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.: The Quest Master :.

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/11/2016 10:36 PM

Within the tavern that is rumored to never be in the same place, but can always be found by those seeking it, resides a strange being without a known name. They rarely ever have the same appearance and are known only as the Quest Master. True to their calling, it is said that anyone may approach them and gain rewards for completing the quests that they give out.

It was a strange rumor, indeed, although curiosity often got the best of everyone. Finding yourself inside the tavern, it didn't seem like anything special, all of the surroundings and furnishings primary made of hardwood. Many guests were merrily eating and drinking to their heart's content.


In the far corner resides the one person often sought out, wearing a hooded cloak, concealing their appearance in such a way. Occasionally, they take a swig of their drink  from a wooden mug. Posted beside them on the wall is a bulletin board with the title, "Quest Board," in cut out letters.

Approaching them, they glance up at you, and you can only see their smile clearly. They seem to know exactly what you are here for. "I am the Quest Master," they greet you. "I will grant you rewards for any quest you complete from the board. Please return to me once you have completed them."

Rules and Information

+ Users may complete up to four (4) different quests per month, although more than four quests will be available to choose from.

+ Carefully follow the instructions that go along with each quest! You may have to PM a certain staff member, post images, post links, etc.

+ Post your completed quests here, in this thread. You may edit your post up until 11:59 PM (23:59) EST on the last day of the month.

+ Include the quest details when you post to complete them.

+ Rewards will be given out at the beginning of the next month.

+ Quests that require roleplaying must each be completed separately. A single roleplay cannot be used to complete more than one quest.

Quest Board


Quest: Tell us about one or more of your favorite gifts that you have received, for any reason, not just winter holdidays.  Write at least five (5) sentences.
Reward: 20 KS AND entry into this month's Quest Master raffle.

Quest: Create an image of your favorite winter or winter holiday themed color palette, with at least three colors, using any art program of your choice, and show us.
Reward: 25 KS

Quest: Solve this Word Search using any art program. Send the completed Word Seach in a PM to ToxicShadow.
Reward: 25 KS

Quest: Send another user, that is NOT your Secret Santa giftee, a holiday gift! Big or small, it's the thought that counts. Take a screen shot OR link their post, if they have shared it publicly.
Reward: 25 KS

Quest: Purchase ANY two potions, totaling 80 KS or more. Order(s) must be made in this month. Link the post(s) in which the purchase is made.
Reward: A random unlimited potion.

Quest: Start a roleplay in Whisper Forest and make at least ten posts. Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS AND entry into this month's Quest Master raffle.

Quest: Roleplay ten posts (or more) in any regular roleplay area about any of your characters having a snow day or taking a winter and/or holiday vacation.  Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS AND entry into this month's Quest Master raffle.

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/11/2016 10:37 PM

"Oh? You're interested in the raffle?" the Quest Master inquires, when you don't seem to show any immediate interest in the quests. They gesture to another board on the wall behind them. There were images of the prizes pinned to it, mostly of different pets. "The prizes are shown there. The more entries we receive, the more prizes that unlock and will be given away."


+ Only users that complete the quest listing, "Entry into this month's Quest Master raffle," as the reward are able to participate.

+ Each user may have up to two entries.

+ The second place prize unlocks when five (5) or more users enter.

+ The third place prize unlocks when ten (10) or more users enter.

+ As long as a single user enters, a prize will always be given.


Image Image

(These are just some examples of possible prizes!)

First Place Prize: Choice of KS Chirstmas Seasonal Pet.
Second Place Prize: cash/GT Christmas Seasonal Pet. (Excluding Mysterious Eggs.)
Third Place Prize: Choice of Ancient Kuhna.



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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/11/2016 10:37 PM

Winter Holiday Quests

"Oh, oh, what's this, you ask?" The Quest Master gestures toward a second board that was certainly never there before. It was cleverly decorated with paper snowflakes and colorful, twinkling lights. "These are special quests," they begin to explain. "For this month only, you can complete any of these extra quests for even more rewards!"

Rules and Information

+ Users may complete any or all of these bonus quests, in addition to the regular monthly quests.

+ Each bonus quest rewards KS AND an entry into the bonus raffle.

+ Quests are broken into two tiers, each giving entries to different raffle prizes.

+ Prizes will unlock when there are a certain amount of entries made. The more entries there are, the more prizes unlock.

+ Carefully follow the instructions that go along with each quest! You may have to PM a certain staff member, post images, post links, etc.

+ Post your completed quests here, in this thread. You may edit your post up until 11:59 PM (23:59) EST on the last day of the month.

+ Include the quest details when you post to complete them.

+ Rewards will be given out at the beginning of the next month.

+ Special thanks to Freezair for masterminding the majority of this extra quest event!

Winter Quest Board

Elf Tier

Quest: Make a snowman! But, this snowman doesn't have to be made of snow! You can use anything you can get your hands on to make it. Be it paper plates, clay, sand, sweet treats, and, yes, of course, snow, too. You're only limited by your imagination! Take a picture and post it here.
Reward: 25 KS AND a raffle entry.

Quest: Similar to the above quest, create a Christmas tree! Use whatever you can find, paper, clay, etc, to create and decorate a Christmas tree. You can get especially creative and make it some other sort of tree, too, like maybe a palm tree. Take a picture and post it here.
Reward: 25 KS AND a raffle entry.

Quest: Share some music with us! Using the web service of your choice, where you can share your playlists, make a list of your favorite seasonal, wintery songs. This doesn't have to just be Christmas carols; anything from movie sound tracks, video game levels, are all viable. If it makes YOU think of winter or the holidays, it's fair game. Link the playlist here, and tell us a little bit about it, like why you chose any of the certain songs.
Reward: 25 KS AND a raffle entry.

Santa Tier

Quest: Do a good deed! Donate to a food, clothing or toy drive, or even volunteer some of your time. Most department or grocery stores have collection boxes this time of year and every little bit helps; donations of small toys or a few cans of food are greatly appreciated. If physical donations are too difficult, consider giving a small monetary donation to a charity online, OR participate in Evelon's current charity event by purchasing a Phyrette. Share a picture OR screen shot of your good deed.
Reward: 50 KS AND a raffle entry.

Quest: Make something delicious! Cook up anything you want, from holiday treats, to warm stew, or even simply toasted sandwiches. Take a picture AND share the recipe here.
Reward: 25 KS AND a raffle entry.

Quest: Pick out one of your favorite winter or holiday related media pieces, or media that you strongly associate with this time of year, and tell us all about it. Why you love it, you it reminds you of this time of year, and so on. Books, movies, television shows, video games, are all permitted. Write at least twenty (20) sentences!
Reward: 25 KS AND a raffle entry.

Winter Raffle Prizes

Elf Tier Prizes

Custom Kuhna

Custom Soveris

Santa Tier Prizes

Custom Lucain

Custom Paragon

Winter Raffle Entries

Elf Tier Entries


Santa Tier Entries


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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby amapup » 12/11/2016 11:47 PM

Tell us about one or more of your favorite gifts that you have received, for any reason, not just winter holdidays.  Write at least five (5) sentences.

