The longest range in Lambastia, the Tuun Mountains cover up much of the northwest. Unlike the harsh Fe'gan Mountains, the Tuun Mountains have varying temperatures, from very mild to slightly colder depending on where you go and which sections you explore. (+3 Offense)

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Meeting of the Minds [P]

Postby Indigo » 12/21/2016 10:06 PM


Saundra Greythorn lounged outside the town hall, idly flicking her tail without regard for the danger its edge might pose and looking over anyone who passed by with a kind of dull interest, like they were a puzzle she was only somewhat invested in solving. The building was designed for people in the general size bracket of humans and her refusal to learn to shapeshift forced her to remain outside for the duration of the briefing. This didn't bother her overmuch; the others usually handled the negotiations anyway, and they were close enough to the edge of town that she felt a bit more at ease than she would have indoors.

Meanwhile Effie and Barclay occupied a small waiting room outside the mayor's office, neither entirely relaxed in their human shape, Effie sitting in a flimsy gray chair with her hands clamped between her knees to keep herself from chewing her nails, Barclay pacing in the small space unoccupied by chairs with the same ferocity that once accompanied his lectures. He'd left his monster catalog on the other chair for greater pacing efficiency.

They had arrived only a few minutes early for their meeting with the mayor, which given their usual track record was an impressive feat of timeliness, but he'd spoken to them only briefly before returning to his office. Apparently he wanted to wait to brief them until someone else arrived; he wouldn't explain who or why, only made placating gestures and told them not to worry, it shouldn't be long, and something about "staggered arrival times" and the Greythorns' reputation. And so here they were.

"Do you suppose I made a bad impression on the phone?" Effie said. "He was rather short with me toward the end and I thought it might not be about me but—I can't imagine what he meant about a reputation—"

"I'm certain that whatever is happening here is not your fault," Barclay said. "Possibly he was referring to your sister, although he must have known she wouldn't be able to attend the meeting, so I don't see why that should have influenced whatever this is." He waved his hand. "I suppose we'll find out soon enough. Try not to worry."

"Trying is one thing," she said, "and succeeding is quite another."

"I'm aware."

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Re: Meeting of the Minds [P]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 03/27/2017 3:30 AM


Melline scaled the wall carefully, lest she be seen by the large Paragon sitting by the front entrance to the building. She was quiet, and kept her ears pricked for any sounds that would indicate she had been spotted. Stealth was her favourite weapon, and although she had no fear of ambush when it came to this particular meeting, she was still going to arrive in her usual manner - after all, what else was the point of an unlocked window, even if it was on the thirteenth floor?

She grinned to herself as she carefully crept towards the door. Her senses alert, she still failed to see the figure in the shadows until it was too late.

"Sloppy as usual, I see - though I'll give you credit for making it this far, given that this is the thirteenth floor" came a voice from the shadows. Melline growled, and instantly whirled around, armblades ready to strike.


Bella stepped forward neatly, and blocked Melline's strike with the metal claws that slid out of her fingertips. She had known exactly how to tempt the headstrong werecain, who had been unable to resist the lure of a window carelessly left open and unattended, regardless of how high up it was.

She grinned, and shoved the werecain back with the palm of her hand. "Careful now," she said, as the claws slid back into her fingertips, "We don't want to keep our host waiting. It's not in good taste to bite the hand that feeds you, and our contact said this job would feed us well for a while."

She swaggered over to the corner where she had left her things, and grinned, despite knowing that Melline wouldn't be able to see it through her mask. "Besides, we're upsetting Mer" she said, stopping to scratch the creature's head as it sat up to receive the caress.


Merpsichore chirped softly through the bindings on her muzzle. She had been sat so still, Melline had taken her for a statue - foolish, she realised, since her eyes were far too bright for that of an inanimate object.

Melline couldn't help smile as the plated creature stepped towards her, and nuzzled against her hand softly. She was always careful with them, aware that her spiky plates could hurt her masters as much as her prey. They were a good team, however, as those very plates also prevented accidental damage from Melline's blades.

Bella smiled and led them towards the door. She had told her contact to prepare their host for their unusual entry methods, but she doubted he would have thought about these routes. After all, how do you prepare for one who shifts through shadows, one who can climb through any window, and one who can navigate a ventilation system with nothing but their nose?
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Meeting of the Minds [P]

Postby Indigo » 04/24/2017 12:42 PM

The mayor's strange decision to shut himself in his office meant that Effie and Barclay met the other party first, and without any sort of adequate preparation. Both of them jumped at the sound of the door, not having heard anyone approaching even with their well-trained ears; and then again when the newcomers came into view.

Barclay reached for his monster catalog at the sight of the muzzled creature and began turning its laminated pages almost too fast to read—he'd heard of something like her, somewhere, or maybe seen one once, there must be something—which left Effie to navigate the unexpected on her own. Normally she wasn't too bad at that, but in an office setting…well.

"Who in the world are you?" She had intended it to come out as an accusation, but her voice shook just enough to ruin the effect. Sometimes she thought Saundra might be right about the uselessness of human shapes. Then, with slightly more conviction, "Are you lost?", because she couldn't imagine why someone would bring a creature like that to a meeting with the mayor, and perhaps they had taken a wrong turn somewhere.

"Mm," Barclay said, looking up, one hand hovering over the binder, "or are you the ones who found the monster we're here about?" Having had some time to think about the mayor's statement, he'd come to the conclusion that the only reason to bring someone else into this meeting was to provide additional information, so this would make sense.

There was not a lot of time for conversation, however, before the mayor himself opened his office door again. He did not appear particularly startled by the arrival of these people, which lent credence to Barclay's theory right up until he said, "Ah, good! So sorry about the wait, but I didn't want to explain everything twice. Now that you're all here, come in and I'll tell you the details of the job." He returned to the office, leaving the door open this time.

Effie got up and hissed into Barclay's ear, "What?"

"I don't know! Perhaps it's just a misunderstanding." He tucked the monster catalog under his arm and gave the other team a dubious look before the two of them followed the mayor into the office.

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