Once a grand cathedral dedicated to the Holy Triumvirate, all that remains now are ruins ever since the religion was rejected strongly in 1823. While the religion is back in favor, the cathedral was never restored. (+3 Defense, +2 Offense)

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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/26/2016 1:34 PM

Ryo could feel Prosper shifting in his arms, hear as his breathing regulated into its usual pace.  Then he spoke, and he god knew he'd been found out. He remained quiet and didn't move for a long moment, debating on rather or not he should just keep pretending to sleep, before he responded with a low, "So?"

He was reluctant to let go of his energy source. Holding the other man close throughout the night, his energy levels were, at the very least, maintained. Not feeling his energy slowly draining away was relaxing for the god. It was different, then getting a full surge of energy, but not unwanted. Receiving any energy was good for him. Not being able to breathe was no excuse, when he'd been able to manage all night long.

"You have no right to complain; you did this on your own." Ryo told him, sounding smug again. "You should just be thankful I carried you up here, so just sit still and let me hold you."

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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby crow » 10/26/2016 10:46 PM

Much as he would like to have disbelieved Ryo's words, he had to grudgingly admit that he had slept well. Evidently, being held so close hadn't been enough to disturb him while he'd been asleep. But now that he was awake, he wanted space. It wasn't claustrophobia, but rather that this was another person; it had been so long since he shared so much as a casual touch with someone else, let alone this. There had been too many things he hadn't seen or done in Elouan's service, that he was only now experiencing after Ryo brought him here. It was overwhelming. He wanted space, both in the physical and the mental sense, to try and adjust, but it seemed like Ryo was determined not to give him that.

He hadn't forgotten what Ryo had said the day before, however. If this was really the purpose Ryo wanted him for... He was aware that he hadn't exactly proven himself terribly useful over the course of the last day, and that Ryo had been humoring him thus far. How much more he could resist before the god decided he wasn't worth the trouble?

In the end, he couldn't bring himself to disobey anything that sounded so much like a direct order. "How much time do you need?" he murmured, stilling himself and closing his eyes. It was easier, somehow, if he didn't have to look. He could still feel Ryo's warmth, and he was growing aware of the sound of Ryo's heartbeat, but if he stayed still and focused on other things, it was... not unbearable.
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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/26/2016 11:37 PM

Ryo gave a drawn out, "Hm," as if he was considering Prosper's question. He wasn't, actually; it was only for the effect. "I don't know," he answered, simply. The god couldn't say when he'd feel like letting go. There was his work to consider but, in reality, he was owner, so it wasn't as though he would fire himself for being late to work. They could handle things without the head bartender for a day. Lying in bed all day hadn't been this tempting for him in awhile. If he just stayed, and kept Prosper right beside him, his energy levels wouldn't decay.

The god closed his eyes again, his hold not loosening. Thinking over his plans for the day, it was certainly going to be busier than the day before. For both of them. Yesterday, he'd already arranged it so that he wouldn't be working late today. After lunch, there were errands to run, and a reservation that needed to be kept.

After a few minutes passed, he opened his eyes, deciding to make a proposal. It didn't really leave Prosper with choice, though.  "When I get my 'good morning,' kiss, I'll let you go," he boldly declared.

Kisses actually generated energy for him to use, while cuddling, holding hands or an embrace between them, only maintained his current energy levels. Getting one would be beneficial to him.

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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby crow » 10/27/2016 1:22 AM

Ryo's voice sounded different when they were this close. Prosper could feel it echo slightly in his chest, a strangely intimate sensation. He found himself counting the heartbeats between Ryo's last words and the next, before he realized what he was doing.

Then Ryo's proposal sank in, and Prosper could feel a flush creeping up his neck. At the same time, however, he wasn't really surprised. He should have expected that, especially after last night. Apparently it didn't matter what he did; if he resisted, Ryo went ahead and did as he liked, and if he gave in, Ryo would keep demanding. In some ways, nothing had changed.

It was a bit awkward from his current position, especially since Ryo didn't give him much room to move, but he wriggled up as much as he could, bracing himself on one arm to gain some leverage. He closed his eyes and leaned in, kissing Ryo gently, though he pulled away a moment later, just as he had done before.
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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/27/2016 2:43 AM

Although the god sighed after Prosper quickly kissed him, he kept his word. He released him and, when the other moved out of his grasp, he rolled onto his back. Arms above his head, he yawned and stretched. Much to the other man's pleasure, Ryo didn't seem interested in kissing him a second time, not at the moment.

He sat up, blinking a few times, before his gaze shifted to his partner. "You need more practice." Such kisses, just little pecks on the lips, only very marginally satisfied his desires. For him, they were nothing more than greetings. There was nothing passionate about them, although it was amusing to watch Prosper blush and get flustered over it. Unfortunately, Ryo was a highly sensual and sexually creature, but now that Prosper was marked as his wife, instincts told him not to touch another person. Any other person was useless. It would be revolting.

