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I Didn't Sign Up for This (P - Toxic) [M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 12/29/2016 8:55 PM


The townhouse in which Torrid lived wasn't nearly as grand as either of the places his father and brother lived, and that was exactly why he had chosen it. He didn't care for the large winding staircases, lush gardens or priceless pieces of artwork. He felt much more at ease in the two-story building he rented, even if it was a bit less private, being scrunched between the two other houses on either side.

Nobody would have guessed from the outside appearance of the building that its owner had access to a small fortune. The cracked red brick, covered in places by crawling ivy, and peeling white paint on the door didn't exactly point towards millionaire status. The various gadgets inside the home, however, told a different story. A giant television took up nearly an entire wall of the living room. All of the appliances in the kitchen were top of the line, and the PC in Torrid's 'office' boasted a three monitor setup.

The lone occupant of the house was currently half-asleep on the large leather couch facing the television. The surround sound didn't seem to bother him as his eyes began drifting shut...but the knock at the door did get his attention.

"Who the hell-?" he groaned, glancing at the digital clock on the wall to his left. It was just past noon, and Torrid had only just recently woken up. His brother knew better than to visit him so early, and very few others knew where he lived. Figuring that somebody had the wrong house, the man pushed to his feet, ready to point whoever it was in the right direction - away from him.

Swinging the door open, he was surprised to see a delivery man. "Uhh...hello?"

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Re: I Didn't Sign Up for This (P - Toxic) [M:L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/30/2016 1:03 AM


When the door swung open and the delivery man was greeted, they returned the greeting with a smile. "Good afternoon, Sir. We have a delivery here for," they paused, to glance at the paperwork attached to the clipboard they were carrying, "first name Torrid." Little did the other man know, the delivery man recognized his face after the LMC team looked up the man's general information; they always researched their possible clients, prior to awarding them anything.

After speaking, he briefly glanced away and waved over the other delivery men. It was their signal and, momentarily, two men pushing a large crate on a dolly, definitely over five feet tall, made their way up behind the first man. The size was one thing, but the whole wooden crate was white with huge, bright pink letters that read "Love Me," across the front.

"We need you to sign here, on the bottom line, please," he added, when his gaze shifted back to the occupant of the house. He held out the clipboard, a pen already neatly attached to it.

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Re: I Didn't Sign Up for This (P - Toxic) [M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 12/30/2016 1:47 AM

"Really." It wasn't a question, but rather a word to fill the silence while Torrid tried to figure out what he actually wanted to say. He wasn't the type to buy a lot of things online, especially not something within a crate that big. What the heck could have possibly been in that thing? There was no way he wouldn't have remembered making a purchase like that.

But he couldn't just stand there and make the guy wait. He was just delivering the package - he wouldn't know anything about the actual order. Moving to the side, Torrid gave those pushing the dolly room to move past him. "Well, that's me," he said, taking the offered clipboard. "You can go ahead and bring it inside. Just sign here?" He was already scribbling his signature - a simple cursive 'T' - even as he asked the question. Once that was finished, he handed the clipboard back.

He tried to keep his gaze neutral as he read the word 'Love Me' across the front of the box. Good gods, who had sent him this package?! Maybe it was some sort of prank? Either that or Benjamin had mixed up which day was his birthday again, and had sent him a really weird present.

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Re: I Didn't Sign Up for This (P - Toxic) [M:L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/30/2016 2:26 AM

Given the space, the two men hauling the crate quickly moved it inside the house, carefully depositing the crate without jostling it too much. They were told it was fragile and, if it was broken, the inside contents were worth far more than they could probably afford to pay in their lifetimes. They didn't want to take that risk.

As a courtesy, one of the men carefully loosened the front panel of the crate with a crowbar. He didn't entirely pry it open, leaving the panel barely in place, but eliminated the possibility of the man struggling to find a way to open it.

"Yes," the delivery man that seemed in charge of the team confirmed, as Torrid signed the paperwork. Then, he accepted it, and checked it over. "Thank you very much, Sir. Have a wonderful day."

With these short words declaring their departure, the two other delivery men exited the house and the three left in a hurry. Presumably, they had other deliveries to tend to and didn't have time to spare.

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Re: I Didn't Sign Up for This (P - Toxic) [M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 12/30/2016 3:51 AM

Now that he was alone with the box, Torrid circled it curiously. He knew that he should just open it, but for some reason he was too nervous to do so. Wiping a hand over his face, he let out a nervous chuckle. What, now I'm too paranoid to even open a damn crate? Pulling out his cell phone, he began dialing his brother before pressing the phone to his ear. Hopefully Benjamin could explain what this thing was.

