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Tears of the Moon {P - Toxic & I}

Postby Nyxia » 06/26/2016 2:45 PM


Since the events which had once taken her life already, Zya had settled herself into a comfortable route far from her native home in Whisper Forest. Her days were now filled simply with the tending of a what seemed a long abandoned temple to what Zya liked to believe had been a benevolent goddess. This afternoon had been no exception to her route, as she had spent hours tending to the small gardens which bloomed along the side, and in back of the temple. She'd also happily created and had just finished lovely racked the small rock which sat at the center of the rear garden. The soft scents of jasmine, lotus, and night lily brought a peaceful smile to her lips, while the pollen from the water lotus gave her skin porcelain skin a golden shimmer in the fading light.

Without a word she moved inside the temple's stone archway, to the real place of worship. Her trusty broom still stood leaning in the archway, which she snatched with careful fingers before beginning her evening sweep of the floors. As her broom danced across the stone floor, Zya allowed her mind to imagine how beautiful this place must have once been. On her lonely days, she imagined people coming in and out to worship and leave their offerings. Her mind heard songs with no words singing to the goddess, the joy filled voices calling out. Today however she simply allowed herself to image this temple, clean with light and laughter of children who would have played outside. At least here she didn't have to worry, she was safe from any worshiper's who might have wished to make a blood offering.

As she swept Zya offered the goddess her own prayer. Her voice barely able to raise above a gentle whisper, had lost none of its feminine chime. The ugly scar which still marred her neck would never heal further, just as her voice would never have the strength it once did. She shuttered at the memories, the alter and the harsh disgusted warning of the god she'd once severed as he'd looked upon her after she'd revived. "Thank you goddess, for the safety and haven." She set aside her broom, and knelt down beside the alter setting down a small bowl of rice she'd made. Beside it Zya lit three sticks of gentle smelling incense to go along with the rice. "May you accept these offerings, and with them be at peace." She normally would have left it at that, but today for some unexplained reason Zya removed the delicate silver necklace she'd worn since her arrival and set it on the small alter as well.

With that done, and figuring the goddess wouldn't mind Zya's former betrothal gift, she rose and wrapped her kimono back around her. She retrieved her broom and set it once more in the archway as she slowly made her way out of the temple's rear doorway. She never felt the four sets of eyes upon her, as she crossed the gardens with one last peaceful smile. She would go home now and fix herself something small to eat, possibly sit and watch the stars for a bit before bed. As she passed around the side of the temple four men followed from the shadows, each man a type of fox spirit. They belonged to the small clan which lived within the boarders of the rainforest. Slowly they stalked her to the outskirts of the small village she had taken up in, waiting and watching as Zya stopped to by a small bag of rice from the vendor cart and a few small fish. She did earn extra coin by repairing clothing for a few hours each morning, after all she still had to eat.

Once she was past the vendor, who was closing up his cart, the sleepy town beyond was peaceful enough for her. Not a single soul stirred as far as she could see, something that put her falsely at ease tonight. It was in the sleeping darkness that the four struck, hands grabbed her arms and mouth. Struggling as best she could, Zya only managed to claw at the hand wrapped on her mouth. That was until she recognized the dark fox masks they wore on the sides of their heads, each marked with blood red. A hoarse barely whispered scream pulled from her throat, but no one would have heard her as the rice and fish slipped from her hands.

Bottles smashed, I raised my hand
How can you all even stand?
And why is there joy in this poison? Oh
Faking smiles and confidence
Driving miles to capture this excitement
I can't take anymore

You're never gonna get it
I'm a hazard to myself
I'll break it to you easy
This is hell, this is hell
You're looking and whispering
You think I'm someone else
This is hell, yes
I am in hell

We Don't Have to Dance - Andy Black
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Re: Tears of the Moon {P - Toxic & I}