Perhaps one of the most impactful gifts I've received was when one of my Dad's friends gave me Portal 2 for my birthday. I had never heard of the game, and was initially somewhat skeptical - none of my other games were puzzle games, and I had never encountered a first-person game I liked (my main experience with these being Call of Duty and the like - not my style). But once I started playing I quickly fell in love- with the puzzle setups, the setting (perfect for a science geek like me), the plot and the characters. Not only did it become my favorite video game but I still remain a hardcore Portal fan *cough*mysignature*cough*. My interest in Portal is also what first introduced me to websites such as Deviantart and Tumblr and helped me make friends and connect with a few teachers in high school.
(and what made me like rhubarb)

Quest: Create an image of your favorite winter or winter holiday themed color palette, with at least three colors, using any art program of your choice, and show us.


Solve this Word Search using any art program. Send the completed Word Seach in a PM to ToxicShadow.


Elf Tier: Make a snowman! But, this snowman doesn't have to be made of snow! You can use anything you can get your hands on to make it. Be it paper plates, clay, sand, sweet treats, and, yes, of course, snow, too. You're only limited by your imagination! Take a picture and post it here.

Tried to make a snowpenguin...

Elf Tier: Share some music with us! Using the web service of your choice, where you can share your playlists, make a list of your favorite seasonal, wintery songs. This doesn't have to just be Christmas carols; anything from movie sound tracks, video game levels, are all viable. If it makes YOU think of winter or the holidays, it's fair game. Link the playlist here, and tell us a little bit about it, like why you chose any of the certain songs.

Here. A lot of tinkly snow music on here - I could have included about 5 more from Nox Arcana haha. Carol of the Bells is one of my favorite carols (next to Silent Night), and the Nutcracker is one of my favorite ballets - it used to be a family tradition to go see it every year, and I still love the music. Marshmallow World is the odd one out, but I felt obliged to include at least one traditional Christmas song.

Santa Tier: Make something delicious! Cook up anything you want, from holiday treats, to warm stew, or even simply toasted sandwiches. Take a picture AND share the recipe here.

Brownies from the recipe here. Not sure that I made them right, but they still taste good!

½ cup cocoa
½ cup butter (1 stick)
2 eggs
½ cup sugar
½ cup brown sugar
¼ cup flour
dash of cinnamon or pumpkin spice

Do a good deed! Donate to a food, clothing or toy drive, or even volunteer some of your time. Most department or grocery stores have collection boxes this time of year and every little bit helps; donations of small toys or a few cans of food are greatly appreciated. If physical donations are too difficult, consider giving a small monetary donation to a charity online, OR participate in Evelon's current charity event by purchasing a Phyrette. Share a picture OR screen shot of your good deed.

Proof? (for phyrette charity)

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby Night » 12/12/2016 2:48 AM

Quest: Tell us about one or more of your favorite gifts that you have received, for any reason, not just winter holdidays.  Write at least five (5) sentences.

My favorite gifts have always been those that were really well thought out and legitimately useful. I can't really say what my all time favorite gift was, because I don't remember a lot of the ones that I got as a kid and we've been doing a sort of "no gift Christmas" in my family for a while - we normally go on a trip somewhere with money we would use on gifts, and only get stocking stuffers. Of the ones that I can remember, I have two that I really couldn't choose between.

The first was actually a gift from my best friend for my wedding; instead of planning a bachelorette party, which would have made both of us a bit uncomfortable because we really aren't partiers, she bought me tickets to go and see my favorite band play the week before my wedding. I wouldn't have been able to go otherwise, and it was a gift that really appealed to me personally rather than something that was just a gift for the sake of giving something. Still one of my favorite experiences I've ever had. The second is also, unsurprisingly, music related and was actually a stocking stuffer this year from my mother. It's pretty small - a usb drive, nothing overly large or flashy. But my mom had it made specifically for me, wood carved into a guitar that looks like the first one I ever bought. It's both meaningful and useful, considering I'm going back to school next month and have been meaning to pick some up anyway.

Quest: Create an image of your favorite winter or winter holiday themed color palette, with at least three colors, using any art program of your choice, and show us.

Here it is!

Quest:Solve this Word Search using any art program. Send the completed Word Seach in a PM to ToxicShadow.


Elf Tier

Quest:Share some music with us! Using the web service of your choice, where you can share your playlists, make a list of your favorite seasonal, wintery songs. This doesn't have to just be Christmas carols; anything from movie sound tracks, video game levels, are all viable. If it makes YOU think of winter or the holidays, it's fair game. Link the playlist here, and tell us a little bit about it, like why you chose any of the certain songs.

I made my Christmas playlist Here

It's a bit of an odd conglomeration of songs and genres. In truth, eight tracks didn't have any of the songs that I legitimately wanted to upload, so I went with a few classics and more unusual pieces that I found. I've always loved "When Christmas Comes To Town," ever since I saw The Polar Express it's been one of my favorite Christmas songs. It's got such an innocent feel to it, and I feel like it really captures that childhood wonder that accompanies the holidays. (Even though it's kind of really sad.) I Want A Hippopotamus for Christmas has always been a kind of running joke between my mother and I, and was one of my favorites as a kid. Rock'n Around The Christmas Tree is definitely my kind of vibe, as far as holiday music goes. Uninvited (Christmas Party) I honestly never heard before looking for songs for this playlist, and it caught me so off guard that I had to add it. xD Don't Shoot Me Santa is actually the only song on my original list that I could find on Eight Tracks, and it's my best friend and I's favorite Christmas song to sing together.

Not featured, but definitely on my holiday playlist, include: The Season's Upon Us by The Dropkick Murpheys, Yule Shoot Your Eye Out by Fall Out Boy, Fool's Holiday by All Time Low, and This Christmas by Set It Off.

Santa Tier

Quest:Do a good deed! Donate to a food, clothing or toy drive, or even volunteer some of your time. Most department or grocery stores have collection boxes this time of year and every little bit helps; donations of small toys or a few cans of food are greatly appreciated. If physical donations are too difficult, consider giving a small monetary donation to a charity online, OR participate in Evelon's current charity event by purchasing a Phyrette. Share a picture OR screen shot of your good deed.

I purchased a Phyrette?

Quest: Make something delicious! Cook up anything you want, from holiday treats, to warm stew, or even simply toasted sandwiches. Take a picture AND share the recipe here.

I made Bread Pudding. (Sorry, the photo quality is terrible on my phone.)

1 cup milk
3 cups heavy cream
1 cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 cup melted chocolate (Or a cup and a half powdered chocolate)
4 large eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla
1 loaf French bread

Prepare the bread by cutting it into 1 inch squares. Works best if you bake them in the oven until golden brown. Set aside. Mix all the other ingredients in a bowl, making sure that it's mixed smoothly. Put the prepared French bread in the bowl, making sure that all is covered by the mixture, cover and refrigerate, allow to sit for at least an hour (best if left overnight.) When ready to cook, place in desired container. In this case, we made a corn husk boat. Bake at 425 degrees until hot in the middle, then serve with a chocolate drizzle or bourbon sauce. Makes roughly 10 servings. (Bourbon sauce recipe: One egg, half cup butter, two tablespoons bourbon, one cup sugar. Melt butter and sugar together in the microwave until liquefied, add egg and mix well. Heat for one minute, then add bourbon. Serve over the top of desired dish.)
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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby Sarah » 12/12/2016 3:02 AM

Quest: Tell us about one or more of your favorite gifts that you have received, for any reason, not just winter holdidays.  Write at least five (5) sentences.
Reward: 20 KS AND entry into this month's Quest Master raffle.
Two of my favorite gifts have been given to me by CookingwiththeCobra. They are both posters, one for the taken king, and one for rise of iron. Both are DLCs to one of my all time favrite games, Destiny. I absolutely treasure them because I love that game so much, and both DLCs mean a lot to me. Plus I am bad at getting posters lolol. Also because they are kind of a collection now. I have the OG destiny poster, and now I have every poster released after that one (to my knowledge).