But when his brother didn't immediately answer, Torrid finally gave in. Holding the phone between his ear and shoulder, he used both hands to lift the top of the crate. Thanks to the deliverymen, it was an easy enough task to do. Taking a peek inside, he instantly recoiled, letting out a loud yelp of surprise just as Benjamin finally answered the phone.

"What the hell?!" the man gasped into the phone, now grasping it with both hands. "Benny, did you send me some sort of weird life-sized doll? You've tried setting me up before, but this is stooping to a whole new level!"

On the other end of the line, Benjamin began babbling excitedly, something about a raffle and robots. But Torrid was only half listening, the majority of his attention focused on the contents of the box, which looked exactly like a living, breathing woman.

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Re: I Didn't Sign Up for This (P - Toxic) [M:L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/30/2016 4:49 AM

Not only did the crate contain a female model Artificial Personal Lover, but she was half-buried in pink balloons and way too much sparkly silver confetti. Inside, Chi had been awake the entire time. Still, rather than coming out on her own, she sat perfectly still, her eyes closed. That was, until the person that was presumably her User opened the crate. Suddenly, she opened both eyes. There was a moment of hesitation but, after hearing his voice, sounding all too shocked by her appearance, she hoisted herself up and out of the crate.

In one swift, graceful movement, she had pulled herself up and out, landing effortlessly. Balloons and confetti had come up with her, and spilled across the floor. At full height, she was still small, standing no more than five feet tall. Her hair was neatly curled and partially pinned back.

Luckily, prior to delivery, the APL had been activated for final tests and to select her outfit; she was delivered fully clothed, unlike the first case, where the male APL had been delivered almost completely naked. It was a cute little ensemble, with a black lacy dress, completed with sheer, black leggings and boots. Over it, she wore a long, light pink coat with bold, black buttons, and decorative ribbon. Her ears were pieced, but she only wore small, delicate silver earrings that were shaped as roses, along with a simple silver ring on her left, middle finger to match.

Before taking a good look at her User, just after she had rose to her full height, she bowed. "You must be Torrid. I am Artificial Personal Lover Prototype Chi B6I. Please call me Chi! From now on, I will be with you!" Only after her introduction, did she stand back up, wearing a bright smile on her face.

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Re: I Didn't Sign Up for This (P - Toxic) [M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 12/30/2016 6:36 PM

It wasn't until the woman actually moved that Torrid realized she was more than just an inanimate object. "Holy shit, you're alive!" he practically screamed, backing away with his hands held up defensively. He probably could have been handling this much better, but he had just woken up and he didn't have the presence of mind to censor his words or actions quite yet. It didn't help that the person was a woman, and an attractive one at that. Torrid had very little experience with women outside of those who had fawned over him while he still lived with his fathers and brother.

The phone, which he had momentarily forgotten about and was now holding away from his ear, drew his attention once more as Benjamin's voice screamed his name from the other end. "Uh, just...just stay right there a second, Miss, uh, Chi." He turned his back, returning the phone to his ear to listen to his brother's explanation. He visibly tensed as he spoke into the mobile device, "You did what?! Why would you- Yeah, forward those forms to me. I want to see what sort of shit you wrote down."

Ending the call, he groaned, tugging his hair with both hands in frustration. When he finally turned back to face the woman - or Artificial Personal Lover, whatever the heck that was - his expression was unreadable, his voice flat. "Yes, I'm Torrid. But there may have been some sort of mistake in this whole thing. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience." He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, awkwardly. "If you'd like to take a seat, I'll see if I can get this sorted out." Without waiting for an explanation, he fled into his office, slamming the door behind him.

Signing into his email, he quickly spotted the email that his brother had sent him barely a minute ago. He printed the attached file, and then ruffled through the papers, gaze flying from left to right quickly as he skimmed the information on the sheet. There was no contact information for the Love Me Corporation it seemed, so he turned to the questionnaire section of the forms. "Dear gods," he whispered. "This is a disaster. At least he got a few of the answers right..."