"I have to go out again today," he told Prosper, as he moved to the edge of the bed, then stood up. "I'll be back right after lunch. We need to get you your own clothes, so we'll be going out. Make sure you're ready to go by then." He couldn't just keep wearing Ryo's clothes. Not just because they didn't fit him and they belonged to Ryo to begin with, but, because, if he was ever going to be seen with him in public, he needed to be better dressed. Not in some baggy clothes that hung loosely around him. It would ruin the god's image.

There was pause, before a question was spoken. "I wont find you uselessly passed out again, will I? You'll be able to feed yourself this time?"

"You just keep causing trouble for me."

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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby crow » 10/27/2016 3:57 AM

Prosper took Ryo's comment in silence, shifting into a seated position on the bed as the god relinquished his hold. The rest of it was easier, merely an itinerary of the day; Prosper might have ventured to be glad for them, as they gave him some semblance of guidance. It was better than floundering, and wondering each moment what awaited him the next. It would have been more useful if he knew what a shopping trip with Ryo would entail, but nevertheless, it was something.

At Ryo's dig about his being useless, however, Prosper's eyes snapped up. Before he could think better of it, he spoke: "Then perhaps you should be more careful in choosing your 'wife'." His tone was still the carefully bland one of a servant speaking to his master, though more from force of habit than an intentional choice on his part. Still, a small bitter part of him was satisfied. "You'll have to excuse my lack of experience; my former master did not care to use me for such things."
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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/27/2016 4:34 AM


Ryo's eyes opened a bit wider and a huge grin spread across his face, meeting Prosper's gaze. He had intended to leave well enough alone, after what he'd said, to go through the motions of his morning routine. But hearing those words, in that flat, yet subservient tone, provoked the god.

One moment, he was standing beside the bed, then he vanished for nothing more than a second, reappearing on the bed right in front of Prosper, kneeling on one knee. He grabbed the other man's chin with one hand, holding tight so that he could not look away, but not so much as to hurt him.

Ryo's leaned in close, his face mere inches from Prosper's face. "Don't worry, my dear wife, I'll teach you well. I don't mind teaching you those things. It'll be fun." The god was undoubtedly referring to lewd things, things beyond those delicate little pecks of his. "It's your lack of common sense that's annoying."  Ryo was perfectly fine that Prosper was inexperienced in bed, or anything even close to it. He'd fix that issue. And, in teaching him, it was likely he would have a partner without annoying habits already developed.

It was his having to care for him like a fragile little doll, saving him from freezing to death, cooking for him, carrying him to bed, that was the trouble. So far, it was only Ryo saving him and caring for him, over and over, with little reward.

"But I'm glad to hear that'll I'll be your first." Hearing that the other god hadn't touched him, hadn't used him in the same way that Ryo needed him, he was quite pleased.

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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby crow » 10/27/2016 5:24 AM

Prosper knew it was a foolish thing to say as soon as the words left his mouth, but there was no way to take it back, not now. He knew that retribution would be coming; he wasn't so foolish as to think Ryo would let it go. He held his breath as Ryo broke into an unnerving grin, but he couldn't have expected--- As Ryo rematerialized, looming over him, for a moment Prosper's eyes went wide, seeing the shadow of something else instead of the god himself. Terror blazed down his spine. He couldn't move, didn't think---

--- and then Ryo grabbed him. Prosper didn't even hear what he was saying. Adrenaline shooting through his veins, Prosper wrenched his head from Ryo's grasp and bit down, hard.
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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/27/2016 5:47 AM

The sensation of pain was delayed, and dulled. Prosper's teeth dug into the flesh of Ryo's hand, breaking through the skin. The god began to bleed, his blood the same red color as humans. He'd cringed, when he'd noticed the pain, but he didn't jerk his hand away or lash out. No, Prosper was just like a small animal, lashing out in instinct. Good masters didn't hurt their pets when they were frightened.

"My, aren't you eager to form a stronger bond with me? You don't need to drink more blood for that; there are better ways."

Ryo stared him down, not moving, waiting for the moment that was soon to come: Prosper realizing what he'd done and letting go. The god's expression showed no signs of anger. He showed little emotion at all, only a calm, serious expression, as if that might calm him down.

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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby crow » 10/27/2016 6:21 AM

Prosper let go as soon as he registered what he had done, scrambling away from Ryo until his hand hit the edge of the bed. He was suddenly sick to his stomach with dread, a feeling Ryo's words did nothing to assuage. Talking back was bad enough, but to have attempted, even in this limited and feeble capacity, to attack his master... He half expected Ryo to cast him out then and there, and when nothing of the sort happened, he could only assume something worse was coming.

What could he say--- what could he do? A meager apology wouldn't have sufficed, and he didn't know Ryo well enough to know what, if anything, would. Worse yet, there was a part of him that didn't want to make amends. It was that same part which felt disappointed that he couldn't inflict much damage, though what he expected to do with his teeth against a god...

It felt like his life was falling apart, just as his body had been two nights ago.
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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/27/2016 6:47 AM

His words weren't reaching Prosper, either not processing or eliciting any sort of reaction. Ryo had seen that look on his face before. He'd seen it too many times before. That look of sheer terror.

