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Wild Things & Rumor [P] (Flame & I)

Postby Nyxia » 12/03/2016 8:24 PM

The winter days were always the busiest, and this day was no exception. With his mother still trying to work out the details of Kazímir and some witch apprentice, Svarog was keeping the pack together again. It was actually his normal full time job, though most of the pack was restless with their Alpha away. Today he was locked away in his home office, working up the figures of the pack's finances. It wasn't the glamours life of his mother, in fact nothing about it held glamour, but Svarog was content. He took another drink out of his coffee cup, as he ran over the numbers coming from several of the shops the pack owned and the tavern in the slums. While many of the members of the pack lived in the pack territory, they prefered to work in town. Most of the wolves of their pack were cursed beings, who had once been humans now turned into a wolf creature. They did their very best to keep their lives completely normal, as they had before their turning. That meant he had a lot of paperwork in the forms of personal incomes and expenses of the pack members.

Shifting papers on his desk, Svarog found the last expenses of one of the small potion shops run by Chenoa. He frowned at the paper, noting a break in and the need for a couple of the pack's guards to stand watch over the shop. Chenoa and her young son Rhir, were both natural born werewolves. With a sigh, Svarog signed off his approval of the whole thing. He'd tell her tomorrow to ask the guards and pick two who wanted to do the job. Setting it aside he started to sort through all the other papers on his desk, deciding what he needed to deal with first and foremost. He'd just settled on fixes to another pack members house, when he heard his front door open and bang shut. Frowning Svarog sat back in his chair, listening to footsteps pound up the steps and stop in front of his office door. "Come in, Roukan." He sighed, sitting back with his hands folded on top of his desk.


The man stepped through the door, looking frayed as he glanced about. "I'm sorry, Svarog...Kasa's gone, and..." He swallowed suddenly feeling foolish for not having just knocked on the front door. However he didn't normally just barge into homes like this, and he had a reason. When it became clear that Svarog was waiting for him to explain himself, Roukan cleared his throat. "There've been rumors, I'm sure you've heard, about a feral werewolf running loose." He watched Svarog's face remain impassive, before the Beta waved a hand at him. Clearly the Beta wasn't buying this, and he was also a little annoyed to hear it again. Before Svarog could say anything about wasting his time, Roukan pushed ahead. "The feral wolf has now been hunting in our territory as well." He watched Svarog, though the Beta remained impassive.

After a moment Svarog shook his head, "I somehow doubt it's a feral wolf, Roukan." He sighed shifting his chair back. "Likely its one of the other packs, or a exile from them." He stood and started to walk around his desk, working to not show his annoyance too much. "With the laws the way they are, it's illegal to turn a wolf and then leave them go feral. I highly doubt that is what we see here." As Roukan opened his mouth to protest, Svarog motioned to the door. "Let's go see this kill, and we'll decide then what happened." He watched as Roukan only nodded, opening the door and stepping out into the hallway. His house while minimally furnished, was clean and tidy. The plan walls that lead down the hall and down the simple stairs. Svarog hoped to remind the young pack guard that this was not some long ago lawless time, but that there was a simple explanation.

Neither man spoke as they made their way out the door of the small cottage, heading into the forest which acted as Svarog's front yard. While they could have run, Svarog saw no rush to get there. It didn't really take them long to find the kill, a young Taosig had been torn apart across a known and well used game trail. It would have been a standard kill in Svarog's eyes, except that a second carcass lay not far off. Neither carcass had been eaten from much, a hallmark of a feral or a mad wolf. After a moment of looking around the area, Svarog confirmed for himself that this was a lone wolf's work. "Have the guards return, and start patrolling the perimeter day and night, have the hunters help them. Also recall all of the members of the pack." He stood up and motioned two of the nearby pack guards to follow his instructions. Turning to Roukan, he shook his head. "Any signs of this 'feral' or the wolf responsible, you get me first." With that he began to make his way home, he'd have to let his mother and siblings know what was happening here.

Bottles smashed, I raised my hand
How can you all even stand?
And why is there joy in this poison? Oh
Faking smiles and confidence
Driving miles to capture this excitement
I can't take anymore

You're never gonna get it
I'm a hazard to myself
I'll break it to you easy
This is hell, this is hell
You're looking and whispering
You think I'm someone else
This is hell, yes
I am in hell

We Don't Have to Dance - Andy Black
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Re: Wild Things & Rumor [P] (Flame & I)

Postby Flame » 12/05/2016 1:28 AM


The moonlit night was still, its cold and unnerving silence complete. Normally, the air was filled with at least the sounds of crickets chirping even during this time of year, as well as the rustlings of other creatures shy to the daylight. However, tonight was different, and there was a distinct pall to the atmosphere, as if something unseen lurked in the shadows and all of the woodland creatures knew about it and held their silence for fear of its notice.

