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Blind date: Thaddeus x Elie

Postby Kyrit » 02/14/2017 2:46 PM


(We didn't decide on a location to move it to after the event. Whoops. Ah well, we've got a month to decide. C= Terrace works for us!)

She hoped that she'd found the right place. These cafes were chains restaurants essentially, right? Well, maybe. Elie didn't really know that for a fact, but she assumed that was the case with most larger cafes and restaurants. She clutched the little note on where to go and who to look for in her hands, eyes moving back and forth between the text and the cafe's sign. It had to be the right place. Now she just had to make sure to remember the name. Thaddeus. It sounded like an older, uncommon name. Maybe that'd make it easier to remember. Or... maybe the opposite.

Doing her best to store the name in her memory, she stuffed away the piece of paper and brushed off her ruffled pink dress and readjusted her hat (couldn't leave home without it, even if others would think it looked strange) before walking in. There weren't many people, so hopefully that would make it easier to find him. The note had said to wait at the first table available, so she made her way over to the closest one to the door.
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Re: Blind date: Thaddeus x Elie

Postby zapdragon555 » 02/14/2017 7:49 PM

(Oop, true that! We can decide it later!)

Thaddeus had, admittedly, been far too nervous to sit down. He'd tried at first, really he had, but after awhile his fluttering chest and stomach had forced him out of his seat and pacing around the cafe at a fairly lingering pace. He kept close to the restrooms to keep up the appearance of perhaps waiting on someone, or waiting for it to open, or simply loitering. He'd burned under a few awkward looks from various waitresses and waiters.

Arriving so early had been a mistake, he was sure. Thaddeus ducked into the restroom, knowing that he had a little over five minutes to spare before she arrived (and that was simultaneously too little time to relax but too much time to go back to the appointed table). He glanced at himself in the mirror, at his greying lavender hair (from stress, he told himself, not from age, surely) and dark red turtleneck sweater that felt a little too tight. It was somewhat old, but it was one of the nicer pieces of clothing he owned. Peering at his watch over his square-frame glasses, Thaddeus sighed through his nose, then drew in a steeling breath. This would be fine. This date would go just fine, he told himself mentally.

He exited the bathroom, eyes darting to the table--and his heart dropped to the floor in alarm. She was already there! How long had she been waiting? Oh, dear. Thaddeus cleared his throat of the anxious tightness to it, and came closer. It was then that he noticed the rather festive hat on her head (though not exactly festive for the current holiday, save for maybe the color), and he felt a touch of curious humor replace some of the nervousness in his chest. "Um, hello there," he said as he approached, offering her a shy smile, apologetic. "I'm so sorry I wasn't here on time, ah... w-well, I was, too early, but then I sort of got distracted, and..." He trailed off and looked at his watch. No, he was in fact right on time. Oh. Well then. Blushing in embarrassment, Thaddeus sat down across from her and hunched his shoulders with a smile. Gosh, she was pretty, too. Santa hat notwithstanding. "It's nice to finally meet you. Y-your name is Elie, right?"

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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Re: Blind date: Thaddeus x Elie

Postby Kyrit » 02/16/2017 11:45 PM

She hadn't been at the table for a minute, or maybe two, before someone else came walking up. At first glance as he walked up to the table,  she was a bit amused that her thought of it sounding like an older (not elderly, but older as in a more common name years ago) name lining up with the slight grey tint to his hair. She refrained from chuckling though, as even she knew that would be rather rude. Elie did on the other hand smile, probably the one thing she was the best at after greeting so many customers with a smile.

"It's quite alright. I was afraid I was going to be late actually, so I'm sorry if I kept you waiting. And yes! I'm Elie. It's very nice to meet you - Thaddeus, yes?" While she was a bit shy and nervous deep down, Elie's skills from running Seasonal Specialties for so many years now kept her from seeming like it. She'd had some... interesting characters in the shop over the years, but in the end they were all still there to enjoy whichever holiday was approaching at the time. As such, she'd never turn someone away from the shop unless they were going to cause someone else harm. It'd led to knowing how to speak to various types of people though, and she knew the most important thing was to at the very least seem confident.
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Re: Blind date: Thaddeus x Elie

Postby zapdragon555 » 02/17/2017 3:07 AM

Thaddeus relaxed ever so slightly, letting out a small breath of a laugh. "That's me, yep," he murmured, sheepish, a bit embarrassed that he hadn't introduced himself properly. Still, though, they'd learned each others' names beforehand, so in a way they were already acquainted, in the barest sense of the word. His eyes flicked over her for a moment, then was distracted by movement in his peripheral. A waiter was coming their way to take their order, it seemed. He looked back at her with a small smile, shifting in his seat. "Have you ever been to this cafe before? I'm not exactly familiar with it, so if you have any suggestions as to what to get... I-I'm all ears, haha," he chuckled, half hiding behind his menu, which was too small to hide behind, really.

