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Re: What I'm thankful for? [Self][Quest]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/17/2016 10:06 AM

Finally, he was ready to begin making the gravy. He used the oven mitts to lift the large pan and pour its contents - all the juices from the turkey and all the vegetable mush - into the blender. He placed the dish in the sink to wash later, and blended the roast mixture until it was smooth.

He finely chopped the last of the onions and added them - together with the garlic and a sprinkle of seasoning - into the blender. He blended the mixture again until it was all smooth, then transferred it to a pan on the stove.

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Re: What I'm thankful for? [Self][Quest]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/17/2016 10:11 AM

He planned to leave the gravy in the pan until the turkey was done roasting. He would then arrange the turkey and vegetables on a platter, and would use the leftover juices and bits from all the roasting pans to add to the gravy mixture.

In the meantime, he covered the gravy pan and washed everything but the blender, and put the clean utensils and pans away.

He turned to the oven which had the cheesecake baking in it, just in time for the timer to beep. Carefully, he removed the cheesecake from the oven and switched the oven off - he would not need it any longer.

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Re: What I'm thankful for? [Self][Quest]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/17/2016 1:48 PM

Crax put the cheesecake tin on the oval to cool. He then picked up the gingerbread and carried them over to a clear workstation. From a cupboard he took a pair of small glass bowls, fondant icing sugar, red food coloring, and a pack of pink sugar sprinkles, and these he set down beside the gingerbread.

For the next while, he busied himself with getting just the right colour-consistency to have a bowl of light pink icing and a bowl of dark pink icing. He then went on to decorate the butterflies by hand, with each having unique wings and detailing.

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Re: What I'm thankful for? [Self][Quest]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/17/2016 3:56 PM

The completed butterflies were placed on a second cupcake stand which Crax pulled from under the oval, and at last all that was left was to decorate the cheesecake, make the gravy, lay out the turkey and roast vegetables, and clean up.

The cheesecake was cool enough to decorate by now, so Crax placed the things he had used to decorate the gingerbread in the sink and pulled out a small handheld blowtorch. He heated the metal ring that made up the wall of the cheesecake tin, then pulled it up and off gently leaving a perfect round cheesecake behind.

Crax retrieved what was left of the clotted cream and dolloped it onto the top of the cheesecake; the sides did not require decorating, as the strawberries had candied themselves beautifully and could be seen in between the batter. He sculpted the clotted cream into delicate whirls, and then went to the fridge.

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Re: What I'm thankful for? [Self][Quest]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/18/2016 3:09 AM

Returning with the remainder of the cut strawberries, Crax paused a moment before smiling to himself. He knew just how to arrange them, and before long the cheesecake had butterflies made out of fresh strawberries all over the top of it. As a finishing touch, he added swirly trails of pink sugar crystals to give the illusion of movement, before putting the whole thing into the fridge to chill.

Now all he needed to do was wash up, wait for the turkey to be done, lay it out on platters, wash up again, and then go shower himself! Crax chuckled to himself, as he carried the things for washing over to the sink; there had been a lot of washing today!

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: What I'm thankful for? [Self][Quest]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/18/2016 3:12 AM

When the oven beeped, it caught Crax by surprise. He had been sitting at the oval reading a magazine on textile crafts, and jumped violently at the sudden noise. He hurried to open the oven door, grabbing his mitts on the way.

The turkey was a beautiful golden-brown colour, and the vegetables were crisped to perfection. Crax was overjoyed at the way it had all turned out!

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Re: What I'm thankful for? [Self][Quest]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/18/2016 3:17 AM

Carefully he removed the trays from the oven and set them on the oval, before turning the oven off - he was finally done cooking. At least, he thought he was - until he caught sight of the blender and the gravy pan on the stove!

"Thank goodness I noticed" he muttered to himself. "It's just as well that I didn't remove the food from the baking pans yet, or else I may have thrown the juices away!"

He bustled about laying the food out on the platters he pulled out from the cupboard under the oval, and then put silver dish covers over it all to keep it warm.

