow's eve, and as it was her ball they were attending she was there to ensure they chose something suitable for the evening. "Get a move on, you two - there are a dozen things waiting for me to sort out for the ball, and I don't have time for bickering." In truth, she was quite fond of the snarky zombunny and the cad that loved to pester him. She was looking forward to them being quite the life of the party, irony aside, and couldn't wait to see them in their outfits!

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: A Ball Of Fun! [P] [Quest]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 10/20/2016 4:32 PM

Gabriel snorted in disgust; just because she enjoyed balls didn't mean everyone did. After all, nobody enjoyed it when people screamed and ran away from them in fear for something they couldn't help. Undeath could practically be considered a disability, he thought, as he certainly hadn't chosen to be this way.

He continued to grouch, but began perusing the costume rails anyway; he knew Rheese wouldn't stop until he had picked one to buy. At least she was covering the costs this time; it had been his one victory, and she had conceded very quickly with the provision that she could monitor their choices.

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Re: A Ball Of Fun! [P] [Quest]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 10/20/2016 4:37 PM

Lloyd laughed at his melancholy companion; it was no secret how Gabriel felt about social gatherings, and Lloyd loved to tease him about it relentlessly. He bounded over to the racks and began to search; nothing short of outrageous or dashing would do for him, after all. He prided himself on his looks and loved Halloween - it was one of the very few nights he could expose his undeath, after all, and he was going to take full advantage of it this year.

Within ten minutes, he had a bunch of costumes picked out ready to try on, and grinned as he carried them into the changing room. He couldn't wait to see the looks on his companion's faces when he showed the costumes to them!

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: A Ball Of Fun! [P] [Quest]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 10/20/2016 4:47 PM

Rheese smiled as she watched the other two picking out their costumes for the ball; hers was already ready at home, and had been for months, but she took great pleasure in accompanying her boys. Lloyd looked very excited about his choices; she hoped she wouldn't have to turn down too many - he didn't always have the most sensible choice, after all. Gabriel looked morose, but that was his normal self and so she disregarded it. She knew as well as he did that if he didn't find anything suitable in this shop, there were others she could drag him to, and drag him she would. This ball was going to be perfect, by hook or by crook, and Rheese would see to it that they attended and made it all the better by doing so.

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Re: A Ball Of Fun! [P] [Quest]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 10/31/2016 5:04 AM

Gabriel looked at the mirror in disgust; who on earth would think this 'zombie ensemble' outfit was a good halloween costume? It was just a pair of torn pants and a bloodied shirt! The price the shop was looking to charge was absurd; it would be far easier just to look in the garbage!

"Definitely not!" Exclaimed Rheese as he stepped out; she could see from the scowl on his face that he agreed! Grumbling, Gabriel stepped back into the cubicle to try on the next outfit. Hopefully this one would be less disappointing; after all, it couldn't possibly be worse than the one he had just tried on, right?

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Re: A Ball Of Fun! [P] [Quest]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 10/31/2016 5:09 AM

Lloyd admired his reflection in the mirror; he didn't actually care for this outfit much, but he couldn't resist an opportunity to declare that he made it look good! Swinging the curtain aside with all the flair he could muster (along to a loud exclamation of 'HEY!' from the next cubicle, where Gabriel's curtain had been disturbed by the breeze) he stepped out, ready to give Rheese a twirl for good measure.

"Asolutely not!" she screeched, wincing at the sight that was presented to her. "You cannot wear a fairy dress to this party, that would just be absurd! You're supposed to be dressing up for HALLOWEEN!"

Never one to resist an opportunity to wind his companions up, Lloyd winked before answering with a pout; "But you said we could wear what WE wanted this year, and look! The heels make my bum look fabulous!"

He only just managed to avoid her angry grab as he scarpered back into the changing room, chuckling about how easily she got riled up over silly details!

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: A Ball Of Fun! [P] [Quest]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 10/31/2016 5:16 AM

Gabriel looked at his reflection sadly; he just couldn't help but miss his life before undeath sometimes, particularly when he was dressed so similarly. This pirate outfit had a leather jerkin over a white long sleeved shirt with an open collar, a pair of black trousers, black boots and a leather waist belt. He had yet to put on the tricorn hat or the long red captain's coat, but he couldn't bring himself to do either.

