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Re: Crossed Circuits (Phoenix and I)

Postby Kitsumi » 11/07/2016 5:57 PM

"So you go by your serial number, I'm guessing?" the woman asked. "Because there's no way that BB-8 is an actual name." She tapped her chin thoughtfully. "I guess we can start by checking the phone book for this Mr. Dameron guy. If you don't happen to know his phone number or email address, I don't know how else-"

Her sentence was cut off as her jaw dropped. The little robot was somehow showing her a 3-D image of his master, projected from some sort of...holo-something-or-other. It was definitely not the sort of technology she was used to. Then again, she probably should have stopped being surprised by this point.

"Dude, are you even from this planet?" she muttered, as she stepped closer to get a good look at the holographic image.

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Re: Crossed Circuits (Phoenix and I)

Postby Jedi » 11/07/2016 6:11 PM

BB-8 couldn't tell if she was being sarcastic, but he answered anyway. "I'm from Bespin. It's a gas mining planet, I think." He turned off the holoprojection, then asked her the question again. "I know it's not much to go on, but any help would be appreciated. Can you help me find my master?" He gave her that same blank look he always gave, wondering if she'd still be willing to assist him.

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Re: Crossed Circuits (Phoenix and I)

Postby Kitsumi » 11/07/2016 6:28 PM

"Well, crap," the woman said. She had just barely avoided using a more vulgar term. She wasn't sure how the little robot would take to swearing - or if it would even recognize the words. Just in case, she didn't want to teach it any bad habits.

Kneeling close, she looked into the round black camera that obviously served as its eyes. "Look, I have no idea where Bespin is. You're in Evelon right now. Honestly, I'm not even sure that your master - Poe - is on this planet. But we can certainly look. And in the meantime, I'll let you stay here in the garage."

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Re: Crossed Circuits (Phoenix and I)

Postby Jedi » 11/07/2016 8:55 PM

BB-8 stared into her eyes as she explained her thoughts. "I guess that sounds okay." He rolled around the garage, looking for a place to wait. While he didn't need sleep, he could tell that she did. He could see bags under her eyes. "I'll just wait here while you get some rest. You look like you need it." He then went into low power mode, waiting for her return.

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Re: Crossed Circuits (Phoenix and I)

Postby Kitsumi » 11/08/2016 10:08 AM

"Yeah, I really need some sleep," Artemis admitted. "I'll be back as soon as I get some rest, and we'll start looking for Poe."

Her home was a separate building, about a block away. On her way there, she nearly dozed off several times. Luckily, she finally made it home safely. Once inside her house, she made a beeline towards the bed and practically collapsed on top of it. As soon as her head hit the pillow, she was out.

-Roughly twelve hours later-
"BB-8?" Artemis called, as she slipped inside the garage. "You're still here, right? I wasn't just dreaming?"

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Re: Crossed Circuits (Phoenix and I)

Postby Jedi » 11/08/2016 7:16 PM

System booting up...

Activated by her voice, BB-8 started up from his low-power mode. He looked around as he heard the woman's voice again. "I'm right here. I've just been waiting for you." BB-8 rolled out of the open cupboard he had been waiting in. "Are you ready to search for Poe?" He rolled up to his new friend, looking at her with his same blank expression.

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Re: Crossed Circuits (Phoenix and I)

Postby Kitsumi » 11/09/2016 3:05 PM

Artemis had been at least half convinced that this whole thing had been some sort of hallucination. So when BB-8 actually rolled into her line of sight, she was surprised. "Whoa, okay, so all of that was definitely real? Good to know."

Letting out a sigh, she tapped her chin. "I really don't think we're going to have much luck looking for him," she admitted. "But yeah, I brought a phone book so we could try to look him up." Holding up the thick book, she walked over to the table in the right side of the room and took a seat. "What was his last name again? Dam-something?"

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Re: Crossed Circuits (Phoenix and I)

Postby Jedi » 11/11/2016 3:09 AM

BB-8 was beginning to lose hope in finding his master every time he heard of the woman's doubts. Nevertheless, he still held hope that he would be reunited with him. "Dameron," he informed her of the man's name. "Poe Dameron." BB-8 made no noise, guessing that if he were to interrupt her, it might distract her from the task at hand. And so he waited patiently for her to look up the man in the phone book. He kept his eye locked on her, hopeful to hear the words of her success. Inside, he also feared for the possibility that she might find nothing.

