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Re: A High School Story [Private]

Postby Mojave » 09/20/2016 7:01 PM

Maddox kept trying to make small talk for a few minutes, but soon decided the food was better than the awkward conversation. He ended up zoning out, remembering where he was only halfway through lunch. He turned to say something to Iris, but saw her asleep on the blanket. He smiled, watching her sleep. She looked different when she was asleep. He wondered what it was.

Deciding to finish his food and relax, he leaned back on one arm and gazed out around them. He hadn't been paying attention to anyone else, and was pleasantly surprised to see nobody was watching them. Of course, it could have been everyone blatantly ignoring them. He fully expected his friends to give some excuse of 'being stuck with the ice-queen was embarrassing enough without everyone oggling'. Whatever, they could think what they wanted.

He looked back at Iris and realized the word he was looking for. She looked genuinely peaceful when she was asleep. At that moment the bell rang, and he reached out to gently shake her awake. "Hey, Iris, we're gonna be late. Time to wake up."

She still didn't respond and a cold feeling started creeping up his spine. "Iris?!" He said a little louder, pulling her into his arms. She was limp. Not knowing what else to do, he got to his feet with her held to his chest and left their picnic and flour bag assignment behind as he rushed Iris to the nurse's office.

"HEY! A little help here!" He yelled, hoping he didn't sound as scared and desperate to the office staff as he did to his own ears. He ducked his chin at Iris, "We were eating lunch and I thought she just fell asleep but now she won't wake up! What do I do?!" He was interrupted by one of their peers who worked in the office in place of a class motioning him into the Nurse's office and telling him that the Nurse had already left for the day. "She should be okay soon, just lay her down and let her rest. You can go back to class now."

But instead of going back to class, Maddox stayed beside her unable to help the anxiety that made him wonder if she was ill or worse.
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Re: A High School Story [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 11/21/2016 5:23 AM

Within the hour, Iris regained consciousness and, slowly, began to wake. Her body felt sluggish and heavy, as it often did after she had passed out. It was an all too familiar feeling. Before even opening her eyes, she realized what had happened and just where she was. The feeling of the cot in the nurse's office was a familiar one. She'd already fainted in school a few times, as well as came to rest when she wasn't feeling all too well. Most of her teacher's willingly allowed her to go to the nurse's office when she wanted, since she was such a model student. She really did get away with a lot.

Her eyes fluttered open slowly, she blinked a few times, and then reached up to rub her eyes with one hand. That was one thing she never liked about the office: the lights were annoyingly bright. They were the worst to wake up to.

Looking around, she wondered who had brought her to the office this time, or at least who was here with her. In most cases, she was carried by a staff member, since the majority of students weren't exactly interested in helping her. She was a stranger to most, and the butt of bad rumors to others. Even the good kids only reported to school staff, if something bad happened. And, in spite of eating lunch with Maddox, she didn't think he'd be there.

But he was.

Her eyes went wide, when she saw him sitting there, next to her. The dreams she had while she was out came rushing back, all those dreams of them together, and her cheeks flushed, becoming pink in hue.

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Re: A High School Story [Private]

Postby Mojave » 11/21/2016 7:49 PM

He was alerted to her return to consciousness by movement and looked up to see Iris rubbing her eyes. Despite being reassured by the Nurse, who had come back to check on Iris, that it was anemia and nothing that required a trip to the emergency room, Maddox had remained. She had passed out on his watch, and though he may have been the world's biggest idiot to have abandoned a friend to appear cool, he'd never stooped so low to abandon someone who was sick or hurt. Well, unless they were on the opposite football team, but that was understandable.

Regardless, his expression as he watched Iris sit up and look around was one of stark concern. He wondered if he should get up and help her, bring her anything, or (so unlikely he didn't entertain the thought further) say something.

Their eyes locked and he saw her blush, though he assumed it was because she was embarrassed to appear helpless or weak in front of him. He gave her a worried smile that seemed to ask if she was okay. "Need anything?" He asked, not sure what else to say.
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Re: A High School Story [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 11/23/2016 12:05 AM

It took her a moment, before Iris managed to say something. She dispelled all of her thoughts, the vague memories of her dreams, and shook her head. "No, I'm fine," she told him. It was an answer typical of Iris. There was more then one reason for her answer, though. First, she was entirely used to this. It had happened before, so it was no big deal. Secondly, even though no one that fainted was entirely fine, she wasn't the sort of person to admit it. Not to anyone, and certainly not to Maddox. "This happens all the time."

