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Le Chateau-Vert avec Les Jardins Noirs

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/09/2016 11:08 AM

In a glade within a forest, there stands a maiden fair,
With butterflies surrounding and flowers in her hair.
She beckons you to follow, she smiles such a grin,
And waves her hand to indicate that you should enter in,
"Welcome weary traveller; welcome to my land.
The forests are lush, the rivers are flowing, and all you need is at hand.
You're welcome here dear traveller, so rest your weary head,
There's nothing here to harm you; just be careful where you tread."

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Index List

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/09/2016 11:09 AM

Searching for a character,
Can be a real task.
Especially when there's no-one
Around for you to ask.
Fear not dear traveller,
Help is here at hand.
This list will tell you where to go
And where your quarries stand.


"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Active Plots

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/09/2016 11:21 AM

Characters by number,
Characters by age,
Waiting in the sidelines,
Or taking centre stage.
You'll find them here dear traveller,
I'm sure it helps a lot,
When the characters you're looking for,
Are listed here by plot.


The Alpha of the Omegas.
TAotO Part 2.
Cassus and Borealis;
Also features Kale, Ebele, Tristan, Delora and Lorina.

Silence and Serenity.
Nina, Nox and Fudge.
Ratchett and Kit.

Nina's Visitors.

Somewhere, Beyond The Sea
Captain Jeremiah Timbers and Bannick Baylight.

A Ball Of Fun!
Gabriel, Lloyd and Rheese

Help Me Cool My Head! [HUNT]

Flowers For A Lady
Ren, Viram, Caram, Yuram, Corthrim

Searching for Answers
Cvetka, Alice, Nim, Moff

Into The Deep End
Shaya & Mick, Drake Van Gelsing

What Are We Here For?
Bella Donna, Melline and Merpsichore

Meeting of The Minds (IndigoBook)
Bella Donna, Melline and Merpsichore



Show Me What'cha Got, Hotshot!
Vanni, Teira and Corthrim.
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/09/2016 11:22 AM

Some names have many meanings,
Others have but one.
Some mean 'god is gracious',
And others mean 'the sun'.
Search for familiarity,
Find just whom you seek.
This list of names will guide you to
With whom you wish to speak.



[url]Adam[/url], [url]Alexander[/url], [url]Alfred[/url], Alice, [url]Amaris[/url], [url]Anis[/url], [url]Aranwen[/url]


Bali, Bannick Baylight, Bella Donna, [url]Benjii[/url], [url]Benny[/url], Blake Moore, Borealis, [url]Brynn[/url]


[url]Calder[/url], [url]Calico[/url], [url]Candi[/url], Candy, Captain Jeremiah Timbers, Caram, Cassus, [url]Ceasare[/url], [url]Celeste[/url], [url]Celestus[/url], [url]Chloë[/url], [url]Coran[/url], Corthrim, Crawford Ferring, Crax, [url]Cvesanka[/url], Cvetka


Delora, [url]Dhati[/url], [url]Dinah[/url], [url]Draco[/url], Drake Van Gelsing, [url]Dylana[/url]


Ebele, Eko, [url]Elphaba[/url], [url]Erazmus[/url], [url]Erin[/url], [url]Erinn[/url], [url]Eve[/url]


[url]Felharrow[/url], Fudge


Gabriel, [url]Gamble[/url],  [url]Giah[/url], [url]Gina[/url], Giovanni Fauntleroy, [url]Giulietta[/url], [url]Glinda[/url], [url]Glistz[/url], [url]Grigory[/url]


[url]Hinata[/url], [url]Hiro[/url], Honey


Iilanthys, [url]Ivaniel[/url]


[url]Jack[/url], [url]Jake[/url], [url]Janus Thimbleton[/url], [url]Jaques Dupont[/url], [url]Jareth[/url], Jaya, [url]Jeanne-Pierre De Martin[/url], [url]Jeannie[/url], [url]Jengwy[/url], [url]Jenna[/url], [url]Jessica De La Morte[/url], Jesus Domovoi, [url]Julius[/url]


[url]Kaine[/url],[url]Kailani[/url], Kale, [url]Kenta[/url], Khenan, [url]Khira[/url], Khisa, Kit, [url]Krystal[/url], [url]Kuraiya[/url]


Laika, [url]Lars[/url], [url]Lazarus[/url], [url]Leon[/url], [url]Liltsi[/url], [url]Lirael[/url], [url]Lisa[/url], Lloyd, [url]Loic[/url], Lorina, [url]Lupin[/url], [url]Lyra[/url], [url]Lyssaneth De La Morte[/url]


[url]Matthew "Matt" Andrews[/url], [url]Matrisse[/url], Melline, [url]Meringue[/url], Merpsichore, [url]Michonne[/url], [url]Mikonos[/url], [url]Misrel[/url], Moff, [url]Mona[/url], [url]Murdoch[/url]


[url]Neko[/url], Neptune, [url]Niah[/url], Nieve, Nim, Nina, Nova, Nox, [url]Nyxia[/url]




[url]Parsius[/url], [url]Peaches[/url], [url]Peanut[/url], [url]Pumpkin[/url]



[url]Rai[/url], [url=h]Raiden[/url], Ratchett, [url]Remus[/url], Ren, Reyne, Rheese, [url]Rhiannon De La Pascale[/url], Rik Lemal, Rita, Rosie, [url]Ruia[/url]


[url]Salazar[/url], [url]Sarah[/url], [url]Savre[/url], Sera, Shaya & Mick, [url]Shul[/url], [url]Snooki[/url], Stephen and Sukavia Krisis


[url]Tanii[/url], [url]Tasha[/url], Teira, Thornton, Timothy, [url]Tohru[/url], [url]Toulouse[/url], [url]Toxxynne[/url], Tristan



[url]Vanilla[/url], [url]Vanyana[/url], Viram, Vladius Niarkos





Yuram, Yvaine


[url]Zabini[/url], [url]Zephyr[/url], [url]Zethyl[/url]
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/09/2016 11:22 AM

Groups of characteristics,
A name shared commonly.
Genetic similarity,
A kind of family tree.
Sorted here by species,
Easy to guess who's who.
You'll find just whom you're looking for,
Or maybe they'll find you?






