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Re: Supernatural Nightclub (P - Kitsumi and I - M:E)

Postby Kitsumi » 12/16/2016 7:26 PM

It hadn't even occurred to Akio that he would have to stand up to switch out the discs, disturbing his twin in the process. Luckily, Hibiki noticed this at about the same time that he did. Nodding gratefully, he smiled at his brother.

Thumbs poised over the buttons, he prepared for the game to begin. Shooters weren't his specialty, but he had gained skill in them through playing with his brothers. It wasn't the first time that the two had stayed up playing video games together, and they usually formed a pretty formidable team.

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Re: Supernatural Nightclub (P - Kitsumi and I - M:E)

Postby Jedi » 12/16/2016 8:50 PM

Shinobu walked down the hall, studying the financial forms for their club. As he passed by one door, he noticed that his sister was still up. He folded up the papers and stuck them in his pocket. *Knock knock* "Hey Miyako. What'cha up to?" He leaned up against the door frame, trying to relax.

After several matches, to which their team won most of them, Hibiki found himself yawning. "Alright Akio, I think I'm gonna head to bed soon." He opened the main console screen and signed out of his controller. "You want me to put your RPG back in?"

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Re: Supernatural Nightclub (P - Kitsumi and I - M:E)

Postby Kitsumi » 12/16/2016 8:56 PM

Miyako was practically a zombie when Shinobu passed by her door. "Wha?" she mumbled. Glancing away from her laptop screen, she looked up at her brother. "I was just answering messages. One of my favorite followers had asked a pretty deep question, and I wanted to make sure to answer it." Shutting her laptop, she set it on the desk by her bed. "I think I'm gonna get some sleep now, though. You had better sleep, too. I know you've been staying up pretty late recently."

"Nah," Akio said, barely suppressing a yawn of his own. "Akiko should be deeply asleep enough for me to carry her to bed without waking her now. I'm gonna get her to her room and then turn in myself." He offered his fist for a knuckle bump. "Thanks for keeping me company though, bro."

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Re: Supernatural Nightclub (P - Kitsumi and I - M:E)

Postby Jedi » 12/16/2016 9:49 PM

"Alright," Nobu said as he set his finger on the light switch. "Goodnight, Mi-chan." He flicked the switch and closed the door. Opening the papers, he looked over the forms a little more, double checking the finances for the nightclub.

"No problem," he answered, giving a complementary fist bump. He turned the console off, then walked up the stairs to his bedroom. On his way, he passed by Shinobu. "Night bro." He simply waved him off.

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Re: Supernatural Nightclub (P - Kitsumi and I - M:E)

Postby Kitsumi » 12/16/2016 9:56 PM

Grateful that she didn't have to turn off the light herself, Miyako snuggled under her blankets. "G'night," she replied quietly. Her response came a bit too late, however, as Shinobu had already left her room. Hopefully he had at least heard the words. The youngest of the Oshiro clan didn't worry about it, however, as she was already beginning to drift to sleep.

Akio gently lifted Akiko in his arms. She grumbled in her sleep, but curled against his chest with her eyes still closed as he began walking towards her room. Once she had been tucked in, the man headed to his own room and lay on top of the covers, closing his eyes and hoping that this time he'd be able to fall asleep.

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Re: Supernatural Nightclub (P - Kitsumi and I - M:E)

Postby Jedi » 12/18/2016 2:08 AM

The blaring of the radio burst him from his sheets. Shinobu looked down at the clock, not surprised to find the time he'd set to wake up. 3:00pm. "Well, I better make breakfast." Running a club throughout the night could be a difficult task, but he knew that he could do it with the help of his siblings. That meant they had to go to sleep around the same time that others would be waking up.

He headed down to the kitchen and cracked open over a dozen eggs. As they fried sunny-side-up on the skillet, he popped some toaster waffles in the oven and set it to medium temperature.

When he finished, the seven plates were set around the circular dinner table and banged against the morning dinner bell. "Come and get it."

The first to enter the room was Kiyoko. "Damnit Nobu! I keep telling you, I do the cooking around here!" Shinobu just grinned and retorted his usual response. "I'm the oldest, I take care of the family."

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Re: Supernatural Nightclub (P - Kitsumi and I - M:E)

Postby Kitsumi » 12/18/2016 12:47 PM

The twins were having a difficult time getting up. Or rather, Akiko was having a hard time getting Akio to fully wake up. Sitting on his back, she gently smacked the back of his head. "Ki-chan! Get your ass up." When he took a swipe at her, she jumped off easily, years of practice avoiding his morning attacks coming in handy. "Hey, don't get mad at me. I'm not the one who decided to stay up even later playing video games."

Grabbing him by the feet, she began pulling him off the bed. Finally he relented, turning over and pushing himself to his feet. Glaring at his twin, he wordlessly began pushing on her back, forcing her out of his room before slamming and locking the door. Akiko simply laughed, and called through the door, "I'll meet you downstairs!"