"I just haven't been taking my iron pills," she went on. "They make me sick to begin with, so I don't take them as much as I should, and I have just been forgetting to entirely, as of late." In other words, this was bound to happen. Of course, if she kept this up for too long, there was the chance that she'd have to have a blood transfusion to balance things out. She'd have to take them, or eat a lot of iron rich foods, if she wanted to get any better.

"I guess... you brought me here?" The answer seemed obvious, but what else was she supposed to say?

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Re: A High School Story [Private]

Postby Mojave » 11/26/2016 11:54 PM

He was torn between fussing at her for being so blase about fainting all the time and really getting pissed about her not taking medication that prevented her from passing out. No, he was pissed about that, but what right did he have to voice it? It was obvious that even though he sincerely regretted what he'd done, they weren't friends now and probably never would be. So he kept silent, paying the price of his selfishness.

"Yeah, I did." He answered simply, unaware that her continuous negligence about her health could have worse consequences. "Um. Do you just... go back to class after one of these.... episodes?" He asked, uncertainty making him speak slowly and carefully.
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Re: A High School Story [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/13/2016 4:33 AM

So that was it then. Come tomorrow, there would probably be weird rumors about that, too. Or someone unnecessary would ask her some weird questions. Having a picnic out in the open together would be problematic enough, even if their goal was to throw it into the face of some bitchy cheerleaders, but adding being carried off like that... Well, it made an interesting story.

"The nurse usually tells me to rest, but I go back sometimes anyway." There was no point in hiding the truth about that.

Still even as she thought about these things, Iris couldn't stop herself from remembering all of her dreams. They were living together. They were getting married. How else was she suppose to take that? Oh, they were going to the dance together, too.

"Hey... Are you going to the dance in a few weeks?" Before Iris could stop herself, she voiced the curious thought that crossed her mind.

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Re: A High School Story [Private]

Postby Mojave » 12/13/2016 6:00 AM

"I think you should rest. Just... for a bit longer." He said, besides the current period was almost over. He was caught off guard by the question, though of course he doubted she was asking him for a normal reason. "I don't know. I'm pretty sure Kaellie assumes we're going together but neither of us has asked the other." He looked down at his hands wondering idly how he had ended up in such a twisted relationship with a girl he didn't care about and who obviously only saw him as a status symbol. Maybe that was why it was so easy to be horrible to her, but ever since he'd started spending time around Iris again, he couldn't help but notice just how empty his life was. "Why do you ask?" He looked back up at Iris, curious why she wanted to know.
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Re: A High School Story [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/13/2016 6:15 AM

It was too late to regret asking and, admittedly, her curiosity really did get the better of her, so Iris didn't try to take it back. The answer that Maddox gave her, though, wasn't exactly what she was hoping for. Wait. Hoping for? But, well, what did she expect? Of course it was likely that he would go with someone of a similar social status.

Still, as she watched her childhood friend look away from her and down at his hands, the corners of her mouth pulled down into a frown. It didn't seem he was all too happy with that prospect. He looked back up at her soon enough, she still wearing that expression, but schooled it back into her usual, less telling one within a moment's time.

There was a bit of drawn out silence, while she debated just what she should do next. She asked because she wanted to know, of course. But what did she want to do when she found out? It was one of the things she just didn't know. Relationships, good or bad, friends, family, romance, Iris wasn't good at that.

... But, she owed it to herself to try to figure things out, didn't she?

"Well, will you... go to the dance with me, instead?" Even as she asked, she didn't exactly give away what she was thinking just by looking at her face, but her invitation certainly seemed genuine.

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Re: A High School Story [Private]

Postby Mojave » 12/13/2016 7:39 AM

He had to have misheard her. Right? I mean, she wasn't blushing, in fact she was as straight faced as she had been when explaining why she'd fainted. "I'm sorry, what?" He tried to keep his own face expressionless but he couldn't help but think she was joking. Or maybe she hit her head? Either way, Iris asking him to the dance wasn't what he had expected out of today. He blushed as he realized she was serious. "Um. Are you sure? I mean... that you want to go with me?" After all, the last time he had evaluated their relationship, he would have said she hated him and with good reason. His cheeks were still crimson as he watched her to see if she wanted to take the invitation back or if she was serious.
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Re: A High School Story [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/13/2016 7:55 AM

Finding herself ever curious as to how Maddox would respond, in spite of part of her own self telling her she shouldn't really care, it was sort of amusing to watch as he processed things. At first, he definitely thought that she was just joking, but he seemed to take her more seriously as she didn't react.

When he finally asked if she was certain that she wanted to go with him, Iris finally looked away from him, looking straight ahead of her, instead. She held her hands together, in her lap; her version of bracing herself. As much as she wanted to play this cool, there was only so much she could manage. There was no way she could look him in the eye without blushing or feeling suddenly too self conscious. Iris was out of her comfort zone.