[url]Celeste[/url], [url]Erazmus[/url], [url]Erin[/url], [url]Krystal[/url], [url]Lazarus[/url], [url]Misrel[/url], [url]Murdoch[/url], [url]Parsius[/url]

Angst Ball




[url]Alfred[/url], [url]Anis[/url], [url]Brynn[/url], [url]Calico[/url], Crax, Drake Van Gelsing, [url]Jack[/url], [url]Jeannie[/url], [url]Jenna[/url], [url]Zabini[/url]



Burnt Scribblen









Gabriel, [url]Jareth[/url], Lloyd, Rheese, [url]Sarah[/url]


[url]Chloë[/url], [url]Coran[/url], [url]Hiro[/url], [url]Lirael[/url], [url]Mona[/url], [url]Rai[/url], [url]Savre[/url], [url]Tasha[/url], Timothy, [url]Zephyr[/url]







Bella Donna









Bannick Baylight





Captain Jeremiah Timbers




Stephen and Sukavia Krisis





Kuchi Nagi

Giovanni Fauntleroy, [url]Janus Thimbleton[/url]


Fudge, Khisa, Kit, Vladius Niarkos











[url]Alexander[/url], Borealis, [url]Candi[/url], Caram, Cassus, [url]Celestus[/url], Corthrim, [url]Cvesanka[/url], [url]Dinah[/url], Delora, [url]Dylana[/url], Iilanthys, [url]Jaques Dupont[/url], [url]Jeanne-Pierre De Martin[/url], Kale, [url]Kaine[/url], Khenan, Laika, Lorina, [url]Matthew "Matt" Andrews[/url], [url]Meringue[/url], Nieve, Nova, Orion, Ren, Reyne, Shaya & Mick, Teira, Thornton, [url]Tohru[/url], Tristan, [url]Vanyana[/url], Viram, Yuram, Yvaine










[url]Aranwen[/url], [url]Calder[/url], [url]Elphaba[/url], [url]Erinn[/url], [url]Felharrow[/url], [url]Gina[/url], [url]Glinda[/url], [url]Grigory[/url], [url]Hinata[/url], [url]Ivaniel[/url], [url]Jessica De La Morte[/url], [url]Kailani[/url], [url]Kenta[/url], [url]Lyra[/url], [url]Lyssaneth De La Morte[/url], [url]Michonne[/url], [url]Nyxia[/url], [url]Raiden[/url], [url]Rhiannon De La Pascale[/url], [url]Salazar[/url], [url]Shul[/url]

Pot O' War










Cvetka, Rosie


[url]Lars[/url], [url]Pumpkin[/url]





[url]Adam[/url], Bali, [url]Ceasare[/url], Eko, [url]Eve[/url], [url]Glistz[/url], [url]Lupin[/url], Neptune, [url]Niah[/url], Nina, Nox, [url]Remus[/url]


Crawford Ferring





Jaya, Jesus Domovoi, Melline, Rik Lemal, Rita






Blake Moore, Ratchett

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Other Groupings

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/09/2016 11:23 AM

Sometimes it is important,
To remember how things are.
Sometimes it's necessary,
To see things from afar.
Those listed here dear traveller,
Are sorted differently.
Their grouping purpose clear to all,
At least it is to me?




Gabriel, [url]Jareth[/url], Lloyd, Rheese, [url]Sarah[/url], Unnamed Diosol


Fudge,  Khisa, Kit,  Vladius Niarkos, Forum-Available Unnamed Kuhna, Unnamed Original Kuhna, Unnamed Bred Kuhna


[url]Alexander[/url], Borealis, [url]Candi[/url], Caram, Cassus, [url]Celestus[/url], Corthrim, [url]Cvesanka[/url], [url]Dinah[/url], Delora, [url]Dylana[/url], [url]Iilanthys[/url], [url]Jaques Dupont[/url], [url]Jeanne-Pierre De Martin[/url], [url]Kaine[/url], Kale, Khenan, Laika, Lorina, [url]Matthew "Matt" Andrews[/url], [url]Meringue[/url], Nieve, Nova, Orion, Ren, Reyne, Shaya & Mick, Teira, Thornton, [url]Tohru[/url], Tristan, [url]Vanyana[/url], Viram, Yuram, Yvaine


[url]Aranwen[/url], [url]Calder[/url], [url]Elphaba[/url], [url]Erinn[/url], [url]Felharrow[/url], [url]Gina[/url], [url]Glinda[/url], [url]Grigory[/url], [url]Hinata[/url], [url]Ivaniel[/url], [url]Jessica De La Morte[/url], [url]Kailani[/url], [url]Kenta[/url], [url]Lyra[/url], [url]Lyssaneth De La Morte[/url], [url]Michonne[/url], [url]Nyxia[/url], [url]Raiden[/url], [url]Rhiannon De La Pascale[/url], [url]Salazar[/url], [url]Shul[/url]


[url]Lars[/url], [url]Pumpkin[/url]

Bella Donna, [url]Benjii[/url], Captain Jeremiah Timbers, [url]Dhati[/url], [url]Draco[/url], Honey, [url]Jake[/url], [url]Jengwy[/url], [url]Leon[/url], [url]Liltsi[/url], Melline, Merpsichore, [url]Mikonos[/url], [url]Peaches[/url], Rosie, [url]Ruia[/url], Stephen and Sukavia Krisis, [url]Tanii[/color][/url], [url]Toxxynne[/url], [url]Whommle[/url], [url]Zethyl[/url], Named Customs, Unnamed Customs


Timothy - Pitiful Messenger
Blake Moore - Runs Toxxynne's Trades

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/09/2016 11:23 AM

These characters are plotless,
And at your full disposal.
They may have names or traits or forms,
But it's a mere proposal.
So search this list dear traveller,
Who knows just who you'll find?
Perhaps a brand new plotline,
Will suddenly cross your mind.