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Re: Crossed Circuits (Phoenix and I)

Postby Kitsumi » 11/11/2016 3:49 AM

Nimble fingers rapidly flipped through the pages of the thick book. They only slowed when Artemis reached the 'D' section. Her lips formed the last names silently, her finger tracing a path down the many names. When she looked up from the book, she shook her head.

"Sorry, BB-8. I didn't find anyone with the last name Dameron in the phone book." Before the robot fully lost hope, she spoke again. "But the phone book was just a starting point. I can do an internet search for him, maybe dig up some records. If you're here, he had to have been here at some point, right?"

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Re: Crossed Circuits (Phoenix and I)

Postby Jedi » 11/11/2016 4:02 AM

BB-8 sunk to the ground with the news she had given him. He feared that he may never find his master again. When he heard her once again offer another alternative to finding him, BB-8 looked up at her. He had already gotten his hopes up, so he wasn't willing to back down. "Do you really think so?" he asked her. He definitely thought this could be a better chance at finding him. "If it helps at all, I can sync myself to your computer to help boost the search."

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Re: Crossed Circuits (Phoenix and I)

Postby Kitsumi » 11/11/2016 4:07 AM

"Wait, you can do that?" Artemis stared in awe at the ball-shaped robot. "I doubt you'd really be able to help with a web search. Unless you were able to input your own information into the computer? Never mind, with your advanced technology, that would likely fry my circuits." She laughed lightly, hoping to lighten the mood. "Anyways, let me just do a search. If you're from a different planet, I doubt his birthday or anything would help me, since he obviously wouldn't have a birth certificate that I could find." She tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Do you have any idea when or where you guys landed here? I might be able to find a news story about the two of you."

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Re: Crossed Circuits (Phoenix and I)

Postby Jedi » 11/11/2016 4:24 AM

Thinking about the likelihood of him frying her computer, BB-8 looked at her in confusion. Her technology seemed quite a bit behind what he was use to. He didn't know what to say of it, so he stayed silent on the matter.

He hadn't thought about checking his databanks for any information about Poe's whereabouts previously. Upon realizing so, he went silent while searching his files. After a few seconds, he found a file he had not noticed before. "I think I've found something. Hold on." The room lit up as a 3D hologram of Poe appeared before them.

"BB-8. I'm sorry to leave you hear without any warning, but it was necessary for the war. I have stored secret files stolen from the First Order in your memory banks. It is essential that you remain hidden at all costs. At a time when I am able, I'll come find you. Just remember, stay out of site of the First Order and you will be safe. This is Poe Dameron signing off. Be careful little buddy."

As soon as he finished speaking, his projection disappeared once more.

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Re: Crossed Circuits (Phoenix and I)

Postby Kitsumi » 11/11/2016 4:38 AM

When the robot didn't respond, Artemis took that as her cue to begin searching the web. She started by simply typing in the name 'Poe Dameron'. The results were, as she had expected, of very little help. It was a mix of profile pages from social media sites and miscellaneous pages that had little to do with people from other planets.

Just as she was about to search for any alien sightings or crash landings near her, BB-8 spoke up. "Wait, how did you find something? You're not even connected to the web or anything."

Instead of answering, the robot began to play a holographic message. When it was finished, Artemis put a hand to her head and sighed. "Well I'll be darned. You're a pretty important little robot, huh?"

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Re: Crossed Circuits (Phoenix and I)

Postby Jedi » 11/11/2016 4:58 AM

BB- 8 didn't know what to do now. Poe had left him on this planet, waiting for his return. The only person BB-8 knows is this woman, whom he didn't even know the name of. The only thing he could possibly do was to wait. But that could take a long time. He analyzed everything he could about the message until he found a shocking truth. But he couldn't let Artemis know. Instead, he simply asked, "Can I stay with you until Poe comes back?"

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Re: Crossed Circuits (Phoenix and I)

Postby Kitsumi » 11/11/2016 5:05 AM

Artemis nodded dumbly. "Yeah, sure. I mean, it's not like you take up a lot of space. And I'm assuming you don't eat, so you won't be a strain on my grocery bill." She paused, suddenly thinking of something. "Oh, how do you...ya know, recharge?" Her eyes scanned BB-8, trying and failing to find anything that looked like a port for a charger to be connected.

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