Quest: Send another user, that is NOT your Secret Santa giftee, a holiday gift! Big or small, it's the thought that counts. Take a screen shot OR link their post, if they have shared it publicly.
Reward: 25 KS

Quest: Solve this Word Search using any art program. Send the completed Word Search in a PM to ToxicShadow.
Reward: 25 KS
PM sent

Quest: Start a roleplay in Whisper Forest and make at least ten posts. Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS AND entry into this month's Quest Master raffle.
Quest: Make a snowman! But, this snowman doesn't have to be made of snow! You can use anything you can get your hands on to make it. Be it paper plates, clay, sand, sweet treats, and, yes, of course, snow, too. You're only limited by your imagination! Take a picture and post it here.
Reward: 25 KS AND a raffle entry.

Quest: Similar to the above quest, create a Christmas tree! Use whatever you can find, paper, clay, etc, to create and decorate a Christmas tree. You can get especially creative and make it some other sort of tree, too, like maybe a palm tree. Take a picture and post it here.
Reward: 25 KS AND a raffle entry.
Quest: Do a good deed! Donate to a food, clothing or toy drive, or even volunteer some of your time. Most department or grocery stores have collection boxes this time of year and every little bit helps; donations of small toys or a few cans of food are greatly appreciated. If physical donations are too difficult, consider giving a small monetary donation to a charity online, OR participate in Evelon's current charity event by purchasing a Phyrette. Share a picture OR screen shot of your good deed.
Reward: 50 KS AND a raffle entry.

G̵u̴i̶d̶e̶ m̸̹̍e̶̫͝ ȋ̴͙̗͒͗ņ̸̈͂ţ̶̯̣̥̦̎͗͒ổ̴̭̙̻̄̉ D̸̡̛̦̗̋͗̊̃̌̕͜ä̴̡̳̬͔̩̳̫͔̯̙͔̬͉̱̯̊̄̒̏ŗ̷̟̱͚̻̠̠͔̥̺͔͔̰͙̝͉̃̆͊̉ͅk̸̡̡͔̫̼̱̬̭͓̮͙͔̀̑̇̊̐̊͆̍̏̃ͅn̴̢̫͔͕̤̖̳̠̘̩̙̍͋͌́̍̊̈̓̂́̈̕̕͘͝͝ȇ̶̢̢̡̛̦͓̟̾̈̐̐̈́͊̑͠͝s̵̢̧̛͉̼̮̫̝̰̟͙̭̦͇̮̥͈͖̅͋͑̾̈͋̐͘͝s̴̨̢̧̨͚̗̗̹̱̞͉͖̻̰̹͓̲̎̊̒̈́̿̏͑͝͝

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby Thunder » 12/12/2016 4:56 AM

December Quests

Quest: Tell us about one or more of your favorite gifts that you have received, for any reason, not just winter holdidays.  Write at least five (5) sentences.
Reward: 20 KS AND entry into this month's Quest Master raffle.

This summer it was my birthday. I had recently gotten into League of Legends and was playing a lot with my now boyfriend. I decided on Anivia as one of my mains, partly cause I like birds. Then one day my boyfriend asked me what is the best League skin, in my opinion, and I listed a few including Blackfrost Anivia. It was pretty obvious that he was going to get me a skin as a birthday gift, and I woke up the next day to see Blackfrost Anivia in my belongings. Even though I saw it coming, I still really appreciated the present. To me it showed how much he cared about making me happy and now I always use it when I play Anivia : )

Quest: Create an image of your favorite winter or winter holiday themed color palette, with at least three colors, using any art program of your choice, and show us.
Reward: 25 KS

Red, gold, and white!

Quest: Send another user, that is NOT your Secret Santa giftee, a holiday gift! Big or small, it's the thought that counts. Take a screen shot OR link their post, if they have shared it publicly.
Reward: 25 KS


Quest: Purchase ANY two potions, totaling 80 KS or more. Order(s) must be made in this month. Link the post(s) in which the purchase is made.
Reward: A random unlimited potion.


Bonus Holiday Quests

Quest: Similar to the above quest, create a Christmas tree! Use whatever you can find, paper, clay, etc, to create and decorate a Christmas tree. You can get especially creative and make it some other sort of tree, too, like maybe a palm tree. Take a picture and post it here.
Reward: 25 KS AND a raffle entry.

Does my actual tree count? Kind of a bad pic, sorry xD Also some of my hair got into the side.

Quest: Share some music with us! Using the web service of your choice, where you can share your playlists, make a list of your favorite seasonal, wintery songs. This doesn't have to just be Christmas carols; anything from movie sound tracks, video game levels, are all viable. If it makes YOU think of winter or the holidays, it's fair game. Link the playlist here, and tell us a little bit about it, like why you chose any of the certain songs.
Reward: 25 KS AND a raffle entry.

Here's the playlist. The songs aren't all directly related to winter or the holidays, but I either associate them strongly with winter because of the instrumentals, or because I first heard them around wintertime. A lot of them are j-pop/rock, haha. Enjoy!

Quest: Pick out one of your favorite winter or holiday related media pieces, or media that you strongly associate with this time of year, and tell us all about it. Why you love it, you it reminds you of this time of year, and so on. Books, movies, television shows, video games, are all permitted. Write at least twenty (20) sentences!
Reward: 25 KS AND a raffle entry.

I have to say my favorite holiday related media is the game Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star. For those of you who don't know what it is, Hatoful Boyfriend is a parody of anime dating sims that features birds as the dateable characters instead of humans. It sounds really silly on the surface, and it actually did start as an April Fools joke. However, the game has a much more serious side that isn't obvious at first glance. I'm not going to talk about it too much since I don't want to spoil anyone.

Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star is the second game in the series. It has a Christmas theme to it and features the characters engaging in various antics during the holiday season. Again, there's a lot of silliness and good laughs to have. There's tons of content, including 4 main stories, some side stories you can unlock, and a fun Q+A session with the characters. The game also features some really nice background art from the creator. But much like the first game, there is another side to the game that never fails to make me cry. There's a particular character who I feel very strongly for. There's also a line towards the end of the game that just makes me start bawling. The game basically puts you through an emotional gauntlet and then leaves you with this huge sense of catharsis at the very end. If you want an emotional experience, I'd highly recommend playing Holiday Star. To appreciate it fully you'll want to play through the first Hatoful Boyfriend as well. Certain plot points would be lost on you otherwise.

As a fair warning, one particular part of the game could be difficult for some people to sit through. Again, I don't want to give too much away, but that part deals with mental health pretty overtly, though it's not graphic, just psychological. If you're interested in playing, the game is available on Steam. It is also available on PS4 and the PlayStation Vita for console users.

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby Middy » 12/12/2016 7:44 PM

Quest: Tell us about one or more of your favorite gifts that you have received, for any reason, not just winter holdidays.  Write at least five (5) sentences.
Reward: 20 KS AND entry into this month's Quest Master raffle.

