Home to a variety of cultural backgrounds, Lamenolai is a citadel city with stone walls that encompass the whole city and stone 'guardians.' It is also home to the Headquarters of the Purines, an opposing organization to the Imperialists of Lambastia. (+2 Defense, +2 Fame)

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Re: StuDYING or Sleepover? ... Sleepover! [P]

Postby puppyluver4ever » 01/24/2017 2:09 PM

"Oh, sorry" Aria replied meekly, not realizing it was so late. Sensing that Cecilia was getting impatient with her, Aria lifted a sleepy Oskar from the couch and headed over to the kitchen where she had last seen the roasting pan. Aria did not want to get on Cecilia's bad side now, not after spending half a decade avoiding it. It sort of overwhelmed Aria when friends and family got upset with her, so she tried hard not to get on the bad side of them.

On the counter was the roasting pan with a damp old cloth set on one side of the inside pan. To the left  of the roasting pan was a small pile of old rags left for Aria to dampen and add to the pan. Aria set Oskar on the cloth already in the pan and set to get the rest of the rags ready for the pan. With some luke-warm water running, Aria ran the rest of the rags under the water, rung them out well, and arranged them in the pan in such a way that  they formed a little nest on the side of the pan that Oskar was not occupying.

"Alright, Oskar, your new nest is ready" murmured Aria as she moved Oskar to the new nest of rags. After making sure that Oskar was settled Aria hesitantly left to go find Cecilia to see if she needed help finding some more clothes.
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Re: StuDYING or Sleepover? ... Sleepover! [P]

Postby Moofius » 01/24/2017 8:02 PM

With Aria using rags (clean ones) from Cecilia's meager stash, the rabbot moved to collect the food Aria had been breaking up into smaller pieces. There was no sense in making it too neat, she figured, going over to the roasting pan and carefully pushing a bit of the rags aside to make a mostly dry area to place the crumbs. Cecilia withdrew her hand and looked at the rattegan.

“Poor thing...” She sighed, picking up a few crumbs to lay them near his face. With the rattegan situated as best as he was going to be Cecilia looked to Aria.
“So... I feel like you're probably going to be pretty distracted with him here,” Cecilia said, sounding unsure, “do you still want to play board games?”
The whole night had been rather turned on its head, heck they'd almost set her apartment on fire. What a head ache that was, bot no sense worrying Aria about it.
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Re: StuDYING or Sleepover? ... Sleepover! [P]

Postby puppyluver4ever » 01/24/2017 8:43 PM

"We can still play games" replied Aria who was still concentrating on the rattagen. Playing games might make Aria worry less about Oskar, plus she figured if Cecilia was asking, then it meant that she was not too upset with Aria anymore.

"First, I think I will eat a snack, if that's ok?" Aria had worked up an appetite sort of trying to look after Oskar. Fretting, Aria's mind was on overload, worrying about Oskar. It will be ok, Aria reassured herself in her head Tomorrow she and Cecilia would go into the city and find a vet for the rattagen.

"Perhaps we can play a 2 player version of Betrayers in Evelon?" asked Aria, cocking her head at Cecilia.
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Re: StuDYING or Sleepover? ... Sleepover! [P]

Postby Moofius » 01/26/2017 8:53 PM

“Alright, but not Betrayer.” Cecilia shook her head. The game was really not situated for two player, maybe before it started and you were building the map, but after that? It just didn't work well.

Cecilia went to the big table she had set up in the center of the room and looked through the games.
“We have Glum which is fun for two player. There's Fluctuate and we could play poker, too.” She wasn't great at poker, but Cecilia was fairly certain she had advantage over Aria who likely had never played before.

“As for snacks, well there's the bookshelf,” Cecilia said, gesturing to it, “help yourself. Are there's some leftovers in the fridge, too.”
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Re: StuDYING or Sleepover? ... Sleepover! [P]

Postby puppyluver4ever » 02/03/2017 2:43 PM

"What if we started out with Glum and Fluctuate, and then see what time it is?" suggested Aria, who just remembered she was feeling hungry. Aria had not eaten since breakfast, and it was rare that she would miss a meal. In all the hassle and fuss to ensure the rattagen was watered, fed and comfortable, feeding herself had not been a priority.

"I think I am going to eat some of your leftovers for dinner". Feeling her stomach growl, Aria wandered over to the fridge and opened in the door. The fridge about half full with a little bit of everything. Starting from the top shelf of the fridge with the Milk, juice and water, Aria worked her eyes down through each shelf, carefully contemplating about what she might eat. On the second shelf, Aria found a Tupperware of leftover fried rice with chicken.

"I'm going to eat some of the fried rice and drink some of your milk, if that is ok?" shouted Aria to Cecilia as she took out the rice and milk and set them on the counter.
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