Momentarily, his thoughts drifted back many, many years ago, hearing the screams all over again in his head. That was another unfortunate thing about being a god: all of his memories remained perfectly clear. They didn't fade with time, no matter how many years had passed.

"I have no reason to hurt you." Ryo spoke loud and clear, hoping that they would break through and actually be heard.  Equally, they drowned out the sounds in his head, forced them back to a murmur.

He would have teleported again immediately, had he not feared the possibility of frightening Prosper even more, so he approached on his hands and knees, crawling across the bed. His movements were slow and deliberate, an attempt to show that he really meant not to harm the other man.

"Hold still," he told him, and it was certainly a command, but with a surprisingly gentle tone, once the space between them was no longer so great. Ryo disappeared again, this time materializing very carefully not just before Prosper, but touching him. As he reappeared, both hands were gingerly on either side of the his face, his lips, half parted, softly against Prosper's lips. He was kissing him, gently, without any malice what-so-ever. As energy flowed into Ryo from their shared contact, the injury on his hand healed itself, fading away, as if it never existed in the first place.

He drew his mouth away, slowly, after a long moment, and spoke softly. "Now I'm healed."

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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby crow » 10/27/2016 9:55 PM

Prosper had no idea why he stayed. Certainly not because he believed Ryo's words--- not in that moment, not then. Perhaps it was that he had stopped believing he could escape. He'd seen Ryo materialize right next to him, after all. It was no more foolish to remain rooted in place than it was to take off running.

The sudden touch made him seize up, but this time he didn't jerk away. The kiss, when it came, was gentler than he'd expected. By the time Ryo broke it, Prosper was... if not quite calm, amenable to reason again. He looked away at first, but at Ryo's words, he glanced at the hand that he had bitten. It was just as Ryo had said. There wasn't any sign of what Prosper had done. The skin was as smooth and unmarked as it had been the day before.

He was... surprised. He hadn't, in his heart, truly believed what Ryo had told him until now, about drawing power from this kind of contact. He had always been told--- always thought--- that gods were powerful merely because they were.

"I'm sorry," he said, after a moment's pause. "No, it won't happen again." He meant it as an answer to Ryo's original question, but he might well have said it about the bite too. No matter what his feelings on the matter, the outcome wasn't something he hoped to repeat.
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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/27/2016 10:42 PM

Ryo withdrew, sitting upright rather than leaning so closely into Prosper. When the other man apologized, the god continued to be out of character, based on what little his partner knew of him. He reached out and gently ruffled Prosper's hair with one hand. "It's fine. That was nothing." Far worse things had happened to Ryo than being bitten because someone was frightened. Besides, Prosper's punishment, in the form of a kiss, healed the slight injury. He had no reason to hold onto something so minor.

That said, and he finding the issue as resolved as it was going to be, the god moved around Prosper in order to climb off the bed once more. "I need to get ready." He disappeared into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. A few minutes later, he opened the door and reappeared, completely groomed. He headed across the room and into closet then, to choose his outfit for the day. That took another few minutes, Ryo only appearing once he was fully clothed, all the way down to his shoes, and gathered up other accessories that had been left laying around from the night before.

"Will you be able to handle getting yourself breakfast on your own? I usually pick something up when I go out." His question came, as Ryo accessed his mobile phone. He dismissed several notifications for missed calls and texts he hadn't bothered reading with a few swipes. They were really starting to pile up. "If you need anything right away, I can make it for you. Otherwise, we can order it and have it delivered." The god didn't typically go grocery shopping, not when he could simply order groceries online and have them delivered right to his door.

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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby crow » 10/28/2016 3:25 AM

It was just as well that Ryo was leaving. In his current state, Prosper didn't know what he would have done had Ryo lingered. The god was... being considerate now, he knew, but that did not set Prosper at ease, not really. He was no longer terrified, but neither did he trust Ryo's kindness. It would disappear again soon enough, and meant nothing, beyond the fact that Ryo wished Prosper to remain useful.

He kept his gaze fixed out the window as Ryo dressed himself, one hand running fingernails along the skin of the other. "I will eat, yes," he said, in response to the god's question. There had been food in the fridge, and if he could not remember anything about how to cook, there was the phone. He had managed to work that much yesterday.
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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/28/2016 3:52 AM

That was a vague answer that Prosper had given him, but Ryo didn't press him, not now. "Right. I'll be back to pick you up after lunch, so make sure you're ready. Same as before, help yourself to whatever you need." With these parting words, the god left Prosper alone in the bedroom.

From the night before, Ryo had left the heater on and, as he walked by the console on the wall, he double checked to make sure it was, indeed, on. It would kick on and off on its own, so he wouldn't need to worry about Prosper forgetting to use it.

Before leaving the apartment, Ryo headed for the kitchen. He was a surprisingly neat person. As big as the apartment was, there was hardly a speck of dust to be found. Everything was clean and neatly in its place. And, when something wasn't as it was supposed to be, he found it annoying. Rinsing the remaining dirty dishes from the night before, he loaded them up into the dishwasher, added the soap, and turned the machine on. By the time he arrived home, they would be already clean again.

Afterwards, he finally departed for work, leaving Prosper all alone, once again.

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