The winter air, normally crisp and cold, held a distinct scent – the sharp, metallic tint of blood which seemed to fill the nostrils with a wet, cloying warmth. Crimson eyes the color of blood flashed in the pale moonlight, and a red tongue flicked out to lap at the fresh gore splattered across a dark fur-covered muzzle. Jaws that bore rows of dagger-sharp canines graced a wolf-like head, attached to an equally lupine body which at the same time appeared oddly humanoid in form. The creature’s entire frame was coated in a thick pelt colored in shifting hues of black and gray, blending in with the shadows of the night.

The huntress stalked the dense woods, in seek of the quarry which instinct told her hid in its depths. Her hunt wasn’t out of necessity or even hunger – the small trail of bodies following her wake were enough to rule out those possibilities. No, instead, the appetite appeared to be borne of bloodlust alone, and the mangled bodies of innocent wildlife told of its voraciousness. There was no fear of discovery or consequence in those fervid eyes either, nor any hint of remorse, as if this bloodshed were her birthright and came to her as naturally as did breathing. Every movement the creature made seemed to be rooted in an innate instinct, and anyone who saw it would see that it acted no more intelligently than any other feral predator.

The dull glistening of blood following the wolf’s wake was the only sign of her passage, but not all of it belonged to her victims. A large wound, shaped as if it were made by a steel-trap (or jaws shaped like them) wept dark liquid from her midriff, leaving a trail like wet, crimson pebbles in the dirt behind her. It was too oddly-formed to have been caused by any of the prey which she had taken, considering their herbivorous nature. The injury didn’t appear to hamper the creature either, despite its severity, save for a slight limp which afflicted her gait. In fact, it was almost as if she didn’t notice it at all, or even knew of its existence. The only motivation which seemed to drive the wolf was the desire for more blood, and she continued her quest in the dark forest, unaware that the hunter had now become the hunted, and that the quarry which she now chased was in fact chasing her.
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Re: Wild Things & Rumor [P] (Flame & I)

Postby Nyxia » 12/11/2016 4:41 PM

As Svarog made his way back through the forest, his mind swirled with the implications of these kills. He still felt it was likely some kind of message, but his mother would know better who would send it. His mind was lost in the thoughts of what they might find when they caught this wolf. Here alone he didn't have to pretend that the dim light was an obsticale to him, he trekked through the underbrush without concern. This was the last thing he needed, a rouge or mad wolf. With the recent uptick in hunter activity due to the rumors and slayings in the cities, Svarog was keenly aware that this would bring unwanted attention to there home territory.

Around him the forest was unnaturally still, only the leaves rustling in the breeze. Normally he would have listened to the sounds of night birds singing in the trees, and small animals dashing about in the brush of the normal forest. Now he heard a silence that told him all way not well within their home, and that bothered him. He had intended to worry about it once his calls were complete, but suddenly a smell caught his nose. The scent was that of an wolf, though not one Svarog recognized. This fact alone bothered him, that and it had come very close to his own home.

He didn't think about it, but instead Svarog himself shifted to his own wolf form. Black pelt blending into the darkness of the night well, while the silver shot through the upper part of his back reflected the dim moonlight. He shook out his body several times before he reached out for the pack bonds which ran through his own power. "The wolf is headed for the eastern boarder." He told several of the guards, including Roukan. "Try to head her off." Carefully he headed off behind this scent, his nose telling him it was a female. Still Svarog was careful, he had no idea what might happen when he caught up with her.

He gave it no more thought as he tracked after this unknown female, doing his very best to move quickly but quietly. The scent trail moved away from most of the homes, out towards the wildest part of their territory. It was here Svarog decided to get ahead of this wolf himself, to hell with caution. This was one of his favorite places in the whole territory, and he knew the area well. Swinging out to the right he took a small dead stream, keeping down wind of the other wolf. Here he could rush without fearing noise alarming this outsider. As he started to find ground where he didn't smell the other, Svarog pushed himself carefully over the old bank and hunkered down to wait. He didn't have to wait long, as the smaller female passed feet in front of him. Standing slowly, Svarog growled in a manner that wasn't as much threat as warning that he was there. He was no small beast, in fact his mother was always amused that in this form he was bigger than some of the other pack's alphas.

