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Re: .: A Spooky, Scary House :.

Postby ToxicShadow » 11/05/2016 11:40 PM

"Cheshie," Toxic greeted the newest party member.

"What are you doing here?" Cheshire didn't bother greeting the other cat. He only seemed annoyed by her presence.

"It's not like he has anything to get jealous of," Toxic went on. "Cheshire and I are friends, just as Z and I are." Never mind the fact that children of Toxic and Z from an alternate universe and began living with Toxic. In this world, they weren't dating. They were close, but not together. "But there is nothing more to it."

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Re: .: A Spooky, Scary House :.

Postby crow » 11/05/2016 11:42 PM

Unlike the luxurious set-up of the dining area and the library, the bedroom they were currently in was stripped completely bare. It wasn't pristine, but then the dining room had also been covered in blood; it was just that this place looked like it'd been ransacked, or something. Tanner's first thought was a looting murder break-in concept, but upon closer examination, the room was littered with medical implements. Some were rusty, others caked in gore. The contents of the bed were... He suspected those were body bags.

"Lovers, united even in death," he declared. Melody shot him a look.

"That's not funny, Tanner," she said.

He returned that look, shrugging. "What's so bad about it? Isn't that what it looks like?"

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Re: .: A Spooky, Scary House :.

Postby ToxicShadow » 11/05/2016 11:44 PM

Cheshire nodded. He didn't look at his friend with romantic or sexual thoughts or desires. Well, almost any man could appreciate someone that was attractive, but it was an objective stance. Toxic was appealing, especially her curious wear, but there was nothing beyond appreciation for her existence. She was his Alice, a friend, a companion, even family, in a weird way, nothing more.

"You didn't answer my question," Cheshire reminded her. "What are you doing here?"

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Re: .: A Spooky, Scary House :.

Postby crow » 11/05/2016 11:45 PM

Too late did he remember what it was she did. It was only from the look on her face, disappointed and strangely hurt, that he realized. "Oh, right. I... Sorry." She didn't say anything, but he could guess. There were cases sometimes about joint suicides reported on TV. He didn't watch that stuff, but other kids liked to gossip about that kind of thing at school, as if it was worth talking about.

He ran a hand through his hair and sighed. He wanted to so something to break the tension, but for once he wasn't sure what. Melody spoke first. "Nevermind," she said, but her gaze was averted, angled towards the ceiling and away from him.

The awkward silence stretched on, and Tanner scuffed his shoe against the floor. He was still thinking of something to say when they both heard a scream coming from the direction of the library.

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Re: .: A Spooky, Scary House :.

Postby ToxicShadow » 11/05/2016 11:48 PM

"Oh, what do you think?" Cheshie questioned, grinning still. "I found out that my dear friend and the other Cheshire went out together. And to a haunted house, no less. Yet, I was left behind. How lonely it was. So, I came to find you." The pink cat remained floating in the air, as if it was perfectly normal, throughout her little speech.  

"What reason would we have to invite you?" Cheshire returned her initial question with one of his own. "Why would we want your company?"

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Re: .: A Spooky, Scary House :.

Postby crow » 11/05/2016 11:49 PM

Tanner let out a laugh involuntarily, and to his surprise, Melody did the same. They glanced at each other and smiled, and everything was alright again. "What do you think they found?" she said. "Do you think they set off the book?"

"I don't know. Maybe they're reading about Prince Charming," Tanner shot back.

Melody sighed. "Okay, fine, so it is kind of weird, but... they're stories for a reason. It's not real. It can be romantic if it's a trope," she said.

Tanner gave a shrug. "If you say so." He walked over to the edge of the bed and sat down without realizing it, only to find himself in a sudden choking embrace. One of the body bags had burst open as soon as he set his weight down, and the dummy inside had wrapped its arms around him.

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Re: .: A Spooky, Scary House :.

Postby ToxicShadow » 11/05/2016 11:52 PM

"Cheshire, be nice." Toxic interjected, before the cats could continue to argue. It wasn't exactly heated, but the two of them were often like this. "Cheshire, you too."

