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Postby Isalynne » 12/21/2016 8:38 PM

Hello there, lovely people!

So. I have a little more time to play with now I'm off of uni for the winter holidays, and I would love to spend some of it here with all of you! I don't know many people that well yet, but I thought - what better way to bond and build some friendships than to plot and roleplay together? :D The thing is, you're going to have to bear with me here. My zoo pen is nowhere near finished, and a lot of my characters don't even have proper personalities or plots yet, so this is going to be total chaos. We'll get there, though. We'll be fine.

I would heartily suggest that you throw your characters at me. Not literally, because that could get rather painful. Then, I can have a look at them and find one of mine who would be suitable to meet them. I love anyone who is complicated or evil or eccentric. I am a drama seeker in my roleplays and I love anything with the potential to go sour. Not to say that I don't like fluff or lightheartedness either! Casual adventuring, bonding, etc. is more than welcome too. I have plenty of lovelies - such as Cassia - who I actually would never want to harm, and who I envision settling down with a girlfriend in a cute apartment with lots of plants.

The only guy who is very well fleshed out is Cecil.


Cecil is involved in a club for the supernatural named Arcanum. He's a ridiculous charmer, a very handsome man, but he has some severe downfalls. Shameless, uncontrolled sadism is probably the most rampant of them. He works alongside contract killers - doesn't usually like to get his hands dirty, and is usually just there to woo a victim and lure them to where they need to be. I would very much like him to meet his match, or a potential victim that he lets go for some reason. He would be hellbent on trying to work out why he felt such a desire to allow them to live, and that would result in him refusing to leave them alone.

Tl;dr: I love anything that's dark and twisted, but a healthy dose of cuteness and fluff is more than welcome too. If you can get both of those things in one roleplay somehow, it would be amazing.
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