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/01/2016 5:35 AM


Hanako was only a shadow of her former self, not in the powers she possessed, but in her activity as a goddess. Her shrine and temple had gone unkempt for many years, as the number of visitors had reached nearly nonexistence numbers. There was still, on very rare occasions, a worshiper that went out of their way to visit her shrine, but it was a rare oddity. The lady god had long since began assimilating into the world of mundane creatures, to the point where she could blend in flawlessly among humans and other oddities that also blended in. Wandering the streets and frequenting places these other beings lingered and resided, she was able to continue her work by granting the occasional prayer, as well as gather the energy she needed from unwitting parties. She was an attractive women, so it was not all that difficult to find temporarily intimate partners to keep herself alive and well. She spent many days away from her shrine in recent years. That was, until one evening, she had returned to a temple that wasn't entirely in a state of overgrown destitution.

From that point on, unseen and unheard, she watched as the same women came and went. Hanako kept telling herself that this woman would not continue to return as she did, but she kept proving her to be wrong. She tended to the gardens, she swept the floors, she even left her offerings, something Hanako had not received in such a long time. The shrine, while not as marvelous as it was in its prime, was not longer unlivable. It did not seem entirely uninhabited any longer. Observing her, Hanako's curiosity developed into a likeness for her, and came to consider her one of her peoples, someone which Hanako would intentionally look after.

Unbeknownst to Zya, the lady god watched in silence as she went about her day, only appearing in visible human form once the woman had already dismissed herself for the evening and left the grounds. Gingerly taking the necklace that had been left as an offering, Hanako looked it over as she held it in her hands. The woman had never left her such a thing before and she could not help but feel it held some significance. With great care, she placed it around her own neck, adorning herself with it, so that it would not go to waste.

It was in this moment, as it fell into place, that she sensed a horrible wickedness not far off. Her attention was immediately drawn in its direction, turning her head toward where she sensed it. Her eyes narrowed, but she nearly dismissed it. And she would have, were it not for the faint and familiar muted scream that she heard in spite of being so far off now. That voice belonged to that woman. There was no doubt. Hanako had been aware of it simply because it was her.

Her visible human form vanished, and the lady god reappeared outside, free of the confining walls of the shrine, and no longer human. She had resorted to a massive wolfish form, one which moved even faster than her more feeble human appearance. She took off in a rush into the sky, gracefully bounding through the air, seemingly running, although there was nothing there. No one could touch that woman and get away with it. Hanako would not let that happen.

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Re: Tears of the Moon {P - Toxic & I}

Postby Nyxia » 08/29/2016 2:20 AM

A second hoarse scream came from her throat, raw with pain and terror. None of her attackers spoke, but one of the men did let go of her arm long enough to kick her in the ribs hard. Gasping from the kick Zya wimpered near silently as she was dragged forward aging by her arms, tears streaming down her cheeks. A whispered prayer to the goddess of the temple she'd been tending bubbled up in her mind, filled with pleas for help and her life.

They continued further into the forest, tearing her kimono along her back and legs. The men laughed at it, animal delight dancing in their eyes as the watched the fabric pull away. Her shoulder wrenched as she was slung forward onto her stomach in the dirt, pain searing through her upper body with a sickening pop the issued from her left arm.

Her kimono pooled, tattered fabric falling from her shoulder as she struggled to push it back up. Her arm hanging limply, Zya started to push to her feet, another thin man stepped forward. The slap of his palm across her face sounded like it echoed in the quiet forest, knocking her back to the ground. Refusing to beg, or maybe knowing it would do her no good, Zya silently sat back up. Her prayers silenced as her eyes took in the alter and fire below it. Memories bubbled up in her mind, the last time this had happened, bringing a shiver to her.