Bottles smashed, I raised my hand
How can you all even stand?
And why is there joy in this poison? Oh
Faking smiles and confidence
Driving miles to capture this excitement
I can't take anymore

You're never gonna get it
I'm a hazard to myself
I'll break it to you easy
This is hell, this is hell
You're looking and whispering
You think I'm someone else
This is hell, yes
I am in hell

We Don't Have to Dance - Andy Black
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Re: Wild Things & Rumor [P] (Flame & I)

Postby Flame » 12/16/2016 11:42 AM

Despite the considerable blood-loss the female wolf had suffered, the hungry gleam in her crimson eyes hadn’t diminished in the slightest. She loped through the unfamiliar territory, completely unaware of the boundaries which she’d trespassed upon, or the fact that she was currently being hunted herself. She was currently following more of an instinct than any one of her senses in particular – her innate radar for sensing her prey hadn’t led her astray yet – either that, or she’d run into some very unlucky quarry so far tonight.

She hadn’t always been this way; not so long ago, this feral beast had been nothing more extraordinary than a normal human woman named Asra with a job and a life, and whose greatest concerns had been paying the rent on time and struggling to stick to her diet, her only sin perhaps frequenting the bar a little too often. Who knew why she in particular had befallen this fate– she herself didn’t remember the events of tonight which had led to her current situation. In fact, any and all traces of her past life had been erased (at least temporarily) from her mind, replaced with only an insatiable desire to kill, and for the taste of blood. Everything that had made Asra who she was had seemingly vanished into thin air, but somewhere, buried deep inside this unnatural lupine body, her mind slumbered, shut off for the time being from the world outside.

Asra was completely unaware of the large male who had been tracking her movements through his territory, completely oblivious to the fact that she was entirely at the mercy of the pack who claimed this area for their own. As she wandered deeper and deeper into the heart of the territory, a small instinct tickled the back of her mind, her wolf form sensing the presence of another of her own kind somewhere nearby. She didn’t register it for what it was though, considering she’d never met another wolf before (save for the one who’d turned her), but her hackles raised slightly as she trotted along, although it didn’t slow her pace at all.

It wasn’t until she was basically on top of the male that she realized he was actually there, and even then, only because he had vocally made his presence known. Instinctively, she whipped around to face him, a feral snarl disfiguring her features as her body shifted into a defensive position, ready to meet the threat with violence. Her blood red gaze quickly took in the much larger male, and any rational creature would have realized almost immediately that there was no chance of winning in a fight against this dominant wolf. However, reason wasn’t something that came freely to Asra in her current state, and instead, her desire to kill overwhelmed any other thought that might have normally occurred to her. Snarling a challenge at the male wolf, she launched herself directly at him, instinct aiming her jaws for the life-giving vein in his throat.
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Re: Wild Things & Rumor [P] (Flame & I)

Postby Nyxia » 12/18/2016 5:45 PM

For Svarog, he knew the risk he was taking by confront the female wolf, with the rest of his pack so far away still. He felt though that with the blood she was losing, she was too dangerous to allow to go much further into their territory. He could feel the rest of the pack at the back of his mind, along with his mother and siblings. While most of the latter were further away, their presence in power with him was still comforting. By the same standard as he issued his first warning growl, he felt Roukan and a small group of the pack's hunters were still several miles away.

In the distance several voices howled in the darkness, each voice confirming their position. While Svarog wanted to return their call with one of his own, he didn't like the idea of giving the injured female such an opening. Instead he reached out to them over the pack bonds, allowing them to feel his power in order to tell them where he was. He'd already warned them that he'd found her, but with all of the hunters and guards making their way to this place. He felt his mother's own power pushing into the bonds as well, but ignored it. She was likely trying to get a read on what was happening, though it was more of a distraction than a help for him.

As the female charged him however, Svarog was a bit surprised indeed. The wild look in her eyes was something he had never seen before in any wolf, but the flash was so quick he didn't have time to judge the level of madness that might have been there. After a moments hesitation, Svarog issued forth a deeper growl. This one had behind it the power of his true dominance, the fur on the back of his neck raising in a bit more of a threat. However he had a feeling that while it might stop her for a moment or two, but then she'd likely shake off the effects of his dominance and try again.