[url]Adam[/url], [url]Alexander[/url], [url]Alfred[/url], [url]Amaris[/url], [url]Anis[/url], [url]Aranwen[/url]


[url]Benjii[/url], [url]Benny[/url], Blake Moore, [url]Brynn[/url]


[url]Calder[/url], [url]Calico[/url], [url]Ceasare[/url], [url]Celeste[/url], [url]Celestus[/url], [url]Chloë[/url], [url]Coran[/url], Crawford Ferring, [url]Cvesanka[/url]


[url]Dhati[/url], [url]Dinah[/url], [url]Draco[/url], [url]Dylana[/url]


Eko, [url]Elphaba[/url], [url]Erazmus[/url], [url]Erin[/url], [url]Eve[/url]




[url]Gamble[/url], [url]Giah[/url], [url]Giulietta[/url], [url]Glinda[/url], [url]Glistz[/url]


[url]Hinata[/url], [url]Hiro[/url], Honey




[url]Jack[/url], [url]Jake[/url], [url]Janus Thimbleton[/url], [url]Jaques Dupont[/url], [url]Jareth[/url], Jaya, [url]Jeanne-Pierre De Martin[/url], [url]Jeannie[/url],  [url]Jenna[/url], [url]Jessica De La Morte[/url], Jesus Domovoi, [url]Julius[/url]


[url]Kaine[/url],[url]Kailani[/url], [url]Kenta[/url], Khenan, [url]Khira[/url], Khisa, [url]Kuraiya[/url]


Laika, [url]Lars[/url], [url]Leah[/url], [url]Leon[/url], [url]Liltsi[/url], [url]Lirael[/url], [url]Lisa[/url], [url]Loic[/url], [url]Lupin[/url], [url]Lyra[/url], [url]Lyssaneth De La Morte[/url]


[url]Matthew "Matt" Andrews[/url], [url]Matrisse[/url], [url]Meringue[/url], [url]Michonne[/url], [url]Mikonos[/url], [url]Misrel[/url], [url]Mona[/url], [url]Murdoch[/url]


[url]Neko[/url], Neptune, [url]Niah[/url], Nieve, Nova, [url]Nyxia[/url]




[url]Parsius[/url], [url]Peaches[/url], [url]Peanut[/url], [url]Pumpkin[/url]



[url]Rai[/url], [url]Raiden[/url], [url]Remus[/url], Reyne, [url]Rhiannon De La Pascale[/url], Rik Lemal, Rita, Rosie, [url]Ruia[/url]


[url]Salazar[/url], [url]Sarah[/url], [url]Savre[/url], Sera, [url]Shul[/url], [url]Snooki[/url], Stephen and Sukavia Krisis


[url]Tanii[/url], [url]Tasha[/url], Thornton, [url]Tohru[/url], [url]Toulouse[/url], [url]Toxxynne[/url]



[url]Vanilla[/url], [url]Vanyana[/url], Vladius Niarkos






[url]Zabini[/url], [url]Zephyr[/url], [url]Zethyl[/url]
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/14/2016 3:56 PM

   Male; Females Only
   Lineage: Lord Baal x Lilac
   .:Normal Form:.
Character Images: Moping by Skywolf11; Anthro by me (lineart by T0xicEye on DA); Pup by MillietheWarrior
  Restrictions: None
  Markings: Malamute, Dingo, Banded, Tearstain
  Breeding Status: Closed
  Lifemate: Borealis
  Trade Status: Closed
  Additions Needed: None

   Male; Females Only
   Lineage: Custom
   .:Demonic Form:.
   Character Images: None
  Restrictions: None.
  Markings: Malamute, Warrior, Banded, Tearstain.
  Breeding Status: Closed
  Lifemate: Borealis
  Trade Status: Closed
  Additions Needed:

       Name: Cassus
       Definition: Frivolous (Latin)
       Name Definition and Origin Info from: HERE
       Gender: Male Age: 18
       Alignment: N/A Diet: Omnivore
       Height: 6'0" Length: 1.8 m Weight: 55kg
   P E R S O N A L I T Y
   He is relatively quiet, and keeps to himself, though if he is confronted in any way he is overly defensive and quick to anger. However, he has a kind heart, is compelled to help and defend those who need it, and would hate to hurt anyone who didn't deserve it.
   H I S T O R Y
   Cassus is the illegitimate offspring of a demonic playboy and a female lucain; little is known of his father, but Cassus has inherited some rather unusual traits from him. His grandparents disowned his mother when they found out about her pregnancy, resulting in Cassus' birth in the slums.
Brought up by a single mother in the slums, Cassus has had it rough from day one. Not only has he had to deal with attacks from his peers, his mother was gravely weakened by the experience with the demon and became very ill, causing Cassus to grow up very fast. Unfortunately, his mother passed away shortly before his 18th birthday, leaving him alone.
He lives in a shack in the slums, finding what food he can in the Tengel Rainforest. He is the only slumdweller brave enough to venture into the Rainforest, and the other slumdwellers believe he is demonic and that is why he can enter the Rainforest unharmed. Though he is fairly strong, he has been malnourished all his life so has not reached his full potential.
Sometimes when he is in trouble a demonic energy will come forth and surround him, which is presumably an inherited trait from his father. He cannot control it however, as he doesn't really know about it - he tends to black out after using it, as it is very draining.
He is well-educated (through experience) in medicinal herbs and what is edible in the wilds, and what isn't - as well as how to hunt and build shelter - standard survival stuff.
He spends all his time in anthro form, though he can switch to quad or full human form if necessary - he doesn't like doing so, however, because he thinks it looks too much like his father's description.
He cannot use magic in any form (yet) though he may gain some in future, if he learns to harness his demonic power.
He was approached by Borealis initially for food, but after saving her a few times he has grown comfortable in her companionship. They are currently living in the Tengel Rainforest (together with Ebele, whom Cassus found whilst clearing out the shack) after their shack was discovered by Kale, and are planning to travel to Lamenolai as soon as they have enough provisions to make the journey.