It didn't take long for the ceremony to begin, as several men gathered around the open fire pit that the alter sat above. Zya was pulled roughly to her feet then, while masked faces turned towards her. Every single one there wore the same blood colored smiling kitsune mask, making Zya unable to tell who her attackers and soon to be killers were. She didn't get time to contemplate it either, as two sets of hands grabbed her arms and began dragging her up the steps towards the alter. This time however Zya wasn't willing to go quietly this time, she struggled using her small weight to knock away one of the people holding her. At which point she turned to run, pulling free of the other person. However her freedom was short lived, as the next thing Zya knew she was grabbed again by a new person who spun her around to face them. No words were said but this person had a knife in hand when Zya looked them over. That blade very quickly found its mark in her chest, sliding cleanly between her ribs and into her lung. The knife used to cut her down feet from the steps was not commonly used for such ritual, instead it was a practical kind of blade. As she fell to the ground those around her stepped clear of the blood which was beginning to spread out from her body. Closing her eyes Zya smiled at her small victory, they had failed to get her to the alter for the sacrifice.

Bottles smashed, I raised my hand
How can you all even stand?
And why is there joy in this poison? Oh
Faking smiles and confidence
Driving miles to capture this excitement
I can't take anymore

You're never gonna get it
I'm a hazard to myself
I'll break it to you easy
This is hell, this is hell
You're looking and whispering
You think I'm someone else
This is hell, yes
I am in hell

We Don't Have to Dance - Andy Black
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Re: Tears of the Moon {P - Toxic & I}

Postby ToxicShadow » 09/12/2016 3:49 AM

Bounding through the sky, running, running, but not fast enough, a familiar voice rang out in her mind. It was familiar, it belonged to that woman, so they were not like the prayers of others that had long been pushed into the back of Hanako's mind and left only at the faintest of whispers. The desperation, the pain in her voice, hearing it both urged on the goddess and infuriated her. Those who dared to make her sound that way would not be forgiven.

Hanako was close when the scent of blood washed over her senses. Her eyes narrowed, and she vanished from sight, using the scent to pin point the location. When she reappeared, she was in the sky above the masked figures and the fallen woman, and still maintaining the form of a massive wolf.  The snarling growl that came from deep within her throat announced her appearance, and that was all the forewarning the abductors and attackers got before she vanished again.

"Her life belongs to me. It is not yours to take and, for that, you will be punished." Her voice rang out before she reappeared and, when she did, it was in that moment that her teeth sunk into the neck of one of the villainous cultists, the one holding the blade, immediately crushing their airways. Throwing them aside within just a moment, Hanako, in her beastly form, violently, but efficiently, dealt out vengeance against the others. Trampling them down, and chomping on them wasn't much of a feat with her size, strength, and ability to mask her physical appearance and teleport in short range.

Only when they were all left dead and dying, did the goddess return to human form, in a flurry of peach blossom petals. The foreign blood that stained her mouth and fur vanished with the very form she had before. She was too late. She was too late. Crouching down beside the woman, leaning over her, Hanako pressed her hand firmly against the bleeding wound in her chest. Her heart was still beating, but her lungs were filling up with blood internally, just as she was bleeding out externally. Hanako was unable to resurrect the dead and mend mortal wounds outside of mortal means. But there was an exception. There was hope, as long as she was still alive.

Biting into her own lip, tearing the flesh with her teeth without even so much as a grimace, she leaned in, and nearly kissed the other woman. Their lips where so close, they almost touched, but the blood flowed into the other woman's mouth. Drinking it would effectively make them one and the same, over time. For now, it would mend her wounds and save her life.

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Re: Tears of the Moon {P - Toxic & I}

Postby Nyxia » 09/12/2016 1:56 PM

The darkness had taken a firm hold of Zya, she didn't hear the screams of those dying souls as the goddess struck them down. She also didn't see the magnificent form of the goddess that sprung upon the worshipers of the dark fox, in name of her defense and revenge. Instead she peacefully floated into the darkness of death, which Zya felt would be the very last time for her. No, the god she once followed would not save her again; her fragile life would end this night she figured. It didn't scare her in the least to know this, nor was she fearful of facing the god she had abandoned in life once more.