His lips pulled back to reveal his large teeth, which he snapped at her hind leg as he passed. He wasn't fast enough though, as the female was already almost on top of him. Dodging out of her way with nimble steps, Svarog swung around still growling. Without waiting for her to turn, Svarog seized the opening he had. Coming out of his turn, he lunged his large form into her uninjured side. The combination of his pure size in this form and his speed was enough of an advantage to take her down to the ground, where he pinned her down under his weight. His growls had gone from threat, to more of a warning once more as he tried to reason with her.

Bottles smashed, I raised my hand
How can you all even stand?
And why is there joy in this poison? Oh
Faking smiles and confidence
Driving miles to capture this excitement
I can't take anymore

You're never gonna get it
I'm a hazard to myself
I'll break it to you easy
This is hell, this is hell
You're looking and whispering
You think I'm someone else
This is hell, yes
I am in hell

We Don't Have to Dance - Andy Black
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Re: Wild Things & Rumor [P] (Flame & I)

Postby Flame » 12/18/2016 7:07 PM

Asra heard the second, more forceful growl which the male voiced as she launched herself directly towards him, but even if it gave her momentary pause, she was already mid-leap and it was too late to recall her choice of action at this point. Not that she likely would have – her only desire now was to taste this male’s blood, regardless of how unlikely it was that she would overpower him enough in the first place to do so. The glaze of bloodthirst shone vividly in her crimson eyes as she snarled, jaws snapping down where his throat should have been.

However, the male had foreseen her less-than-unpredictable trajectory and adjusted his stance accordingly, and it took little effort for him to sidestep the wild and uncontrolled charge. Asra sailed by him harmlessly, although it elicited a frustrated snarl from her throat as she struggled to catch herself and right herself once again to launch a second attack. Her unruly attempt had placed her at a distinct strategic disadvantage though, and in the time that it took for her to find her feet and whirl to face her opponent once more, he’d taken the window of opportunity to launch his counterattack.

Asra hardly had a moment to notice what was happening before his considerably larger bulk barreled into her uninjured side, knocking her down faster than she could register what was going on. She’d never been in any kind of fight before, let alone one as violent as this, and while her instincts gave her guidance, she didn’t have anywhere near the experience or familiarity with her wolf form that this dominant male did. With that short flurry of action, she found herself pinned heavily to the cold ground beneath her, and her struggles were to no avail, considering her smaller size and heavy blood loss.

A sharp, involuntary yelp issued from her throat both out of shock and pain as her bite wound ground roughly into the dirt beneath her. With the breath knocked clean out of her, she had only the strength to whimper weakly as she struggled to draw wind back into her lungs and force her oppressor off. When the resistance proved too strong, she merely snarled and snapped in the direction of his throat, but even as she did, her struggles grew gradually weaker as the strength drained slowly from her body both from the exertion as well as the blood which continued to ooze from her injury. Soon, even her snarls subsided to a whimpering growl, fear finally breaking through her bloodthirst for the first time since she’d turned.
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Re: Wild Things & Rumor [P] (Flame & I)

Postby Nyxia » 12/18/2016 11:31 PM

For a moment Svarog felt rather bad for pinning the smaller female down, especially since she was injured. As she thrashed a struggled under him, he kept his paws on the ground trying not to completely crush her under his weight. Her jaws snapped a couple breaths off his ear, though he didn't fear her getting too close. Though he did continue to make small sounds of warning as she struggled to push him off, he didn't see it making any progress. It gave him some pause, did she even understand him? That thought brought on a host more questions for him, after all this female was young and fairly new seeming. Had she been an older wolf, he would have written off as aged madness. Now he was forced to revisit his conversation with Roukan. Could the rumors been true? They had heard rumors for months of feral like newly turned wolves, turning up in territories and even being cut down by hunters who found them. His warning wore down to his own calmer sounds, another attempt to reach her. He made softer yips and half barks, trying his best to communicate to her for her name or her pack name.

His mind was drawn away from the thoughts, as she began to grow still beneath him. As he began to shift his weight to his front paws, a sound of crashing and human footfalls in the underbrush sounded to his ears. Without giving it too much thought, Svarog tipped back his massive head and howled loudly to call his wolves to him. A few minutes passed before a familiar face appeared off to their right, and Roukan let out a low whistle. "Well that's one way to catch him." Then he sniffed for a moment, and shook his head. "Well, her." Svarog growled, more a playful than menacing sound as the hunter made his way to them. After a moment, he held up a rope to Svarog. "Why don't we do something about her, so you can get off the poor thing."

