Almost large enough to be considered a theme park while remaining free to the public, Terrace Park is rumored to have been the site of the Grand Hollowheart's defeat, leading to the Hollowhearts first accepting a pact with humans. (+2 Fame, +2 Endurance)

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Re: I Didn't Sign Up for This (P - Toxic) [M:L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 01/14/2017 5:05 PM

The APL had only nodded her head in agreement when Torrid mentioned shopping for her, as well. Admittedly, it excited her, too, but a small part of her wondered if she should really so easily accept him buying things for her. It wasn't as though Chi had any money of her own. She wondered if, maybe, she should try to find a job. At least one other APL was working.

During her time alone, Chi really did just try to think of an answer to his earlier question. Although, she was considerably distracted and busied herself by curiously looking around the kitchen and familiarizing herself with what she saw. She wasn't so bold as to start opening cabinets and seeing what was stored where, but at least she understood the layout after taking a glance around.

She was just taking off and neatly folding her coat, revealing her lace accented dress, when Torrid returned to meet her. The last thing she wanted was to risk her coat getting stained in the process of preparing food; her black dress didn't have that possibility. It was obvious that, when she turned to face him, she looked him up and down to take in his new appearance. She smiled again. "It's perfectly fine, you don't need to apologize," she dismissed the thought easily. Honestly, she didn't particularly care what he was wearing, or lack there of. "I like you as you are. And it's not my business to tell you what to wear or not to wear in your own home. Besides... We used to be delivered nearly naked... Although... that caused some problems before, and they okay'd me wearing out whatever I wanted. I just wanted to be dressed a little more special for the occasion."

With that, she switched gears. "So, I don't... I can't think of anything, guidelines for myself, I mean. I'm just happy to be here." The APL was content to just let things move along as they would, and she wasn't sure if she was bold enough to declare things outright. "As for things that might be good to know... If I sustain damage, I'll bleed, but I am stronger and more durable than an average woman. I can repair minor damage on my own, but if I sustain heavy injuries, I'll have to be repaired by the LMC. It's like going to see a doctor. Um, I'm... anatomically correct?" Was that important information that needed to be stated? She wasn't sure, but it was already out in the open. "My physical appearance does not age on its own, but the LMC can update my appearance as needed or requested. At this time, I do not have official documents or identification, but that can be arranged, in time. I don't have a last name, so something will have to be decided upon." Hm. What else? Answering questions that we're specific was a bit difficult.

"If you have anything specific you'd like to know, please ask. I'll answer anything."

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Re: I Didn't Sign Up for This (P - Toxic) [M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 01/15/2017 7:38 PM

The kitchen wasn't incredibly large, but it was perfectly clean and organized. The line of cupboards above the counter space along the left wall were all labelled with small stickers that said things like 'baking', 'canned goods', and 'boxed'. The stove was placed in the middle of the counters, a silver six-burner with an additional half oven on the right of the normal sized oven. The refrigerator was at the end of the counters, with a pantry perpendicular to it. The sink was built into the island that served to separate the cooking area from the dining area - a rectangular wooden table with four matching chairs, two on either side.

"Here, let me take that for you," Torrid reached for Chi's coat and, if allowed to take it, hung it on the coat rack in place of the apron which he took. "I'm glad you were clothed," he laughed nervously. "I know my reaction wasn't the best, but it probably would have been far worse had you not been." He had begun tying the stained white apron around his own waist, but paused as he realized that her clothing was probably more special to her than his was to him. Pushing it towards her, he said simply, "Here. It'll protect your dress."

Regardless of whether or not she took the apron, he was already turning towards the fridge. He listened to her speak as he began rooting around for eggs, cheese and a few vegetables. At the words 'anatomically correct' he found his mind going places it shouldn't, and he leaned a bit further than was necessary into the refrigerator, both to hide his expression and in an attempt to quite literally keep a 'cool head'. Once his thoughts were under control, he backed away and closed the fridge door, laying the items out on the counter in front of him. He made a mental note to make a better attempt at keeping himself in check. He had been in this house alone for too long - his mask was slipping. He would have to keep a better guard up, if he didn't want to end up looking like a total idiot.

"Good to know," he said. "I can't think of any questions right now, but I'll be sure to ask if I think of them." The second drawer from the top next to the fridge held all of his knives, while the cupboard on the left of the stove housed his chopping boards, along with various other baking and cookware. He took two chef's knives and two chopping boards out and offered one of each to Chi. "If you could dice some onion and green pepper, I'll chop the red pepper and tomatoes."

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Re: I Didn't Sign Up for This (P - Toxic) [M:L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 01/16/2017 5:51 PM

When Torrid offered to take her coat, Chi handed it over with out complaint She offered a quiet, "Thank you," to him for it. "I'm glad that I went against tradition, then." If it was easier for him to transition into her being here simply because she arrived fully clothed, then she was especially happy with her decision. As she had watched him begin to tie the apron around his waist, she was surprised when he stopped and thrust it at her instead. She didn't argue with him on it, either. "Thank you." Since he offered the apron to her, she took it, and began to tie it over her clothes.

She didn't do much as her User gathered up supplies. If he'd asked her to grab something, she would have, but he didn't. When he offered the knife and cutting board, though, she moved quickly into action, taking each from him. "Of course," she answered happily. She arranged the cutting board on one of the counters, neatly, before declaring, "I'll wash the vegetables." And then gathering them all up all up, and moved to wash them in the sink. That was a necessary step prior to eating fruits and vegetables, although she'd only made the assumption that they still needed to be washed. Fearlessly, Chi stuck her hands under the water without reservation. Although she may have been a machine, she was designed to be able to get wet, and was not in the least bit bothered by it.