I think it would have to be the Christmas when my sister and I got our first Nintendo DS. Now, back then there weren't many fancy colors available, so we both wanted colors that wasn't available in the USA. Needless to say, our faces lit up when we opened our presents. My sister got a Japan limited edition pink and white DS, and I got my pride and joy-- the Japan limited edition charcoal black. We immediately turned on our new consoles and made sure it can play in English, and thankfully they can. We also got some games to play right away, I think it was Poke'mon? I still have that DS, and I cherish it even now. I guess my 3DS XL limited edition Pokemon X/Y is nice too, but there was something about getting that DS back then. Maybe it was because I shared the excitement with a sibling.

Quest: Create an image of your favorite winter or winter holiday themed color palette, with at least three colors, using any art program of your choice, and show us.
Reward: 25 KS

Winter Palette

Quest: Solve this Word Search using any art program. Send the completed Word Seach in a PM to ToxicShadow.
Reward: 25 KS


Quest: Send another user, that is NOT your Secret Santa giftee, a holiday gift! Big or small, it's the thought that counts. Take a screen shot OR link their post, if they have shared it publicly.
Reward: 25 KS


Santa Tier

Quest: Do a good deed! Donate to a food, clothing or toy drive, or even volunteer some of your time. Most department or grocery stores have collection boxes this time of year and every little bit helps; donations of small toys or a few cans of food are greatly appreciated. If physical donations are too difficult, consider giving a small monetary donation to a charity online, OR participate in Evelon's current charity event by purchasing a Phyrette. Share a picture OR screen shot of your good deed.
Reward: 50 KS AND a raffle entry.

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby Silver » 12/12/2016 9:13 PM

December Quests

Quest: Solve this Word Search using any art program. Send the completed Word Seach in a PM to ToxicShadow.
Reward: 25 KS


Quest: Tell us about one or more of your favorite gifts that you have received, for any reason, not just winter holdidays.  Write at least five (5) sentences.
Reward: 20 KS AND entry into this month's Quest Master raffle.

While I was thinking of an answer to this question, I realized the answer was right there the entire time! When my partner and I were still long distance, he sent me a box full of goodies. Nestled inside the note he wrote me was a handmade macrame bracelet. Like the friendship bracelets people make at summer camp. He had made it himself, and he sent it to me. Ever since then, even though we live together now, I still wear that bracelet. It reminds me of him, and makes me feel safe and loved no matter where I go.

Quest: Create an image of your favorite winter or winter holiday themed color palette, with at least three colors, using any art program of your choice, and show us.
Reward: 25 KS

Blue, with a purple accent. (Like my fancy name?)

Quest: Send another user, that is NOT your Secret Santa giftee, a holiday gift! Big or small, it's the thought that counts. Take a screen shot OR link their post, if they have shared it publicly.
Reward: 25 KS

One that got shared!

Winter Holiday Quests

Quest: Do a good deed! Donate to a food, clothing or toy drive, or even volunteer some of your time. Most department or grocery stores have collection boxes this time of year and every little bit helps; donations of small toys or a few cans of food are greatly appreciated. If physical donations are too difficult, consider giving a small monetary donation to a charity online, OR participate in Evelon's current charity event by purchasing a Phyrette. Share a picture OR screen shot of your good deed.
Reward: 50 KS AND a raffle entry.

I donated to Wikipedia! (I also bought Phyrettes, but they didn't arrive yet.)

Quest: Make a snowman! But, this snowman doesn't have to be made of snow! You can use anything you can get your hands on to make it. Be it paper plates, clay, sand, sweet treats, and, yes, of course, snow, too. You're only limited by your imagination! Take a picture and post it here.
Reward: 25 KS AND a raffle entry.

Do you wanna build a snowman?

Quest: Similar to the above quest, create a Christmas tree! Use whatever you can find, paper, clay, etc, to create and decorate a Christmas tree. You can get especially creative and make it some other sort of tree, too, like maybe a palm tree. Take a picture and post it here.
Reward: 25 KS AND a raffle entry.

Aussie Style!

Quest: Make something delicious! Cook up anything you want, from holiday treats, to warm stew, or even simply toasted sandwiches. Take a picture AND share the recipe here.
Reward: 25 KS AND a raffle entry.

I made a picture recipe of the whole process! :D

Quest: Pick out one of your favorite winter or holiday related media pieces, or media that you strongly associate with this time of year, and tell us all about it. Why you love it, you it reminds you of this time of year, and so on. Books, movies, television shows, video games, are all permitted. Write at least twenty (20) sentences!
Reward: 25 KS AND a raffle entry.

This was a tough one for me to answer! I tried and tried to think of a single holiday piece I even remember, let alone a favorite. As someone whose family didn't always get along (to put it lightly) when I was growing up, I guess I never really got into the holiday experience like a lot of others. Even as an adult, years later, I find that I just don't really enjoy all that warm fuzzy holiday music and feel good movies about Santa.

Instead, I'm going to focus on that second part: something I strongly associate with this time of year. As I'm sure is going to surprise absolutely no one, I'm going to talk about Pokémon. Specifically, Pokémon the Movie 2000. The year it came out (guess which one), Pokémon was all I could think about. All I could talk about. I had already gotten Pokémon Gold and Silver for my birthday a few weeks before, so I was pretty pumped to get a VHS copy of the new movie for the holidays. Sure, the first movie was great, but this one had new Pokémon in it!

As kids do, I watched that movie over and over again. I'm not even sure that it was actually a good movie. I suppose it didn't really matter. I remember running around my room and acting out my favorite scenes. That is, when I wasn't squished under my super warm blanket fort, playing my Gameboy Color late into the night. (Some things never change...) I wanted to be just like Ash. He was brave and loyal, and even though he made mistakes, he was still able to save the world. Everyone believed in him, even Team Rocket!

Now, when I think about it, I'm not even really sure why I associate that movie so strongly with winter time and the holidays. Probably a combination of getting it during the holidays and the fact that it snows a ton in the movie itself. Maybe it's got something to do with the message of togetherness. Maybe it made me feel just a little bit less alone on cold winter nights. Whatever it is, even though I haven't seen it in years, it was the first thing that came to mind when I read the prompt.

I'm just here flying off the deep end.
I'm just here to become the best yet.
I'm just here for the psych assessment.
I'm just here for the, for the...

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby Freezair » 12/12/2016 11:31 PM

-Main Quests-

Quest: Tell us about one of your favorite gifts ever.

When I was a wee one--I think about 7 years old? Maybe 8?--I really, really wanted a Game Boy for Christmas. My dad already had one, but I wanted my own so I could play with it whenever I wanted and so that my dad and I could play linked matches in Tetris Attack. I asked my grandparents for one, but my grandpa said, "Naw, you don't need your own. We're getting you socks for Christmas." I, naturally, didn't believe him. I KNEW he'd get me a Game Boy. Well, come Christmas morning and we were over at my grandparents' house opening presents. He handed me their present from them. I gleefully tore into it, and what did I find? Socks. Loads of socks. I was so upset I ran into the other room crying... my parents had to coax me back into their den to actually open the present all the way. They'd wrapped the Game Boy up in the socks. I was sooo mad that they'd pulled a fast one on me. They did it next year with underwear, too. Of course, looking back on it now, I think it's hilarious. :P A gift-giving memory I'll always cherish.

Quest: Search up some words.
PM sent!

Quest: Roleplay in Whisper Forest.