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Re: What I'm thankful for? [Self][Quest]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/18/2016 3:19 AM

He then carefully carried the hot pans over to the blender and emptied them into it, scraping everything off the bottom so as to get as much flavour as possible. Blending it until it was smooth took no time at all, and in a short while he was stirring the gravy mix in the pan over a hot flame. The smell wafting up from it was divine; it made his mouth water just standing there.

He added a little cornflower to it, just to thicken it a bit, before pouring it into a large ceramic gravy boat and setting that on the oval with a silver cover. At last, that really was all of his cooking done!

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Re: What I'm thankful for? [Self][Quest]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/18/2016 3:23 AM

As he washed the remaining pots, pans and blender, Crax's thoughts drew towards the thing he had been trying to avoid thinking about all day. As it was Thanks For Life Day, they would be discussing what they were thankful for over dinner, and it was time for him to make a declaration. Candy had made his life worth living, and he wanted her to know - even if the thought terrified him lest she not reciprocate his feelings.

He shuddered at that thought, and frowned; how was he going to tell her? He didn't want to sound too cheesy, but at the same time he wanted her to know everything.

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Re: What I'm thankful for? [Self][Quest]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/18/2016 3:26 AM

He continued to ponder his speech as he cleaned the kitchen. Eventually it was time for his shower, and whilst it would normally relax him, today it only served to make him more tense. He couldn't even concentrate on styling his hair, and that was really saying something!

He sighed, and hoped Candy would let him into the main room soon. Not only was he hungry, he absolutely hated waiting when he was nervous, and this time was worse than ever!

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Re: What I'm thankful for? [Self][Quest]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/18/2016 3:30 AM

As he looked in the mirror though, he calmed a little. His outfit looked good, at least, and he could guarantee she would like it. The shirt was a pale icy blue with delicate white pinstripes, and he had paired it with some charcoal grey trousers. She had actually picked out the shirt long ago on one of their shopping trips, and he had been saving it for an occasion like this one. He wondered if she would remember, considering it had been a few years.

He sprayed some light cologne on himself, and went to wait for her in the conservatory.

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Re: What I'm thankful for? [Self][Quest]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/18/2016 5:49 AM

After her rest, Candy had gone upstairs to shower and change. She knew she still had a couple of hours left, but she wanted to do her hair nicely and that meant washing it, which always took a while.

Once her hair was washed, dried, and done in a half-up curled bun, she sat down at her dressing table to do her makeup. A light peach blush, light mascara and a dash of eyeliner gave her a soft, natural look - she wanted to look good without overdoing it, after all. Finally, she applied her favourite strawberry lip gloss - it was going to come off with the first bite, but she wanted Crax to see her looking her best.

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Re: What I'm thankful for? [Self][Quest]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/18/2016 1:32 PM

Next it was time for Candy to get dressed. She had set aside a special outfit for tonight; a pretty rose-coloured dress that came down to her knees, with a queen anne neckline. She sprayed herself with her favourite perfume - jasmine and rose - and looked in the mirror once more to make sure she looked perfect.

Satisfied with her reflection, she reached into her closet to pull out her shoes. Pale rose gladiator heels that crisscrossed around her delicate ankles completed her look, and she walked out the bedroom door with confidence to wait in the dining room.

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Re: What I'm thankful for? [Self][Quest]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/18/2016 3:46 PM

A knock sounded on the kitchen door as Crax was about to head into the conservatory. "Crax, are you finished or shall I wait in the lounge for you?" asked Candy, a slight teasing tone to her voice. They both knew that she was as eager for him to have finished as he was, as both of them were hungry - not to mention that both of them were equally as excited about the other's reaction to their work!

"I'll be out in a moment - let me just pick up some platters, and I'll carry them through while you hold the door open" replied Crax. His slight nerves were audible, but he hoped she wouldn't notice through the heavy wooden door.

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Re: What I'm thankful for? [Self][Quest]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/19/2016 4:16 PM

He wiped his brow, and took a deep breath - he really hoped this would go well. If all went to plan, this would be the moment everything changed for the better.

He pushed the black gift box into his pocket and took a step towards the oval. They had never made an actual arrangement when it came to giving gifts, but each of them loved to spoil the other and took the opportunity to do so whenever possible. He really, really hoped she liked what he'd gotten her this year!

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