While Roukan had a bit of a laugh at it, Svarog wanted to make it clear the female was dangerous. "She's feral, take no chances." He watched as Roukan stilled, and gave the female a longer look over. "Wrap her muzzle, without losing any fingers please." He got only a nod in return, as Roukan instead brought out a heavy muzzle out and wrapped it around to the back of her head. By then Svarog had begun to make softer sounds, more to comfort as he smelled how strong her fear was. Even Roukan struggled to complete his task with the scent of her fear, his own eyes shifting a bright gold while he put the rope around her neck and began to wrap her front paws. Once Svarog was sure she couldn't escape them, he stood up off her and Roukan caught the scent of her blood. "I didn't hurt her, something else did." He growled at the look Roukan gave him. "Bring her to my house, for now we'll have to have a very dominate wolf with her." He turned then and began making his way back home, not bothering to change form. Grunting Roukan picked up the weakened female in his own arms, as he'd stayed human for the chase.

Along the way, several of the pack hunters and a couple of the guards came into step in his wake. None of them reacted to the strange female, nor did they question their Beta in the least. Roukan however was less content with their lack of reaction. However all of them peeled off as they ventured into Svarog's own home turf, a sign of respect. As they all returned to their duties or homes, Roukan pushed open the front door of the house a little rougher with the female in his arms. "Where do you want her?" He expected somewhere in the down stairs, but instead Svarog lead him up the stairs still in his wolf form. Down the hall from his office was an unused guest bedroom, spares in decorations. The moment Svarog nosed the already open door, Roukan groaned. "You can't be serious." The only room in the house that didn't have a window, it was a panic room for unruly wolves the pack sometimes took in. After a moment when Svarog simply glared at him, Roukan relented and carried the wolf inside and set her on the bed. "I'll get Enzak." Closing the door he headed back down the stairs and out the front door to get the pack doctor.

Bottles smashed, I raised my hand
How can you all even stand?
And why is there joy in this poison? Oh
Faking smiles and confidence
Driving miles to capture this excitement
I can't take anymore

You're never gonna get it
I'm a hazard to myself
I'll break it to you easy
This is hell, this is hell
You're looking and whispering
You think I'm someone else
This is hell, yes
I am in hell

We Don't Have to Dance - Andy Black
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Re: Wild Things & Rumor [P] (Flame & I)

Postby Flame » 12/19/2016 2:29 AM

As Asra’s struggles subsided, the haze of bloodlust in her eyes gave way to a slightly unfocused glaze as fear overtook her like a crashing wave. For the first time, it finally seemed to dawn upon her thirst-crazed mind that her life could easily come to an end right here and now. The wolf in her seemed to realize the same thing, as well as the fact that the male who currently held her at his mercy was a dominant one, and one accustomed to having his orders obeyed (or else). Her tail had retreated between her legs at this point, and the whine that emanated from the depths of her throat grew more insistent, slowly overpowering the more aggressive growls.

She wasn’t consciously aware of what she was doing, per se, merely following instinct which was rooted in millennia of evolution which she was now suddenly privy to. However, her hackles rose once again at the sound of approaching footsteps, the scent of new, unfamiliar humans and wolves riding on the cold air. A fresh snarl issued from her lips, but this time, it was weaker than the last she’d given, what little strength she had remaining steadily leaving her body. Her crimson eyes were full of fear and mistrust as they followed the newcomer, another snarl ripping from her throat as the rope and muzzle came into view. She hadn’t been a wolf for long, but she didn’t need to be to know exactly what those were for.

Nevertheless, she was in no state to put up any strong protest as she was bound and muzzled, and soon she found herself almost entirely unable to move. At first, she squirmed against her bonds, growling incessantly as she did so, but those struggles quickly subsided as well, leaving her panting raggedly where she lay, completely at the mercy of her captors. She barely had the strength left to whimper as the man picked her up off the ground, her wound screaming with pain at the abuse it had just suffered and now being moved. The agony crashed over her like a tidal wave, overwhelming any thoughts that still remained in her mind in a hot blur of white, and her vision swam dangerously as she felt herself being carried through the forest towards some unknown destination.