Done and done~

-Bonus Quests-

Elf Tier

Quest: Do you wanna build a snow-maaaan? You better!
My snowman! For a few weeks, my local grocery store had this vending machine that gave out little brick-building kits kind of like Legos, but they interlock on the sides. I put ludicrous amounts of change into that thing and built up a ton of extras... I built this snowman out of them! I wanted him to be bigger, but I ran out of white bricks. :c

Quest: Make a Christmas tree!
Here's a picture of my actual Christmas tree. But in case that doesn't count, I made a clay Christmas tree as well! It's made out of Sculpey, and it also happens to have magnets glued to it so I can stick it on my fridge. :3

Quest: Share a holly jolly playlist with us.

Behold, my almighty Christmas playlist on Youtube.

I've actually been using this playlist and adding to it for over five years now. A lot of it is wintery-themed video game music. I LOVE ice worlds, especially because their music is usually the best, and I always listen to them to get myself in a Christmassy mood. It starts with my favorite Christmassy video game song ever (Freezeezy Peak, from Banjo-Kazooie), and contains a lot of other winter level songs. But it does contain a few other oddball songs, like:

A lot of The Nightmare Before Christmas, especially this one, which I TOTALLY do NOT hum to myself when setting up the Secret Santa, noooo,
This song, which isn't really about Christmas, but is more about how nice winter is,
The best and catchiest punk song about Christmas ever,
and this marvelous little piece of musical history which you owe it to yourself to listen to.

Santa Tier

Do a good deed.
I bought a Phyrette.

Make a yummy treat and tell us how.

Look at this tray of deliciousness. Beneath that chocolatey exterior lies a thick layer of peanut-buttery goodness, and if you like Reeses's Cups then you'll LOVE these. I found the recipe in a cookbook for kids and it RULES.

Super Amazing Peanut Butter Bars

For peanut butter base
-1 cup plus 2 tablespoons peanut butter
-1 cup powdered sugar
-1/3 cup brown sugar
-4 tablespoons butter
For chocolate top
-1 cup chocolate chips [I like milk chocolate, but semisweet is fine too]
-1 tablespoon melted butter

1. Combine all the ingredients for the peanut butter bars in a bowl. I recommend washing your hands well and using them to mix this up--it gets a little thick to stir with a spoon.

2. Spread the peanut butter mixture in the bottom of an 8x8 square pan.

3. Melt the chocolate chips and the butter together in the microwave. Stir them together until you get a smooth, melty mixture--or a thick one. Sometimes it's hard to get a really liquidy melt out of this. No big deal.

4. Spread the melted chocolate evenly on top of the peanut butter layer.

5. Put the bars in the fridge to set for a while.

It really is that simple.

Write a Christmassy essay on your favorite media.

Some traditions are old, having been established decades ago and continuing until the modern day. But new traditions spring up all the time. Just last year, I saw a movie for the first time and I knew, right then and there, it needed to be a new Christmas tradition for me. That movie is Arthur Christmas, by Aardman Animation.

In the world laid out by this movie, Father Christmas (AKA Santa Claus to Yanks like myself) is a hereditary position passed down from father to son. The current Santa is getting old and wants to retire, and he has two sons who stand to inherit his position. Steve, his elder son, is a hyper-efficient techno-wizard who is very good at delivering presents but isn't good at the personal, avuncular aspect of being Santa Claus. His younger son Arthur, on the other hand, is a wide-eyed dreamer who still tries to respond to every letter to Santa by hand and who is almost nothing but heart. However, he's also a clumsy bumbler who has trouble with the big picture. On Christmas Eve, one single child gets overlooked in the rush to deliver presents. Steve considers it unimportant; Arthur thinks it's the most important present of all. Arthur has to rush to deliver the present before the sun rises.

There are tons of reasons I love this movie. One is, of course, that it's funny as heck. Would you expect any different from the folks who made Wallace and Gromit? There's a bit where the whole Santa family plays "Christmas: The Board Game" that had me in stitches. There's also the fact that Grandsanta--the old, retired Santa--keeps an old gray reindeer by his side while he watches TV as if he was an old dog. And of course, Steve and his father arguing over how somehow his DAD, who was SANTA CLAUS, managed to get him the WRONG THING for Christmas one year. The voice acting is fabulous too. But I think the thing that I love the most about this movie--and the thing that made it an instant classic to me--was its approach to the villain of the story.

It doesn't have one.

A lot of people would go into the movie expecting Arthur to be a perfect flawless adorkable cinnamon roll and Steve a cruel uncaring jerk, but neither is true. This is a movie about how people have flaws, and how bad things happen not because people are bad, but because they get caught up in things and get selfish and forget how their actions might influence people. This movie makes it very clear that Arthur isn't perfect and Steve isn't horrible. It doesn't downplay how clumsy and careless Arthur can be, and how he's willing to do things that are, frankly, insane without really thinking about whether or not his actions will actually change things for the better. But Steve isn't heartless either; he really does love his job and love doing things right, and he IS good at what he does. He just forgets the little details that go into making the big picture. No one in the movie is perfect; the current Santa is absentminded and doddering and more concerned with the fact that he's Santa, world-famous icon of Christmas, than that he's Santa, bringer of joy to children. Grandsanta is not only stuck in the past and disregarding of anything modern, but he's also a bit of a racist old uncle (in a family-friendly and kind-of-funny-if-in-a-horrible-way way). Ultimately, the movie isn't about who's "right," but about working together. Because no matter what your flaws are, if you have someone close who makes up for those flaws, you can get anything done together. And if you can make up for some of their flaws, so much the better.

I can't think of a more heartwarming message for Christmas than that all of us, somewhere, have good in us. And Arthur Christmas does it in a warm, funny way that doesn't feel forced or maudlin. Thus, I consider it my newest essential Christmas movie.

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby zapdragon555 » 12/13/2016 2:18 AM

Quest: Tell us about one or more of your favorite gifts that you have received, for any reason, not just winter holdidays.  Write at least five (5) sentences.
Reward: 20 KS AND entry into this month's Quest Master raffle.
One really cute thing is something Baconwizard actually gave me when she came back from her trip to New Zealand. She got me a plush of New Zealand's famous white kiwi bird, Manukura. Manukura means a lot to me for a reason that might seem silly, but back when my anxiety was really bad and eating was hard for me sometimes, it was around the time when I discovered kiwi birds and Manukura specifically. I would imagine that everything I ate would also help my imaginary version of Manukura grow and be strong. It sounds silly but it got me through some bad times, and the plush of Manukura was a really sweet reminder that I've come a long way since then! Eating hasn't been an issue in a long time! It was a really sweet gift and I smile every time I see it on my dresser. ;v;

Quest: Create an image of your favorite winter or winter holiday themed color palette, with at least three colors, using any art program of your choice, and show us.
Reward: 25 KS

Quest: Solve this Word Search using any art program. Send the completed Word Seach in a PM to ToxicShadow.
Reward: 25 KS

Quest: Send another user, that is NOT your Secret Santa giftee, a holiday gift! Big or small, it's the thought that counts. Take a screen shot OR link their post, if they have shared it publicly.
Reward: 25 KS
Done! Shared here.

Bonus quests!!

Elf Tier:

Quest: Make a snowman! But, this snowman doesn't have to be made of snow! You can use anything you can get your hands on to make it. Be it paper plates, clay, sand, sweet treats, and, yes, of course, snow, too. You're only limited by your imagination! Take a picture and post it here.
Reward: 25 KS AND a raffle entry.