As she allowed her mind to drift away on these thoughts, Zya felt a sharp tug at the edge of herself before she was dropped straight back into her body. When she slammed back into her body, the seal placed upon her by the former god she served began to glow a deep crimson shade, before it shattered away as the goddess' link took over. She awoke with a gasp, as the blood that had begun to fill her lungs forced its way out of her. As her body mended itself, Zya's eyes flew open and met those of a woman standing over her. She blinked for a moment before being forced to roll over and cough twice to expel the blood from her lungs in a froth. "Who..who..." Her eyes landed on the necklace around the beautiful woman's neck, and the question died away. "Th-thank you, Goddess." She whispered in a harsh hushed tone that her damaged vocal cord would allow. "I...I didn't expect you to...save me." She offered up a small smile, assuming this goddess had simply healed her. As Zya struggled to sit herself up, her torn and damaged kimono tore further along the shoulder as she did so. "I am glad you liked the offering." She smiled to the goddess as she finally glanced about them.

That was the moment she noticed the broken and bleeding bodies all around, what was surprising was that most of the followers were there. Still Zya felt no pity for them as a few them twitched on the ground. However it made Zya wonder a bit if this goddess was about to issue her the same warning, that help would not come a second time. Pulling the nearly torn off shoulder of her kimono back up, Zya took a few moment to gather herself before trying to get to her feet. Once standing she bowed deeply to the woman, "Again, thank you my goddess, for your swiftness." Zya kept the nervous feeling from her voice and thoughts as she stood before the woman.

Bottles smashed, I raised my hand
How can you all even stand?
And why is there joy in this poison? Oh
Faking smiles and confidence
Driving miles to capture this excitement
I can't take anymore

You're never gonna get it
I'm a hazard to myself
I'll break it to you easy
This is hell, this is hell
You're looking and whispering
You think I'm someone else
This is hell, yes
I am in hell

We Don't Have to Dance - Andy Black
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Re: Tears of the Moon {P - Toxic & I}

Postby ToxicShadow » 09/21/2016 3:23 AM

As Hanako's blood traveled down the woman's mouth and throat, and then quickly absorbed into her body, forming a lasting bond, a strange sensation came over the goddess. Her entire body was filled with an unfamiliar warmth, just short of burning. It startled even her, and she rose to stand once more, one of her hands held to her chest. She was perfectly quiet as she watched the other woman's body begin to mend itself, reacting to the new energy within her, and she return from the very brink of death. Perhaps it was not the prettiest sight, as she had to force the blood from her lungs, but the goddess could not help but to gaze at her with a soft expression.

When the necklace was mentioned, she reached up to touch it in a fond gesture. "Saving you was the least I could do. For years, I have been ignored as a goddess. I could not possibly let the one person that has breathed some life into my shrine disappear from this world in a such a way." Her choice of words were much more beautiful than Hanako's simple possessiveness. Although, she could not deny to herself that she claimed the woman as her own, not allowing her to be killed in the name of any other god.

Hanako stepped closer when she finally rose to her feet and bowed. Reaching out, she touched her fingers to the ruined fabric of her kimono, at her shoulder, and, in one sweeping moment, it had been returned to its former glory. Not as it had been before being tattered and torn, but as if it was entirely new. She promptly removed her hand and she looked away, off to the side, not meeting her gaze. "I was not fast enough. Had I made it in time, you would not have been fatally wounded and, so, your life, your very existence, would not have been tampered with."

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Re: Tears of the Moon {P - Toxic & I}

Postby Nyxia » 10/01/2016 4:25 PM

It was the saddest thing Zya had ever heard of, that a deity of such mercy and kindness for her followers to be ignored and forgotten. It only made her blood boil that those who harmed or abandoned their followers still held so high. "When I first saw your temple, I wasn't sure if you still resided there or not." Zya whispered softly, taking the goddess in once more. "A temple should never be abandoned to that sort of neglect." She had felt a purpose and found herself a sort of home which she could start over. She wouldn't have changed it however, with the exception of the near second sacrifice part. It was a nice feeling to be told by this goddess that she had value, no matter how small it was. Her efforts had not gone unnoticed, it brought a smile to her lips as she looked at the woman before her.