There were far too many questions for him to read all at once, but he flipped through the pages, reading as many as he could bear:
Name three to five words that you think best describe you.
Bossy, sarcastic, irritable
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
Playing video games, cleaning and cooking, drinking
Do you have a favorite color?
What is your favorite season?
Name five of your favorite foods.
Lobster tails, Filet mignon, Caeser salad, German tomato soup, Oysters
Do you prefer to stay in or go out to eat?
Stay in
What is your favorite animal?
I don't particularly like animals
What is your favorite holiday?
Holidays have no meaning to me.
What do you do for a living?
Mooch off my family's wealth
Do you find shorter or longer hair attractive?
Depends on face shape
Do you tend to hog the covers in bed?
What is your favorite, non-gender defining, physical feature on a person?
Teeth (if they're white and straight)
What do you look for in a potential partner?
Someone who will see past my tough guy mask and realize that I'm vulnerable and need love
In a relationship, are you more interested in sex or romance? Or both?
Romance if it's serious, sex if it's just a fling
Do you enjoy foreplay?
How many intimate/romantic/sexual relationships have you been in?
No serious romantic relationships, a couple dozen sexual partners
Do you enjoy cuddling?
Yes, but not in public. I have a tough guy reputation to uphold.
Do you have any dealbreakers in a relationship?
Not being given enough space when I'm upset.
Do you prefer the lights on or off during sex?
Off, with candles lit
Describe your sense of humor.
Dry and sarcastic
Are you a giver or taker in bed?
I think I'm a giver, but I'm probably a taker
Do you have any vices?
Smoking and drinking

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Re: I Didn't Sign Up for This (P - Toxic) [M:L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/30/2016 10:47 PM

According to the information they had on record, Torrid's reaction certainly wasn't the worst of them. Anyone unsuspecting would be shocked by the appearance of someone living, for all intents and purposes, delivered to their front door in a crate. She was invited to sit, but the APL just remained standing where she was as things played out in front of her.

Chi quietly watched her User flip through the pages of, presumably, the questionnaire, at least based on her observation. However, finally, she cleared her throat, as if to gain his attention. "Excuse me?" She was leaning forward a bit, head tilted just a little to the side, attempting to look at his face. "If there is anything that is inaccurate, that information can be discarded. Information may be learned, relearned, and forgotten. If I hear, read or observe something once, I will remember, unless it is considered unimportant or invalid." Over all, Chi's voice was very gentle and, although it was synthetic, it didn't sound fake or generically robotic in the least. Based on appearances, she looked like a perfectly regular human woman. Of course, she was also on the visually appealing side, given that APLs were designed to be particularly attractive to the general populace.

"Otherwise, if you have any questions, a written manual is not provided, but I am able to answer any questions that you may have regarding myself."

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Re: I Didn't Sign Up for This (P - Toxic) [M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 12/31/2016 2:16 PM

Torrid probably would have completely forgotten that Chi was standing right there, had she not spoken. Setting the papers down on an end table, he faced the APL and looked down at her. For the first time he noticed how small she really was. He was pretty sure he was a whole foot taller than her, but it was hard to tell without actually asking her exact height - and he wasn't comfortable enough to ask any personal questions like that, yet.

"Sorry," he said, although he wasn't quite sure what he was apologizing for this time. Temporarily ignoring her, maybe? Screaming at her when she stood up from the box? Probably both. "So, look, I never filled out the forms." He was rubbing his neck, gaze settled on a place behind and to the left of her head instead of actually making eye contact. "My brother set all of this up. Or at least, he's the one who entered me into...whatever it was that brought you here. I'm sure you're a pretty cool...uh, Artificial Personal Lover or whatever. But I'm not sure if I would be the right fit for your, ya know, user." Geez, this felt like some sort of breakup or something, and it was making him nervous. This was one of the main reasons why he didn't do relationships. They were messy and awkward, and someone always got hurt. Now he was fumbling with his words, trying to let a robot - did she actually qualify as a robot? - down easy.

Trying to reign in his thoughts, he tapped the forms that he had set down with a single finger. "These papers didn't mention any contact information for the company that sent you. Do you know of a home address for them? Maybe if I ship you back, they could just a pick new winner."

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Re: I Didn't Sign Up for This (P - Toxic) [M:L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 01/09/2017 6:44 PM

Chi tilted her head to the other side as Torrid spoke. Slowly, the small smile that she wore turned into a frown. Oh. So he didn't want her. It was one of those cases. Her expression became very evidently concerned for a moment, before she shook her head. No. This wasn't an issue. Things would be fine. She had to reassure herself.