Quest: Similar to the above quest, create a Christmas tree! Use whatever you can find, paper, clay, etc, to create and decorate a Christmas tree. You can get especially creative and make it some other sort of tree, too, like maybe a palm tree. Take a picture and post it here.
Reward: 25 KS AND a raffle entry.

Quest: Share some music with us! Using the web service of your choice, where you can share your playlists, make a list of your favorite seasonal, wintery songs. This doesn't have to just be Christmas carols; anything from movie sound tracks, video game levels, are all viable. If it makes YOU think of winter or the holidays, it's fair game. Link the playlist here, and tell us a little bit about it, like why you chose any of the certain songs.
Reward: 25 KS AND a raffle entry.


Santa Tier:

Quest: Do a good deed! Donate to a food, clothing or toy drive, or even volunteer some of your time. Most department or grocery stores have collection boxes this time of year and every little bit helps; donations of small toys or a few cans of food are greatly appreciated. If physical donations are too difficult, consider giving a small monetary donation to a charity online, OR participate in Evelon's current charity event by purchasing a Phyrette. Share a picture OR screen shot of your good deed.
Reward: 50 KS AND a raffle entry.

Quest: Make something delicious! Cook up anything you want, from holiday treats, to warm stew, or even simply toasted sandwiches. Take a picture AND share the recipe here.
Reward: 25 KS AND a raffle entry.
Cheesecake! Mom and I made this for my birthday, so it's almost all gone, haha. Recipe here!

Quest: Pick out one of your favorite winter or holiday related media pieces, or media that you strongly associate with this time of year, and tell us all about it. Why you love it, you it reminds you of this time of year, and so on. Books, movies, television shows, video games, are all permitted. Write at least twenty (20) sentences!
Reward: 25 KS AND a raffle entry.
One of my favorite movies to watch around this time is actually Rise of the Guardians! It's a movie that came out fairly recently, and I immediately emotionally connected with it. Even though the movie features Easter, too, Christmas is a pretty big part of the movie. The main character is Jack Frost, who has been selected by the mysterious Man in the Moon to become a guardian of childhood; just like Santa Claus, the Sandman, the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Kangaroo Bunny. However, Jack Frost isn't interested in the job offer, insistent that he's too much of a carefree spirit to be tied down by responsibilities. He understands and loves kids, but the idea of deadlines and busy work turns him away. Eventually, however, as the evil Boogeyman (named Pitch) starts to rise to power and begin to fill children with fear, the four established guardians may need Jack's help more than they realize. The guardians stay alive because children believe in them—and as fear rises, fewer and fewer children believe. Jack has to put away his need for independence in order to help his new friends, and to save childhood innocence around the world from the power of fear. All in all, it's a message that warms my heart very much so.

Jack has something else to gain from becoming a guardian. All of the guardians, Jack included, were human once. Jack can't recall anything from his previous life, and wants desperately to learn what happened to him that made him the way he is (ability to fly, ice powers, and the inability to be seen by humans). He eventually learns that the reason humans can't see him is that no one really believes in him (one mother even calls him a "figure of speech" when her son asks what "Jack Frost nipping at your nose" meant). If he becomes a guardian, children will start to believe in him, just as they do Santa and the Tooth Fairy. Throughout the movie Jack has an inner conflict that tugs him in various directions. He wants to help his new friends, he wants to stay free, he wants to learn about his past, he wants to live in the present, he wants to be seen, but he's lived like this for hundreds of years. I love Jack as a character, as well as all the other main characters--this movie just makes me feel happy and good inside as a whole. It has a great plot and I won't spoil the ending or major plot twists here. I recommend watching it! Even though it isn't necessarily a Christmas movie, it has a lot to do with Christmas and it still holds a very sweet message of belief and giving.

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby Skeetzybug » 12/13/2016 4:42 AM

Quest: Tell us about one or more of your favorite gifts that you have received, for any reason, not just winter holdidays.  Write at least five (5) sentences.
Reward: 20 KS AND entry into this month's Quest Master raffle.

Okay, so. I've been very lucky in my life to have received a lot of gifts in my life, but there's one moment that'll always stick with me. And that's when I got this boy.

No no, not the custom! The actual cat. This was my boy Frodo - and let me tell you how the little old furball ended up in my life.

When I was 11, we moved to Virginia. For my birthday that winter, I decided I wanted a pair of gerbils, so we went down to the little pet store in the town to see what it would take to get a pair. Outside, they were having an adoption event. We saw this gorgeous girl cat, and we all became enamored with the idea of a cat. We couldn't take her, however, so that opportunity passed.

A few days later, my dad comes home from being out somewhere or another place, and he calls into the house for me to come out and get a box. I grumbled that he should be able to carry his own box, in that typical tween way. In the middle of the car bench is sitting a cardboard box, and as I reach for it, a little pair of black ears poked out of it. I'll always remember the image to this day.

My beloved Frodo has since passed away, going far too soon at the age of 9, but he never really left. I think he's still around, in some ways. At the very least, I'll never forget him. He was a birthday present, but every day with him was the real gift.

Quest: Create an image of your favorite winter or winter holiday themed color palette, with at least three colors, using any art program of your choice, and show us.
Reward: 25 KS

Cohesive palettes are not really my strong suit - I'm definitely still builing color theory, hehe. But this one, I always really like. The gentle blues and teals with the strike of gold, from a winter morning. When I was younger, I remember winter sunrises over fields and horizons, where the first rays of sunlight glimmered off snow and frost. Those are my most favorite winter colors of all.

Quest: Solve this Word Search using any art program. Send the completed Word Seach in a PM to ToxicShadow.
Reward: 25 KS


Quest: Send another user, that is NOT your Secret Santa giftee, a holiday gift! Big or small, it's the thought that counts. Take a screen shot OR link their post, if they have shared it publicly.
Reward: 25 KS

I love my birbfriemb <3

Elf Tier

Quest: Make a snowman! But, this snowman doesn't have to be made of snow! You can use anything you can get your hands on to make it. Be it paper plates, clay, sand, sweet treats, and, yes, of course, snow, too. You're only limited by your imagination! Take a picture and post it here.
Reward: 25 KS AND a raffle entry.

Dis is Fred. He guard my soda.

He is pretty small I know, but hey, it is FFFFFREEZING COLD here right now, eheheh. It took a lot to just make this lil' fella - but at least his nose is a real carrot, ey?

Quest: Similar to the above quest, create a Christmas tree! Use whatever you can find, paper, clay, etc, to create and decorate a Christmas tree. You can get especially creative and make it some other sort of tree, too, like maybe a palm tree. Take a picture and post it here.
Reward: 25 KS AND a raffle entry.

I FINALLY GOT MY OWN CHRISTMAS TREEEE. I love it, I spent far too much time decorating it, but. I love that I finally have my own space and now I have an excuse to show off my work. >w< It's sooo cute. My lil' rainbow tree.

Know what's really cute? It's right above my guinea pig cage, so it's like it's their own little tree! I even put their xmas gift under it. ... I might love christmas trees a bit much, you feel?

Quest: Share some music with us! Using the web service of your choice, where you can share your playlists, make a list of your favorite seasonal, wintery songs. This doesn't have to just be Christmas carols; anything from movie sound tracks, video game levels, are all viable. If it makes YOU think of winter or the holidays, it's fair game. Link the playlist here, and tell us a little bit about it, like why you chose any of the certain songs.
Reward: 25 KS AND a raffle entry.