Her body went limp in the arms of the man who bore her as the world around her seemed to spin, her breathing now uneven and shallow as she struggled to draw breath into her lungs. Her blurry gaze just managed to make out what appeared to be lights and a house in the distance before the pain finally overwhelmed her, and darkness swallowed her in its welcoming arms as unconsciousness finally swept over her battered body.
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Re: Wild Things & Rumor [P] (Flame & I)

Postby Nyxia » 01/01/2017 4:34 PM

As Roukan fled to get Enzak, Svarog moved slowly into the room. While she was passed out, he was still cautious of approaching the bed. After a moments thought he moved back and pushed the door shut with his side, causing it to bang shut and the knob to click into place. With that done, Svarog turned back and sat down just beyond the door. He still wasn't all that sure what to make of the bleeding female wolf, but he'd seen nothing but a wild animal in her eyes. That didn't give him much to go on, as far as assessing what she was.

The bang of his front door, and footsteps below him some ten minutes later, brought a slight growl from Svarog's throat as he turned partly to face the door. Two different foot falls told him who was there, as did the heavy frost smell that always seemed to linger around Enzak. The scent drifted under the door, as the pair made their way up the stairs and Roukan stopped on the landing at the end of the hallways. It seemed the younger male was having trouble with Svarog's new guest, something that surprised Svarog. However as Enzak pushed open the door carefully, his mind was forced to other things. Enzak wasn't like many of the other wolves in this pack, he'd been changed into a wolf not born one. Svarog knew from past experience he wouldn't be able to communicate across the pack bonds with young Enzak, instead he would only be able to pass on was feelings.

With a heavy sigh, Svarog pushed up on all fours and made his way out of the room. He would need to change back if he wanted to speak with Enzak, which is exactly where he was going. As he passed out into the hallway, Svarog stopped still. He stared at Roukan who stood at the top of the stairs, running a hand through his already messed chocolate colored hair. His eyes looked tired, despite the fact that the hour wasn't a late one. After a moment, Svarog huffed out a breath, letting the other know he was there. "What has you so troubled, Roukan?" He watched as the younger wolf turned to face him. Like Svarog, and his siblings, Roukan had been born a wolf. Roukan sighed, shook his head some before shrugging his slim shoulders at Svarog.

Without getting an answer, Svarog turned and padded off to his own room. The door stood open which made it easy to enter, through he did push the door mostly shut with his hind foot. Once inside the darkened room, he made his way towards the bed, where he had the most room. With a tired growl, Svarog began to let the magic undo itself. It unraveled around him slowly, painfully, as he began to shift back to his human form. As he did so, Svarog closed himself off from the rest of the pack; keeping the pain of his transformation to himself. It took him ten minutes, before he finally stepped out of the room fully dressed as a human. His body felt worn, between his very sudden shift earlier and the struggle of his shift back, he felt pulled.

Instead of heading for his office, as he usually would have, Svarog turned towards the spare room. Roukan was now leaning on the wall beside the top of the stairs, prepared to stop anyone from entering this level of the house. Later he vowed he'd find out what it was Roukan knew, but for the moment Svarog had other worries. Opening the door to the spare room, and Enzak turned to face him. "She's weak, but I've stopped the bleeding. For now she'll need to rest, and it would be best if she changed back as soon as possible." Enzak watched as his Beta stepped away from the door, and looked over the female. "She's not really like most of the others I've treated...she's wilder." He'd already picked up his supplies. With her side bound tightly with a large gauze bandage, which wrapped around her. He said no more as he passed Svarog and headed for the door, exiting the room in silence.

After a moment of looking her over, when she didn't move more than her slow breathing, Svarog shook his head. Knowing full well he couldn't leave her alone in here, he exited the room and headed for his office. As he passed, Svarog looked over to Roukan. "Stay close, I'll likely need something for her to eat when she wakes up." He then headed into his office and picked up several of the folders and a couple of pens. Once he had everything he needed, Svarog returned to the room where the female still lay on the bed muzzled. Back inside the room, he closed and locked the wooden steel reinforced door. Then sat down at the small desk in the room, and settled out his papers to continue working.

Bottles smashed, I raised my hand
How can you all even stand?
And why is there joy in this poison? Oh
Faking smiles and confidence
Driving miles to capture this excitement
I can't take anymore

You're never gonna get it
I'm a hazard to myself
I'll break it to you easy
This is hell, this is hell
You're looking and whispering
You think I'm someone else
This is hell, yes
I am in hell

We Don't Have to Dance - Andy Black
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Ultimate Specialist
Ultimate Specialist
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Keystones: 609
Joined: 10/02/2008 2:08 PM
Location: Within the darkest nights
Status: Doing my best to get back in the swing of things.

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