Posts: 151 (+10 - tournament, disregarded) Level: 31
   Element: Ice/Dark
        Offense: 40
        Defense: 66 (+2 Lamenolai Bonus)
        Precision: 36
        Endurance: 41
        Speed: 68
        Fame: 40 Capped
   -Species Traits- None
   -Marking Traits- Plains Dweller, Cold Adaption
   -Acclimation Traits- City Dweller, Jungle Dweller, Swamp Dweller
   -Healing Traits- First Aid (self-taught), Cellular Regeneration (only in half-demon form), Disease Immunity, Herbalist,  Medical MacGuyver (experience), Speedy Healer
   -Magic Traits- Shape-shifter (Lucain, anthro, half-demon)
   -Personality Traits- Animalistic Nature (lucain form only), Brawler, Cynic, Defensive, Fearless (put on), Gold-hearted Jerk, Hard-Headed, Introvert, Loyal, Reserved, Sticky Fingers
   -Physical Traits- Human Speech, Keen Scent, Keen Hearing, Keen Vision, Half-Mortal (demonic blood), Padded Paws, Pain Resistant, Climber (anthro form only)
   -Social Traits- Celebrity (Slums; negative), Homeless, Hunted (Kale, Mysterious Shadow), Scavenger, Secret Keeper (Borealis' pregnancy), Silent Shadow, Track Cover, Tracker, Infernal Blood
   Battle Traits: Lunge, Pyro, Blizzard, Ray, Toxin, Raging Blaze (Species traits: Spiked Body) (Marking traits: Snowshoes)
   RP Color: #400080
Posts: 22 Level: 3
   Element: Ice/Dark
        Offense: 14
        Defense: 14 (+2 Lamenolai Bonus)
        Precision: 10
        Endurance: 15
        Speed: 16
        Fame: 14 (+2 Lamenolai Bonus)
   -Species Traits- None
   -Marking Traits- Cold Adaption, Independent
   -Acclimation Traits- City Dweller, Jungle Dweller, Swamp Dweller
   -Healing Traits- First Aid (self-taught), Cellular Regeneration (only in half-demon form), Disease Immunity, Herbalist,  Medical MacGuyver (experience), Speedy Healer
   -Magic Traits- Shape-shifter (Lucain, anthro, half-demon)
   -Personality Traits- Animalistic Nature (lucain form only), Brawler, Cynic, Defensive, Fearless (put on), Gold-hearted Jerk, Hard-Headed, Introvert, Loyal, Reserved, Sticky Fingers
   -Physical Traits- Body Pouch (half-demon form only), Human Speech, Keen Scent, Keen Hearing, Keen Vision, Half-Mortal (demonic blood), Padded Paws, Pain Resistant, Climber (anthro form only)
   -Social Traits- Celebrity (Slums; negative), Homeless, Hunted (Kale, Mysterious Shadow), Scavenger, Secret Keeper (Borealis' pregnancy), Silent Shadow, Track Cover, Tracker, Infernal Blood
   Battle Traits: Lunge, Pyro, Blizzard, Ray, Toxin, Raging Blaze (Species traits: Spiked Body) (Marking traits: Snowshoes, Powerful Jaws)
   RP Color: #400080

   Mate -- Borealis
   Family -- Mother, (Deceased), Children (Adopted) - Tristan, Delora and Lorina
   Friends -- None
   Allies -- Ebele, Mount/Pet
   Enemies -- Kale
   Neutral -- Slumdwellers (Neg.)

Plot Notes
After a successful raid on Kale's storeroom, Cassus and Borealis have left the Tengel Rainforest, and have just arrived on the outskirts of Lamenolai. Cassus has realised the reaction they will receive from strangers due to their unmated state but Borealis' obvious pregnancy, after an altercation with a horrible Innkeeper, and worries about their future in the town.

Previous-Closed Threads
   --> -The Alpha of The Omegas-

General Notes
The Lucain is a very amazing and highly adaptable canine creature that can exist just about anywhere if given enough time to adjust, as they have existed for as long as the most primitive days of Evelon. Their furs are highly sought after, as they come in many colors and hues. The hardened, bony wing blades on their backs and elbows at the moment do not seem to have any other purpose than for decoration, as they cannot fly.
Born for the cold winter wastelands where life barely thrives, the thick pelt of the Malamute Lucain is designed especially to keep the cold out. However, when moved to warmer climates, they often shed off several layers of their fur to accomodate. They are very loyal and are a hard-working bunch, able to pull things twice their size.
A wild breed, the Dingo Lucain is very rambunctious and full of exploration. Their territory boundaries seem to range as far as they can travel and they never stay in one area for too long unless domesticated. They prefer open areas and wide fields of grass such as found in the Vast Plains in Lambastia.
A rare coloration, the Warrior pattern can only be found on male Lucain! The Warrior marking is considered to be a symbol of great honor and responsibility and those who bear the mark are often leaders and protectors of the pack. If there is more than one Warrior in a pack, the males will often fight to the death to proclaim their stature. They are a hardy species and can fend for themselves if necessary.
Not much is know about those with the Banded minimark, only that they are often temperamental and unpredictable.
Having suffered since birth, the Tearstain Lucain are believed to all have originated from the same area a long time ago, near the Tuun Mountains and Basantha Shrine. There it is said that they were cursed to live unfortunate lives, hence the Tearstain marking that some believed is caused by all the sorrow they undergo.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/15/2016 4:43 AM

   Female; Males Only
   Lineage: Aurora x Raisun
Character Images: Chibi, by Dagerot
  Restrictions: Incest is only permissable for plot breedings.
  Markings: Celestial, Ancient.
  Breeding Status: Closed
  Lifemate: Cassus
  Trade Status: Closed
  Additions Needed:

       Name: Borealis
       Definition: Personification of the north wind (Latin)
Name Definition and Origin Info from: HERE
       Gender: Female Age: 17
       Alignment: N/A Diet: Omnivore
       Height: 5'7" Length: 1.68 m Weight: 45kg
   P E R S O N A L I T Y
   Independent and quick-tempered, at times, but loyal to the core. Distrustful and cynical but firm in her opinions, once she decides to trust someone she will not waver, no matter her doubts. She can be kind and compassionate, but currently may come off as selfish due to being weak, injured, and ignorant about survival outside the slums.
   H I S T O R Y
   Borealis had a tough start; orphaned at a young age, she was abandoned in the slums where she learned to scavenge in an urban environment.
The slumdwellers distrust her, both because she stands out due to her bright colouring, and for her partnership with Cassus.
She worked in a factory making glass jars for Kale, until one night he convinced her to meet him there alone and violated her.
She initially approached Cassus for food, but has since needed to rely on him and has grown to trust him. As time has passed they have settled together, and are currently living in the Tengel Rainforest and planning to make a journey to Lamenolai as soon as possible.
She is carrying Kale's pups, but does not know when they will be born - she hopes that they will be in Lamenolai by then.