She nodded her head without meeting his gaze. "Mhm. I wouldn't ask that sort of thing as a joke, you know?" She wasn't exactly in any sort of position to do that. There certainly weren't any guys lining up to ask her. Ever. He was pretty much the one and only candidate. "If you don't want to... that's fine. Of course. You could just as well pretend I never asked."

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Re: A High School Story [Private]

Postby Mojave » 12/13/2016 8:09 AM

He expected her to change her mind when she looked away, so when she confirmed her request he just kept staring at her until she gave him the out. "No, it's not that I don't want to." Then again, it wasn't like he'd been dreaming of asking her either. "I'm just surprised is all." He said honestly. "But yeah, if you don't mind being seen with an ass like me, sure. We'll go."

He stood up just as the bell rang. "Well, did you want to go back to class? It's just the one more class for the day, right?" He was thinking about skipping his last class of the day, it was just office work anyway.
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Re: A High School Story [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/13/2016 9:56 PM

Right. Positive answer. Maddox didn't sound enthusiastic, but, to be honest, she didn't feel that way either. Well, she was at least a little bit relieved that he hadn't freaked out or turned her down. She'd only decided, on something of a whim, to maybe figure out what was really going on in her own head. Sure, she resented what happened in the past, but was there more than that?

She almost openly declared that she obviously didn't have anyone else to go with, but decided against it. Iris wasn't asking him to go with her because she was desperate and wanted to go and didn't have any other options. It was true she had no one else she would have asked, but she didn't desire to go just to go. If he had declined, she simply wouldn't have gone, same as always.

Heaving a sigh of relief after gearing the answer, she suddenly fell back into the cot. Her eyes were now on the ceiling. "Well, you're the ass, and I'm the weirdo that sleeps around with the teachers, so it'll be one hell of a go, won't it?" She grinned a bit at the thought. Hell, people would probably assume that they were sleeping together, showing up at the dance together. The rumors with the teachers were worse, though. "It'll be your reputation that's damaged, if anyone's."

The bell rang just then, and she turned her head as he stood up, looking up at him. "Nope. I think I'll pass." She'd probably have better luck studying at home than in class, anyway.

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Re: A High School Story [Private]

Postby Mojave » 12/14/2016 6:07 AM

His fist clenched at his side at mention of the rumors about her. How like Kaellie to accuse someone else of doing what she was doing and making the innocent party out to be in the wrong. "Well, at least it won't be dull." He replied with a shrug. "And if you don't want to go back to class, let's get you home." He picked up their bags and the basket that someone had brought to the office for them while he'd stayed in the nurse's office with Iris. "Just rest here, I'll be back with the car."

When he left the room, he told the receptionist what he was doing. He knew they only agreed to let them go because he was taking her home, but he wasn't really worried about why they were fine with the two of them skipping the last class of the day. He quickly shoved their bags and the picnic basket in his tiny back seat before climbing in behind the wheel. He left the car running while he went in to get Iris.
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Re: A High School Story [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/14/2016 6:32 AM

That much would be true. It might actually be entertaining, in fact, to watch people freak out. Just being the two of them, they would already be turning heads from simply hanging out together at all. Iris was certain that just eating their little picnic lunch, and then he hauling her across the campus, that the rumors were flying throughout all the classrooms.

When he excused himself, she nodded her head and, surprisingly, did as was told. She was still lying back and relaxing when Maddox had come to retrieve her, but she sat up when he entered, and swung her legs over the side of the cot. She didn't stand up quickly, instead taking it slow in favor of not potentially getting dizzy.

"Yeah. I'm all right," she declared, once she was upright, but she allowed herself to be escorted as Maddox deemed fit. Once they were safely in the car, already off the school grounds, she ventured to ask a question. "If you're going to be driving me back and forth to school for the duration of our project, why don't I make your lunch?" They'd totally look like they were in the role of a couple raising a child, with their sack of flower. "If you liked the food, that is."

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Re: A High School Story [Private]

Postby Mojave » 12/15/2016 5:29 AM

He glanced over at Iris at her offer, and shook his head. "The food was excellent, but I'd prefer you take care of yourself than feed me. If you'd like, I can bring you lunch from wherever you want tomorrow. Besides, we have pictures of a 'family picnic' for the assignment. What other things did you want to do for this, by the way?" When he got to their street, he pulled into her driveway so she wouldn't have far to walk. After making sure she was able to get inside herself, he brought her basket and bag to her, waiting on the front step to be told where to put them.
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