"Just APL is fine," she said, first. Her expression returned to the smallest of smiles, as she was forcing herself to trust that everything would work out. "If you desire to contact the Love Me Corporation, I am able to do so. Please relay any messages for them to me." Everything went through the APLs on purpose, so that the Users would have to interact with them. And, in doing so, perhaps they would better come to accept them.

"However, if you wish to return me, I am able to go back on my own. Though, you must know that I will be deactivated and dismantled upon return; as I am now, I will cease to exist. It's the same a dying," she explained. "No one wants a used product, so there is no other purpose for me than to be with you."

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Re: I Didn't Sign Up for This (P - Toxic) [M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 01/11/2017 8:08 AM

The man noticed the APL's worry, and his frown deepened in response. He knew that the being in front of him was a sort of Artificial Intelligence, but he found it difficult to see any difference from any other human woman. And knowing that he was the cause of her concern - even though she tried to cover it up quickly - made him feel like a major ass.

His frown turned to an expression of equal parts shock and something akin to anger when Chi informed him that she would be dismantled were he to send her back. His hands balled into fists at his side, and he had to take a few long, deep breaths to calm himself. She was just a robot...wasn't she? He shouldn't have been so upset about this, he tried to himself. But the concern he had seen proved that robot or no, she definitely had at least some sort of emotions. What if she felt pain as well? She had said it herself - it would be like dying. Could he really sentence her to that?

No, he couldn't. "Okay, forget about sending you back," he said. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt for you to stay here a while, and see how this works out. Whatever 'this' is supposed to be." He didn't exactly plan on keeping her, but he also wasn't going to send her to die just because he hadn't been the one to request her. Now he had to just think of a way to ditch responsibility of her. It was for her own good, after all. He wasn't even able to properly look after himself, only staying afloat because of his family's money.

"I need to make some lunch," he said suddenly as a growling in his stomach interrupted all other thoughts. He glanced at her for a moment, uncertainty written across his face. " don't eat, right?" He was assuming that she didn't, but then again prior to this he had assumed that AI looked, well, different. And since he had already been proven wrong once, he figured it wasn't safe to trust his assumptions anymore.

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Re: I Didn't Sign Up for This (P - Toxic) [M:L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 01/12/2017 11:04 PM

The APL watched in confusion at Torrid's reaction. It seemed... her words had made him angry, but she wasn't sure why, exactly, and he didn't explain it. Human instincts would have told her to be wary of an angry person and, although it did occur to her, Chi trusted him. Whether or not that was against her better judgement. So she didn't take even the slightest step away.

When he decided against sending her back, though, her expression brightened once more. "Okay!" She agreed, easily enough. "I am certain that I can be useful to you," she assured him.  "I am capable of learning anything, so long as I am exposed to it. Reading, hearing, seeing, I am able to remember anything, although important information is forgotten as needed. Although, the LMC, that's the Love Me Corporation which created and supports the APLs, highly recommends not publically revealing what we are, so please keep that in mind."

At the mention of food, Chi moved a few steps closer. "Unfortunately, although I am able to taste food,  anything I eat can not be processed. I have no reason to consume sustenance; it's simply a matter of saving face, if necessary." If they desired to go out with their Users and accompany them to restaurants or similar things, the APLs could consume food in their effort to blend into human society, but it would have to soon be expelled later, the same way which it came. "I've always wanted to try chewing gum, though," she admitted. What would tasting something be like? She was curious about it. "If you would like, I can prepare lunch for you? I'm quite familiar with cooking and would be glad to do it."

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Re: I Didn't Sign Up for This (P - Toxic) [M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 01/13/2017 1:00 PM

//Hope you don't mind reading the long post, I have super high muse for this roleplay apparently xD

Torrid was beginning to realize that the first impression he was making definitely wasn't a very good one. It had been too long since he had bothered actually meeting someone new, and he had forgotten what it was like to fake a smile and put on false charms. Oh well, he told himself. I'm not going to bother pretending to be a nice guy. It's not like I'm trying to impress her or anything.

His head was beginning to throb. Torrid wasn't sure if it was from all the new information he was trying to make sense of, or simply the situation itself. Pinching the bridge of his nose, his eyes closed for a brief moment before opening. Despite his recent inner monologue, he found himself forcing a smile.

