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Re: - All Pets; Lost Trades

Postby Mousen » 07/07/2016 5:14 AM

I recieved a Paras Shinzo (then either a lushibi or a shii) from the Wish-a-thon in 2013, but I don't think it ever got recorded. I had a look and I'm fairly certain I didn't trade it. I still have the PM, if you need it.


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Re: - All Pets; Lost Trades

Postby Atoli01 » 07/15/2016 12:32 AM

So I should have a BBv1, but I... don't. xD I don't think it ever got recorded under my name. I traded the one I originally had to Kyrit back in November of 2014. I sent her some GT as part of the trade, and she bought me another one. Here's Kyrit's post for reference. I'm 99% sure I never traded it off to anyone else? I do my best to record all my trades (starting from when I came back in 2014), and I didn't find anything about the BBv1 I was supposed to have in the notification center either. It got spirited away.


A beautiful moon shines above again tonight,
And it sheds light happily over the world.
As for me, I'm just worthless, good for nothing,
Dreaming at daybreak, creeping at dawn.

Still I'll scream into the sky, hoping that somebody will find me.
I want to run, but there's no way out--
No bright future in sight.
But I still fly up like a butterfly, hoping that you'll find me.
A crescent moon, ugly children of the stars, flying with broken wings...!

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Re: - All Pets; Lost Trades

Postby Jaden Wolf » 07/22/2016 5:21 PM

Okay, so I have a mess of stuff to deal with.

1: I have a Gum Teigu that I got way back in 2012, from Freezair's raffle. (I'd actually gotten 2, and I know I traded one, but I don't seem to have any record of trading/selling the other.)

2: I also got a Bobcat Slynx from the same raffle and I have no record for trading/selling it either.

3: I got a Snowcheeka from the Fake Santa Baal (haha) in 2013, and I know I didn't get rid of it but I'm not listed as owning one.

4: Image
I...can't actually find where the socross are listed, but as far as I can tell, my custom baby from the livestream last year isn't listed anywhere.

5: A while back, I recorded a Neuleef and a Snowlight Matches as going to Quila111 but somehow, only the neuleef got moved. I'm still listed as the Matches' owner.

6: IndigoBook and I traded her Suncheeka for my Amowockee but somehow, only the suncheeka got moved. (To clarify, my Amowockee should have gone to IndigoBook.)

[All corrected]
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But it's all an act, 'cause I know exactly what you're wanting. You know it's what I'm wanting

Boy I know what you desire, oh, you're such a bad, bad liar

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Re: - All Pets; Lost Trades

Postby SkyWolf11 » 12/15/2016 2:27 AM

Okay, so, I've been away for quite a while and found a couple of things amiss in the records.  I decided to recheck all of my pet records to make sure everything was in order before I started to sell/give away any pets I may not want anymore and noticed that I'm missing 2 bred Lucain on the lists.

Specifically, this bred female Lucain:
Who I have lineage down as Lydia x Kaiser (No Restrictions)
-Looked over the records about two times and didn't seem to see her actually anywhere in the records.

[Kreepy was original owner, from when she bred it, and the two of you began discussing a trade for her starting here. Although there is no confirmation of the trade going through, or any trade notes, as the Lucain isn't in any of Kreepy's records (ownership records, pen, documents, etc) it can be pressumed that she was traded to you. Fixed.]

Then this bred male Lucain too:
Who I have lineage down as Marxia x Raksis
-Looked in the records and he seems to be under Mousen Heath

[Staff investigation indicates that he seems to belong to you, so you are cleared to use him as you see fit. His ownership has been updated appropriately.]

For both, I've looked through my messages and posts and can't find a thing about them being traded to or from me or anything of the sort so far.  However, where I put them both in my Zoo Pen, the post they're in was last edited on DEC. 27, 2013!  So I'm certain it was maybe around that time that I came to have them somehow.  I have no idea how or from who but I have them in my pen and am certain I wouldn't of put them there had I not legally obtained them. xD  If anyone has any recollection of this it would help me greatly! <3
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Re: - All Pets; Lost Trades

Postby Indigo » 12/15/2016 5:41 PM

Just noticed I am still listed as owning a Bilby Rollaby; I have not owned one since 2012 as per this post.


I received an Attenuwockee from crow last December and it does not appear to have been recorded.