Rheese chided him gently when he stepped out carrying the coat and hat and looked at her morosely; she could see exactly what he was thinking, but refused to let him wallow in the misery he had sunk himself into. After all, she could hardly let him attend the party looking like someone had just run over his pet, now could she? "Next one" she called out, gesturing for him to go back into the changing room; "and give that one to Lloyd please. I don't want you stewing over it."

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: A Ball Of Fun! [P] [Quest]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 10/31/2016 5:21 AM

Lloyd accepted the pirate's outfit with glee; he so rarely got to be something so outlandish, and he intended to make the most of it. Unfortunately, however, there was a slight problem with trying on clothes after a zombunny - you tended to get 'extras' with them!

"Gabe, your paw is here, come get it!" Lloyd called out cheerily, to be greeted with a stifled curse and a pawless arm thrust through the curtain. They were too used to this, he thought, snapping the wrist bones into place. Amusing as it was, he didn't wish to try on the captain's costume any longer - besides, he had his own pile waiting for him!

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Re: A Ball Of Fun! [P] [Quest]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 10/31/2016 5:30 AM

Who ever heard of a vampire with green fur? Gabriel mused to himself, as he clipped the cloak around his neck. This outfit didn't look bad - in fact, compared to the previous ones it was a definite improvement - but it just wasn't quite what he would have chosen. That was unfortunate, since he had a feeling Rheese was going to insist on it - she would adore the way the waistcoat would match his eyes!

"I like it, but I can see you don't" mused Rheese when he finally stepped out to show her. She frowned for a moment; she did really like it - it brought out the red in his eyes beautifully - but she wanted them to at least like their outfits. "Next one!" she called, shooing him back to his cubicle.

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Re: A Ball Of Fun! [P] [Quest]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/11/2016 6:11 PM

Lloyd whipped the curtain aside with a flourish as he heard Gabriel pass, on the way back to his changing cubicle. He brandished the silver-topped cane in his right hand as he twirled his moustache mischievously. "Behold!" he cried; "I am the stereotypical villain!"

Rheese giggled as she watched his antics; to be fair, the outfit suited him - right down to the top hat and tails. "I like it" she said, smiling, "But I think it's supposed to be a circus ringleader - not a villain."

"Spontaneity and improvisation, my dear" Lloyd called as he twirled around to march back into his cubicle; "After all - it's a Halloween costume; it can be anything you want it to be!"

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Re: A Ball Of Fun! [P] [Quest]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/11/2016 6:15 PM

"Absolutely not!" Gabriel yelled out, cursing at his reflection in the mirror. "I am not going dressed as a leprechaun!"

"But you have such lovely green fur - I'm sure the outfit will be spectacular on you!" called Rheese; she really wanted to see him in this one. The curtain was swept aside as a very angry zombunny came stomping towards her.

"Happy now? You've seen it! Now I'm getting out of this rubbish!" He spun on his heel, and stomped back into the changing room. The green suit did look good with his green fur, thought Rheese, and the little bowler hat looked adorable - such a shame he didn't agree!

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Re: A Ball Of Fun! [P] [Quest]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/11/2016 6:27 PM

"Rheese, I don't mind, but I think this was put here by mistake" came a carefully neutral voice from Lloyd's cubicle. Rheese was immediately suspicious; she knew exactly what that tone implied, and it was generally the opposite of what would be expected from a neutral statement.

She almost fell off her chair when he left the cubicle.

It was definitely Lloyd, with his trademark cheeky smirk, but- there were Heels. And Fishnets. And she couldn't tell if that was a dress or- no, it was definitely a dress - it even had fake breasts.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: A Ball Of Fun! [P] [Quest]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/11/2016 6:29 PM

Coupled with the curly blonde wig he had on, she could barely tell it was him; it didn't help that he was so steady on his feet. She knew women who would kill to be able to walk in those heels so easily, and look half as good doing so.

"Where on earth did you get that from?" she asked in utter amazement; she hadn't noticed an outfit like that anywhere in the shop. If she didn't know better, she would think he had brought it in with him just to show off!

"Don't look at me, darling, I got it from the cubicle!" he shmoozed, before blowing her a kiss - with his lips pouted to their fullest extent - and waltzing back into his cubicle!

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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