"Alright, so no mentioning the fact that you aren't anything other than a normal human in public - got it. Are there any other rules or guidelines? Not just from the company I mean, but that you yourself have?" He was having trouble finding the right words, but he tried one more time. "I mean, what exactly is it that you expect from me as your User?" Obviously he wasn't intending on doing anything to hurt Chi, but was there anything else he wasn't supposed to do? For example...what about physical intimacy? These things were meant to be companions, presumably romantically, so was sex something that the APLs were meant for as well?

Forcing his thoughts back to the present, Torrid shook his head to clear it. "Oh, I wouldn't expect you to cook for me. I'd feel like I was taking advantage of you, treating you like a maid or something." This time the small smile that lifted one corner of his mouth was genuine. "Besides, I like cooking. If you want to help though, I'm fine with that. I'm afraid I don't have any gum, though. I can pick some up for you when I get groceries later, if you'd like."

Backing away, he brushed his fingers through his dark auburn hair, still tussled from his sleep. He was suddenly feeling self-conscious. What must she think of his appearance? Wrinkled sweatpants that he had slept in, bare torso and feet - he probably looked like a slob.

"Uh, the kitchen is this way," he pointed down the hall, which ended in an open arch leading into the kitchen and attached dining room. "If you want to wait for me there, let me just go and change my clothes really quickly."

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Re: I Didn't Sign Up for This (P - Toxic) [M:L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 01/13/2017 11:28 PM

Chi quietly considered Torrid's question. She never thought in that perspective, if she had any particular guidelines. After all, the APLs were programmed to do all that they could for their Users. She'd only just been activated and delivered, thus, she did not have the time to develop much of her own preferences, really. At their core, they were designed to be perfect companions for their users, emotionally, romantically, and sexually, and learned how to treat their Users as things went. In many ways, though, they were just like humans. They developed their own interests, passions and preferences as they experienced new things. Chi just didn't have several years behind her, like Torrid, or any other human that was similar to the age that she looked.

Before the APL could give a solid answer, the conversation had moved along. She'd have to think about it and tell him later. "You're free to ask anything of me," she told him. "I am quite capable at household chores, so I can contribute there. My wanting to be helpful to you isn't you taking advantage of me. But, yes, since you enjoy cooking, then I'd like to at least help you." She didn't want to take over something and take away what he enjoyed. "Oh! Can I... go with you when you go grocery shopping? I've never done it, but it sounds fun." Everything was a brand new experience for the APL and she was looking forward to everything, no matter how mundane most people would find it.

"Okay!" She agreed, dipping her head for a moment. "I'll wait for you there. Um. While you're gone, I'll try to think of an answer to your earlier question, about... guidelines." Without waiting for her User to say anything else, she turned and made her way down the hall and into the kitchen, leaving Torrid to get dressed.

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Re: I Didn't Sign Up for This (P - Toxic) [M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 01/14/2017 12:24 PM

"I wouldn't exactly call grocery shopping fun," Torrid found himself chuckling at her enthusiasm. "But if you'd like to come with me, I don't see why that would be a problem." Glancing back towards the box, he realized that the likelihood of her having fit a whole wardrobe in there with her were quite slim. "If there's anything you need to get, like more articles of clothing, we can do that as well. Although I won't be much help on that front - I'm not very knowledgeable about women's clothing."

As she turned towards the kitchen, the man found himself watching her for a moment before shaking his head and turning away. He paused by the box in which she had arrived, eyeing the spilled confetti and balloons that had come with it. He debated cleaning it up at that moment, but another growl in his stomach reminded him that it could wait. Instead, he took the stairs to the second story two at a time, turning to the first room on the left - his bedroom.

Fixing his hair as best he could in front of a mirror, he finally just gave up and pulled the shoulder-length locks back into a small ponytail. Once he had dressed in dark-wash jeans and a black v-neck t-shirt, he was satisfied with his appearance. It wasn't his best, but at least he didn't look like such a slob anymore. After a quick gargle with mouthwash in case the APLs had been designed with a good sense of smell, he returned downstairs to meet Chi in the kitchen.

"I apologize," he said, trying to exude a sort of easy confidence instead the of the almost crippling self-consciousness he was currently feeling. "I hadn't exactly been expecting visitors, so I hope you'll excuse my earlier appearance." Here it was - his court manners coming back to him just as they always did when he was nervous, even though he had sworn them off for good. It was one of the reason he rarely interacted with women aside from drunken flirting and one night stands. He was always more insecure in the light of day, not to mention painfully aware of what others must be thinking of him. Apologizing for his appearance, words or actions was something that Torrid had done for years in an attempt to gain approval. And now, it was simply habit.

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