I recall seeing the male Lucain SkyWolf11 mentions above in someone's outpost, but as the outposts are no longer accessible I can't check whose. But, you know, if that helps.
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Re: - All Pets; Lost Trades

Postby Mojave » 12/21/2016 12:25 AM

I'm listed as having a crested pingune but I thought I traded it? I'm not sure who it went to, it was traded pretty quickly after they popped out of the egg.

[Traded to Crow. Fixed]

I'm also listed as having a memory corbine but I'm pretty sure it was traded a long time ago too (pretty sure it and a thought corbine went to the same person).

[Pet removed, but no record was found of who it was traded to.]
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Re: - All Pets; Lost Trades

Postby Flame » 12/21/2016 4:47 PM

I believe I should have 2 Mysterious Eggs, as one was traded to me by ShadowStitches back in February (as shown in this post), and I just received one from the Wish-a-Thon as well. I haven't evolved any eggs since April of last year, so I think I should be sitting at 2 now. ^^

[Corrected. Often times, Wish-a-thon gifts are not recorded until after the event is over. As such, the discrepancy came from that.]
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Re: - All Pets; Lost Trades

Postby Thunder » 12/29/2016 10:21 PM

This girl is listed under Sarah's ownership in the Custom Female Paragon records, but I currently have her in my pen. I don't really remember what happened, other than that her very first owner was Shieba, but I would like to resolve this soonish since I've been using this Gon in one of my bigger plots.]

[Originally bought by Shieba, was traded to Sarah, and then traded to you here. However, no trade note was made regarding her being traded to you. Fixed]]

This girl is also mistakenly listed twice, once under Omnisearch and once under zapdragon555, but trade notes indicate she's currently with Zap.


Listed twice under Sappheara's name.


Listed under both Desrian and Leader. However, I believe this should be with Desrian because I owned this Gon for a while and traded it to Desrian.


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Re: - All Pets; Lost Trades

Postby Indigo » 12/20/2017 7:24 PM

Kyrit gave me a Paint Drakel in 2013 which doesn't seem to have gotten recorded. PM can be furnished if necessary.

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Re: - All Pets; Lost Trades

Postby Jessari » 01/05/2018 10:03 AM

Okay, I'm going to be a major pain in the butt, but I need help with several Lucain.

Image  Image

These two boys I have listed in my Pen, but aren't listed as mine in the ownership records. Not sure if I traded them away, or if I just never posted them when I received them.

First boy was traded to you here, from the looks of things, but no trade notes were ever posted.

Second boy was traded here and here, but no trade notes were ever posted.

* * * * * * * * * * * *


She was traded to you here.



She was traded to you here.

These three girls are NOT listed in my Pen, but are listed as mine in the ownership records. Again, I don't know if I just didn't update when I received them, or what.

((Update)) Second girl was traded to me in 2015. I don't see anything saying I traded her away, so I'm going to assume she's still mine.

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Re: - All Pets; Lost Trades

Postby Silver » 01/10/2018 8:49 AM

I bought a Delusion Cavillion a while ago, but I cannot figure out who from! It might have been Millie?


Same with a Bloodwing Kitrell. It's been a long time with this one so I'm not sure how it got lost. Sorry! ;~;

[Bloodwing Kitrell traded to you here. Fixed.]

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Re: - All Pets; Lost Trades

Postby RiDragon » 01/11/2018 3:24 AM


I believe I've tamed one of these, but I don't see it in the records.  I don't think I've traded it.  (Swallowtail Scordrak)


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Re: - All Pets; Lost Trades

Postby Redd » 03/31/2018 2:02 AM

Not a lost trade, rather I got this kiddo from hitting 75 Kuhna bred and he's not recorded anywhere.


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Re: - All Pets; Lost Trades

Postby Atoli01 » 04/16/2018 7:00 PM

I have this Gen. Mirror Kuhna that isn't recorded in my records:

I looked through the Kuhna trade notification thread and didn't see anything about her being traded after I got her from the original giveaway event, so I assume she was just never recorded for me for some reason. I got her style swapped at the Scintilla a while back, but I can't find any record of it now. I bred her in a breeding with crow that can be found here.

Original/Lineless Kuhnas that have been modified are recorded in this post, and it appears to be recorded correctly there.

Additionally, I'm fairly sure I traded this girl off to someone in the past (she's not in any of my ownership records, but she's still mine on the official records), but I'm not sure who (unsure of her lineage now):


[Belongs to MillietheWarrior]


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Re: - All Pets; Lost Trades

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/21/2018 1:01 PM

Topic has been locked, but remains for reference. Please post any corrections in the appropriate Trade Notes thread!

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