Posts: 117 Level: 21
   Element: Air/Water
        Offense: 31
        Defense: 45 (+2 Lamenolai Bonus)
        Precision: 29
        Endurance: 35
        Speed: 47
        Fame: 32 (+2 Lamenolai Bonus)
   -Species Traits- None
   -Marking Traits- Extended Life Span, Intellectual
   -Acclimation Traits- City Dweller
   -Healing Traits- First Aid (learning)
   -Magic Traits- Shape-shifter (Lucain, anthro)
   -Personality Traits- Cynic, Defensive, Dependent (Cassus), Fearless (faked), Gold-Hearted Jerk, Hard-Headed, Loyal, Perceptive, Sticky Fingers, Stoic (attempted), Traumatized (Kale)
   -Physical Traits- Evasive, Human Speech, Padded Paws, Pain Resistant
   -Social Traits- Homeless, Hunted (Kale),Orphan, Protected (Cassus), Scavenger, Silent Shadow
   Battle Traits: Lunge, Windstorm, Ray, Rising Tide, Deluge, Chance Hit (Species traits: Spiked Body) (Marking traits: None)
   RP Color: #00FF00

   Mate -- Cassus
   Family -- Children - Tristan, Delora and Lorina
   Friends -- None
   Allies -- Ebele, Mount/Pet.
   Enemies -- Kale
   Neutral -- Slumdwellers (Neg.)

   Plot Notes
After a successful raid on Kale's storeroom, Cassus and Borealis have left the Tengel Rainforest, and have just arrived on the outskirts of Lamenolai. Cassus has realised the reaction they will receive from strangers due to their unmated state but Borealis' obvious pregnancy, after an altercation with a horrible Innkeeper, and worries about their future in the town.

Previous-Closed Threads
   --> Kale Breeding - 20 Posts
   --> The Alpha of The Omegas

General Notes
The Lucain is a very amazing and highly adaptable canine creature that can exist just about anywhere if given enough time to adjust, as they have existed for as long as the most primitive days of Evelon. Their furs are highly sought after, as they come in many colors and hues. The hardened, bony wing blades on their backs and elbows at the moment do not seem to have any other purpose than for decoration, as they cannot fly.
Both majestic and whimsical, the Lucain of the Celestial breed are wise and reserved, their starry pelts blending smoothly against a clear night sky. They expend their energies wisely, taking care not to waste it on anything, and their ever growing knowledge is gained through insight and observation. They also seem to possess the longest life of any Lucain breed.
Known to have existed around the time of the ancient civiliation that was destroyed long ago, these Lucain were genetically created along with the Ancient Kuhnas so that they could have another chance. They are always cool in stressful situations and communicate easily with other Lucain. Preferring to live a non-violent life, these Lucain love to watch the world passively. They are highly optimistic and love to try and cheers others up whenever they can.
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/15/2016 5:37 AM

   Male; Females Only
   Lineage: Shiloh x Raito
Character Images: None
  Restrictions: None, just don't breed like a bunny.
  Markings: Arach, Splotched, Spade.
  Breeding Status: Open
  Lifemate: Open
  Trade Status: Closed
  Additions Needed: Five cards (all aces) fanned out on the floor under his front right paw; a small dimple by the corner of his mouth to indicate a smirk; a lit cigar sticking out of the left side of his mouth (below the eye that is not fully visible) pointing upwards with a smoke trail twisting up into the air; a white collar and black tie as if he were wearing a shirt.

       Name: Kale
       Definition: Thin, Slender (Gaelic)
       Name Definition and Origin Info from: HERE
       Gender: Male Age: 34
       Alignment: N/A Diet: Carnivore/Affectivore
       Height: 5'10 Length: 1.75m Weight: 67 kg
   P E R S O N A L I T Y
   Vicious and manipulative; enjoys causing harm to others (physically, mentally, and emotionally); greedy, mean, sly and oppressive; cruel, vicious and abusive. Treats his workers like slaves and uses the pretty ones as 'playthings'. Likes to gamble, drink and smoke.
   H I S T O R Y
   Kale runs a number of shady businesses in The Slums; it was in one of his sweat shops where he found Borealis. He pays his workers poorly, and forces them to spend their wages in his in-house food shop, which charges absurdly high prices.
However, his leisure activities are even worse. He likes to single out pretty females that work for him and violate them, knowing that they have no choice to continue to work for him until he discards them and dismisses him. He forcibly offers them terrible duties in exchange for extra cash, and doles out extremely harsh (and creative) punishments.
He violated Borealis once already, and tried to do it again until Cassus stepped in and stopped him; however, he is still aiming to chase the two of them down and reclaim his "toy".
He does not yet know that he got her pregnant, though he could smell it on her.

Posts: 14 Level: 3
   Element: Dark
        Offense: 12
        Defense: 9 (+2 The Slums Bonus)
        Precision: 8
        Endurance: 13
        Speed: 11 (+2 The Slums Bonus)
        Fame: 12
   -Species Traits- None
   -Marking Traits- Spider Climb
   -Acclimation Traits- City Dweller
   -Healing Traits- None
   -Magic Traits- Shape-Shifter (Anthro, lucain)
   -Personality Traits- Dominant, Glutton, Hard-Headed, Malevolent, Persuasive, Rude, Snooty
   -Physical Traits- Human Speech
   -Social Traits- Celebrity (The Slums), Corporate Casual (slum factory owner), Criminal (violator), Hunter (Cassus & Borealis), Leader (Slum Factory), Nemesis (Cassus), Parasitic (Affectivore)
   Battle Traits: Lunge, Creeping Shadows, Deepening Darkness, Life Drain, Shade, Burst Spin (Species traits: Spiked Body) (Marking traits: None)
   RP Color: #000040

   Mate -- None
   Family -- None (Biological Father of Borealis' first litter - Tristan, Delora and Lorina)
   Friends -- None
   Allies -- The Slumdwellers
   Enemies -- Cassus
   Neutral -- The Residents of Lamenolai

   Plot Notes
After he took what he wanted from Borealis, Kale continued to hunt her down, unaware of what exactly caused her to fascinate him. He was rebuffed forcibly by Cassus, but has sworn that he will have her and he will break her (killing Cassus if necessary). He is unaware that Borealis is pregnant with his pups - for now.