...what, like you'd expect me to make a playlist of anything OTHER than Owl City songs? Hah, all kidding aside, that just seems to be the ones I most associate with winter. There's three actual winter/xmas songs of his on there, but the others are just songs that remind of the snowy season.

During my winter holidays when I was younger, we'd always go to California and spend Christmas with my grandfather. I practically drank these songs through my eardrums for lifeblood, that's how much I listened to them while I was there. I'd just gotten the CDs (oh yeah, it was awhile ago) for Ocean Eyes and Maybe I'm Dreaming, so I'm sure that contributed. Either way, the sound of certain Owl City songs just take me back to Christmas in California. I hope you enjoy!!

Santa Tier

Quest: Do a good deed! Donate to a food, clothing or toy drive, or even volunteer some of your time. Most department or grocery stores have collection boxes this time of year and every little bit helps; donations of small toys or a few cans of food are greatly appreciated. If physical donations are too difficult, consider giving a small monetary donation to a charity online, OR participate in Evelon's current charity event by purchasing a Phyrette. Share a picture OR screen shot of your good deed.
Reward: 50 KS AND a raffle entry.

Tadah! Phyrette on the way!

Quest: Make something delicious! Cook up anything you want, from holiday treats, to warm stew, or even simply toasted sandwiches. Take a picture AND share the recipe here.
Reward: 25 KS AND a raffle entry.


We make lots of awesome nummies during the holidays, as you can see - but my definite favorite is crunchy fudge sandwiches. They're super easy, too!

1 cup butterscotch chips
1⁄2 cup peanut butter
4 cups Rice Krispies
1 (6 ounce) package semisweet chocolate morsels
1⁄2 cup powdered sugar
2 tablespoons butter or 2 tablespoons margarine, softened
1 tablespoon water

Melt butterscotch morsels with peanut butter in heavy saucepan over very low heat, stirring constantly until well blended. Remove from heat.
Add rice krispies cereal to butterscotch mixture, stirring until well coated. Press half of cereal mixture into 8 x 8 x 2-inch pan coated with cooking spray. Chill in refrigerator while preparing filling. Set remaining cereal mixture aside.
Combine chocolate morsels, powdered sugar, butter and water. Stir over very low heat until chocolate melts and mixture is well blended. Spread over chilled cereal mixture. Spread remaining cereal mixture evenly over top. Press in gently. Chill. Remove from refrigerator for about 10 minutes before cutting into squares. Enjoy!!

He sleeps alone,
He needs no army where he's headed cause he knows
That they're just ghosts
And they can't hurt him if he can't see them
And I don't know
If in the morning I will be here and if so,
Let it be known
That I was worthy,
I was worthy,
I was worthy,
I was..
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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby crow » 12/13/2016 10:18 AM

Quest 1: Roleplay ten posts (or more) in any regular roleplay area about any of your characters having a snow day or taking a winter and/or holiday vacation.  Must be started in this month. Link it.

Well, technically it is a vacation, and it's winter :U

Quest 2: Start a roleplay in Whisper Forest and make at least ten posts. Must be started in this month. Link it.


Quest 3: Solve this Word Search using any art program. Send the completed Word Seach in a PM to ToxicShadow.

Quest 4: Purchase ANY two potions, totaling 80 KS or more. Order(s) must be made in this month. Link the post(s) in which the purchase is made.

Quest A: Make a snowman! But, this snowman doesn't have to be made of snow! You can use anything you can get your hands on to make it. Be it paper plates, clay, sand, sweet treats, and, yes, of course, snow, too. You're only limited by your imagination! Take a picture and post it here.

Snowmen with the kids! And here is my example snowman.

Quest B: Similar to the above quest, create a Christmas tree! Use whatever you can find, paper, clay, etc, to create and decorate a Christmas tree. You can get especially creative and make it some other sort of tree, too, like maybe a palm tree. Take a picture and post it here.

Paper Christmas tree and a real (fake) tree with paper ornaments. ovo

Quest C: Share some music with us! Using the web service of your choice, where you can share your playlists, make a list of your favorite seasonal, wintery songs. This doesn't have to just be Christmas carols; anything from movie sound tracks, video game levels, are all viable. If it makes YOU think of winter or the holidays, it's fair game. Link the playlist here, and tell us a little bit about it, like why you chose any of the certain songs.

This is the playlist I made to play in class during Christmas. It's chocked full of every stereotypical Christmas song I can think of that doesn't get flirty with Santa (come on, I teach at elementary) plus some of my kpop picks! I really want to bring them that quintessential Christmas feeling, but I also can't resist adding some kpop stuff because I'm trash. :') Plus if I put a bunch of other kpop songs in there, my sons' entries in that list won't seem as conspicuous. Let me tell ya, these kids are vicious re: making fun of what you love, so I'm not gonna let tell them which idol group is my actual fave. I'm working on a personal one with the Korean songs that remind me of winter (since some of them are too gloomy to put in here) so maybe I'll link that one later too.

If anyone has suggestions, let me know!

Quest I: Pick out one of your favorite winter or holiday related media pieces, or media that you strongly associate with this time of year, and tell us all about it. Why you love it, you it reminds you of this time of year, and so on. Books, movies, television shows, video games, are all permitted. Write at least twenty (20) sentences!

I had to really... think about this one. To be honest there's not a lot of the quintessential Christmas experience that I got to have, compared to the norm, even when I was a kid. The thing is, my folks were too lazy and/or too cheap to celebrate anything, Chinese or otherwise, so the holidays were actually a pretty sad time for me. Plus my school let us out for vacations way earlier than my parents got theirs so there was always a period around Christmas where I had to stay at home by myself. After we moved, this was a big unheated house. It was a lot of me huddling under a blanket and being miserable.

That's a lot of lead-up to the point I really want to make (I promise, I do have one!!). You can kind of see, with all that in mind, why my favorite movie would happen to be Home Alone, right? I remember flipping through the channels and seeing it for the first time. Just the synopsis intrigued me. Like here's this other kid who was also forgotten about by HIS parents on Christmas, making the best of it on his own. And when he had those low lonely moments that was me too. I didn't find any supportive old people in my neighborhood but I mean the trade-off is no one attacked my house. I don't think I would have dealt with it as well. Though the plot line with the thieves was another part of what made the movie a favorite, since I loved any kind of narrative where kids outsmart adults. There was also a period in my life where I thought the entire appeal of the film for me was watching a kid outsmart bad guys, and seeing him live it up without his folks. But now that I've had time and distance to think about it more, I realize that it helped with my feelings of growing disillusionment too, regarding the holidays.

As far as a holiday piece goes, Home Alone is something that really resonated with me, because it was the closest I got to ever seeing someone on TV having the kind of Christmas I was having. Watching people be holly and jolly and surrounded by preparation and loving people is great but it's a little like being outside looking into a window while someone else is having a nice meal you'd like to eat.  In retrospect I'm glad it's actually a fairly quality movie, because it was the kind of thing I needed, and if there hadn't been something like it, I would've felt a lot worse, I think.

Quest II: Make something delicious! Cook up anything you want, from holiday treats, to warm stew, or even simply toasted sandwiches. Take a picture AND share the recipe here.

Chicken stew! Chinese style. Or lazy bird at home style, really.