Both Cheshie and Cheshire stopped, their eyes on the woman. Neither of them verbally agreed, but it went without saying. At the very least, they stopped fussing.

"I was planning to come by myself, actually," Toxic began to explain.

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Re: .: A Spooky, Scary House :.

Postby crow » 11/05/2016 11:53 PM

He really did scream then--- who wouldn't, given the circumstances? "Get it off me! Hey, get it off!" The cadaver, or whatever it was, was moaning. He knew it to be the tinny pre-recorded playback from a speaker, but at such close proximity, it was still incredibly uncomfortable. He couldn't even turn around to get a good look at it, its hold on him was so tight. Fortunately for him, it let go after a moment. It was a good thing it did too; Melody was the only one in here with him, and she couldn't have done anything about it even if she wanted to. Judging by her expression, she didn't particularly want to.

"Who's scared now?" she said, a hint of smugness in her voice. Tanner stood up as soon as he was freed, brushing off his clothes furiously. There wasn't any residue or anything, thank god, but it was still...

"I don't need any more hugs from dummies," he said with feeling. "Ugh."

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Re: .: A Spooky, Scary House :.

Postby ToxicShadow » 11/05/2016 11:54 PM

"When I was trying to decide what to wear, Cheshire noticed. He guessed what I was up to. So I ended up inviting him. Since I planned to go alone in the first place, it didn't occur to me to invite anyone else."  There was that, and the fact that Toxic had just been in a hurry to leave. She didn't want to miss out on visiting the haunted house.

"So don't be mad, Cheshie."

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Re: .: A Spooky, Scary House :.

Postby crow » 11/05/2016 11:56 PM

"If you want to talk about lovers," said Melody, not being helpful at all. "I think you have a new girlfriend. Or boyfriend. It was kind of hard to tell, with how much of the face had fallen off."

"Look, can we just stop talking about it? I'm going to try and scrub that experience out of my memory, and I'd appreciate it if you could too." Tanner shuddered, rubbing at his arms with both hands. He was already wandering elsewhere, and Melody obligingly followed, though he got the distinct sense that she was still laughing at him. He didn't think he'd heard the end of that, unfortunately. He was sure she'd bring it back up again later, when he least wanted to hear about it.

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Re: .: A Spooky, Scary House :.

Postby ToxicShadow » 11/05/2016 11:56 PM

"Oh, I am always mad, dear. Just not that sort of mad." Cheshie answered. She didn't actually blame anyone for being left behind. She was an awfully difficult cat... person, whichever, to track down. However, it was true that she didn't want to miss out on the fun.

Toxic grinned, hearing Cheshie's words, knowing exactly what she had meant. In spite of himself, Cheshire grinned a bit, too. Although, for him, it was more of a smirk.

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Re: .: A Spooky, Scary House :.

Postby ToxicShadow » 11/05/2016 11:58 PM

"Why don't you join us from now on?" Toxic invited Cheshie. "Having two Cheshire's around, it should be fun, shouldn't it?"

Cheshire didn't argue. He and Cheshie didn't always get along, but that could have been because they were too similar.

"Why, I will do just that." Cheshie accepted in the invitation. "But I'll stay just like this." She would remain as a cat, rather than taking up her humanoid forms, as they had.

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Re: .: A Spooky, Scary House :.

Postby crow » 11/05/2016 11:59 PM

He stalked off into the bathroom, but the sight within brought him up short. If anything, it was even more disgusting than the bedroom itself had been. There was water pooling on the floor, a body in the tub... It was all very deranged-doctor-gone-wrong. Melody came in after him. He chanced a glance at her face, and it was clear that this made her nervous too. "It's all fake, you know," he said, his voice a little too loud. But saying it made him feel better too, though he'd been trying to reassure her.

"... I know," Melody said, though she still sounded uncertain. "It just looks so..." She let the sentence trail off, as if words were failing her. Tanner shrugged.

"I guess we've been here long enough. Let's just get out of here."

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