Previous-Closed Threads
   --> Borealis Breeding - 5 Posts

General Notes
The Lucain is a very amazing and highly adaptable canine creature that can exist just about anywhere if given enough time to adjust, as they have existed for as long as the most primitive days of Evelon. Their furs are highly sought after, as they come in many colors and hues. The hardened, bony wing blades on their backs and elbows at the moment do not seem to have any other purpose than for decoration, as they cannot fly.
These Lucain are an extraordinary breed, for they possess the ability to walk on nearly any surface at nearly any angle. Only the most slippery and oddly angled surfaces will give them trouble, but even then they can traverse these obstacles with more ease than many other creatures. They are solitary in their hunting habits and use a mild venom to stun their prey before killing it.
Often domesticated, this breed is full of energy and loves to play in their younger stages of life. As they grow older, they grow less energetic and would prefer to contemplate on the things around it.
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/15/2016 6:13 AM

   Diet: Omnivore/Photosynthesis
   Notable Traits: She enjoys sleeping at the bottom of the doorway with her hair and tail fronds poking under it to absorb any light that falls on them.

Found by Cassus in the Tengel rainforest, Ebele acts as a combination of mount, cartpuller and pet. She is gentle and loyal to a fault, brilliant with the pups, and is intelligent enough to act as a childminder whilst Cassus and Borealis are busy, though should only be left with one at a time due to the pups' natures. She walks on all six feet, though she can burrow and climb well.

Posts: 15 Level: 2
   Element: Light/Earth
        Offense: 12
        Defense: 10 (+2 Lamenolai Bonus)
        Precision: 11
        Endurance: 18
        Speed: 13
        Fame: 8 (+2 Lamenolai Bonus)
   -Species Traits- Dash, Plains Dweller
   -Acclimation Traits- Jungle Dweller, Heat Adaption
   -Healing Traits- Regenerate Limbs (slow)
   -Magic Traits- Empath (sense only)
   -Personality Traits- Animal Lover, Animalistic Nature (canine), Expressive (tail), Innocent, Loyal, Mother Hen, Perceptive, Recognize Impostor, Sticky Fingers (shiny, instructed)
   -Physical Traits- Classification Nightmare (plant/animal), Climber, Contortionist, Graceful, Keen Hearing, Keen Scent, Keen Vision, Leaper, Night Vision, Padded Paws, Pain Resistant, Photoresistant, Prehensile Tail
   -Social Traits- Adopted (pet), Defender (family), GPS, Hoarder (shiny), Hunted (Kale), Protected (Cassus), Scavenger, Silent Shadow, Tracker
   Battle Traits: Entangling Roots, Entrenched Roots, Fissure, Stone Spires, Puncture, Lunge (Species traits: None) (Color traits: None)
   RP Color: #FF4000
Previous-Closed Threads
   --> Alpha of the Omegas

General Notes
The Onpatchu starts its life standing on two legs, hatching from their eggs with full mobility. Evolutionary adaption allows it to grow more sets of legs as it ages until it is a fully formed Riopath. These adult Riopaths are a common mount among forest and mountain dwellers, and are capable of speeds up to 55 mph (88 kph) at full run. They are able to scale rocky walls as well as traverse river rapids with a rider. They feed primarily on grasses and small mammals.
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/15/2016 7:04 AM

   Male; No Preference
   Lineage: Kale x Borealis
Character Images: None
  Restrictions: Don't overbreed; incest is only for plot breedings.
  Markings: Ancient, Splotched (mutated)
  Breeding Status: Open
  Lifemate: Open
  Trade Status: Closed
  Additions Needed: None

       Name: Tristan
       Definition: French form of Welsh Drystan, probably meaning "riot, tumult." The change in spelling is due to association with the French word triste, meaning "sad." (French)
       Name Definition and Origin Info from: HERE
       Gender: Male Age: Variable
       Alignment: N/A Diet: Omnivore
       Height: Variable Length: Variable Weight: Variable
   P E R S O N A L I T Y
   Rambunctious and fiesty; loves to play and get into mischief. Gentle and affectionate to family, cold to outsiders. Very much a momma's boy, but admires his (step)father and wants to be just like him. Adores the family pet/mount/childminder and considers her equal to the rest of the family.
   H I S T O R Y
   Born from a forced coupling between his mother, Borealis and her boss, Kale, Tristan and his sisters, Delora and Lorina were raised by a combination of his mother, her mate, Cassus, and their pet, Ebele whilst on the run from his biological father.

Posts: 0 Level: 1
       Element: Dark/Light
            Offense: 10
            Defense: 6
            Precision: 6
            Endurance: 11
            Speed: 8
            Fame: 10
       -Species Traits- None
       -Marking Traits- Extended Life Span
       -Acclimation Traits- City Dweller
       -Healing Traits- First Aid (learning), Herbalist (learning)
       -Magic Traits- Shape-Shifter (anthro)
       -Personality Traits- Adaptable, Animal Lover, Animalistic Nature (lucain form), Blunt, Cynic, Introvert, Loyal, Sticky Fingers (necessity), Well-Mannered
       -Physical Traits- Climber (learning), Dash, Evasive, Human Speech, Leaper (learning), Padded Paws
       -Social Traits- Adopted (Cassus), Defender (his sisters), Homeless, Hunted (Kale), Mimic, Protected (Cassus, Ebele), Scavenger, Strategist
       Battle Traits: Lunge, Deepening Darkness, Life Drain, Aimed Strike, Chance Hit, Extended Claws (Species traits: Spiked Body) (Marking traits: None)
       RP Color: #004040

   Mate -- None
   Family -- (Step)Father - Cassus, Mother - Borealis, Sisters - Delora and Lorina, Pet - Ebele
   Friends -- None
   Allies -- None
   Enemies -- Kale (Biological Father)
   Neutral -- None

