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A snow day isn't always a day off (Self)

Postby Kitsumi » 12/16/2016 9:24 PM


Coda's alarm went off at six am, although he was already awake. He had woken up roughly seven minutes prior, and had been simply staring at the ceiling while waiting for the steady beeping to signal that it was time to actually get out of bed. Now, he sighed and forced himself into a standing position.

Before he had the chance to begin his daily morning routine, however, there was a knock on his door. "Darling, your school called," his mother's voice came from the other side of the door. "School has been cancelled due to the snow."

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Re: A snow day isn't always a day off (Self)

Postby Kitsumi » 12/16/2016 9:26 PM

"Really?" Feeling excited, he opened the door so that he could communicate with his mother face to face. "That's great! I was planning on reading the comic books you had bought me for my birthday during the weekend. But since I don't have to go to school, I'll just do it today."

But his mother shook her head. "Oh, you don't want to waste your whole day doing something silly like that, do you?" She looked at him expectantly. "Isn't there something else you should be doing?"

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Re: A snow day isn't always a day off (Self)

Postby Kitsumi » 12/16/2016 9:28 PM

Coda paused. He knew that his mother was expecting a certain answer. In fact, he knew exactly what the answer was. But he hoped that if he pretended to be ignorant, he would be able to get out of the day his mother had obviously already planned for him.

"I...I don't know," he said slowly. "I was really hoping to read those comics. I was really happy when you and dad gave them to me for my birthday, but I haven't had the chance to read them yet."

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Re: A snow day isn't always a day off (Self)

Postby Kitsumi » 12/16/2016 9:30 PM

His mother narrowed her eyes. "Coda, don't you think you should use this extra time to practice the piano? You have your big holiday recital coming up soon." She crossed her arms over her chest. "Didn't you need to work on your tempo during one part of the song you were learning? You'll have all day to practice!"

The boy sighed. He knew that his mother had already made up her mind, but he couldn't help but try one more time. "I already practice for three hours a day, mom. I'll still get in my normal practice time. But can't I at least spend a little while with my comics?"

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Re: A snow day isn't always a day off (Self)

Postby Kitsumi » 12/16/2016 9:38 PM

The woman sighed. "You make it sound as if I never let you have fun," she said. "You know that you have a few hours on the weekends to socialize or read comics or whatever it is you like to do. But since you won't be exercising your mind today, you should exercise those finger muscles." Upon seeing Coda's disappointed expression, she softened slightly. "Perhaps if you master the song you were working on, I'll let you have a bit of free time. How does that sound?"

It wasn't what Coda had hoped for, but he knew it was the best he was going get. "Thanks mom," he said. "I appreciate it." He didn't sound very enthusiastic, though. "I'll get dressed and then head down to the music room."

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Re: A snow day isn't always a day off (Self)

Postby Kitsumi » 12/16/2016 9:42 PM

Once he had changed out of his pajamas, Coda made his way downstairs and into the kitchen. Once he had grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl, he made his way into the music room. Half-eaten banana in hand, he used his free hand to pull out the bench of the baby grand piano. He sat down, shoving the rest of the banana in his mouth, and settled his fingers over the keys.

He made no move to open the sheet music before he began playing. He had played the song for several hours, and his fingers had already memorized the movements they were supposed to make. He preferred to play each song by memory, as some of the pieces he played gave him no chance to turn the pages of music.

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Re: A snow day isn't always a day off (Self)

Postby Kitsumi » 12/16/2016 9:46 PM

His eyes drifted shut as his fingers danced over the keys. He didn't need to see the keys to know where his hands needed to move. To be quite honest, he probably wouldn't have been able to point out which keys he was supposed to play by sight. It was his hands that knew how to play the song, not his eyes.

As he reached the part of the song where he had been having trouble, his brows furrowed in concentration. The light, bouncy notes that he had just been playing changed. Now he was pounding the keys, faster and faster with a sense of frenzied urgency.

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Re: A snow day isn't always a day off (Self)

Postby Kitsumi » 12/16/2016 9:53 PM

Coda's fingers were no longer dancing - they were flying. This was typically the part where he slowed slightly, as his hands began to ache. But this time he kept the tempo, even increasing it slightly as he was supposed to. He felt hope well up within him. He was finally going to master the song - and on his first try of the day!

But as he neared the final measure, his concentration began to slip. Although he knew the music, it was his own sense of apprehension that caused him to slip. He nearly missed a note, barely managing to hit it half a beat too late. The near mistake threw him off, and the middle finger on his left hand accidentally hit two notes instead of one.

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Re: A snow day isn't always a day off (Self)

Postby Kitsumi » 12/16/2016 10:00 PM

"Oops, you'd better try that part over again, sweetie."

Coda had been hoping that his mother wouldn't have heard the mistake, but he should have known better. As he had been playing, she had entered the room silently and taken a seat in the corner. Now she stood, walking over to her son to squeeze his shoulder.

"It sounded great until that part, though. I'm sure you'll be able to play the song perfectly by the end of the day." She laughed, not realizing how her words were discouraging Coda. "This snow day may just save your performance at the recital."

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Re: A snow day isn't always a day off (Self)

Postby Kitsumi » 12/16/2016 10:03 PM

Stupid, Coda thought to himself. I doubt she'll let me stop practicing long enough to read comics, now.

As he continued to internally berate himself, the boy began playing again. He started at the beginning of the page on which he had messed up. This time he played it slightly slower than it should have been played, giving his fingers the chance to properly warm up. He wondered briefly if he wouldn't have made the mistake if he had taken the time to play his warm-up exercises first.

"Oh well," he breathed, quietly enough that his mom couldn't hear him. "It's not like it matters now."

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