300+g dark meat chicken, bone in
4 slices ginger (approx size of quarters)
2 large potatoes
1 large carrot
4 cups water
2 tbsp soy sauce
4 tbsp cooking wine
4 cups water
salt to taste

Optional: Marinate chicken overnight in additional salt and rice wine.
1) Fill pot with water and chicken, bring to a boil. Rinse out chicken until foam from blood is removed.
2) Lightly fry ginger and chicken for 1min. Add soy sauce, fry for 20sec, then add cooking wine. Simmer for 30sec before adding 4 cups water.
3) Bring to a boil and let simmer for 20min.
4) Peel and cut potatoes to 1 inch chunks. Add to stew. Continue to simmer 10 min.
5) Peel and cut carrot into 1 inch chunks. Add to stew. Continue to simmer for 30 min.
6) Serve over rice. Add more salt if desired.

Quest III: Do a good deed! Donate to a food, clothing or toy drive, or even volunteer some of your time. Most department or grocery stores have collection boxes this time of year and every little bit helps; donations of small toys or a few cans of food are greatly appreciated. If physical donations are too difficult, consider giving a small monetary donation to a charity online, OR participate in Evelon's current charity event by purchasing a Phyrette. Share a picture OR screen shot of your good deed.
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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby Isalynne » 12/13/2016 9:18 PM

December Quests

Quest: Solve this Word Search using any art program. Send the completed Word Seach in a PM to ToxicShadow.


Quest: Tell us about one or more of your favorite gifts that you have received, for any reason, not just winter holdidays.  Write at least five (5) sentences.

One of my favourite gifts has actually been given to me very recently. It was my birthday on December 11th, and my best friend got me a silver necklace with a tiny elephant charm on it. It's very simple, but it means an awful lot to me. We've been friends for sixteen years and she knows everything about me, including my huge love for these animals. Another one I really liked was for my seventeenth birthday, and it was this gorgeous teddy bear from my grandmother. She now keeps me company in my flat at university while I'm away from home.

Quest: Start a roleplay in Whisper Forest and make at least ten posts. Must be started in this month. Link it.


Quest: Roleplay ten posts (or more) in any regular roleplay area about any of your characters having a snow day or taking a winter and/or holiday vacation.  Must be started in this month. Link it.


Elf Tier

Quest: Similar to the above quest, create a Christmas tree! Use whatever you can find, paper, clay, etc, to create and decorate a Christmas tree. You can get especially creative and make it some other sort of tree, too, like maybe a palm tree. Take a picture and post it here.

Here is the mini tree we put together this year! I hope it counts. :D

Quest: Share some music with us! Using the web service of your choice, where you can share your playlists, make a list of your favorite seasonal, wintery songs. This doesn't have to just be Christmas carols; anything from movie sound tracks, video game levels, are all viable. If it makes YOU think of winter or the holidays, it's fair game. Link the playlist here, and tell us a little bit about it, like why you chose any of the certain songs.

Here are a few of my Christmas favourites! They are mostly traditional, well known festive songs, topped off with my favourite of all time - Fairytale of New York. It's a very different song to what you would normally consider a holiday anthem, but it is wonderful and I love it a lot. <3

Santa Tier

Quest: Do a good deed! Donate to a food, clothing or toy drive, or even volunteer some of your time. Most department or grocery stores have collection boxes this time of year and every little bit helps; donations of small toys or a few cans of food are greatly appreciated. If physical donations are too difficult, consider giving a small monetary donation to a charity online, OR participate in Evelon's current charity event by purchasing a Phyrette. Share a picture OR screen shot of your good deed.


Quest: Make something delicious! Cook up anything you want, from holiday treats, to warm stew, or even simply toasted sandwiches. Take a picture AND share the recipe here.

Here is a very simple meal to show you how lazy I am in the life of a student! The recipe is simple - you need some chicken fillets or whatever cut you'd like, some marvellous mashed potato that you can defrost and cook in like nine minutes, and some instant gravy granules. Cook them all individually and then throw them together on a plate, and voila! Lovely cooked meal in half an hour or so!

Quest: Pick out one of your favorite winter or holiday related media pieces, or media that you strongly associate with this time of year, and tell us all about it. Why you love it, you it reminds you of this time of year, and so on. Books, movies, television shows, video games, are all permitted. Write at least twenty (20) sentences!

This is a bit of a strange one. While not directly a Christmas movie, since it's a wintery kind of thing, I have been accustomed to watching it at this time of year. My favourite movie for the holidays is Snow Dogs. Bear with me here, I know there will be some skepticism about this choice, but I just. I love it so much. My grandmother and I watch it pretty much every year and we're not tired of it yet. It's got beautiful scenery, it's touching and funny, and there are dogs! What more could you want?

Another reason that I enjoy it is because.. well, it shows that families are not all perfect. What you see on the outside is not always an accurate representation of the reality. Ted thought he had the perfect upbringing and ideal life, but (*spoiler alert*) he was actually adopted, and that revelation sends him reeling. It doesn't destroy him, but it makes him reevaluate everything that's important to him, and how he feels about his adoptive mother as well as the will left by his real mother. This sounds really silly of me because the film is meant to be funny, and it's not by any means a cinematic masterpiece, but.. it was nice, to see something actually dysfunctional. I was used to seeing perfect families with no problems, and I couldn't relate. Seeing a grown man going through stress and problems due to his family made me feel validated for feeling sad as a kid, I guess. Ted thought he had a perfect father, and it turned out that it wasn't his father at all, and the man who did sire him was the complete opposite of everything he treasured in his adoptive father.

While writing this, I discovered that the film was actually based on a novel. It sounds so much sadder than this lighthearted Disney piece, but I think I might have to read it. It seems much more dedicated to realistic bonding with the dogs, something that the movie lacked, so I'll give it a go. The dogs were one of my favourite parts too, especially the sheepdog Nana! She's a little wonder, and she has beautiful babies in the end, hehe!
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Re: .: The Quest Master :.

Postby puppyluver4ever » 12/15/2016 2:39 AM

ToxicShadow wrote:Quest: Tell us about one or more of your favorite gifts that you have received, for any reason, not just winter holdidays.  Write at least five (5) sentences.

My favourite gift thus far is the camera that I received last Christmas from my parents.  I have always been interested in photography, and a friend inspired me to pursue that passion with a fancy DSLR camera. She has shown me many techniques with my camera, and together we continue to go out and experiment shooting different things. I love taking pictures of my dog, animals and nature in general, but will take pictures of just about anything. I currently have a job taking sports pictures, and volunteer to take pictures at various events, something I never expected to happen. I hope to enter a photography contest sometime in the near future, and maybe even in the far future, become a professional photographer for National Geographic or something like that.

ToxicShadow wrote:Quest: Create an image of your favorite winter or winter holiday themed color palette, with at least three colors, using any art program of your choice, and show us.

Uhhh so I did not completely understand this one, and although Moofius tried to explain to me what I had to do, i still didn't get it, so...here is the colour palet x'D

http://s1253.photobucket.com/user/puppy ... 1.jpg.html

ToxicShadow wrote:Quest: Solve this Word Search using any art program. Send the completed Word Seach in a PM to ToxicShadow.


ToxicShadow wrote:Quest: Roleplay ten posts (or more) in any regular roleplay area about any of your characters having a snow day or taking a winter and/or holiday vacation.  Must be started in this month. Link it.
Reward: 50 KS AND entry into this month's Quest Master raffle.

Still to come, maybe ~
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