After carefully washing each, she returned half of the vegetables, the ones he said he'd cut, back to Torrid. "Here you are. You have quite a nice kitchen," she added. Everything was neatly kept, from what she could tell, and she was especially excited that there was two ovens.

With that, the APL began to expertly slice and dice the vegetables given to her. She gathered up the green pepper first and stared at it for a long moment, before setting to work. Her hands moved swiftly and precisely, beyond what most humans, if not especially talented, were capable of. Then moved on to the onion, too. She made quick work of things before grinning over at Torrid. "Aaah, it was my first time doing this. I think it turned out all right, though."

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Re: I Didn't Sign Up for This (P - Toxic) [M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/03/2017 11:56 AM

The ease with which Chi settled into an unfamiliar setting was a bit of a surprise to Torrid. She seemed to have no trouble taking initiative, and she truly seemed eager to be a help to him. He wondered whether she was the type to be comfortable in any given situation - so far, she had seemed fairly difficult to upset. Even when he had screamed at her upon realizing she was alive, and even in the threat of being sent back to the Love Me Corporation to be dismantled, she had remained calm.

Taking the washed vegetables from her, Torrid said a quick, "Thank you," before setting to work chopping them. He hadn't been lying when he said he enjoyed cooking. Once he was focused on the task of cutting efficiently through the tomato and red pepper, he felt his attitude improving. A soft expression - not quite a smile, but very close - settled on his face as he worked.

"Wow, that was quick," the man's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "And this was your first time? Geez. You can set them on the counter beside me while I finish." Torrid attempted to speed up his own movements, slightly disappointed in himself for being slower at his task. While he wasn't a master chef, he did cook pretty often, and he took pride in his own speed and ability in the kitchen. But Chi had been made, it seemed, to be able to do such things at a higher efficiency level than normal humans.

Once he finished with his own vegetables less than a minute later, Torrid glanced at her work. "That looks perfect," he said. Heading to the stove, he began the process of cooking an omelette. He tried to think of something to say, anything to fill the silence, but his brain seemed to be unresponsive. Finally, he said simply, "Is there anything you wish to know about me? I'm sure you already know everything that was filled out in my forms, but those can only go so far." Eyes narrowing slightly, he added, "Especially when I wasn't the one who filled them out."

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Re: I Didn't Sign Up for This (P - Toxic) [M:L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/04/2017 1:29 AM

Chi nodded her head, as she moved to set the cut vegetables down beside him, as she had been told to do. "Yes. It's just that I am designed for speed and precision in these sorts of tasks. I am especially efficient in all household chores." She finished the task so effortlessly, even without first hand experience, entirely because she was not human. "My reaction times are flawless, as well, unless I have been damaged." Theoretically, she'd be a great driver, gamer, or anything that potentially required quick and calculated reaction. Some APL models were intentionally created to be professional guard units, as they made excellent fighters and strategists, as well.

She didn't really have to wait for him to finish, since it happened so quickly, and she excitedly clapped her hands together twice and grinned when he praised her. "Yay!" That was praise, right? Since he'd said they were perfect. "You're very good at this, too." He was human, as far as she was aware, and here, he had nearly matched her speed, with his precision seemingly on par.

Turning to watch her User as he moved, she soon moved, too, hovering near him to watch as he began the processing of cooking. It was evident that the APL was curious and interested in cooking, and just about anything, really.

"Um," she thought for just a moment. "You said that... your brother was the one to fill out the questionnaire, yes?" If anything was inaccurate, she could discard it, but repeating every single question and answer to confirm if it was accurate or not seemed like it would be... awkward. For him, and probably for her, too, because of him. Instead, she settled on asking, "Do you... think I'm cute?" without even batting an eyelash; she didn't hesitate or find it odd to ask, whatsoever. Chi even intentionally leaned forward a bit, so she could look at his face when she asked and gauge his reaction. She was genuinely curious and expectant, waiting for his answer, and it was written all over her face. The answer to such a question would somewhat cover three questions that had been asked, and it was a valuable question, even outside of that, all things considered. "Oh, or would 'attractive,' be the more accurate word to use?" Either way.

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Re: I Didn't Sign Up for This (P - Toxic) [M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 10/06/2017 9:13 AM

"I wish I could say the same about myself," Torrid said. "I can be a perfectionist when it comes to cleaning, so I tend to be slower when it comes to cleaning. At least the final result is usually worth it." He found his mind wandering for a moment, imagining how things might change for the better with Chi around. Splitting up the chores - since he refused to put the entire weight of cleaning on her shoulders, despite her claim that he wouldn't be taking advantage of her - would certainly result in quicker cleaning. And that feeling of loneliness, the one that he had managed to push so far back that he was able to (mostly) ignore its existence, might actually become a thing of the past. But then again, he had all the time in the world for cleaning, and his sole purpose in leaving the castle had been solitude hadn't it?

The woman's reaction to the praise was actually...adorable? Was that the right word? Torrid wasn't sure, but he did know that it caused a smile to tug at his lips. "Ah, thank you, although I know I'll never be as efficient at this as you are." Likely, he wouldn't be as efficient at anything as she was.

As he tilted the pan and pushed the egg around to allow it to cook evenly, he found himself stealing glances at Chi. She seemed so intrigued by the simple process of cooking, and before he knew it he found himself offering her the chance to help. "Would you like to cook? I can guide you through it, if you don't know how."

"Yeah, that was Benjamin. He's always trying to set me up, thinks he's looking out for me or something." The next question caught him off guard, and he found himself stammering his answer. "I - what? Ah, yes, I mean...well, yeah." Turning so that he could face her fully, he gave her a quick up and down before letting his gaze settle on her face. "To be honest, you're probably one of the most beautiful woman I've seen." There, that was a better response, and it wasn't a lie.

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