When the goddess mended her kimono, Zya was a bit shocked by the action, then again it made some sense. Her words however didn't make any sense. She was aware that some of the deities didn't like to interfere with mortal lives, even still she was trying to understand and it clearly showed on her face as she stared with a slight frown. "My existence has been tampered with before, Goddess." Zya began trying to puzzle out what was going on. "I have died one other time, at their very hands." She shuttered with the memories it brought back, the anger in the face of the god she'd once served. "It was the reason I sought out a new home, and a new place to belong." Her voice faded off, as she pushed the thoughts away.

Bottles smashed, I raised my hand
How can you all even stand?
And why is there joy in this poison? Oh
Faking smiles and confidence
Driving miles to capture this excitement
I can't take anymore

You're never gonna get it
I'm a hazard to myself
I'll break it to you easy
This is hell, this is hell
You're looking and whispering
You think I'm someone else
This is hell, yes
I am in hell

We Don't Have to Dance - Andy Black
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Re: Tears of the Moon {P - Toxic & I}

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/19/2016 10:12 PM

Inhaling, Hanako's eyes returned to hold the other woman's gaze. She had sensed her bond with another being before, but she simply chose to ignore it. It was of little concern to her, since it was not one similar to her own.  "I'm afraid it's not quite the same. For you see, under normal circumstances, it is beyond me to bring the dead back to life. Even you, although your different energies had not yet separated entirely, just healing your body would not have saved you."

She waited a moment, giving Zya time to let those words sink in, before continuing her explanation. "I can do almost anything else, but not that. There is only one exception. What I did to save you, I gave you my blood. It makes you similar to me, an immortal. It extends your life, forever more, at least, until my life burns out. Such an action, it's normally reserved for a lover, someone that wont leave my side, since it puts me at risk. But, I just could not live with myself if I let you die." Because of her, Hanako, once again, felt importance in her existence and, for that, she was grateful.

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Re: Tears of the Moon {P - Toxic & I}

Postby Nyxia » 06/11/2017 2:34 AM

Zya was in shock, clearly written across her face, as she listened to what the goddess told her. She had known she was dying, that her body was fading after the knife had buried itself in her chest. The shock she felt however began to wear away from her expression as she let her mind turn the information over, putting together the puzzle of what this meant. "I see." Her mind was taking the pieces together. After a few moments of very deep thought, during which she glanced over the goddess again. She wasn't entirely sure what this all meant for her and her life, nor was she sure of how it would change things for her. At the same time, Zya was grateful for the gift of her life, one that she had no more than begun to discover once more. "Then I am yours, Goddess. What ever it is you need of me, I will happily give to you." She bowed deeply to the goddess once more, then straightened and allowed a small smile to come across her lips.

While Zya felt it right to continue to serve the goddess in any way she could, she did have to wonder a bit. "Does this mean that I am no longer bound to Aozora in the afterlife?" She had to wonder for a moment, if that question was even actually valid anymore. Still it was something more mundane to worry about, than the fact that she was bound to another. The more Zya thought about it however, the less anxious she felt about being bound to this goddess. She felt no fear at the goddess' presence, nor did she feel as disposable as she had. "It is my honor to serve you." The words felt right, when they tumbled from her lips. As right as when she'd taken up the care of the neglected temple, like a fresh breeze. "What is your wish, my Lady." Zya still had no real idea of what to make of this new bond, nor the future it made for her. She didn't intend to dwell on it however, and instead was willing to allow it to take her where it lead.

Last bumped by Nyxia on 06/11/2017 2:34 AM.

Bottles smashed, I raised my hand
How can you all even stand?
And why is there joy in this poison? Oh
Faking smiles and confidence
Driving miles to capture this excitement
I can't take anymore

You're never gonna get it
I'm a hazard to myself
I'll break it to you easy
This is hell, this is hell
You're looking and whispering
You think I'm someone else
This is hell, yes
I am in hell

We Don't Have to Dance - Andy Black
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