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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Re: Blind date: Thaddeus x Elie

Postby Kyrit » 02/17/2017 12:30 PM

Elie gave a small shake of her head before picking up her own menu and opening it up. As her eyes started to riffle through the various menu options, she remarked, "I don't really get the chance to go out to cafes in general really. When I'm not too busy running the store... well, I kinda just sleep most of the time." It probably would have been helpful if she'd actually said which store she ran, but for some reason the thought hadn't crossed her mind. Maybe it was the menu demanding her attention as well. She did see plenty of interesting options though. Fried Kalamarei, smoked Roosken quesadilla, grass fed Tuskow burgers, and a plethora of others. Perhaps.... just a salad though? She figured a light meal would probably be better. She didn't know if her stomach would take well to a big meal while going on a date for the first time. She couldn't help but keep gravitating toward the smoothies as well though. The Strawberry Breeze (strawberries, orange juice, bananas, and non-fat yogurt) sounded pretty great too.

"Do you... have any food preferences?" Her violet eyes peered just over the top of her own menu, taking a momentary pause from deciding on her own food to look over at him.
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Re: Blind date: Thaddeus x Elie

Postby zapdragon555 » 02/17/2017 5:37 PM

"Ah, I'm the same way," Thaddeus chuckled, cringing slightly. "I... don't really get out much, admittedly." Crap. That was a terrible thing to say on a date, to anyone you were trying to impress! "B-by that, I mean, I'm usually really busy as well. But I'm really glad I could come out here today." And finally take a break from that blasted spirit, he thought inwardly, but in truth he couldn't harbor any exclusively bad thoughts against the ghost. They were company, at least, though not the quietest of company.

"Food preferences? Ah... hm. I feel like I don't branch out as much as I should, but I tend to stick to simpler things... this pasta sounds pretty good, though," he mused aloud, perking up slightly as he read the description. "I'm not the best cook, but I do like it, when I get the chance..."

"Where do you work?" he asked offhandedly, hoping to make conversation. His comment from before, about not getting out much, certainly explained why he didn't know immediately where she worked. He himself had never been to the Seasonal Specialties shop.

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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Re: Blind date: Thaddeus x Elie

Postby Kyrit » 02/17/2017 7:07 PM

Any worries she'd had about this whole blind date thing not going well were slowly being washed away each time Thaddeus responded. Elie found it kinda cute how flustered or unsure of everything he seemed himself. It felt as though they were likely both in pretty similar situations of not being used to this kind of company - even if the situations were probably still pretty different. She doubted his human form was the result of a wish made to the gods after all.

"Ohhh. I hadn't even thought of the pasta." So many choices. Still, a salad was probably her best choice. So long as it came with some sort of meat in the salad as well. Didn't want to come off as a vegetarian when that certainly wasn't the case.

When he asked where she worked, she seemed a little surprised, as her eyes that had drawn back to the menu suddenly snapped back up. "OH! Oh, I'm so sorry. I guess I should've mentioned that." Of course not everyone visited the shop. She didn't expect visitors from other continents very often after all, and even then each continent was pretty big, so she couldn't expect everyone to know of the place.

One hand reached up to slowly fiddle with the puff ball on the end of her hat. "Actually, our store is only open on holidays, or at least around them. Typically our main three holidays are Halloween, Christmas, and Easter. It's a shop called Seasonal Specialties, and as you might be able to guess, our stock is based on whatever the holiday is at the time."
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Re: Blind date: Thaddeus x Elie

Postby zapdragon555 » 02/18/2017 12:12 PM

Thaddeus perked up with recognition at that, his brows raising. "Oh! Goodness, you're that Elie!" he exclaimed, embarrassment washing over him in tsunami-like waves that he hadn't realized it sooner. That explained the Santa hat--really, how had he not made that connection? He must be tired. "I'm sorry I didn't recognize you. Like I said I... don't get out much," he reiterated from before, tips of his ears pink. He relaxed after a moment, though, offering her a genuine smile. "At any rate, it's a pleasure to meet you properly, Elie! It's great to know you get days off. I hear that place can be busy around holidays... not Valentines Day, huh?" He was glad, honestly--she worked hard, so she deserved to take breaks even on holidays.