Plot Notes
No Plot Yet

Previous-Closed Threads
   --> None - Post Count

General Notes
The Lucain is a very amazing and highly adaptable canine creature that can exist just about anywhere if given enough time to adjust, as they have existed for as long as the most primitive days of Evelon. Their furs are highly sought after, as they come in many colors and hues. The hardened, bony wing blades on their backs and elbows at the moment do not seem to have any other purpose than for decoration, as they cannot fly.
Known to have existed around the time of the ancient civiliation that was destroyed long ago, these Lucain were genetically created along with the Ancient Kuhnas so that they could have another chance. They are always cool in stressful situations and communicate easily with other Lucain.
Often domesticated, this breed is full of energy and loves to play in their younger stages of life. As they grow older, they grow less energetic and would prefer to contemplate on the things around it.
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/15/2016 7:39 AM

.: Delora :.
   Female; No Preference
   Lineage: Kale x Borealis
Character Images: None
  Restrictions: Don't overbreed; incest is only for plot breedings.
  Markings: Arach (bicoloured), Celestial, Kohl
  Breeding Status: Open
  Lifemate: Open
  Trade Status: Closed
  Additions Needed: None

       Name: Delora
       Definition: English variant spelling of Spanish Dolores, meaning "sorrows." (Spanish)
       Name Definition and Origin Info from: HERE
       Gender: Female Age: Variable
       Alignment: N/A Diet: Omnivore
       Height: Variable Length: Variable Weight: Variable
   P E R S O N A L I T Y
   Graceful, Delicate and Reserved; very family-oriented, idolises her (step)father without clinging to him. Independent and Clever. Fond of the family pet.
   H I S T O R Y
   Born from a forced coupling between her mother, Borealis and her boss, Kale, Delora and her siblings, Tristan and Lorina were raised by a combination of their mother, her mate, Cassus, and their pet, Ebele whilst on the run from their biological father.

Posts: 0 Level: 1
   Element: Dark/Air
        Offense: 9
        Defense: 5
        Precision: 7
        Endurance: 13
        Speed: 8
        Fame: 10
   -Species Traits- None
   -Marking Traits- Extended Life Span, Intellectual, Spider Climb
   -Acclimation Traits- City Dweller
   -Healing Traits- First Aid (learning), Herbalist (learning)
   -Magic Traits- Shape-Shifter (anthro)
   -Personality Traits- Animal Lover, Inner Discipline, Introvert, Look It Up, Loyal, Perceptive, Perfectionist, Pessimist, Polygraph, Reserved, Well-Mannered, Workaholic
   -Physical Traits- Evasive, Graceful, Human Speech, Keen Vision, Leaper (learning), Night Vision, Padded Paws, Pain Sensitivity
   -Social Traits- Adopted (Cassus), Eye Of The Beholder (Graceful), Green Thumb, Hoarder (textiles), Homeless, Hunted (Kale), Independent, Protected (Cassus, Ebele), Scavenger, Silent Shadow, Textile Worker (generalised; learnt from a book)
   Battle Traits: Aimed Strike, Burst Spin, Chance Hit, Lunge, First Initiative, Puncture (Species traits: Spiked Body) (Marking traits: None)
   RP Color: #008040

   Mate -- None
   Family -- (Step)Father - Cassus, Mother - Borealis, Siblings - Tristan and Lorina, Pet - Ebele
   Friends -- None
   Allies -- None
   Enemies -- Kale (Biological Father)
   Neutral -- None

Plot Notes

Previous-Closed Threads
   --> None - Post Count

General Notes
The Lucain is a very amazing and highly adaptable canine creature that can exist just about anywhere if given enough time to adjust, as they have existed for as long as the most primitive days of Evelon. Their furs are highly sought after, as they come in many colors and hues. The hardened, bony wing blades on their backs and elbows at the moment do not seem to have any other purpose than for decoration, as they cannot fly.
These Lucain are an extraordinary breed, for they possess the ability to walk on nearly any surface at nearly any angle. Only the most slippery and oddly angled surfaces will give them trouble, but even then they can traverse these obstacles with more ease than many other creatures. They are solitary in their hunting habits and use a mild venom to stun their prey before killing it.
Both majestic and whimsical, the Lucain of the Celestial breed are wise and reserved, their starry pelts blending smoothly against a clear night sky. They expend their energies wisely, taking care not to waste it on anything, and their ever growing knowledge is gained through insight and observation. They also seem to possess the longest life of any Lucain breed.
Ever the manipulative bunch, Lucain sporting the Kohl marking have a flair for the dramatic. Many times you'll find yourself tricked by their ability to talk around others, acting just as well as they can breathe.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/15/2016 8:54 AM

   Female; No Preference
   Lineage: Kale x Borealis
Character Images: None
  Restrictions: Don't overbreed; incest is only for plot breedings.
  Markings: Ancient, Splotched, Socks, Sunbear
  Breeding Status: Open
  Lifemate: Open
  Trade Status: Closed
  Additions Needed: None

       Name: Lorina
       Definition: Diminutive form of Latin Lora ("sorrowful"), meaning "little sorrowful one." (Latin)
       Name Definition and Origin Info from: HERE
       Gender: Female Age: Variable
       Alignment: N/A Diet: Omnivore
       Height: Variable Length: Variable Weight: Variable
   P E R S O N A L I T Y
   Playful and Mischivous, Lorina is more extroverted than the rest of her family. She is affectionate to those she cares for, and is very Creative, enjoying making things with her mother and adoptive father.
   H I S T O R Y
   Born from a forced coupling between her mother, Borealis and her boss, Kale, Lorina and her siblings, Tristan and Delora were raised by a combination of their mother, her mate, Cassus, and their pet, Ebele whilst on the run from their biological father.