Miyako, who was just exiting her room in full makeup and dressed in a lacy top and pencil skirt, joined the female twin on her way to the kitchen. But when they arrived and took their seats, she began to complain. "Waffles? I don't want to eat carbs for breakfast," she grumbled. "Don't we have some Greek yogurt or something?"

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Re: Supernatural Nightclub (P - Kitsumi and I - M:E)

Postby Jedi » 12/18/2016 1:02 PM

Hibiki walked down the stairs, more asleep than awake and sat down. He was wearing an old, stained t-shirt and smelly sweatpants. That was what he usually slept in. Seeing his drowsy brother, Gorou poured a mug of coffee, filling it with more creamer than coffee. He set the cup in front of Hibiki, who instintually had already been reaching for where the glass was usually set.

Nobu shot a look at Miyako, then gave in. "It's in the fridge." Already coming back from the fridge, Gorou placed the yogurt in front of the youngest. "Here you go, Mi-chan." Hibiki set the cup back down, slightly more awake than he had been before it. He let out a loud yawn before joining in the conversation. "So what're you guys talking about?"

It was Kiyoko who answered first. "Well, we were thinking of kicking you out, but we decided it'd be best for the club that we keep you around." Nobu let out a light chuckle, yet Hibiki didn't catch onto the joke, still drowsy.

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Re: Supernatural Nightclub (P - Kitsumi and I - M:E)

Postby Kitsumi » 12/18/2016 5:17 PM

The youngest sibling looked up at Gorou adoringly. "Thank you!" she said happily as she grabbed the spoon from near her plate. With her phone in one hand and her spoon in the other, she began slowly eating, pausing every now and then so that she could use both hands to text. She giggled at some of the messages, the way a schoolgirl might giggle over a sweet text from her crush.

Meanwhile, Akiko was digging into her food. She had taken a seat by Gorou, leaving the seat next to her open for her twin, who was just entering the room. "C'mon," she motioned for Akio to join her. "Eat while it's still warm."

To his credit, Akio was already looking much more awake. He sat down, nodding to his siblings before he began eating. "Thanks for the breakfast, Nobu," he said. Remembering her manners, Akiko echoed, "Yeah, thanks, Nobu!"

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Re: Supernatural Nightclub (P - Kitsumi and I - M:E)

Postby Jedi » 12/18/2016 6:05 PM

Gorou took the time to sit in his spot, eyeing the serving he'd been given. Seeing that Miyako was distracted by her phone, he thought he'd take the time to claim her food. "Since you're not gonna eat this, I might as well not let it go to waste." He slid the contents off onto his plate, doubling his serving.

Hibiki took a few more gulps of coffee before he spotted Akio entering the room. He moved his cup and food to the seat next to the male twin's. "Hey!" shouted Kiyoko as Hibiki pushed her over.

"You're welcome," said Shinobu as he wiped the pan clean. He set it in the sink then took the empty seat Hibiki had just left. "We should have plenty of business tonight. I checked over the critic blogs. Apparently we had a couple critics come into our club last night. That means we'll have to really step up our game." He looked over his siblings, making sure not to make them nervous. "But I have faith in you guys."

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Re: Supernatural Nightclub (P - Kitsumi and I - M:E)

Postby Kitsumi » 12/27/2016 10:36 PM

The youngest child didn't even bother looking up from her phone as her brother claimed her food. "Go ahead," Miyako said, as her thumbs continued tapping the keyboard on her phone. "But don't blame me if you end up gaining a ton of weight." Finally she glanced up from her phone, shooting a pointed look towards Gorou's mid-section. "All that alcohol you drink isn't helping, either. Do you have any idea how many calories are in a single drink?"

A small smile appeared on Akio's face as he noticed his youngest brother's enthusiasm to claim the seat beside him. "Hey, Hibiki. It seems that you got enough sleep after all. Glad to see you energetic - the crowd usually likes that."

Akiko looked up from her half-empty plate. "Oh, yeah, I forgot you guys stayed up to play video games." Smiling sheepishly, she added, "I guess I didn't do very well at keeping you company, huh, Akio. Sorry I fell asleep early. I'm glad that Hibiki at least stayed up with you."

Her twin reached an arm around her shoulders and gave her a quick half hug. "Don't worry, Ki-chan. As long as you got enough sleep, I'm happy."

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Re: Supernatural Nightclub (P - Kitsumi and I - M:E)

Postby Jedi » 12/27/2016 11:09 PM

"Jealous of my metabolism, sis?" Gorou grinned at her. "Not everyone can burn that many calories in a day." He began stuffing large chunks of food into his mouth, chasing them down with gulps of milk. "Could you at least close your mouth, you pig?" called Kiyoko from two seats down. "I can practically see down your throat." She proceeded to gag at the sight.

"Yeah," said Hibiki, who raised up his glass. "That and a bit of coffee in the morning." Before he even touched it, he grabbed a bottle of syrup and drowned it completely.

Shinobu looked over his siblings, noticing that none of them had noticed what he'd said. "Well, I guess I'm talking to myself again." Kiyoko, who was sitting next to him, gave him a nudge. "Just because we didn't respond, doesn't mean we didn't hear you. Besides, we'll all do fine tonight, critic or no critic."

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