"I ought to visit it more often... unfortunately I have someone at home who rather likes to come along with me and cause trouble. I was lucky they let me out alone today," he cringed good-naturedly, figuring he should explain, but knowing explaining would probably just concern her. If she asked, though... lying was bad.

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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Postby Kyrit » 02/18/2017 11:00 PM

Elie couldn't help the blush that started creeping across her face.  "No, no, it's quite alright!" Really, most people that even had visited the shop before probably wouldn't necessarily remember her on sight. Well, perhaps aside from if they saw the hat. She did pretty much always have it with her, unless it was currently in the wash.

"Even the fact you've heard of the shop is quite flattering, really." The blush had already gone away, calming down pretty quickly. She did smile though as she replied, "You really should stop by some time though. Company or not! We've had some... interesting characters before." One thing she didn't admit was that the whole reason she'd decided to do this whole blind date thing was a customer that once asked her out on a date.... only to still not have taken her out on said date after a few years now. Even though he visited the shop at least once a year.

"Currently we aren't open on Valentine's day, yeah. It is rather nice to get out for once, but we have been considering changing up which holidays we're open for or at least adding another one or two. Maybe one of the lesser known holidays would be nice..."
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Re: Blind date: Thaddeus x Elie

Postby zapdragon555 » 02/20/2017 3:12 AM

Thaddeus did catch the light color that tinted her face, his own heart fluttering slightly. Had he caused that somehow? It looked so pretty, almost matching the color in her hair...

Oh, right--she was talking. Thaddeus shifted out of his frankly rather innocent thoughts, blinking at her a few times. "Oh! Interesting characters?" he mused aloud, smiling slightly. Perhaps the little ghost would be welcome, after all. "Well, I'll discuss it with them. They do like to go out, and I'm sure they'd enjoy meeting you, too."

At her last statement, his eyes softened, nodding with a small smile. "I'm glad you're not open on Valentines Day, at least this time--otherwise I wouldn't have met you." He froze up slightly, face flushing red at his own absolute cheesiness. Really, was that a normal thing to say? Oh, gosh, his face was warm. Thankfully, the waiter had reached their table, momentarily saving Thaddeus from saying anything else embarrassing.

"And what would you two like to order today?" the waiter asked after introducing himself as Blake, their waiter for the day (or whatever canned phrase they were meant to say), clearly making an effort to be somewhat friendly--he looked more like an exhausted teenager who was barely standing on his own two feet. Thaddeus glanced at his menu again, then up at Blake with a small, awkward smile.

"I'll have this pasta dish here, please," he said, pointing, not trusting himself to pronounce it right. As Blake scribbled it down and then looked to Elie expectantly, Thaddeus cringed inwardly. Should he have let Elie go first? He spent the next few moments mulling over regretting it.

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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Re: Blind date: Thaddeus x Elie

Postby Kyrit » 02/25/2017 12:43 AM

While cheesy, Elie loved hearing his words about getting to meet her. She'd had it set in her mind that this whole blind date thing wouldn't work out. After all, she'd never even been on a date before. When you spent most of your time as a Lucain, surprise surprise, you didn't exactly end up doing very many human things. There was so much that opened up to you once you had opposable thumbs.

She wouldn't get the chance to say anything in response to him though, as the waiter had arrived and was taking their orders. Elie didn't mind that Thaddeus had gone first. After all, it gave her time to make a final choice on what she'd like to eat, as she'd still been mulling it over as they talked. She brushed back some of her hair, tucking it back behind her ear before putting her finger down on one of the dishes. At some point, she'd given up on the idea of salad. "I'll have the seared Inessi with a Strawberry Breeze to drink please."
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Re: Blind date: Thaddeus x Elie

Postby zapdragon555 » 02/25/2017 2:09 AM

While Blake scribbled down her order, Thaddeus felt some of his nervous thoughts ebb away. Somehow, what she ordered suited her. Strawberries... he blinked, trying not to get too hung up on how well pink and red suited her (get it together, weirdo!). Blake disappeared and left them alone, which was probably for the best, since Thaddeus was blushing again. He picked up his previous thread of thought, then tossed it, deciding it was better to ignore what he'd just said and instead make better conversation. Not that he was great at that sort of thing, but he wanted to try!

"So, ah... besides running that seasonal shop, what do you like to do?" he asked, hoping the question sounded natural enough, his eyes shining slightly with a quiet interest.

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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