Posts: 0 Level: 1
   Element: Dark/Fire
        Offense: 9
        Defense: 5
        Precision: 7
        Endurance: 13
        Speed: 8
        Fame: 10
   -Species Traits- None
   -Marking Traits- Extended Life Span
   -Acclimation Traits- City Dweller
   -Healing Traits- First Aid (learning), Herbalist (learning)
   -Magic Traits- Shape-Shifter (anthro)
   -Personality Traits- Animal Lover, Blunt, Chatterbox, Creative Mind, Explorer, Expressive, Hard-Headed, Hyper, Innocent, Loyal, Mischievous, Optimist, Sticky Fingers, Well-Mannered
   -Physical Traits- Climber, Dash, Human Speech, Leaper
   -Social Traits- Adopted (Cassus), Hoarder, Homeless, Hunted (Kale), Klutz, Scavenger
   Battle Traits: Lunge, Puncture, Burst Spin, Soundproof, Subduing Strike, Swift Scout (Species traits: Spiked Body) (Marking traits: None)
   RP Color: #40FF80

   Mate -- None
   Family -- (Step)Father - Cassus, Mother - Borealis, Siblings - Tristan and Delora, Pet - Ebele
   Friends -- None
   Allies -- None
   Enemies -- Kale (Biological Father)
   Neutral -- None

Plot Notes

Previous-Closed Threads
   --> None - Post Count

General Notes
The Lucain is a very amazing and highly adaptable canine creature that can exist just about anywhere if given enough time to adjust, as they have existed for as long as the most primitive days of Evelon. Their furs are highly sought after, as they come in many colors and hues. The hardened, bony wing blades on their backs and elbows at the moment do not seem to have any other purpose than for decoration, as they cannot fly.
Known to have existed around the time of the ancient civiliation that was destroyed long ago, these Lucain were genetically created along with the Ancient Kuhnas so that they could have another chance. They are always cool in stressful situations and communicate easily with other Lucain.
Often domesticated, this breed is full of energy and loves to play in their younger stages of life. As they grow older, they grow less energetic and would prefer to contemplate on the things around it.
Most Lucain with the Socks marking are both playful and careful at the same time, enjoying things but at a safe pace. A select few are known to be a bit clumsy.  
Lucain with this minimark are often laid-back and easygoing. They love to bask in the sun!

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/21/2016 6:58 AM

   Female; No Preference
   Lineage: Sister to Nox
Character Images: Human form (made with the candybar doll maker)
Photobucket hosted image
  Lifemate Status: Tentative
  Trade Status: N/A
  Additions Needed: A thin round wooden paintbrush held in her mouth with a dab of paint on the bristles

       Name: Nina
       Definition: Strong, Grace, Girl - Depends on language (Various Lingual Origins)
       Name Definition and Origin Info from: HERE
       Gender: Female Age: 17
       Alignment: N/A Diet: Colorivore/Omnivore
       Height: 44cm (Tali form), 5' 4" (Human Form) Length: 42cm (Tali Form) Weight: 10kg (Tali Form) 50kg (Human Form)
   P E R S O N A L I T Y
    A gentle, quiet creature, prone to loneliness. Always wants to help others and craves attention; very insecure. Dedicates her time to painting. Loves Fudge and her brother dearly.
   H I S T O R Y
   Nina, like her brother Nox, is a quiet and pleasant girl. They used to be known as 'The Happy Twins' until they lost their parents to a carriage accident when they were 14. Since then, their outlook has been bleak and they have kept to themselves in the forest, rejecting interactions with anyone other than Ratchet, Crax and Candy, who knew them from before the accident.
Nina began painting as a way to relieve stress, and found that it helped her deal with her emotions. She finds sustenance in the colours, and it helped her stabilize - unfortunately Nox did not have the same aptitude for art, and Nina despaired over his plight.
Since Nox found Fudge, Nina has opened up and relaxed, showing more of her old self than she thought had survived. She has now taken Fudge on as an apprentice, and her art business is booming.

Posts: 44 Level: 9
   Element: Dark/Metal
        Offense: 14
        Defense: 10
        Precision: 23 (+2 Roraldi Forests Bonus)
        Endurance: 16
        Speed: 15
        Fame: 16
   -Species Traits- Forest Dweller
   -Acclimation Traits- Terrain Traveller, Cold Adaption
   -Healing Traits- Disease Immunity, Herbalist, Regenerate Limbs.
   -Magic Traits- Elemental Manipulation, Shadow Shift, Shape-Shifter, Time Warp.
   -Personality Traits- Adaptable, Green Thumb, Inner Discipline, Intellectual, Multiple Personalities, Sticky Fingers.
   -Physical Traits- Body Pouch, Night Vision, Photoresistant, Prehensile Tail, Thought-Speech.
   -Social Traits- Grid, Legendary Tracker, Master Chef, Master Of Disguise, Mechanic, Scavenger.
   Battle Traits: Life Drain, Lunge, Lurking Shadows, Voltage, Blade, Burst Spin. (Species traits: None) (Color traits: Dark Heart, The Will's Connection))
   RP Color: #800080

   Silence and Serenity - 27 Posts
   Nina's Visitors - 16 Posts
   Mate -- None
   Family -- Nox (Brother), Fudge (Adopted)
   Friends -- Crax, Candy, Ratchet
   Allies -- Kit (Ratchet's Assistant)
   Enemies -- None
   Neutral -- None

Plot Notes
   Nox got lost in Roraldi Forests one day, and spent the night in a tree, only to be kidnapped by a mysterious stranger on a Hollowheart the next morning. He was taken to a clearing where there were many creatures in cages, and it was there that he found Fudge. He rescued her and took her home, where he lived with Nina. He asked Ratchet to make them collars for communication purposes, and Nina began to teach Fudge how to paint. Nox found another kuhna kit in the forest whom he took to Ratchet, who adopted the kit as an assistant.

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General Notes
The Tali is a feathered canid that can be commonly found in domestication, native to the forested regions of most continents. They are social creatures that live in packs headed by an alpha mated pair and use a variety of sounds to communicate to others. Because of their delicate build, Tali prefer to hunt smaller prey rather than large game. The iconic bright coat and plumage of a Tali are used to ward off predators as well as attract mates.
The scientists here at the Evelon Preservation Zoo have discovered yet ANOTHER type of color out there. These void creatures show no emotion whatsoever, seemingly devoid of feeling anything but emptyness. They seem to be searching for something, some kind of emotion that they cannot attain. We do not prefer this pet for the 'loving' owners who wish to cuddle and pamper their pets, for they will find no happiness with these such pets. They also seem to be fearsome battlers when pitted against another pet in a duel. Pets of the Void color seem to incorporate colors of black and violet somewhere.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Well-Traveled Tamer
Well-Traveled Tamer
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Joined: 05/21/2011 2:59 PM
Location: Baian Swamp
Status: Hiding in a rotting tree - shhh!


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